Okay; this edit is mainly for typos and stuff. Also, it's the final chapter! Woot!
Yeah, this took a while to write (well...yeah.) so I apologize for that. I got stuck with writer's block.
Anyway, enjoy! DRRR! Is still not mine, MxM here, blah, blah,blah.
What? That stupid brute! Izaya groaned in frustration. "Shizu-chaaaan, could you…?" The blonde's white teeth showed through his grin.
"Could I what, flea? You've got to be more specific than that." Well, considering the fact that Izaya was already on his back whining like a whore for this man, he figured that he may as well put some of his eloquence to use.
"I want you to stop being a tease, Shizu-chan." His eyes lowered along with his voice. "I want you to use that dick of yours and pound into my ass until I see nothing but stars, want you to give me another reason to hate you—that reason being that I'm sore and bruised from you, want you to stop being such a goddamn teasing brute—" he looked straight at the blonde and whispered harshly "and. Fuck. Me." Okay, so Izaya might have had a tiny thing for dirty talk. Apparently the ex-bartender did, too, because his cheeks were darkened with a blush and lust shone in his eyes, blazing amber.
Shizuo discarded his own boxers—Calvin Klein blue boxer briefs, Izaya noted dully—before looking a Izaya. "Lube?"
"Nightstand drawer." The blonde rummaged in the dark mahogany nightstand and pulled out a clear plastic tube. He popped open the top and poured a generous amount on his fingers. Izaya laughed when he saw an almost puzzled look on the debt collector's face.
"Why of course, Shizu-chan," Izaya smiled as he trailed off into a mumbled song "aishite mo ikai, yureru, yoru ni…" The blonde looked at him, puzzled. His eyes shone with a bit of light humor mixed in with his powerful, raw lust. Shizuo chuckled lightly before stopping his lips just over Izaya's. Izaya could feel the breath of the blonde envelop him, and Shizuo skimmed his lips barely over his own, making Izaya's breath come faster. He gasped when he felt slick fingers probe his entrance and Shizuo groaned as well. Two fingers worked their way into him, stretching and scissoring, and he suddenly felt a jolt of pleasure tingle up his spine when they brushed against his prostate. He arched up, moaning, trying to get them to brush past that spot again.
"Haa-aah! Shizu-chan, there!" he cried out, completely disregarding his pride. He must've affected the blonde, too, as Shizuo slipped in another finger. Izaya moaned again, the slight pain sending his masochistic side over the edge, as the fingers inside him picked up their pace, thrusting harshly, all the while stretching him. Izaya stole a glance at the blonde above him and his cock twitched at the sight—Shizuo, whom Izaya could never deny as being ridiculously attractive no matter how much he hated him, was above him, light sheen of sweat coating his well-toned body, hair slightly more in disarray as usual, mouth set in a firm line though his lips remained swollen from kissing. Izaya managed in a breathy, lust-filled voice
"Ne, Shizu—chaaaaan is so, ero!" the last being another moan. Shizuo's eyes flicked up to Izaya's face, all motion of his hands paused.
"Damn, flea, you're asking for it." Izaya felt Shizuo's fingers slide out of him, and were quickly replaced by something else. Shizuo looked down at Izaya, a look of almost concern on his face. "I'll, uh, try to be gentle." What? Shizu-chan hated him! Just one more way he never did what Izaya predicted, he supposed. He still couldn't help but laugh, though.
"Hah! But Shizu-chan…" He tailed off, then snapped his eyes to the blonde's, locking gazes. Izaya whispered "I want you to hurt me." The blonde's eyebrows knitted together, but even his protozoan mind seemed to get the message. Without warning he sheathed himself in Izaya, causing the raven to gasp at first then throw his head back at the pain-tinged pleasure that now wracked his body. "Fuck," Shizuo groaned.
"That's—hnngh…the idea," Izaya breathed. Honey met hellfire as their gazes locked, and Izaya gave a small nod to signal permission. The ex-bartender began to move, starting at first an almost tortuously slow pace. Izaya felt every move of Shizuo's and goosebumps broke out all over his skin. "Shizu-chan…" he closed his eyes and threw his head to the side. The blonde's thrusts picked up in pace, and Izaya's hands fisted on the bedsheets, trying to anchor him against the blonde's strength. Speaking of which—Izaya felt that the blonde was restraining himself. "Ne, Shizu-chan. You—aren't—holding—back—onme, areyou?" he managed to say in-between thrusts. Shizuo's pace slowed down again—Damn it!—and his brows furrowed.
