![]() Author has written 7 stories for Final Fantasy I-VI, Inuyasha, Labyrinth, and Yu Yu Hakusho. Notice: Life in general is a pain... bouts with writer's block notwithstanding. I'm still working on "Healing Soul" and other projects, just not necessarily in preferred order. Future chapters are coming along Swimmingly. :faceplants: The next chapter IS coming along though -just slowly. Thanks for your patience. --Trel okies! So I figured it was about time I joined a fanfic site... :sheepish: I've always had tons of fanfics in my head well before I even knew what one was. Here’s a little bit about me: One year minus ten days before the Weasley twins’ birth-date is mine. My major in college was psychology with a capstone in microbiology (after four years as a microbiology major wanting to go into genetics). I have a son born in 2004 whose father, my late husband, died eight days later. Reading is my primary escape followed by writing and singing therefore I prefer happy, romantic Disney-esc endings. I DO NOT LIKE ANGST! Or tragedies. Or cheating by the romantic leads. Real life sucks enough… why would I want to read about bad stuff when I escape? My journey into fanfiction sites began with Final Fantasy & some Final Fantasy crossovers. I usually like to stick to the pairings that are canon or at least hinted at in game. I'm a HUGE Rydia & Edge "Edward" Geraldine fan, Zell & his Librarian Pigtailed Girl, Celes & Locke -things like that. My favorite all time Final Fantasy character is Relm Arrowny, though I usually don't like pairing her with anyone of her world. :laughs: Don't be surprised if I have a crossover pairing her with Roxas... or even Seifer... or... laughs well I'll keep that one well in my head for now. :eyes twinkle mischievously: I'm not against other pairings... if they're done well and the characters stay believable. I've seen some AWESOME Seifer/Selphie or Seifer/Quistis pairings that are just ... WOW! _ Makes it so believable even though I LOVE Selphie & Irvine together. I've also read some really excellent Rydia/Kain ones. As long as they manage without turning Edge into a complete dolt. I also can be convinced to like Zell/Selphie or Zell/Rikku (crossover, duh) pairings, though once I saw a Zell/Rinoa pairing done very well. O_O Which for me is odd cause usually I'm all 'Squall & Rinoa are a pair, end of statement!' and the like. Don't expect me to write a fanfic with them at the center though. It likely won't happen. Love them as a couple... but get enough of their 'coupledom' in the game. Plus I just don't like writing about them other than in the background really. I'd rather write about Zell or Seifer or Relm or Rydia or Edge or Locke or Celes or Sabin or Edgar or Rikku or Baralai... :laughs: You probably get my point. Oh... and I never split Yuna & Tidus either. :puts hands on hips and stamps foot: uh-uh. I seem to have a penchant for reading and writing about blonde/white/silver haired males with a bad boy or even evil edge (Jareth, Sesshomaru, Spike, Draco Malfoy, Seifer Almasy, Zell Dincht) although my personal preference is for redheads. I suppose I’m more voyeuristic towards fair hair? I’m partial to reading that line between dark and light, with love and/or passion overriding misconceptions and bigotries held for years or even centuries. I don’t like Draco Malfoy with Pansy Parkinson or Astoria Greengrass: they’re the easy, boring choice and I can’t see him really happy with either. He certainly didn’t seem happy in the Epilogue. Either is a most logical choice though, and quite realistic without something impressive happening to change things so I understand why J.K.R. went that route. Similar but different with the canon Hermione/Ron pairing although they have love and deep friendship so they could work happily forever I just have a hard time seeing it as Hermione’s best match because although I’m happy she gets who she wants in the long run it feels to me like she’s settling for safe and known. Nothing wrong with that… but therein with fanfiction I can wish for more. Much as I love Ron (it’s the red hair -even if it’s more ginger- I swear it) I have a hard time seeing him able to keep up intellectually with Hermione for the long-term and/or subconsciously wanting to turn her into a little Molly clone which just so shouldn’t happen. My preference is for a torn/confused/etc. Draco over a pure Evil!Draco. I’m also a Snape supporter and wish the guy could get a happy ending (for an awesome Snape fic that slips easily into canon as a possible extrapolation read “The Tribute” by Alison Venugoban http:///story.php?no=600011745 or http://www.fanfiction.ws/s/3811005/1/The-Tribute ). When it comes down to it though I just want Draco happy –blissfully happy. As for Cursed Child… I tend to only take from it Myrtle’s full name and Scorpius’ personality other than