"So, what is it." Dean asked, when they were out of earshot of Sam. "And why'd we have to talk about this alone?"

"Sam. He's not Sam."

Dean laughed. He knew exactly why. "Yeah. What's new?"

"I believe he may be possessed."

The laughter grew louder.

"I don't understand. Why is that funny?"

"Oh, he's possessed alright. But not by a demon."

"What is it? Do you know how to kill it?"

"Relax. Sam's not a monster."

His eyes narrowed. "I didn't realize we were still relaxing. Are you absolutely certain what's in that room is your brother?"

"Yeah, Cas, he's not a monster. Anyway, I need to ask you something."

"Anything, Dean."

"Which, uh…" His turned his head for a minute, trying to cool the blood rushing to his face. "Which way do you swing?"

"That is a strange question, Dean. Are we referring to baseball now?"

"No, Cas, I mean, are you into guys?"

"Sexually attracted?"

"Yes, Cas, I mean are you sexually attracted to men."

"Is this a flirtation?"

"Cas, can you just answer the question?" Dean was gritting his teeth together.

"Yes. Of course."

"Okay, so?" He was growing more impatient with this line of conversation.

"I don't know. I've never been romantically involved with a human. Angels aren't identified by their gender. Hearing you call each other man and woman is very strange."

"Well, that wasn't vague."

"Dean, what's the importance of this question?" Castiel finally asked.

He blushed. "Nothing, I was just trying to figure you out."

"Okay. Did you want to continue relaxing?"

"You do realize how that sounded right?" Dean asked, trying to keep a straight face.

Cas cocked his head and squinted in reply.

"Nevermind. Let's just, stop talking about this."


"You, do whatever it is angels do, I need to talk to Sam."

"I'll be back if I find anything." There was a faint feathery sound and Cas was gone.

Dean sighed and made his way to Sam's bedroom once more. But there was a frown on his face. In all reality, playing wingman was the last thing he wanted to do. The things he gave up for his brother.

"Hey, you in there?"


He let himself in and grinned. Sam was sitting on his bed doing whatever it is he did on that laptop of his. Hopefully looking for a case, because Dean was going stir crazy. "I just thought I would tell you how awesome your brother is."

Sam gave him his famous bitch face. "You didn't."

"I asked him."

"Dean, what exactly did you ask him?" He questioned, pushing himself off the bed and walking over to his brother.

"I asked him which way he swings."

"This is Cas we're talking about. What did he say? 'Do you mean, right or left'?"

"He asked if I was talking about baseball. But, I uh, I did get an answer from him."

Much as Sam hated Dean for asking, he needed answers. "So, what did he say?"

"I got the impression that gender doesn't really matter to him. Now it's your turn to make a move, Romeo."

"What exactly am I supposed to do? It's not as if falling in love with an angel is something I do on a regular basis."

"Cas is basically a socially awkward human that you can't kill. So what's the big deal?"

"It's just, different, okay?"

Cas leaned his back against Sam's door. Since when had he started eavesdropping? But he hadn't been able to let go of the conversation he'd had with Dean. Neither of them had been acting like themselves. He suspected they were both possessed and Dean had been covering for him. But this? Sam… loved him. What was he supposed to do with this information? Did he tell Sam he knew? Tell him he sometimes looked at his butt and thought pleasant things about it?

The door swung open suddenly and Castiel found himself falling backwards. The floor collided painfully with his back. Dean stared down at him in confusion.

"Hello." Cas replied sheepishly.

"Hello?" Dean repeated. "Cas, what were you doing?"

"I was," he had to decide now what his course of action would be. This was a very strange situation for him to be in. "I was surveying the area."

"You were what?" Sam asked walking up to the two of them.

"You were both acting strangely, so I was going to investigate. I… I am still under the impression that Sam's possessed."

Sam threw his hands up in the air. "Does everyone think I'm possessed?!"

"Would your mood improve if I told you Dean is under suspicion as well?"

"Wait, what makes you think I'm possessed?"

"I don't know. But something has been off about you both." Cas knew what it was now, and was shocked that he hadn't noticed the signs of human affection. They weren't possessed. But now that he had concocted a story, he had to stick with it.

"Well, you know how to test that, so do it."

"I… didn't bring holy water with me."

