This story was originally meant to be a oneshot, but as I was editing over it I realized there was a lot of loose threads I had left lying open. This was written in an attempt to tie them up. And yes, I decided to name Kagome's daughter (I had left out the name to be open to each reader's own interpretation, but there were some reviews asking for one, so…). I'll explain the meaning in the afterword.

This wasn't actually meant to be this long, but it seems I can't write anything but long tales. Sigh. Well, hopefully none of you readers will complain.

On with the story!

There were very few times in his long life that the Inu no Taisho had truly felt fear.

The first time had been when his sire had passed. It had shaken his perception of the world, because to his young eyes his father had always seemed so strong and invincible. Looking back through matured eyes showed him that even though his father had been strong, he wasn't invincible or invulnerable. But he had vowed on that dark day that he would protect what was precious to him; he would make damn sure that his pack wasn't left behind to fend for themselves, as he and his mother had been.

But never before had he felt such fear, which quickly turned to helpless rage, when he had seen his little miko vanish right before his eyes, and felt the newly forged mating bond fade from his awareness. Even though his rational mind didn't think she had died (not until he saw a body), his instincts were howling for blood at the loss of his mate.

Touga hadn't meant to take things quite that far and mate her, but when he had returned to Akihito's residence and discovered Kagome had gone, he had given into instinctively driven impulse. He had tracked her down, wanting to find out her reasons for fleeing -because he was sure that was what she had done.

As he had gotten closer to the forest surrounding Goshinboku, Touga had detected a change in his miko's scent, a change that had frayed his already waning control down to mere threads. Kagome had come into her fertile cycle, and age old instinct told him to take her, take her now, courtship be damned. Seeing her there in the hot springs -wet, bare, and so damn perfect- had shattered his vaunted control into irretrievable little pieces.

He had just enough frame of mind left to grit out a warning before he had swept her into his embrace.

After Kagome's disappearance, Touga had gone a little mad.

He had been in a blind rage, reverting to his true form and scourging the land for his mate. It had taken days for his sanity to return, and actually piece together the clues Kagome had left behind; the small snatches of information she had said or not said about her home, and her strange mannerisms and speech. Touga had lived long enough to know a language changed as the years go by.

So all he had to do was settle in and wait; which was, of course, easier said than done. But Touga was a predator at the truest core of his being and could wait for this prey, his precious little miko mate.

In the end his perseverance won out.

Close to three centuries after losing Kagome to the whims of fate, Touga was making one of his frequent visits to Goshiboku, which had greatly increased since that horrible morning when it felt like half his heart was ripped from him.

So when that part of himself slammed back into place like a loosed arrow, heralded by a familiar blue light in the distance, Touga knew his waiting was over.

The hunt was on. And this time she would not escape again.


Kagome's mind was whirling.

The possibilities and revelations that had brought them were spinning out in her mind like convoluted webs. Webs spun by drunk spiders. Even here in this lushly furnished den Touga had swept her to two days ago, her mind wouldn't rest now that the euphoria of reuniting with him had started to settle into the haze of contentment.

And maybe the spider analogy wasn't the most appropriate, Kagome thought to herself as she burrowed more comfortably into Touga's mokomoko-sama. But it did bring up a problem she hadn't quite thought about before.

The Shikon Jewel was still in her body, confirmed before her departure to the past by the disembodied voices. The voices she had a suspicion were really the voices of the fates. So Kikyo must have still taken guardianship of the Jewel and died. Kagome was pretty sure that Naraku was still responsible for that little bit even without the Inuyasha/ Kikyou love fiasco.

After all, Onigumo would still have been born, probably gotten into the same trouble as before, and met Kikyo after she was entrusted with the Shikon Jewel. And there was just no way Kagome could see Kikyo shacking up with Onigumo, even without Inuyasha around.

Now that the Shikon Jewel wasn't broken and scattered to the four winds, Kagome wasn't sure how to find Naraku. All of her encounters with the spider hanyou had been because of the jewel shards. He had always made the first move, or Inuyasha's nose had sniffed him out.

What she needed was someone who knew about Naraku before the whole jewel fiasco, and cared enough to keep track of the hanyou.

Kagome blinked, jolting up. That was it!

Kagome smiled. She knew just where to start.


An arm snaked around her waist and pulled, startling a yip out of Kagome and toppling her back down onto a naked chest. An amused golden eye peered at her from under dark lashes, and smirk tugged at her mate's lips. "Where are you going?"

Kagome blushed, momentarily derailed as the raspy sound of his voice reawakened memories of their reunion last night. And also the revelation that their little family was going to be added to in a matter of months. Which meant Naraku had to go. Now.

Next course of direction affirmed, Kagome's face settled into serious lines, bringing Touga's full attention to her and a small frown to his face.

Kagome rolled on top of Touga's chest to be better able to look him in the face. It was important to impress the importance of this to him. She didn't want his inuyoukai instincts to jump the gun like Inuyasha's always seemed to.