a few deeper insights into other characters (Rose is the only good thing I see coming from a Hermione/Ron pairing, so I will often find other ways to reintegrate her even without it). Not a fan of fics that bash the Weasleys (Love my redheads! :winks:) –except sometimes Ron or Percy. The twins and Charlie are my absolute favorites. Although I love seeing Ginny get her heart’s desire with Harry and they’re one of my absolute favorite pairings I don’t mind a well-done Ginny/Blaise, particularly in a Draco/Hermione fic. Things that bug me in HP fics if keeping anything to canon world: more than one boy and one girl prefect in each house per year (Remus and Lily were Gryffindors the Marauders’ year, Ron and Hermione for their year with Draco and Pansy for Slytherin); Blaise transferring into Hogwarts (he was sorted first year, one of the few times he’s mentioned); Blaise being anything but dark skinned (again one of the few things said of him); ditching the robes (movies rub me the wrong way on that point); any apparating within Hogwarts grounds. Mostly, I'm into Final Fantasy & some Final Fantasy crossovers. I usually like to stick to the pairings that are canon or at least hinted at in game. I'm a HUGE Rydia & Edge "Edward" Geraldine fan, Zell & his Librarian Pigtailed Girl, Celes & Locke -things like that. My favorite all time Final Fantasy character is Relm Arrowny, though I usually don't like pairing her with anyone of her world. :laughs: Don't be surprised if I have a crossover pairing her with Roxas... or even Seifer... or... laughs well I'll keep that one well in my head for now. :eyes twinkle mischievously: I'm not against other pairings... if they're done well and the characters stay believable. I've seen some AWESOME Seifer/Selphie or Seifer/Quistis pairings that are just ... WOW! _ Makes it so believable even though I LOVE Selphie & Irvine together. I've also read some really excellent Rydia/Kain ones. One I read here is actually what got me to join -mostly because they managed to do it without turning Edge into a complete dolt. :laughs: I also can be convinced to like Zell/Selphie or Zell/Rikku (crossover, duh) pairings, though once I saw a Zell/Rinoa pairing done very well. O_O Which for me is odd cause usually I'm all 'Squall & Rinoa are a pair, end of statement!' and the like. Don't expect me to write a fanfic with them at the center though. It likely won't happen. Love them as a couple... but get enough of their 'coupledom' in the game. Plus I just don't like writing about them other than in the background really. I'd rather write about Zell or Seifer or Relm or Rydia or Edge or Locke or Celes or Sabin or Edgar or Rikku or Baralai... :laughs: You probably get my point. Oh... and I never split Yuna & Tidus either. :puts hands on hips and stamps foot: uh-uh. I might as well get this out of the way... I'm not into yaoi. :holds up hands for quiet: Now hear me out: YOU can like yaoi all you like. I have friends who are homosexual and that's just fine. I don't try to convince them otherwise. That's fine. Sometimes, I will read a fanfic of such out of curiosity -but more likely because I forgot to read the description. I probably won't comment, because I know I'm biased. I usually avoid them. I'm not into that. I'm saying this now, because I was once not permitted to join a roleplay forum because I answered truthfully that I'm a little uncomfortable with such things and it hurt me greatly. I can't usually write that way... but I have no problem that others DO. That's their choice and their preference. This is my choice & my preference. ...though I will admit... I'm a Kuro-Fai fan when it comes to Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles. :silly grin: But then... their relationship as far as we know has not gone sexual. Therefore it has more meaning to me. It feels... more REAL somehow. I guess I'm not big on relationships based wholly upon sex. Well anyway... that's all I can think of for now. :hugs: :edits on much, much later: and yet for some reason I adore Jakotsu... :runs from bricks: :hops back in with edits: okies... :laughs: well after a note it came to my attention that certain things like spacing and asterisks DID NOT stay in my quickly typed profile. So... for those of you who attempted to read the crunched one-paragraph eye-burn mess you have my sincerest apologies. I never checked to see how it showed to others. Seriously... with only the one story I never thought anyone would read it. :laughs: Anyway... been on a reading Sesshomaru (from InuYasha) kick lately -particularly Sess/Kag friendship/romances. Which actually I find a little amusing. Why? Because like with Final Fantasy my brain just automatically falls into the already canon hinted pairing of Inuyasha & Kagome. The thing is though... Sesshomaru has always been my favorite character (aside from Shippou :big grin: and followed by Kouga), and I just want to see him happy and loved. Dawned on me while trying to figure out what kind of girl would be perfect for him (in my opinion of course :winks: ) and what I came up with was someone just like Kagome. O_O I was shocked, but that being the case decided if I wanted to see that I might as well get into reading the Sess/Kag romances. I like the ones best where Kikyo's not 'evil', nor Inuyasha; where it takes some time for them to realize much less confess or share their feelings; where both Shippou & Rin are or become their children; and of course I always love a happy ending. :winks: I'm really surprised how many are out there. Maybe I'll think of something I can work on to add to the list. :laughs: Not that it's needed. This whole thing is also doubly amusing when taking into account that in my heart I'm really a Sesshomaru/Rin believer. When she's of-age of course. Because of all the ways this particular relationship could be written wrong though I tend to shy away from reading fanfics about this pairing. On my one lone fanfic... I'm actually starting on a second chapter. This is kinda tough for me, 'cause I'm not the best with dialogues and that's where it has to go next. Would you believe I've been agonizing on where to start -simply which one will break the silence first? O_O :laughs: Think on that. The chapter might be a while in coming, as muse has been going in and out with it. :hops back in again with edits: I've a second story now! :happy dances: And... it's not one I was working on, working on. :laughs & facepalms: Like "3/4 Time," "I Don't Wanna be in Love" is basically a one shot that could be added upon. It may or may not happen. Because of this, I've made both my current stories 'complete' ... but with chance of continuing. I like them where they are now, but I can also see how they go from where they're left. Either way I'm happy with them & I hope you enjoy them. :grins: Also a warning to the younger crowd -careful of my favorites list. O_O I wish favorites lists showed the rating so you could be warned. I do have Mature stories in there & I'd hate to inadvertently lead anyone astray. Now I should really go and see about finishing one of my more lengthy & in-depth fanfics. :laughs: I've one for Final Fantasy 8 I've been fiddling with for years plus now two for Inuyasha both featuring my favorite daiyoukai (one Sess/Kag, one Sess/OC). I can see them in my head, but some parts are clearer than others and I want them to be smooth, flawless, and as canon as possible other than where I divert them of course. :winks: I'm thinking of posting a little Edge/Rydia snippit I wrote up for the wajas customs I made of them but I'm not sure it would really fit here. :ponders: Thoughts on this are very welcome. ... I've recently become a HUGE fan of InuYasha & YuYuHakusho crossovers, especially with having the modern world parts overlap. So long as Yusuke & Keiko stay together I'm pretty easy to please there, though I tend to check out pairings with Kagome & Kurama/YoukoKurama more often. Perhaps I'll be tempted to type one up on my own. :sheepish: Maybe after I finish my others. ... or not. :sheepish: The story took over my brain -see Healing Soul. Should I ever do 'adult' scenes or lemons as they're apparently called in realms of fanfictions I will likely post them as what I term 'Lost Chapters' (on Media Miner dot org and/or adultfanfiction dot net) and not in the main body of the stories. It's funny really... but often that's the way I write: story first... and then random snippits of details personal to the characters on a physical level. :laughs: Which is almost humorous, if one knows my natural personality. If you should try to contact me through aim or y!im please let me know from where you found me. :big grin: It helps tremendously on the 'huh? Who is this and how do I know them?' factor. :grins: :edits again: Okies... while working on my first true 'by chapters' story (Healing Soul, an Inuyasha/YuYu Hakusho crossover, Kagome/Kurama pairing) I started reading 'Labyrinth' fanfictions. :faceplant: Like I needed more distractions. :laughs: Anyway... getting back into one of my favorite stories of all time led to me having a very intense, very clear post 'Labyrinth' dream that I was able to remember almost to a point in its detailing. O_O So I've started to type it up, though I'm not planing on posting anything until I either have most of it finished or am further or even finished with Healing Soul. Not sure I could handle the pressure of two stories with readers waiting for their updates -especially when the last couple chapters I've been so slow about getting them finished as is. Guilt, instead of helping my muse seems to scare her off. :sheepish: Still I wanted to let those that might peek in here know what