(A/N) I don't own Harry Potter or the Hitman Series.

Desireejones99 – I have never considered that point before. In my mind McGonagall is a rather unthinking follower of Dumbledore. She will believe anything he says and only offer token resistance to Dumbledore plans. That's not to say that she can't be brought around, she just hasn't at this time.

Update (11/20/15)

I would like to thank user milamber83 for pointing out to me that Cornelius Fudge wasn't the minister until 1990. I also realized that at the time of this chapter Barty Crouch Sr is still the head of the DMLE. I have now rewritten the section in question.

As Agent 47 and the young Harry Potter Drove away from Little Whinging towards London; 47 was deep in thought. 47 was pondering how he was going to raise the child and how he was going to find a reliable source for information on magic. After driving about halfway back to London 47 decided that he would take a chance and see if the agency has any intelligence about magic and magical society.

47 pulled over at the next rest area and pulled out his laptop form the bag in the back seat. He powered it on and waited for a secure connection to agency servers. Once he had a secure connection he initiated contact with his handler Diana.

"47 how can I help you?" Diana's disguised voice sounded from the computer.

47 hesitated and the slowly spoke "Diana I need to know everything the agency knows about magic."

"Magic? There's no such thing 47." Diana responded but 47 could tell that she was lying.

"Yes there is, and I need to know whatever you know about it." 47 responded hotly.

Diana paused for a few seconds and said "How did you find out? This is way above your clearance level."

47 responded "The name Harry Potter mean anything to you?"

47 could practically hear Diana's eyebrows go up in shock when she responded "You mean the-boy-who-lived. I just got the urgent development briefing about him 10 minutes ago."

47 replied "The-boy-Who-Lived? Why are the calling him that?"

Diana said "You don't know? The magical news is going crazy with the news right now. Apparently the Dark Lord Voldemort went to his house to kill him and his parents last night. All that's known right now is that Voldemort killed his parents and somehow failed to kill the boy. It is believed that Voldemort is now dead." Diana then processed to tell him the basics of the magical world how the agency recruited her because she is a squib.

"Diana, I am currently in possession of Harry Potter." 47 then said.

Diana the responded "How the hell did you come possess the Harry Potter!?"

47 replied "I found him on a doorstep three houses down from my target house." 47 then told her about what he had witnessed on privet drive this morning.

Diana then said "What do you intend to do with him?"

47 responded "Frankly I was thinking of retiring and raising him as my son and apprentice. Of course I was planning on still doing the occasional job for the company both to keep them happy and to retain access to their intelligence files."

Diana sighed and said "I need to bring management in on this. I think it will be a tough sell but I think I can convince them that it will be a profitable plan. Get some breakfast 47 I'll contact you in an hour with management."

"Thanks Diana." 47 said.

"Your welcome 47." Diana responded and then hung up.

An hour later and a quick stop thru a drive-thru restaurant. 47 was sitting in an isolated parking lot waited for Diana to call back.

47 heard his laptop chime and answered the call. "Hello Diana."

"Hello 47." Diana responded. "It was difficult but I have management convinced. I also have your new orders. You are to go to the Corinthina Hotel London. There you will meet a man in red BWM M5. You are to trade cars with him. Your new car will contain all the required information and documentation to compete your new assignment. Your new identity with be that of Michael Mann, an investment banker who just lost his sister and her husband in a tragic car crash. For this reason you have made the decision to retire to the country side."

"As you were heading to the airport to complete your move to America you stumbled upon an infant. We have both of you booked onto an evening flight from Heathrow to New York City. We have fast tracked your adoption of young Harry and by the time you land in New York Harry will officially be Harry Mann. There you will meet with our plastic surgeon in Harlem who either remove Harry's distinctive scar. From there we have purchased a house in Montana which will give you the space and privacy needed to maintain your training. You are to pretend to be a normal mundane human that does not know about magic. The American magical government will contact you after the first recorded instance of accidental magic. I recommend to use this as an opportunity to have Harry receive a compete magical physical and make contacts in the American Magical Society."

"Do you understand your new assignment 47?" Diana asked.

"Yes." responded 47.

"Then good luck 47." Diana said and closed the connection.

With the end of the school year behind him Albus Dumbledore was able devote more time to the mystery of why the blood wards he set over number 4 Privet Drive had failed to take hold. While he was curious what let to these event Dumbledore was not overly concerned because almost nobody knew the location of Harry Potter and there was no way he could envision Petunia Dursley rejecting her nephew. He was sure that Arabella Fig's reports of not seeing the Potter boy were exaggerated.