Dean sighed, rolled his eyes with much gusto, and handed him jug with a small charm hanging off of it."

With a shrug, Cas tipped the jug upside down, letting the entire contents of it spill onto Dean's head.

"Well don't save any for Sam." He said sarcastically. "Really, Cas? Was that really necessary?" Was that a smile on his face?

"You're right. That was very unwise, not to mention wasteful."

Cas held his hand under Dean's dripping head of water, gathering a few drops. He flicked them onto Sam smugly. Or at least, Dean was certain that was smugness. He couldn't be certain. Now Cas was the one acting funny.

Sam let out a throaty laugh. In his opinion, this was much deserved. Hid brother was soaked. There was a massive puddle where he stood.

"Well," Dean said as he wiped his face, "Sammy here has something to tell you."

"I do?" The look Sam shot at Dean told him he might want to reconsider what he was about to say.

"Yep, he does."

"What is it Sam?" Cas asked, turning to him.

"Nothing. I don't know what he's talking about!" And for some weird reason, Cas appeared hurt. Like he'd been hoping Sam would say something. Something important.

"Tell Cas what you told me Sam."

"I didn't tell you anything."

"I'm certain you did."

"This is why I don't talk to you about things."

Dean sighed. "Yeesh. Alright fine." He stepped next to Sam and smirked. "Truce?" He asked, holding out his hand.

Sam eyed his hand suspiciously. "Truce." He said, taking his hand. There was a clicking noise and he felt something cold around his hand.

His brother had handcuffed him. Before he even had a chance to react to the realization, he was cuffed to his own bed-frame.

"Dean! What the Hell!"

Without a word, he strolled over to the door and began scribbling something on it in marker.

Cas' eyes widened. "Dean, that's enochian! What are you doing?"

"It's angel-proofing, Cas. No one is leaving this room until Sam spills his secret." He wiggled the key in front of Sam and smiled gleefully. "So you better start talking kiddo."

With that, he sauntered out the door, whistling to himself. The sound of the door closing behind him reverberated through the room.

As soon as the noise disappeared, Sam spoke. "Dean this isn't funny!"

Dean leaned against the back of the door. "It is to me! Just tell him you pansy!"

Sam yanked his hand around wildly, as if it would miraculously free him from the vice-like hold it had on him.

"It's clear you have something important to say." Cas said in his gravelly voice.

Again, he blushed and looked away. "Really, Castiel, I don't know what he's going on about."

"Oh… I see. Either way, we're stuck in here together. Was there something you wanted to do to pass the time?"

There was around a million things he could have named. And a pair of handcuffs might have come in handy. He spun his head around, his face flaming with embarrassment at the thought. "Uhm, no. Not really. I don't know. DEAN ARE YOU SERIOUSLY DOING THIS?!" He shouted suddenly.

"Yup. Why don't you just tell him already?"

Cas stared at Sam, willing him to say something. "You are not the most experienced liar. I'm sure if you simply told me whatever it was, this could be taken care of quickly."

Sam glared at the door. "You're the Devil, Dean!"

"You're gonna hurt his feelings if you keep ignoring him like that!" Came the reply from behind the door.

The angel sat down on the bed next to him. "Dean asked me an odd question earlier. I'm sensing this has something to do with it?" He was giving Sam an out, and he'd hoped he'd take it.

"It… actually, Cas, it did." It took every ounce of effort he had to admit that even.

He leaned closer. "The reason he asked then, wasn't for me, it was for you. Correct?"

Sam's blush grew darker and he let his hair hang in front of his face to hide his bright red cheeks. "Yeah. Cas… I uhm…" He sighed and looked into Cas' strangely captivating eyes. "Well, it would be easier to show you."

A purely devilish smile reached Cas' face. He wasn't as naïve as he seemed at times.

Outside the door, Dean heard the room go silent. "So, uh… what's going on in there?" He asked. Did you tell him?"

Sam laughed heartily. "Yeah, Dean, I told him."

Cas leaned back against the bed. One of Sam's huge hands held himself up by the side of his head, the other was still cuffed to the bed.

"So, uh, can I come in?"

A dark laugh was the reply. "I'd really you rather not." Sam allowed his lips to meet Cas'. It was several minutes until they parted again.