Disclaimer: I own nothing in the Harry Potter or Doctor Who universes.
AN: This has been bouncing around my head for months and I finally just had to put it to writing. I do have future plans for this story already outlined, but updates will likely be slow as MoS remains my current priority. However, if you have any favorite episodes, alien races or settings that you would like to see our friends visit feel free to shoot me a pm and I'll see what I can do.
He was running. He had run from quite a lot of things in his long life. This time he was running from an angry mob. An actual pitchfork waving, torch bearing, angry mob. He was kind of giddy at the thought of finally being chased out of town by an authentic village mob.
The Doctor started up a hill and he knew that just on the other side would be his lovely TARDIS. Reliable old girl that she was. He crested the hill and saw his TARDIS sitting just beyond, but his attention was caught by the figure standing between them, with his back to the Doctor, staring up at the blue police box. The Doctor slowed as he approached and the man turned at the sound of his footsteps.
Green and Yellow. That was the Doctor's first thought once the man faced him fully. He found himself confronted with two pairs of vivid eyes. The man bore impossibly green eyes. No human should have eyes that color, but this man did. Perhaps he only appeared human. That would certainly explain why he looked so out of place in 1842 England.
The other set of eyes belonged to the no less striking snake draped around the young man's shoulders. If the Doctor had not been sure the other was an alien before, he was now. That snake was unlike any species he knew of that had ever existed on Earth. The confusing part was that the snake was unlike any species he knew of that existed anywhere or anywhen.
The Doctor started quickly turning over thought after thought trying to place the odd duo. The man just looked at him unperturbed the whole while. The other eventually leaned slightly to the side and looked past the Doctor.
"Excuse me," and that was definitely a genuine British accent, "but are those people quickly heading this way friends of yours? They look somewhat put out."
The Doctor blinked. Oh right the mob. A quick glance behind him confirmed that they were in fact still chasing him and still angry too. Also very close.
"Ooooh them. Nah. I might have, just for a bit, borrowed one of their pigs. I was going to return him, but the pig decided he'd rather not become bacon and sort of ran off. Brighter pastures and all that. They seem to have taken some offense to that." He shoved his hands in his pockets and rocked back on his heels, "A bit of an overreaction if you ask me."
A small snort escaped the other, "I'm sure. Well if you'll excuse me I'd rather not get skewered today. So I'll just be off then. Nice to meet you."
The Doctor wasn't about to let this mystery just walk away. "There's no time for that! They've already seen us together." He grabbed the other's wrist, unceremoniously dragged him into the TARDIS and slammed the door closed. A moment later the sound of a pitchfork or two was heard bouncing off the exterior.
The Doctor released the man's wrist and whirled around expectantly. He always loved people's first reactions to his old girl after all.
The man and snake looked around, but rather than surprise, the young man looked intrigued. The snake flicked it's tongue out a few times and made some hissing sounds. The man briefly glanced towards the snake and then walked to the central console. He lightly touched the console, "Is this some sort of space ship?"
A bit disappointing, but that was extra confirmation that the man wasn't from 1842 Earth. Though he already knew that. Perhaps he'd see just how much the other actually knew then.
Grandly sweeping his arms to either side, "It's a TARDIS!"
Two sets of eyes stared back at him blankly. "You know, Time and Relative Dimensions in Space."
The young man blinked and seemed to be processing the words. He responded slowly, "So it's a time and space ship then?"
"No! Well yes. Yes, I suppose that would be correct. It's not just any time and space ship though. It's a TARDIS!" The doctor shoved his hands back in his pockets, "I'm The Doctor by the way."
"Harry." The man, Harry, gestured towards the snake, "This is Morena, although I usually call her Mora." The snake gave a short hiss and continued to stare at him. That must be an exceptionally intelligent snake. The Doctor was fairly certain that she was following the conversation.
The doctor started sweeping around the console. Flicking levers and switches, he asked, "So Harry, what brings you to good old 1842 England?"
Harry looked slightly startled at this. "Is that where I was? Well I can't say I was expecting to go back in time, but that does explain a few things. I wasn't there long enough to find much out. Although I did think it was odd to see a blue police box just sitting around a hillside."
That certainly caught his attention. "You time traveled? How did you do it?" His TARDIS scanners weren't picking up anything that could be time travel technology. He brandished his sonic screwdriver and started energetically scanning the pair. He flipped the screwdriver up and read the readings. 20th century human, male, 24, currently healthy, signs of long term malnourishment from his childhood until he was about 17. The snake came back as an unknown species, but was very much actually a snake.
He looked back at Harry. He did look human. Mostly. He also sounded and acted British, but there was just something off. Those too green eyes, the gravity defying hair and something in the way the he held himself spoke of something different. He didn't react like your normal 20th century human and wasn't even remotely surprised that the TARDIS was bigger on the inside. Still, he obviously wasn't familiar with Time Lord technology. Add that he was carrying around a unique species of snake and he had himself quite the mystery.
Harry watched carefully as the Doctor waved some kind of metal wand thing all around him. He was fairly certain that this world did not have magic like his, but there was a type of energy radiating from the ship. Especially coming from the pillar thing in the middle. He wasn't surprised that the veil had thrown him into another world. He had largely been expecting that. He had never considered that he would end up somewhere else in time though. It was times like these that he missed Hermione the most. She would never have overlooked something so obvious.
He didn't want to give too much away to this eccentric stranger quite yet, "I'm not sure. A number of years ago my godfather was in an accident that caused him to disappear. I tried to recreate the accident in an effort to find out what happened to him. I ended up not too far from where you found me. I basically spent a couple of days wandering around the empty countryside until I saw the, very hard to miss, blue police box. You showed up running shortly after and here we are."
The Doctor visibly deflated a bit at that. "Oh. Well since you didn't find him, I suppose you'll be wanting to go back home then? I can drop you off if that's what you like."
This brought Harry up short. What did he do now? He wasn't sure where to begin looking for Sirius. If the veil dumped him at some random time then Sirius could be anywhere in the timeline. Going to his own time seemed equally pointless since in his days wandering he had not managed to find any signs of a magical community. He hadn't been walking through the country so much as trying to apperate to familiar locations. Hogwarts and Diagon Alley either weren't in the same place or just didn't exist. He personally suspected the latter.
The Doctor seemed to pick up on his hesitation. He perked up slightly, "Or if you want, you could come with me. Travel the universe. See the stars." He trailed off expectantly.
Harry eyed the other man a moment. Disheveled brown hair and a long brown jacket that only seemed to accent how tall and skinny the man was. He looked young, but the feeling the man gave off suggested otherwise. Besides he was well accustomed to just how misleading appearances could be.
Harry had the sinking suspicion he was about to land himself into another one of his Potter-luck created messes. However, if this ship really could time travel, then maybe he would be able to find Sirius if he looked long enough. He shared a look with Mora and received a slight nod from his familiar. With a small self-deprecating sigh he agreed, "Sure. Let's see the stars."
The Doctor clapped his hands together once and sprang into motion. Did the man ever stay still? "Excellent! We just have to make one stop first to pick up a friend who's visiting her mother then we'll be off!"
Harry watched bemused as the Doctor pulled a large lever with a cry of "Allonsy!" The pillar started to move and a sort of grinding noise began as he felt the ship lurch. Just like that he was off on a new adventure.