Compounding the problem the books he had on hand about blood magic. They were old, out of print texts and somewhat incomplete in the sections about blood wards. It was such a complex subsection of blood magic that he wasn't entirely sure what could have gone wrong. With the children departed and the staff dismissed for the summer Dumbledore found himself with a mystery and excess time on his hands. With this in mind he decided that he would take today and go and visit the Dursleys and try to determine firsthand what when wrong with the wards.

Upon arriving on Privet Drive Dumbledore immediately cast a notice-me-not on himself so the muggle would not see him as he examined the wards. Standing before number 4 Dumbledore activated his mage sight and gazed upon what should have been the heavily warded house, instead he saw nothing, not even any residual anchors on the property where the blood wards attempted to anchor into and failed part way. This was very troubling.

Dumbledore transfigured his robes into a perfectly acceptable 1930's era suit, dropped his notice-me-not, and rang the doorbell.

Petunia Dursley answered the door and said "Hello, How Can…"before pausing and hissing "YOU".

Dumbledore ignored Petunia's poor manners and asked her "Hello Petunia. I am here to check up on your nephew, Harry Potter."

Petunia replied "What nephew?"

Dumbledore answered "Harry Potter, the son of James and your late sister Lilly. I left him on your doorstep November 1st."

"So the freak is dead then? Good riddance!" Petunia exclaimed. "And I don't know a damn thing about her unnatural son."

Dumbledore was astounded that anybody would think of their family in this way and was stood shocked for a moment before he used legilimency and took a peak into Petunia's mind. Dumbledore then began to delve thru Petunia's memories of November 1st and confirmed that she didn't know anything about the whereabouts of Harry Potter. He also used to opportunity to look through Petunia's memories of her sister and was shocked and the animosity and jealousy that he found. He of course remembered how Lilly would describe her sister but at the time he didn't believe her. It didn't fit his world view of how families behaved so he ignored it as exaggeration.

A shaken and panicky Dumbledore quickly then made his excuses and apparated to the Ministry of Magic. Unfortunately for Dumbledore he was far too late to discover that Harry Potter was missing.

A flustered Dumbledore was quickly let into the office of the Minister of magic, Millicent Bagnold, by her secretary. As soon as the door was closed he said "Millicent we have a problem."

An exasperated Bagnold replied "What now Dumbledore?"

Dumbledore took a breath and said "Harry Potter is missing."

Bagnold shot up from the slight slump she had been in and looked at Dumbledore with wide eyes. "MISSING!?" Bagnold shouted.

"Yes Millicent. Harry Potter is indeed missing." Dumbledore replied with a sigh.

"How? You said he would be safe. And you still have refused to disclose where you placed him" Bagnold snapped at Dumbledore.

"I don't know Millicent and I thought he would be safe at his aunt's house." Dumbledore was so flustered he failed to realize that he just disclosed where he had placed the Potter boy.

Bagnold shot Dumbledore an angry glaze and tapped a crystal on her desk with her wand and spoke to her secretary "Bell, get me Barty Crouch and get me him now!"

Bagnold's secretary responded "Right away Minister."

It was three minutes later that Barty Crouch entered Bagnold's office and said "Yes Minister."

Bagnold hotly responded "Albus Dumbledore has allowed Harry Potter to go missing. I want you to find him."

Barty Crouch turned to Dumbledore and looked him over with a shrewd eye and said "You had better tell me what you know Dumbledore."

Bagnold and Crouch both spend the next hour in the Minister's office grilling Dumbledore on all his actions and knowledge regarding Harry Potter over the last six months. Unfortunately for all the effort by Barty Crouch and his aurors they would find neither hide nor hair of Harry Potter for the next 10 years.


My plan for how Harry goes undiscovered is that nobody will recognize Harry without his scar and Dumbledore has completely failed to put any tracking charms on the boy. He is also out of range of any point me spells and owl post. It is only with the extra magical power of the Hogwarts letter does the magical world find Harry Potter again. I believe that the British Ministry would be completely unable to determine if a non magical identity is false or not and would accept 47 at his word of what happened.

This plan will probability develop more as we get closer to Harry's rediscovery but let me know if you see any glaring hole in this plan.