Rating: PG

Warnings: Cursing

Author's Note: Sorry again for the delay. Thanks so much for the reviews, they mean a bunch to me. The next one should be out sooner, I promise!

Dedication: To those of you who PMed, pokeded, and pestered me into updating.

1. What is your full name?

Suzanne D. Hertz.

"What do you think the D stands for?"

"Who really cares Odd?"

"Why, I do Yumers, don't you?"

"Haven't you figured out that he has an absurd need to know everything about everyone yet?"

"Getting there Jeremie."


2. Were you named after anyone...who?


"Well, that's boring."

"Not everyone is named after someone."

"But it would be interesting if they were."

"It would be boring."

"How so, Aelita?"

"Well, if everyone was named after someone they knew, there'd be no originality. It'd be boring."

"Yeah, like, there would be no Odd's."


"And that's a bad thing?"

"Shut-up Ulrich."

3. Where were you born?

In Austria.

"She's Austrian?"

"Apparently Ulrich, unless she lied on the survey…"

"Which is entirely possible, Einstein!"

"So why have us take them if we can lie?"

"Because why would you?"

"To annoy you?"

"Real mature Yumers."

4. Do you like where you live...why?

I enjoy France very much. Living on school has its ups and downs, but I do think it is more beneficial to my students if they have questions about assignments.

"She is such a teacher."

"I like being able to question my teachers when I need to Ulrich."

"That's because you're a nerd, Einstein."

"Shut-up Odd."

"Boys, no fighting, please?"

"Yumi, I find the male psyche extremely depressing."

"I agree Aelita."


5. Do you get along with your parents?

I did.


"That probably implies that they're dead now Odd."

"Thanks for stating the obvious Yumers."

"That's really sad…"

"It's a fact of life Ai. You're born, you live, and you die. Ow, Yumi, why'd you hit me?"

"Because that's describing it callously."


6. Do you have any pets? Describe them...

Of course not, they are not allowed.

"Hear that Odd, no pets allowed."

"Oh, get over it Ulrich, you know you like Kiwi now."

"Well, I still don't care for him."

"We know that Einstein."

"Why don't you like Kiwi Jeremie? He's so much fun!"

"He tried to kill me."

"Psh, he loves everyone. Except maybe Yumi…"


"Careful Odd, she's reaching for the stapler."

7. What is more difficult for you, looking into someone's eyes when you are telling someone how you feel, or looking into someone's eyes when they are telling you how they feel?

I do not see this as a relevant question.

"Boy, she's a bucket o' fun, huh?"

"She's a teacher Odd. She's not going to tell her students personal things."

"Hence why she said D. instead of her middle name."

"I thought she did that to annoy Odd."

"Hah, hah Einstein. So not funny."

8. Think of the last time you were REALLY angry. WHY were you angry? Do you still feel the same way? If not WHAT CHANGED to make you feel differently?

I would say but I cannot talk about one of my students without their permission.

"Ooh, who do you think it was? I bet it was when Nicholas let all the frogs out last month!"

"Aelita, you're…gossiping?"

"Of course not Jeremie, speculating merely. Who do you think it was?"

"Hm…maybe when Sissi spilled the acid on the desk? That was amusing I hear."

"Nah, doubt it was that Yumi. Maybe it was when Claire got caught cheating off of Odd of all people."

"Hey, I did show my genius that one time in class Einstein!"

"Because of a return trip…"


"Maybe it was when Odd super glued all her desk drawers shut."

"Nice one Ulrich, but I think it was when you caused the Bunsen burner to explode last week and had the whole wall go up in flames. That was awesome."

"You blew up her classroom? Why didn't I hear about it?"


8. You are on a flight from Honolulu to Chicago non-stop. There is a fire in the back of the plane. You have enough time to make ONE phone call. Who do you call? What do you say to them?

I shall know when the time comes.

"So cryptic."

"She probably just doesn't want to tell her students the answer."

"Why, is she calling the military? Who cares?"

"She does, obviously."

"She didn't notice the two eights either…"

9. You are at the doctor's office and he has just informed you that you have approximately one month to live. Do you tell anyone/everyone you are going to die? What do you do with your remaining days?

