![]() Author has written 9 stories for Harry Potter, Star Wars, Teen Titans, Naruto, Sofia the First, and Lord of the Rings. Guys, I can't even begin to react to your reaction of Locks. It's awesome and humbling; you guys are the best! I'm a 20-something mom of three, in love with the written word (and the whole art of story-telling, to be honest) and heinously (and shamelessly) addicted to fiber arts (sewing, crochet, knitting, etc). I spend way too much time on Pinterest and stay up way to late playing video games and watching stupid (but awesome) shows with my hubs. I'm prone to rushing things (and then regretting it) when I write, and getting bit by plot bunnies from universes I don't know enough about (Naruto is a fantastic example...I'm somewhere after Naruto confronts Pein (Pain? Payne? However his name is spelled) but I've seen most of the Lee spin-off, because GOD IT'S FUNNY (also, catchy theme song)... POINT IS!! a lot of my understanding of the Naruto-verse comes from my limited exposure, plus Naruto-wiki, plus other fics I've read then wiki-ed the info for confirmation/clarification). Unfortunately I don't own any of the people, universes, books, movies or evil sponges of doom that you read about in my stories. If I did, I'd be the most epic author EVER! ...Actually, I do own the sponge of doom, but that's an entirely different story. -shifty eyes- Anyhow, if you've made it this far, bravo! I know some of you are wondering about my Jedi/Hobbit cross-over... I love the concept to death, but oh my god, I hate how...17(I think? God it's been a long time) year old me wrote it. Eventually, I'll get around to working on it some more, but every time I open it up, I end up reading my own writing and going 'OH MY GOD YOU EMBARRASSING TWAT!! STOP. STOP IT RIGHT NOW! YOU DON'T KNOW THE ATTROCITIES YOU'RE COMMITTING!' So yeah, great concept, terrible execution, I'm working on it. Slowly. Otherwise, peruse my stuff (please just ignore the awfulness of some of them, they're almost 10 years old, I promise I'm a better writer now than I was a decade ago!), DEFINITELY DEFINITELY check out my fav stories list, there are some SERIOUS GEMS there, oh my god, some serious gems. Because I'm picky about my pairings. |