John froze.

It was a fear that held him in place. A fear that took hold of his and gripped it, crushing it to the point where all other thoughts where lost, drowned out by that single, deafening voice.

'there is a spider on my bed'

what could he do? He couldn't go wake up someone else to deal with it, he'd be mocked until the end of time, but he couldn't just leave it, and if he dealt with it then he would have to get closer…

he was a problem solver, but this was a dilemma for which he could see no clear answer, and they wondered why he liked space, space didn't have eight legged spawns of satan.

He could do this, he was a Tracy!

Carefully feeling for something solid, while never taking his eyes off the intruder John found… a mug. It would do, it would have to do, the little beast was on the move. He edged closer, and closer. Taking a breath, he claimed himself, prepared to do the deed. He swung and the stirke hit home. He added some weight to the mug and twisted, he wasn't to make sure it was dead, after a moment he removed the mug… and the spider darted towards him.

John let out a shriek that was, in all honesty not particularly manly, in fact it was more the scream of a seven year old girl, he dropped the mug and ran, slamming the door shut behind him.

So that was that. His room was lost to him. The invincible spider had claimed victory.

Head hung in defeat he made for the living room and the sofas there in. he would go back to Five tomorrow, and never set foot near his room again.

It belonged to the spider now.