Poll: Since it's been a while, and I've got a fair few story threads going on at different times in the story, I'm going to let you decide how the next chapter goes. Vote Now!
Author has written 2 stories for Harry Potter, Slender, and Mythology. SteamGeek01. Scottish and proud. Bit of a moron at times with the ability to mess up at an almost admirable level. Very fond of puns, Bi the way, and can talk utter nonsense like nobody's conglomerate. Stories. Brother in Arms; Ongoing with sporadic updates. Now has a side story. Brother in Arms EXTRAS; Ongoing with an even more chaotic and unpredictable upload schedule. Speaking of schedule, college, personal life, and other things have gone up a level or two since I uploaded the last chapter. Burnt myself out for a bit since my medication was too high meaning my heart rate, whenninwas resting and not doing a literal thing, was past safe level. Am fine, just trying to fine the corner pieces of the jigsaw that is my life again so I know where to work. If you don't have an account here, but have one for the other sites I'm registered on, feel free to drop me a message sometime. Tumblr - htt p:// steamgeek01. tum blr. co m/ |
Angel wolf11021 (48) Ari Munami (14) Books of Change (5) ethempat (1) Female-Fighter (76) | hannefm (6) Herald-MageAnduli (17) krmorrighan (4) Midnight-Kitsune11 (26) Oceanblue222 (5) | slayer of destiny (171) Suou-Akaika-Akemi (19) The Smiling Crow (13) Watermelonsmellinfellon (154) |