Reviews for Aerial Silk
TickingPocketWatches chapter 1 . 7/15/2013
I'm sorry. I know I'm bombarding you with reviews but I can't help it! I love how you show the detail the way you do. It's different and sooo much more interesting. I love it!
Gih Bright chapter 1 . 2/28/2013
I think it was really good (I am so sorry for my poor english)! My friend always says that your fanfics are awesome, so this time I try read one and I have to agree with her (she is PCSP-Uzumaki).
I really like the way you write Kanda and Allen, and I have to say that I laugh a lot in this part: "Kanda. You are toxic. Poisoning me. I can't…look…away."
Kanda really suits Britney ahuahuahauhauahuahuaha
Ok, I saying really stupid things for you (and my english is really that bad) so... I want to say that i really like this fiction!
One day I'll try read one of your big fics!
Kaidious chapter 1 . 2/1/2013
Ah somehow i really llike this w

So much tension dude. There's a spark there's a spark! :D Love them lots. And i like the way you described Kanda performing, you make it sound not ooc for him to be doing such I'm glad for that else i might not have finished it (or maybe i would have, after all haha)

It's great.

Thanks for writing!
nothingheretoseedeletethisacct chapter 1 . 12/23/2012
This whole story just oozes sensuality. I was right there with Allen holding my breath. You have an amazing way with words. And I'd definitely like to read about the "private performance" XD
bisexual-bookman chapter 1 . 12/11/2012
Omg, I love this story! I was reading this in English while my class was reading Macbeth outloud, and oh my god, I was trying so hard not to fangirl EVERYWHERE! Your style of writing is amazing! You managed to some how make this, I don't know, sinful? The way you discribed Kanda's act, his outfit, and then when they met, holy shit! I was holding so much fangirling in! Anywho, I love your writing, and I hope you make lots more stories! :) -Wulf
Chibi123Poof chapter 1 . 9/19/2012
I really live stories and and this one I just divine
KingRabbit chapter 1 . 4/22/2012
That. Was. Flipping. AMAZING. You did a really good job on the description so I commend you for that. I like how you used the words and pauses at just the right moments. The story was a dance of it's own with how it told what Allen was seeing. I wouldn't mind at all if you wrote another one similar to this...

But wonderful, now I'm thinking of that "private performance."

There be no chance you'd actually wrote that, is there...? :P

Anyway, that was wonderful and I can't wait to see what you write next. _

TheEndofTag chapter 1 . 2/27/2012
wow! I am in love with the way you described Kanda! Amazing piece! And i just love it!
Yukaharu chapter 1 . 2/19/2012
Okay, my mind is officially blown at this...*drools slightly* Damn, David! You write so epicly! Every time I read some of your fanfictions, I get mental images of what you describe, just like watching it happen in front of me or like watching a movie. You writing style is amazingly unique and incredibly detailed without spamming the reader with meaningless words. You say just enough to keep us all hooked and have us coming back, begging for more of your tantalizing words. I am truly inspired by your writing ability and have re-discovered my writing muse lately after reading your work! Thank you for giving me what I needed to keep on writing, even if I never really post my stories due to embarrassment over their failure. You are truly my inspiration and possibly my new muse! Thanks for always being amazing and for keeping my creative juices flowing!


lucky dog x mad dog chapter 1 . 2/18/2012
like it hi there is this amazing bl game and it is alos a drama cd (the game and cd are in japanes but you can get the translaton on google) and manga called Lucky Dog 1 Blast or just Lucky Dog 1 but the manga is not bl it just implys it and it NEEDS MORE LOVE please cheack it out and tell others about it its about Gian Carlo Bourbon Del Monte, a young member of the mafia, is better known by his nickname "Lucky Dog" due to his incredible good luck. Despite knowing that he can escape with just a little effort, Gian decides to take a break from the fast-and-furious lifestyle while being imprisoned in a maximum-security jail. But when four young mafia captains are captured and brought to the same prison, the Boss of their syndicate makes a certain request of Gian... plz help this amazing game/manga get more attention it needs alot more love it is too good tell me what you think about it please I AM BEGGING YOU . for game and cd translations and 2010/06/23/bl-game-review-%E2%80%93%C2%A0lucky%C2%A0dog1/ read the manga too lucky-dog-1-blast PLEASE IT NEEDS MORE LOVE
WobblyJelly chapter 1 . 2/17/2012
You, my friend, have a brilliant sense of imagination. I. Absolutely. Love. This.
EXO718 chapter 1 . 2/15/2012
Smexy description of that mid-air silk dancing. LOL, my ears are all red & steaming.
Etomacity chapter 1 . 2/15/2012
I'm not sure how to describe this, but I really like your stories. And I like this one too (although you probably heard this a million times from your other readers).

I lost it at the "come hither" part. I can so see that happening, especially in your stories. This story made such an act feel in character for Kanda. And it was hilarious. I kinda wish this story extended to what happen afterwards, but that you even wrote this is amazing enough.

So thanks for writing this story and posting it here on fanfiction. Good luck in your future writing!
Melancholic Yuu chapter 1 . 2/15/2012
Very sexual o/o

But yummy~

Love it!
Rayna Lissesul chapter 1 . 2/15/2012
*shudders* You're turning me into a pervert. Plain and simple. Sure, there were times before when I had inappropriate tendencies, and there are some characters I would like to pin, Kanda included (though, with Kanda, I'd rather /be/ pinned), but this... and your other stories...

Ah, and now I'm blushing.

You, Sir Master of Description and Imagery, could turn a girl into a rapist. Or at least a voyeur. Be ashamed. Be very ashamed. And don't you dare stop.
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