![]() Author has written 5 stories for Code Lyoko, Yu-Gi-Oh, and Hetalia - Axis Powers. Good morning/evening/night/... Oh, screw it! *insert time of day here* I'm Nightowl572, but please feel free to call me Night, because it sounds cooler and makes me feel like a ninja - I'm a weird, strange, quirky, certifiably insane, yet totally awesome person of the female persuasion. (For those of you who don't like big words, that means I'm a girl) I have just broken my record for most days lived, and fully plan on doing it again tomorrow. Here's some more stuff about me, for those of you who actually care. Unless you're a stalker, in which case: GTFO MY PROFILE PAGE! ! ! ! Likes: Reading, writing stories, manga, ice cream, anything to do with Japan, Code Lyoko, Avatar: the Last Airbender, Yu-Gi-Oh, Black Butler, Hetalia, Harry Potter, drawing anime, YuGiOh the Abridged Series, A Very Potter Musical, A Very Potter Sequel, Team Starkid in general, dinosaurs, and a bunch of other random stuff that I'm not going to bore you with. Favorite Music: Why does this get it's own heading, you ask? BECAUSE I FRIGGIN SAID SO!!! ... Just kidding, I really have no idea _ Anywho, I like Disney Classics (Don't judge me, I'm a kid on the inside!) Linkin Park, The Ready Set, All-American Rejects, anything from the broadway show Wicked, Cascada, Owl City, and ANYTHING IN JAPANESE! ESPECIALLY THE VOCALOIDS! MIKU, LEN, RIN, AND LUKA ARE FANTASTICALLY AWESOME!!!! ... WHY AM I TYPING LIKE THIS?!?!?! Favorite Color: Blue. Or purple. And sometimes red. Marital Status: I'm single. (And no, that's not an invitation for random creeps to send me proposals over the internet. I really doubt it would happen, but just in case!) Blood Type: A positive. (For all the vampires out there. And I mean vampires, not those sparkling fairy knock-offs spawned by SMeyer.) The awesome Anonymous Lizard has been amazing enough to write her own sequel to my story 'The YuGiOh Project'! It's called The YuGiOh Project Part 2, and can be found on her profile or in my favorites list. Go check it out! HEY, GUESS WHAT? I NOW HAVE ANOTHER ACCOUNT DEDICATED COMPLETELY TO YAOI! ALL MY YAOI FICS ARE ON THERE, SO IF YOU'RE A YAOI FAN, GO CHECK IT OUT! THE PENNAME IS MARI NIGHTHAZE. Congratulations. You now know a ton of random crap about me that nobody actually cares about. Good job. *runs off to play pac-man* HA! BLINKY, I WILL HAVE YOUR SOUL! MWAHAHAHA! Random people staring at me like I'm a weirdo- *sweatdrop* pops back in* Oh, right! My stories can be found by scrolling down. If you already knew that, then good for you, you're not an idiot! Be prepared for a whole bunch of randomness, insanity, and lack of good plotlines. Feel free to venture forth, but know that if you click any of those links I am not responsible for any hysterical laughter, injuries, head-implosions, destruction of innocent cupcakes, or attacks by evil space badgers that may occur as a result. And now, to end this on a high note: C sharp. |