![]() Author has written 15 stories for Death Note, xxxHOLiC, and Durarara!!/デュラララ!!. Hi y'all! My name's Juliet I'm a fan of Durarara!!, Baccano, Avengers, Legend of Korra, and Doctor Who. Apart from fanfiction, I roleplay and I even do my own writing. I'm on deviantArt and LiveJournal too, though more often I am on my Tumblr writing blog. I'm an aspiring writer, but I haven't decided if I want to go for novel, screenwriting, or even editing. Either way, the only thing I can do now is practice practice practice. So if you're going to comment on one of my stories, whether it's feedback, praise, critique, constructive criticism, or whatever, please — don't be an asshole about it. I won't take a list of things I've wrong; I'll only take a list of things I've done wrong with a list just as long of ways I can improve. Being nit-picky about what I write doesn't help me if you don't tell me how to get better, and it doesn't help you if you really want to read something better from me. Aside from that, any review is greatly appreciated! IMPORTANT: I hear that ff is taking down stories with smut. I will leave them up for a little while longer and then maybe start deleting. I will back them up to my tumblr writing blog and possibly my AO3 account (part of Vanity is already there, so it should be relatively easy to find). A NOTE ON "SELFISH": I apologize profusely to many of my readers but I have currently (and, hopefully, temporarily) fallen out of the xxxHolic fandom. I have not decided whether or not I will update eventually or drop the fic altogether, so for now it stays as "in progress". With luck, I'll find inspiration to continue the story. Again, so sorry! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE MY FIRST BANNER YAYYY So many DRRR!! fanfictions to write, so little time. |