"I just don't want to…to break you," he mumbled, looking down. Hah! The protozoan that spent his days trying to kill him didn't want to hurt Izaya? Well, now. He was too unpredictable! That's why Izaya hated him. So he purred out
"You can't break me…" his eyes lowered and he whispered "Just fuck me. Hard."
At those words, the thin tether on the blonde's control snapped, and with a low growl he moved his hips forth and resumed pounding into the flea with renewed effort, letting loose some of his superhuman strength. The thrusts continued to increase in pace, even Izaya's sturdy bed breaking in protest. Shizuo gripped Izaya's hips to keep him in place, but, fearing crushed bones, moved his hands to the headboard instead. He heard his groans mix with Izaya's moans—those which he would never admit aroused him immensely—and looked down at Izaya, who made quite the sight. Pale skin was flushed with arousal, crimson glowed under half-lidded eyes, and pink lips were half agape.
"Damn, flea. So...ngh…tight." Shizuo reached down from the headboard with one hand and gripped Izaya's neglected erection, pumping from base to tip in time with his thrusts, smell of vanilla increasing as the friction between their bodies did—and Shizuo loved vanilla. Head growing lighter and pleasure increasing, he decided that the lube must also be some kind of aphrodisiac.
Shizuo's vision began to blur when he felt Izaya tense up beneath him. He kept up thrusting as Izaya came loudly, yelling
"A-ah! Shizu-oh!" the sound of his name sent Shizuo over the edge as well, vision whited out, lips whispering 'I—za—yaaa… ," as he came. Shizuo heard a cracking noise as the headboard broke completely off in his hand, and he dropped it on the floor next to the bed and collapsed on top of Izaya, both of them breathing hard. Izaya's chest moved up and down in quick, shallow bursts. At first Shizuo thought the flea was crying. He then relaxed when he heard soft laughter coming from the ravenette.
"You brute!" he was grinning. "You broke my bed!" at this he laughed out loud, and Shizuo's brows knit together again.
"You probably deserved it, stupid flea." He grumbled, eyes avoiding Izaya's, but the brunette was still giggling, crimson eyes filled with non-malicious mirth. Shizuo sat up in the bed and ran his hand through his slightly sweat dampened hair. He got up off the bed and looked for a bathroom, then heard shuffling behind him that was quickly followed by Izaya's voice.
"Ne, Shizu-chan, where do you think you're going? What if I want to cuddle~" Shizuo snorted, feeling a small smile grow on his face.
"I'm using your shower, flea, whether you care or not." He looked back and raised an eyebrow, daring the other to challenge him. The brunette only grinned in a way that made Shizuo wonder if the house was booby-trapped.
Down the hall, to the left. I do hope you'll find everything…accommodating." Shizuo's half-smile faltered. He raised an eyebrow but walked in the direction Izaya told him to and opened the door.
At first glance it was a normal, even classy bathroom. Shiny black tiles with red flake in them adorned the floor, with a large black granite counter occupying the right wall; everything above the counter a mirror. However, the relative normalcy of the bathroom was completely overshadowed by the large portrait of naked Izaya. The wall opposite the mirrored one was a mural of the raven, red eyes flashing, laying down on some sort of bed with one leg bent and an arm draping down. The flea would be this vain, Shizuo thought with a smirk. As vain as it was, however, Shizuo could not deny two things: one; it was a perfect likeness, likely reproduced from a photograph, and two; it was gorgeous and very erotic in a classy sort of way.
Shizuo just laughed and stepped in the shower.
"Ne, does Shizu-chan like my décor?" Shizuo heard the other man's voice and was only mildly surprised when the other stepped into the shower with him. "Oi! Turn the heat up, brute! This is supposed to be a ashower, not a plight of freezing rain!" Shizuo looked over at Izaya, who had wrapped his arms around himself and was now now slightly resembled a wet cat. He decided to oblige the smaller man and turned up the heat.
"Happy now, flea?" he smirked and raised an eyebrow. Izaya sighed in relief.
