Hey there. For all of you who read my story Folie A Plusiers, you probably know the issues that I'm having with my laptop. So, while it's out getting fixed, I figured I'd use the tower to start on an idea I've had for a while: Genflip!

See, I absolutely ADORE Spamano, and I like Genflips, but I can never seem to find one that is COMPLETELY flipped. Spain is ALWAYS still a guy! So, I finally decided that I would DO IT RIGHT.

and so, will all disclaimers attached, I bring you,



"Ve, so Lovina, who do you think we'll get in our next class? Will it be anyone we know? Oh, I really hope we get some of our friends in our class, otherwise it'll get pretty boring, don'cha-"

"Yes. Okay, Feli, whatever you want, just stop babbling and help me shut my goddamned locker," Lovina Vargas growled as she tried to slam the metal door of her locker shut while balancing her Gym uniform and a small pile of cherry tomatoes in her arms. The hallways were nearly devoid of students, since most of them preferred to be in class well before the bells rang.

"Oh! Here!" her younger twin, Felicia, jumped at the chance to do a good deed, easing the locker door shut and snapping the lock back into place, "By the way, why are you carrying all those tomatoes?"

"I'm hungry, dammit!" Lovina rolled her eyes, popping a couple of the tiny tomatoes into her mouth, "'Sides, it's only Phys. Ed class. Why the hell shouldn't I eat now, 'cause I'm only gonna get hungrier if I wait."

Felicia's eyes widened, as if she had just discovered a great truth of life, "Ve! You're right! Do you think this means that I should eat some pasta before we go to class? Pasta makes everything better, and I'm sure even Gym class as well because I don't like it too much since I'm not that good at sports, well, other than calcio but it's February so I don't think they'll let us play with the footballs yet and...Lovina? Lovina, wait up! Don't leave me!"

Lovina sighed, pouring on more speed to try and get away from her addle-brained sister. She knew she wouldn't be able to get away from Felicia, but she could at least try her damnedest before they actually got to their next class. It was a total pain to have nearly every class with someone like Felicia, who was the very epitome of the word stupid. Of course, Lovina wasn't the reddest tomato in the garden herself, but nothing, absolutely nothing, could rival her sister in dim-wittedness.

Oh crap, the footsteps were getting closer! Less think, more speed, Lovina!

Or rather, she would have gone faster, if she hadn't just run straight smack into the chest of a much larger student.

"Oof!" Lovina grunted as she fell back onto her ass, losing her gym uniform and her tomatoes in the process, "Why don'cha watch where you're going, you no-good sunova-"

"Ve~! Lovina, don't use such bad words!" Felicia cut her off, finally catching up, "You weren't looking where you were going either, it's not Lucy's fault you ran into her!"

That name made Lovina's blood boil in her veins. Looking up, she saw the tall figure of Lucille Beillschmidt staring down at her, unimpressed. The German girl was tall, almost to the six-foot point, with an athletic build and a chest that could nearly put Iva Braginski (yet another world-classed bitch) to shame. She wore her blonde hair in a short bob, the bangs swept away from her face for a very military-like appearance. Lovina just thought she looked like a dyke.

This very same German girl also happened to be Felicia's best friend, and Lovina's most hated enemy.

"Lovina, you should apologize to Lucy!" Felicia pouted, clinging onto the taller girl's arm. Lovina snorted.

"Why the fuck would I apologize to that Lebensborn-bitch? You shouldn't let her trick you, Feli. If you show any weakness to them, they'll overtake you with their goddamn Nazi-powers." Lovina spat, gathering up her uniform (the tomatoes were a lost cause).

"Eugh," Lucille shook her head, "I'm not even going to bother to correct you anymore. I just came down here to find Felicia, since we're in the same Phys. Ed class right now."

"Really?" Felicia gasped, tightening her hold on Lucille's arm (Lovina swore she saw the bitch wince), "That's so great! Ve, don't you think so, Lovi?"

"Fuuuuuuck," Lovina hissed under her breath. She swore, if that German even dared to think about touching her sister, she'd shove a tennis racket up her ass.

"Lovi!" Felicia gasped.

Goddamned twintuition...

"Not to bother the two of you or anything," Lucille interrupted in her deep voice, "But the bell for class is going to ring soon, and unless you want to be late..."

"Yeah, yeah. I'm gone," Lovina sighed, throwing her uniform over her shoulder and taking off down the hall, completely focused on getting to the changerooms before her stupid sister and that damned Nazi. In the process, she left the two aforementioned teenagers standing in her proverbial dust, staring at her retreating back.

