
Chap 13

A/n: PENGUINS 'R' US!!!! A movie about a boy and his love for PENGUINS!!!!!! Based on a true story about a girl and her love for BANANAS!!!!!


Vanessa brushed her hair softly. She was nervous yet excited at the same time. Today was her wedding. Her naturally curly hair would not be tamed. Zoey, Nicole and Dana would be over in a matter of minutes, but she desperately wanted to do her hair on her own. Lola had pulled out of being a bridesmaid at the last minute as she just couldn't face Nicole. She said she'll be at the wedding though, wouldn't miss it. Probably hoping Nicole would make an ass of herself in front of Jamie and Josh.


There was a knock on Vanessa's door. She jumped down the stairs in excitement and grabbed the door handle. As she did so Zoey and the rest of the girls stood on the other side of the door. Zoey was holding Tayla in her arms, Nicole with Tigger in hers and Dana with Syndi.

"Thanks for getting Chase to take Michael away last night. It would have all been too real to have woken up to him today." Vanessa smiled.

"Hey, it was all him, I bet it was to get out of looking after these two again!" Zoey rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, well, thanks anyway!" Vanessa shrugged as she took the sleeping Tayla from her.

Vanessa hugged Tayla close as she slept. Thankfully the others were coming in and did not see. Tayla's eyes flickered, but did not open. Vanessa grinned, one day, she'd have a baby of her own.


Michael woke up in a hotel. His clothes were slung over the bed post, except his underwear, which we will assume he's wearing. Chase was standing over by the sink, washing his face.

"Nervous?" Chase asked as he walked over and threw Michael's clothes at him.

"Well duh!" Michael exclaimed.

"Get dressed, still gotta check out and go to my house." Chase sighed as he headed out the door.

"Wait Chase! Where are you going?" Michael shouted out the door as it closed with a bang.

Michael was left in the bed with just his underwear on and his clothes strewn all over the bed.


Vanessa sat still as Tricia brushed the knots out of her hair. Zoey stood at the other side of the room pinning Tara's curly blonde hair into an overflowing bun. Tara's eyes sparkled as she enjoyed her mother's sole attention for once. When Zoey was finished she called Tricia over and Tara went to do Vanessa's. Tricia looked identical to Tara, except Tricia was slightly taller and had green eyes where as Tara had blue. Betsy let Dana French plait her dark blonde hair, but kept fidgeting, so it was uneven. Dana sighed as she finished it off with a pastel pink bow. Betsy smiled as Dana sat down hard on Vanessa's bed.

"You alright Dana?" Zoey asked kindly.

"Just tired..." Dana yawned.

"Why? What you been doing?" Nicole laughed.

"Mommy's been staying up watching the front door." Betsy whispered.

"Shut up, Betsy!" Dana snapped.

"Dana?" Vanessa cocked her head slightly.

"Look it doesn't matter, okay, it's nothing." Dana muttered as she stood up, "Are we ready or not?"

"Yeah, sure, just have to wait for the limos." Zoey laughed giving away the first surprise.

"Limos?" Vanessa asked warily.

"Yeah, I know you wanted low key, but we're spoiling you anyway!" Nicole giggled.


Michael waited in the back room of the church. His heart raced as he peeked round the door. He watched as all of his family walked in and took their seats and also people that he barely knew came in and took their seats at the other side of the room. Zoey entered the church through the side door and walked towards his door.

"Trying to spy, Michael?" she asked as she passed through the door.

She shut it behind her and forced him into a chair. Chase was standing at the back wall with Timmy.

"Where are the girls and Tigger?" He asked as he moved towards her.

He put his arm around her waist and stroked her cheek.

"I left them with Dana." she breathed.

"Whoa, wait, did you say Dana?" Chase let go immediately and stepped back.

"Yeah, why? What's so bad about that?" Zoey tilted her head.

"Logan says, she's been asking weird today. Looking out the window, keeping the curtains shut, the lights off, weird paranoid stuff." Chase whispered.

"Yeah, I've noticed, she wasn't much better when she was pregnant with Syndi, it's her hormones. I trust her Chase, I trust her." Zoey explained.

"Are you sure?" Chase questioned.

"Of course!" Zoey exclaimed.


Michael stood in front of two families, his and his soon-to-be wife's. Vanessa walked up the isle to the traditional wedding march and Michael's hands starting to get wet, but he knew he loved her and they would be a fantastic man and wife, in fact she knew that they would still be together in ten, no fifteen years time.


A/n: THE END!!!! Read the sequel, but it won't be up for ages!!!!! So to find out what does happen in ten years time read 'Structured'!!!!!!