'Actually, I am. Ne brute, you're doing it wrong. No wonder your hair always looks so crazy—let me help you." Shizuo felt the brunette's nimble fingers in his hair, scrubbing and massaging. Now, Shizuo would never admit it to anyone, but he actually enjoyed all this sweet, cutesy, couple-y stuff. The idea of it, anyway—he hadn't actually ever done any of it other than today; and it was, well, nice. "Now rinse,"Izaya instructed Shizuo, now lathering up his own body and sleek hair. Damn, how had Shizuo never noticed how attractive Izaya was? His eyes devoured the smaller man's creamy skin that had rose tones brought out from the heat of the water. Black hair was plastered to his head and contrasted with sharp red eyes, and his hands moving up and down his body were almost too much for Shizuo. He moved in and captured Izaya's lips in a kiss, watching as the other man's eyes widened in surprise before the half-closed. Shizuo felt his bottom lip be pulled between Izaya's teeth lightly and he resumed kissing with new fervor. I was only when the water started to turn cold that they stopped kissing and stepped out.
Did that brute just slap him? On the ass? Izaya looked over at the blonde who was toweling himself dry, expression a perfect poker face.
"Did you just—"
"Better dry off, flea, you'll catch a cold." Shizuo cut him off. Wait a minute—was the protozoan worried about him? Seeming to realize how his sentence came off as, he added "And I'm the only one allowed to mess with you, and stuff." He looked down and blushed. Izaya had to admit it was—well, nothing short of adorable. Shizuo was always so angry (when Izaya saw him, anyway), and seeing him looking down at the floor with pink cheeks was a rather cute change of pace. Izaya hated it.
"Ne, I guess even your protozoan mind can feel compassion." Izaya glanced at the other man from the side, preparing for the worst. Shizuo let out a breath in a short laugh
"Shut up, flea. You're the mean one here; not me." Izaya grinned.
"Well, then. We'll have to work on that—can't have me pictured as the bad guy, now can we?" Shizuo walked out of the room, smirk on his face, completely ignoring Izaya. "Oi!" Izaya called after him. He walked back into his bedroom to find Shizuo stark naked (well they had both gotten out of the shower), gathering up some of his clothes. Izaya admired his body once more before going to his own closet. Deciding against his usual attire, Izaya went picked out some black sweatpants and a red t-shirt. He was still turned around when he felt large arms wrap around his torso. Shizuo moved closer to whsper to Izaya, his still-damp hair tickling his neck.
"You know, flea, I could crush you to death in an instant…" Izaya froze. Wait a minute— "but I won't." Izaya could feel him smile. "I hate violence, remember?" Much better. Izaya felt Shizuo's tongue travel down his neck, and the blonde bit down near Izaya's collarbone—hard—then tongue flicked out to soothe the bite as Izaya tlted his head back to give better access to the blonde. Izaya leaned into Shizuo's still bare chest and closed his eyes, abruptly opening them again when he was picked up and carried.
"Oi! Neanderthal, I'm not ready for another round yet—ack!" he was once again thrown on his bed, wet hair dampening the now-unmade bed.
"Tch, stupid flea. We're sleeping now." Izaya arched an eyebrow at Shizuo, who had indeed made no move to get dressed other than put on his boxers. Was he serious—?
"We? I don't recall allowing you permiss—" Izaya was cut off as the blonde, who as now on the bed leaning above him, pressed his lips to Izaya's.
"Told you you talk too much," he mumbled before flopping down next to Izaya, grabbing a fistful of rumpled sheets and flicking his wrist once, causing the blanket to settle neatly over both of them.
"What a nice parlor trick, Shizu-chan," Izaya mumbled as the warmth of the blanket settled over him.
"Huh?" Izaya propped himself up on one elbow and looked quizzically at the blonde.
"Surely you don't practice these things in your spare time?" the brunette teased. The blonde rolled on his side, no longer facing Izaya.
Ttch, stupid. There was silence for a while as Izaya wondered why the blonde was behaving so oddly. Had Izaya struck a chord of truth? "nah, I just kinda got used to it after a while—always made mmy bed like that as a kid." Izaya smirked in the still-bright room.
"Nighty-night, Shizu-chan~" Izaya clapped off his lights and closed his eyes. It wasn't long after before strong arms embraced him and warmth enveloped him. What was this? Not two hours ago the two were as usual—chasing each other around, trying to kill each other, and now they were cuddling?
It was quite amazing to see this fine example of the Butterfly Effect.
Tah-dah! My first completed fic on FF...how was it? Eh? Okay? Great? Bad?
If you would be so kind as to let me know, I would greatly appreciate it~
Also, thank you to all of you that have already reviewed and/or added me to alerts! Thank you all so much:)
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