"Ve, Lucy, the warning bell hasn't even rung yet. Why did you say we had to hurry?" Felicia asked, looking up from where her cheek was resting on the other girl's arm.

"Felicia, you know your sister doesn't like me."

"That's not true, Lovi's just difficult!"

"Now you know that that's not true. She just doesn't like me for some reason," Lucille shrugged her shoulders, feeling a blush creep up her fact from the way the small Italian girl was nuzzling her arm. Felicia didn't seem to show any intent to stop, though.

"Well...maybe. But that's okay; I don't mind. After all, it just means I get to spend more time with you, right?" Felicia smiled brightly, "Besides, I don't get to do this when big sister's around." she slowly unwound her arm from around the other girl's and intertwined her fingers with the German's.

A small, embarrassed smile quirked the corners of Lucille's mouth, "That's true, plus there's no one around right now," she leaned down and gave the Italian a small kiss on her ruby lips, "Ich liebe dich, Felicia."

Felicia giggled, standing up on her tiptoes so she could throw her free arm around Lucille's neck, "And ti amo, Lucille." she captured the taller girl's lips in a deeper, more sincere kiss, gripping Lucille's hand tighter as they explored each other's mouths.

This was one thing that no one could know. Not even their closest friends could be let in on it, out of fear for themselves, and love for the other girl they held in their arms. They couldn't risk what others would think, or what they would do. But at moments like these, when they were alone...

Those were the moments that meant the most.

The warming bell resounded down the empty hall, shocking the two out of their reverie. Lucille's face was painted a bright shade of red, making her cerulean eyes stand out shockingly in contrast. Felicia's eyes were closed as an adoring smile shone from her features

"We should head to class before we're late," Lucille said. Felicia nodded, never once letting go of her lover's hand.

"Ve, we really don't want to be late for out first class!" Felicia agreed, tugging the much taller girl along beside her as she skipped down the empty hall, "Lovi would be so mad, and then she'd be even madder at you! Which would really suck for me, since then we'd have to be even more secretive!"

Lucille chuckled, "Feli, I swear, your sister thinks I'm a lesbian. I heard her muttering it to herself yesterday." She shook her head slightly as they walked toward the changerooms.

"But you are!" Felicia laughed, leaning into the other's side, "And that's okay. I like you better that way."


"Goddamnit!" Lovina swore to herself, pacing around the empty changeroom. She knew she shouldn't have left her sister with that German bitch! What if that freak had murdered her somewhere, and fed the corpse to her freaky dogs?

She huffed angrily as she continued to pace, her arms crossed tightly over her small chest. She'd already changed into her uniform, which consisted of a silvery-gray t-shirt with gold insignias, and black shorts with gold trim. Also, she knew that she shouldn't have believed that jerk when she told her that they would be late for class! Lovina had been there for five minutes and the warning bell had only just rung!

"Goddamned Nazi whores trying to take advantage of my idiot sister..." She muttered darkly, eying the inside of the changeroom. It was the first time she'd been in there, after all. Lovina and her sister were only 14 years old, and as such were in their freshman year and the Honorary Education Transfer and Liberation International Academy (H.E.T.A.L.I.A. For short). Hetalia was a well-renowned international school for the children of wealthy or influential families. It wasn't a very large school, nor was the student population overwhelming, but it was a school where only the wealthiest of the world would attend.

The changeroom was completely empty, save for her. All the other girls had long since changed and gone out into the main gymnasium to play around before class started. They'd left their bags and regular clothes all across the racks and hangars; a total mess.

Lovina heard the door to the changeroom swing open, and immediately went on the attack.

"Where the fuck were the two of you? You couldn't have shown up any soo—wait, who the fuck are you?"

Indeed, the person who had entered the room, and was now looking quite confused, was not her sister or Lucille. In fact, Lovina had never seen this girl before, not even from any of the other classes. Although, since she'd only had a small handful of classes in her first semester, that wasn't too big of a surprise. This girl was taller than her, with curly brown hair that fell to her collarbone. Her skin was tanned dark, much like Lovina's own skin, and her eyes were large and olive green.

But those weren't the things that Lovina noticed about her, oh no.

The first thing was that the mystery girl held a half eaten tomato in her hand, and the second was the look on her face. It was a look that Lovina had come to know quite well, after seeing it for so long on her beloved sister's face.

It was a joyous smile that just seemed to scream "Hello there, I'm an idiot!".

