Why don't you and I

Chapter 1: Save me to save you

Now that Sam had let Lucifer control his mind, he had no way to make him go away. Not even when he pressed the scar of his hand. Since the last job, where he and Dean had sent away the demon that possessed Jeffrey, Lucifer kept showing up, more often. And with him, came the memories of hell. Sam found himself surrounded by burning flames while Lucifer laughed at his suffering. It happened all the time and Sam couldn't sleep. In the next day Dean, of course, noticed something was wrong and Sam couldn't really hide it either, so Sam told his brother what he was seeing. But there was nothing he could do; there was no way to make Lucifer go away.

During the day Sam was able to keep it under control, but at night Lucifer got creative. Or he got creative, since it was all happening in his head. But that didn't mean he didn't feel the pain of the fire burning up his skin. Dean sometimes heard Sam screaming softly, trying not to wake him.

On the fourth night Sam was decided to get away from Dean. He couldn't make Dean hear him in pain. The only thing worse that being tortured is seeing someone you love being tortured. But Sam was too predictable and Dean found out about his brother's plan. He thought it was a bad idea Sam go away, but Dean understood why, so that night he went out to a bar. It felt wrong leaving Sam, he didn't like to leave his brother (he never did), but at least he knew where he was.

Sam was sitting on his bed of the motel room by the time Dean got out. Lucifer hadn't appeared in a while but Sam was sure it was just a matter of time. In the next moment Sam started to see flames around him. He froze, then his breath got faster and his pupils dilated. He was already scared, because he knew what was going to happen next.

"Hi Sam," Lucifer appeared in the room, making Sam startle. "Ready for another round?" He asked with a smirk.

Sam didn't answer, there was nothing he could say or do to make him stop. The trick he had didn't work anymore and besides, he was too tired; he hadn't slept in four days. Lucifer made the flames go higher and closer to Sam's body. Soon the hot flames reached his body, burning him. If he tried to get away, the ring of flames would just follow him.

Sam held tight to the bed as the pain spread through his body. His heartbeat was fast and he was sweating from the hot flames and yet, he felt so cold, so alone… although Lucifer was watching every little move and groan he made, with a smile. Sam looked at himself horrified, his body started to be exposed because the fire was turning his clothes into ashes. Bubbles stared to form on his skin, firstly on his hands. The pain was getting so strong that he couldn't hold on anymore.

"Let go," Lucifer said. Sam looked at him, scared, and he let out a groan of pain. "Let go Sam." Lucifer insisted in a soft voice.

So Sam let himself fall on the bed, sinking on an ocean of hot and reddish flames. The fire started to spread all over his body. All of his body was burning in flames, sending his brain a lot of information of a so intense pain that was driving him insane. "Stop." Sam pleaded, although he was sure it was useless.

"Come on Sammy, you kept me out for months. I deserve a little bit of fun."Lucifer said in a hurt tone.

Sam screamed again, louder this time. The smell of burning flesh was spreading in the air. "Please…" He sounded desperate.

He kept screaming and moving convulsively trying to get rid of severe pain. He was sure that if this was real he would have fainted already. "Stop." Sam begged as tears rolled down his face, cold tears compared to his burnt skin.

Lucifer kept staring as Sam was tortured by an excruciating pain. And then, all the sudden he said "Fine." All the fire extinguished, he was healed and with his clothes restored. He was just like he was before, like nothing had happened.

Sam was laid on the bed breathing heavily, staring at Lucifer and wondering why he had stopped. "Your hallucinations are about hell, right? So torture should be done like it is in hell."Sam didn't understand what he meant so Lucifer carried on. "In hell is made an offer… So I'm going to make you an offer, Sam." Lucifer approached the bed and Sam sat trying to get away from his reach.

Lucifer sat right next to Sam, facing him. "I'll stop torturing you… if you get me out of the cage."

"You're kidding…" Sam frowned and then chuckled. "After everything, you think I'll let you out again? So that there's another Apocalypse?"

