Whoa. I'm not gonna lie here, I totally forgot about this. But I'm updating now. So be happy, and please don't hurt me.
Disclaimer: Well, my third arm hasn't grown in yet, so I'm not really famous enough to own High School Musical. I do, however, own the plot, the writing, Jake Taylor, and Joe Jonas.
Chapter 4- I Didn't Mean It
Sharpay Evans stirred slightly when she heard the distant ringing of a phone in her dream. She opened her eyes slowly, immediately feeling warmth radiating off of a human like feel next to her. She turned her head, expecting to see Jake, but instead saw Troy Bolton. A rush of memories came swirling into her mind, and she delicately touched her cheek to see if it was feeling any better. It was better, she noticed, but still not quite healed.
The blond heard her phone ring again and reached into her pocket to get it out.
"Hello?" she whispered, not wanting to wake the sleeping Troy next to her.
"Sharpay! Thank heavens! I've called you like, a hundred times, but you never answered! I was worried sick!" Jake's voice exclaimed from the phone. Sharpay rolled her eyes.
"I'm fine." She slowly unwrapped Troy's arm from her waist before getting up and walking upstairs. It was dark outside, she noted.
"Thats good. Hey, I was wondering if I could stop by your house real quick. I wanted to talk to you." Sharpay bit her lip.
"Uh, sure. Thats fine."
"Great. See you in a few." he stated before she heard the familiar click. She snapped her phone shut, glancing quickly at the time. 11:04 stared back at her, and she wondered why Jake would want to see her now.
Sharpay flipped a few house lights on after checking on Troy downstairs. He was still snoring slightly. She chuckled quietly to herself, laying a blanket on him before returning upstairs.
"Hey." Jake's voice said, and she jumped.
"Jeez, Jake!" she said, placing a hand on her chest.
"Sorry." he smiled slightly at her.
"How did you get in here?" she asked, leading him into the living room and sitting on the couch.
"The door was open. I didn't want to wake any of your family if they were sleeping. So I just came in. I hope you don't mind." She shook her head slightly. A short silence set in.
"So what did you want to talk to me about?" Sharpay asked. Jake sighed.
"Listen. Earlier today...I was out of line. I never should have done that, and I'm sorry. I freaked out way too much just because you were late."
"Its alright."
"But you have to admit. You were kind of out of line, too."
Sharpay was taken aback, to say the least.
"Excuse me?"
"Shar, you were hanging out with Troy more then me. How do you think that makes me feel?"
"It shouldn't make you that angry, Jake."
"You're not his. You're mine."
"I'm not anybody's!" she objected.
"I know. I didn't mean it like that. Its just that, well you're close to Troy. What am I supposed to think when you're with Troy when you were supposed to be at my house."
"You're supposed to trust me!"
"Its not that I don't trust you. I don't trust him." Jake spat accusingly.
"Well start to! Because Troy has always been there for me, and he's going to be around for a lot longer!" Sharpay exploded. Jake pulled her to his chest.
"Calm down, babe. I'm sorry, okay?" he apologized defensively, but Sharpay only saw him being caring. She nodded.
"Its okay. Just trust the both of us, okay?"
"Okay, Shar."
They sat there together for a few more moments before Jake sighed.
"I should get going." Sharpay sat up.
"Alright. Bye Jake."
He kissed her quickly before leaving her house. She fell back onto the couch, feeling suddenly drained. She closed her eyes momentarily before she felt a presence next to her. She opened her eyes and turned her head, coming face to face with a sheepish looking Troy.
"Hey Bolton." she joked. He smiled slightly.
"Are you alright, Pay?" he asked gently, concern shining in his eyes.
"Yeah. Why wouldn't I be?" she inquired, letting her head fall onto Troy's shoulder. He wrapped an arm around her shoulder.
"I heard your fight with Jake." he admitted. Sharpay sighed.
"I just wish he would trust me more, and just calm down. I just...I don't know." she told him, slightly frustrated. Troy kissed her hair lightly.
"I feel like its my fault." he muttered. Sharpay lifted her head to look at him.
"Why would you think that?"
"Just because if I had just trusted you enough to know that you made a right choice and let you go when you had to go. Then you wouldn't have been late."
"Troy, its not your fault."
"Okay...but Pay?"
"What was he talking about when he said that he was out of line?" Troy asked.
Sharpay froze.
"Oh, um, just that he was, you know, yelling at me and stuff."
"Oh. Why didn't you just tell me he got upset when you went home. Why did you tell me his cousin had come?"
"I just...didn't want you to worry...or go hit him." she stated. Troy chuckled.
"Yeah, well I just about came up here to hit him when he was yelling at you." Troy told her, and she was comforted knowing that there was someone who really cared about her.
"I guess I should get home, too."
"Troy. Its midnight. Why don't you just stay over here for tonight." Sharpay suggested, slightly anxious at the prospect of having to sleep at home alone if he didn't stay.
"Well..." Sharpay widened her eyes slightly and stuck out her bottom lip.
"Please?" she whispered.
"Aw, Shar. Not fair."
"Is that a yes?"
"Why do you want me stay so badly, anyhow?" he inquired. Sharpay sighed.
"I don't want to be here by myself." she told him. Troy chuckled.
"Then of course I'll stay." he assured her. She smiled and hugged him tightly.
"Thanks, Troy."
"No problem, love."
A comfortable silence set in as both feel into thought. Troy thinking about the girl he held in his arms, and Sharpay thinking about Jake. Something had happened today that she knew she should be getting something from, but she just couldn't place it.
And Troy knew that there was something Sharpay wasn't telling him. A choice she might later regret.
This was disgustingly filler, but the next chapter should be much more eventful. I'm not quite sure where this is going yet, but the next one should be up soon.
Review, please?