"Uhh...sorry, but who are you?" the girl asked, that moronic smile never once faltering.

"Why the hell should it matter to you?" Lovina shot back, "Besides, isn't it considered rude to ask someone's name before they know yours? Don't you know any fucking manners?"

"Really? Wow, you're probably right!" The girl laughed, walking over to a corner of the changeroom and pulling her uniform out of a shoulder bag. Lovina turned around so that it didn't look like she was staring at the weird girl while she changed.

"Che. Of course I'm right. I'm not a complete airhead, like you seem to be" true, it was harsh, but then again, Lovina wasn't exactly the most charming of individuals. In fact, she'd been voted 'most likely to become a mafia don' out of her graduating class last year.


"What?" Lovina turned around at the statement that came from right behind her, surprised to find the girl standing practically over top of her. And not wearing a shirt. "What the fuck are you doing you goddamned dyke?"

"My name's Anita Fernandez Carredio!" The girl continued, seemingly unaware of the fact that she was standing in front of Lovino in nothing but shorts and a small red bra. She held out a hand for Lovina to shake, "I'm the daughter of one of the Spanish ambassadors. Brown hair, green eyes, five foot seven, one hundred thirty-six point five pounds, blood type B, and I'll be turning sixteen next week!"

"W-what the hell are you telling me for, you psycho?" Lovina stuttered, trying to look anywhere but the shirtless girl in front of her. She wasn't a pervert, damnit, but it didn't mean that she didn't at least have the decency to blush when there was a half-naked girl talking to her!

"Well, you told me to introduce myself, so I did! Now will you tell me your name?" Anita asked happily, bouncing back from one foot to the other, causing Lovina's face to darken even more. Anita squealed.

"Oohhh~! You look just like a cute little tomato like that!"

"What?" Lovina nearly shrieked, her hazel eyes widening in shock and outrage, "W-what the hell did you mean by that, you creep? Besides, if you're nearly sixteen, wouldn't you be in the sophomore year now?"

Anita nodded, "I am! But I failed this class last year! I think the teacher said that I just couldn't pay attention in her class..."

Oh yeah. Lovina could believe it.

"Soo..." Anita continued, leaning forward expectantly.

"What?" Lovina asked indignantly.

"You name?"

Lovina rolled her eyes, "It's Lovina Vargas, from a high-class family in Rome." man, she really wished that this girl would put a shirt on. It was getting awkward, "...are you gonna finish changing or what?"

A light seemed to go off in the older girl's head, "Oh, right! I almost forgot!" she skipped back over to where she had placed her bag and clothes. However, instead of pupping a shirt on, she sat down on the bench and look a large bite out of the tomato she'd brought in with her.

Lovina's mouth watered.

Anita seemed to notice this, and smiled at her, "You want one?" she asked, pulling another large, bright red tomato out of her satchel.

Lovina nodded, stepping forward and taking the tomato. The glory of the fruit she received even made her forget about the awkwardness from Anita being topless.

"Tomatoes are fucking awesome. They're my favourite food," Lovina said through a mouthful of red flesh.

"Really? Mine too!" Anita's eyes shone with happiness.

Well, maybe this chick wasn't so creepy after all.

Just then, the final bell rang, signaling the start of class. Anita sprang up from the bench, her smile as wide as humanly possible. Lovina just sat there, perfectly content to eat the godly food in her hand.

"Well, gotta get in there! I don't need the teacher getting mad at me on the first day of classes!" She announced, racing to the door that lead to the gym, "Bye-bye, Lovi!"

"DON'T CALL ME LOVI!" but she was already gone. Sans shirt and all.

Lovina stood up, sighing. Man, that Anita was one seriously strange chick. She wasn't necessarily all bad, heck, she'd given her a tomato! But still, very unusual (and this was coming from a girl who'd spent her entire life with Felicia).

She turned her head when the door opened once more, and Anita came running back in, slightly out of breath, but with that same stupid smile on her face. Lovina rolled her eyes.

"I forgot my shirt!" Anita exclaimed, laughing and gesturing to her largely exposed chest. Lovina felt her face begin to heat up at the girl's blatant indecency. Sure, she herself was well-known for sleeping naked and walking around in very little clothing, but definitely not around people she didn't even know!

"Aww! You still look like a little tomato, Lovi!" Anita giggled as she threw on her gym shirt. Lovina felt her blush increase and shouted a phrase that would go on to be quite a trademark of hers:



As soon as my laptop is fixed, this story will NOT be taking priority over Folie A Plusiers.

But it will continue.