was in the works. By the way, if you know any really good Kouga/Kagome stories or even Kouga/OC or Kouga/Ayame stories even off site please send me a message. I adore Kouga... but I'm often afraid of reading OC pairings 'cause some can be really bad. Well written stories with 'real' feeling characters that don't turn Inuyasha and Kikyo into total bad guys or have Kagome turn into a potty-mouth (without reason) tend to be my favorites. Thanks! :edits: Recently grew a fondness for reading Naruto fanfics of the Hinata/Naruto pairing. My son, the even bigger Naruto fan than I, convinced me to get a bunch of the box sets when they were at a steal and I absolutely adore Hinata. _ So I've been reading quite a few looking for a 'perfect' one -but there's TONS out there. O_o eep! I might later be tempted to write one myself but I don't feel entirely comfortable thinking in that world for whatever reason. That... and I am terrible with fight scenes anyway, much less fight scenes with jutsu. :sheepish laugh: Anyway... 'perfect' would be Naruto remembering (even at just the back of his mind) the 'moon goddess' (Hinata) he saw at the waterfall on the way to find the Bikochu(sp) bug, a slow to moderate transition of realizing Sakura is not the one for him and noticing Hinata, mostly tied to canon &/or having same feel as canon, can be M/MA or not (whatever works), Kiba not being an absolute jerk (he's another favorite :winks: Luv the canine-affinity boys), either not an evil Sasuke or an eventually redeemed Sasuke. Preferred background pairings of Neji/Tenten (though Neji/Tenten/Lee could be accepted if done well -saw that done well once), Shikamaru/Temari, Sakura/Sasuke or Sakura/Lee with OCfem/Sasuke, and SOMEONE for Gaara and Chouji in particular (I'm more a Chouji/Ino fan but not die-hard). Bonuses for pairing Kankuro, Iruka, and/or Kakashi believably. I'd prefer no yaoi/yuri but I suppose if it is done tastefully or at least believably it could be okay. Other things I've found I like are Kyuubi becoming friendlier to Naruto or merging with him. Could be really fun to have Jiraya and Tsunade somehow get together... *laughs* major kudos to the author who can get that hentai to focus his pervy nature on a single female! This can either be a new story or an existing story --just point it out to me, please! _ I'd really appreciate it! Thanks for stopping by! Keep reading, and keep Writing! Things in the works: future chapters of Healing Soul, my Inuyasha/YuYuHakusho crossover (plus currently three compendium stories, two of which are Mature) two (maybe three) Labyrinth fanfictions two Twilight fanfiction, set after the series: the first centered on Leah Clearwater (my mom likes this one so it may come sooner than others) while the second continues from this reality-wise but focuses on Marcus of the Volturi with a side of Seth Clearwater. one Ouran Host Club fanfiction, set after anime and centered on the Hitachii twins with OCs five Inuyasha fics one MA Adult!Shippou/Kagome canon/future, four for Sesshomaru: one with an OC, three with Kagome -one of which is MA, while one is another songfic (to Ragtime's "Our Children") one Ranma 1/2 fic, Ukyo/Ryoga pairing -will be MA two Final Fantasy VIII fanfics of Seifer/Rune(OFC) pairing, one going through the known story start to finish with her involvement shifting what we know delicately, the other coming in completely after the ending of the game. one Lord of the Rings fic altering the classic tale just after the companions leave Lothlorian. Though the introduction of my main OFC will be surreal and far-fetched I'm hoping that when they get back to Middle Earth things are more believable around the changes her presence makes. one Golden Witchbreed fanfic stemming mostly from the first book but integrating facts learned in the second. Of course a romance, and not so involved in the political intrigue of the books. one Naruto MA fanfic featuring Deidara of the Akatsuki and Yamanaka Ino second chapters for Three Quarter Time and I Don't Wanna be in Love one Harry Potter and Inuyasha crossover pairing Draco/Kagome by request... Since the plotbunnies have had a population explosion. one Harry Potter and Metal Gear crossover by my son's request in 2020. ... I blame reading aloud corvusdraconus' fanfics and Smash Bros... eight Harry Potter fics: one Blaise/Luna pairing -will be MA, two Draco/Hermione, one Neville/OFC, one Severus/Hermione, one Lucius/Hermione (probably MA), a Hermione pack/moresome (MA), and one omGosh go-back-in-time-and-change-everything fic that has too many pairings that are important to hold one above the others that spans three generations. You have been warned. again... anything MA that I might write and share will be stated as existing here, but posted on mediaminor dot org and/or adultfanfiction dot org Thanks for stopping by! |