"You think I wanted the Apocalypse? No." Lucifer answered immediately at his own question. "What do you think the Apocalypse is about? Me destroying this planet?" He waited a moment but Sam didn't answer. "The apocalypse is battle. From the moment I got out I knew Michael would come after me. I had to fight, to protect myself."

"And it had to happen here?" Sam asked in accusation.

"Here's where I have my weapons." Lucifer meant Sam, his true vessel. "But this time it'll be different. Michael will be locked in my cage and there'll be no battle. There will be no Apocalypse." He explained.

Sam listened carefully and wondered if Lucifer was telling the truth. No, he couldn't trust him because the real Lucifer was still in hell. "You… you're inside my head. You're not real. You can't guarantee me this."

"Just because I'm not real, doesn't mean I'm not right." Lucifer told him.

"And how are you going to stop hurting me? This is an illusion. I can't control my mind… and certainly neither can you."

"After you free me I - well, the real me- will heal you. I can fix you, and you won't remember what happened in Hell. Which will be a shame; we had such lovely moments back there…" Lucifer paused and smiled, like if he was remembering those times with Sam. "But, if you free me, I'll reward you with anything you want. I'll give you everything."

It was a good offer… if it was true. He couldn't trust the Devil, he wasn't going to let him play with him like Ruby did. He wasn't going to make the same mistake again. "No." Sam shook his head.

"Oh, alright. If you like so much playing with fire with me… Maybe we should get started again." Lucifer had a mischievous look that turned on Sam's nervous system like in any other situation of danger. "How much longer do you think you can take it? Because I won't leave you alone, ever. This will only end when you're dead, Sam." He paused. "And before that, you'll probably become insane and start attacking people… Maybe even killing people."

"No." Sam said, clearly scared. He was scared that what Lucifer was saying was true.

"You may even kill Dean."

"No!" He couldn't hurt his brother. And he was even more scared, because he had almost done it when the hallucinations started.

"Like you said, you can't control it. So let's end it. Let me end it." Lucifer kept talking with a calm and confident voice. "But you need to get me out first, so I can help you." He let Sam think for a while.

"There's another thing I can do for you. Consider it a bonus." Lucifer got his attention again. "You see, my ticket allows me to take someone else with me... I can bring Adam with me. But, don't worry; I'll make sure Michael doesn't get the magic school bus."

Sam didn't know what to think. It was surly a good deal. Maybe too good to be true… "How do I open the cage? Like the last time? With the sigils, the demon blood…" He wasn't accepting to do it. He didn't want to turn himself into a monster again.

"No. It's easier this time."Lucifer assured him. "You still have the horsemen rings, right?" Sam nodded slightly. "You just got to used them to open my cage and then I'll be free."

Sam exhaled heavily looking down. It was too much to consider.

"Take your time." Lucifer put a hand on his shoulder. "There's no rush." He knew if Sam was going to refuse he would have done it already.

It was easier for Sam to trust people than it was for Dean, but he should never trust a monster. Sam followed his instinct, but his instinct had failed him some times. Since Ruby he swore to himself he wouldn't trust in any supernatural creature. That's why it was strange because, he didn't know why, but he believed in Lucifer. He believed that what Lucifer was saying was true.

"I never lied to you, Sammy."Lucifer reminded him.

Sam sighed. Then he looked into Lucifer's ice blue eyes. "Yes." Sam said. "I'll do it."

"Good choice." Lucifer smiled. "You got everything you need so…"

"Wait, not now. I need to get some rest. Just give me some time. I promise I'll do what you want." Sam asked.

"Alright." Lucifer raised his hand to Sam's cheek and caressed his hair slightly. "Just don't take too long. Or I'll be back."Lucifer vanished, leaving Sam alone in the room.

This was the first time in four nights that he could get some sleep. He was very tired so when he got in the bed and he fell asleep almost instantly. But before that, he still heard Lucifer's voice on his head. "Sweet dreams, Sammy."