I continue on as usual. Why should it matter if I'm dying?

"That's sad, so many people say they'll continue on like that. What if someone we know is dying right now, not telling us?"

"Almost makes you want to be nice to Sissi, huh Ulrich?"


"I'm serious guys, it's true. What if one day she just didn't come to school because she had died?"

"That won't happen Princess, she tells everyone everything. Or at the very least Ulrich."

"What's that supposed to mean Odd? Ulrich?"

"Nothing Yumers!"

10. What side of the heart do you draw first?

The right.

"Hey, we have Hertz."

"That's shocking."

11. Last phone call received?

From my sister.

"She has a sister?"

"Apparently Odd. Why don't you go ask her? And then ask Jim who that girl, what's her name, is?"


"You remember her name?"

"Yeah, I have to if I want to try and catch him mentioning her."

"That's just creepy Odd."

12. You are unfaithful to your spouse/significant other. Do you tell him/her? Why or Why not?

Unfaithfulness does not suit me.

"Yeah, I can't really see her being unfaithful."

"Though she never did say whether or not she would tell, if she was."


"You both disgust me."

"We know that Yumi."

13. Which is the best Spice Girl?

Scary Spice of course.

"I think Odd's dead Ulrich."


"He does look it Ai."

"Oh no, he's stirring…"

"Oh my God, I can't believe she knows the Spice Girls! This is amazing and hilarious and…mmph."

"Good idea with the sock Yumi."

"Thanks Aelita."

14. Do you wear a lot of black?


"She wears a lab coat, cause that's so much better."

"Oh, leave her alone Odd."

"I was just saying Princess…"


"Oh, don't get grumpy again. Haven't you and Einstein kissed and made up yet?"

"What? Odd, that is pure speculation and…!"

"Yeah, yeah, shove it Einstein, it's just an expression."

15. Imagine it is a dark night, you are alone, it is raining outside, you hear someone walking around outside your window. WHO do you wish was there with you?

Obviously the police to arrest whoever is outside my window."


"I believe that is the most coherent, reasonable response to this question yet."

"Go back to your computer manual Jer, it's supposed to be funny."

"It's supposed to be insightful into whoever it is you're sending it to."


16. How far have you gone with a boy?

I refuse to answer.

"Damn, and I was so hoping…"

"You're verging on creepiness again Odd."

"Sorry Princess."

"Do you really want that mental image in your mind Odd?"

"Sure, I'll store it next to the one of Jim…"

"Odd, no!"

17. Your best friend confesses that he/she has feelings for you more then just friendship. He/she is falling in love with you. What do you (or did you) do/say?

It would depend on the situation.

"So, if she's horny she'll admit to liking them back?"


"What, did I disrupt your delicate sensitivity Einstein?"

"No, but you can't just say things like that."

"Yes, yes I can actually."

"Just ignore him and he'll stop Jer."

"That hasn't helped yet Ulrich."

"I have hope."

18. How do you feel about carrots?

They are extremely nutritious, I personally, prefer the large ones.

"I think he died again."

"No, his shoulders are shaking."

"Is he crying?"


"Odd, are you all right?"

"Has he ever been Aelita?"

"Oh my God, she is BRILLIANT!"

"He's normal."

19. Have you ever had a holiday romance?


"I have so much respect for Hertz right now…"

"For some strange, strange reason."

"Who knew she was like this under all those scientific thought-things!"

"Scientific thought-things?"

"Odd, I think you've caused Jer to develop a twitch."

"The one below his left eye? No, he always had that one."

"Only since I met you."

20. You are holding onto your grandmother's hand and the hand of a newborn that you do not know as they hang over the edge of a cliff. You have to let one go to save the other. Who do you let fall to their death? What was your rationale for making the decision?

Despite all reasonable rationale, I must say my grandmother. I would save my grandmother and it is for no other reason than pure sentimentality.

"Hah! See, she would save the grandmother too!"

"You are all warped."

"We are all brilliant, you just fail to see it Yumers."



"Next survey guys!"