cute little random drabble. got the idea from the dove commercial, so i do not own dove or swac. sucks huh? its random but cute, no angst this time... well theres some i suppose.


Sonny Munroe had always been a confident girl.

She didn't gawk at her appearence when she lived in Wisconsin.

But she lives in Hollywood now.

And Sonny Munroe watched her confidence slowly dissapear, just like her smile when she looked at herself in the mirror.

All the girls around here were perfect. Tanned, skinny and beautiful and Sonny saw them every single day, from Mackenzie Falls and even right there in her own dressing room.

Tawni Hart was beautiful too.

Each day Sonny stood with a frown on her face infront of the long mirror in her dressing room.

She had both hands on her hips as she tilted her head, because maybe if she did that there would be some relief if her body looked better from a different angle.

She hated her thighs, her arms were fat she didn't like her nose and she thought her eyes were too close together. Heck she didnt even like her smile.

She watched every single day as Tawni came into the dressing room with a new shirt she had bought.

Sonny didn't buy fancy clothes anymore, why would she? They wouldn't look good on her.

Sonny tried to go on a diet, but even after she cut out all the fro-yo's and mushies and hot wings, she still stood infront of the mirror close to tears.

"Sonny?" A familiar voice came from the other side of the door, she wiped a few stray tears away but didn't answer the boy at the door.

He was silent for a moment before he called again. "Sonny?"

Sonny still stood infront of her mirror, and felt somemore tears fall down her cheeks and Chad called through the door again "Sonny?"

She waited to hear his footsteps as he walked away.

Because Chad Dylan Cooper must have better things to do then wait on a girl who wasn't going to answer the door. "Sonny I know you're in there."

Sonny looked back at herself in the mirror, she felt like she was going to be sick.

Little did she know of the boy on the other side of the door who frowned when there was no answer from the other side.

So he sat down on the ground and leaned up against the wall to wait for her.

Because Sonny Munroe can name 12 things wrong with her appearance,

Chad Dylan Cooper can't name one.