"Touga, listen. There's something I need to do."

~ o0o~

Miroku may have gotten a bit over his head with this one.

The day had started out innocuously enough. He had risen with the sun for morning prayers, roused Master Mushin from where he had passed out the night before, made the special herbal tea for these situations, and began gathering supplies for continuing his search. Hachi had brought news of a new lead on Naraku the night before, and would be back that afternoon to head out. There was just one more task to take care of before his tanuki friend made it back to the shrine.

The wind rushed past the monk, rustling his robes and flattening the grass. Miroku stood at the edge of the grassy hole, his father's grave. Gripping his sealed hand Miroku remembered that night and resolved to himself once more what he had decided. Father, I will make sure this curse ends with me.

A breeze blew past again as if in answer to his silent vow, making Miroku smile a little at his whimsical thought. Sighing, the monk straightened and turned around to return to the shrine.

When he reached the top of the stairs Miroku was sure his luck was turning. For standing right in front of the shrine was a beautiful young woman. Yes, fortune was indeed smiling down upon him.

Miroku took a moment to just admire the view. She cut a beautiful picture in her blue kimono, with silver accents of birds flitting over the expanse –silk, the monk mused. Surely a high-class lady or mistress. Black hair with a wave to it cascaded down her back, untamed. Miroku almost wished it was pulled up so he could admire the arch of her neck, but he would take what he could get.

The only thing that gave him pause about this whole picture was that the woman was alone. There were no guards stationed around her, or male family members to escort her. If she had been wearing the homespun clothes of a serf then the sight wouldn't be unusual, but any lady who wore robes such as hers would surely never be let out in the world without supervision.

Miroku was not stupid -far from it-, but, as they say, old habits die hard. They die very, very hard indeed.

"Good morning, lady," the monk hailed.

The woman jumped and turned to him, blue eyes wide and filled with an emotion he couldn't quite read. But that wasn't enough to stop him.

Miroku firmly grasped her hands, gazing deep into her eyes. "Will you bear my child?"

The corners of the lady's mouth twitched (-a smile! Maybe his luck was turning?-), her expression a curious mix of exasperated amusement and something peculiarly like grief.

Miroku frowned, and finally took notice of what his senses were telling. A thrum of holy energy, tightly contained, sparked under his palms.

A miko.

Miroku blinked, reevaluating this woman. The calluses on her hands placed her as an archer, and he would bet she had the musculature to back it up under her kimono. Which begged the question, why was she not in a miko's attire? Her reiki was developed enough to suggest some form of training.

Focusing again on those amazing blue eyes, he was just in time to see them look over his shoulder and widen in alarm.

He would have asked her what was wrong, but as a hand was currently squeezing his throat, he could only gurgle helplessly. He supposed this was what her expression meant.

Reiki flared instinctively as Miroku felt claws dig threateningly into his neck, but the hand only tightened. Damnit, how could he have not sensed a youkai this close to him?

"Touga!" The woman- no the miko- exclaimed. Worry and exasperation warred on her face as she narrowed her eyes on the youkai behind him. "Put him down!"

The hand tightened once more in warning before a sigh ruffled Miroku's hair and he was unceremoniously dropped to the ground.

As the monk struggled to regain his breath, a small scuffle occurred in front of him as large booted feet stepped around him and tried to block the miko from coming towards his prone form. Miroku couldn't see much farther from their knees on down, but he did make out a feminine huff before the woman made her way toward him and crouched down, offering a pale hand.

With a sheepish smile, she said, "I'm sorry about my mate. He's a little overprotective." She punctuated this statement with an eyeroll. "I'm Kagome, and this-," with a little wave behind her and a wavering smile, "-is Touga. We were hoping you could help us."

He debated whether to take it for a moment, glancing at the youkai out of the corner of his eye. When no objections came from that quarter he grasped her hand gratefully, letting her haul him up. And got his first real look at the youkai. Miroku's eyes widened at the sight of the daiyoukai in front of him, recognizing him from descriptions given to him from former well-off clients and what Hachi heard through the youkai gossip grapevine.

Looking between the couple in front of him, Miroku realized there may be some truth in the more outlandish rumors.

Miroku coughed a little, straightening his robes. "And what, may I ask, can this humble monk help you with that neither of yourselves can accomplish?"

If the words came out a little skeptically, could they really blame him?

Just from a cursory examination Miroku could tell that this woman held more reiki in her than anyone he had ever met. Maybe even enough to rival the legendary Midoriko.

Not to mention that all the holy men and women, as well as most human leaders, knew what the Western Lord of the youkai looked like.

Kagome smiled tightly at him. "Have you ever heard of a hanyou named Naraku?"


It was a beautiful afternoon, with birds singing and a nice spring breeze.

Unfortunately for the local wildlife, this particular human settlement was always full of noise and often blood from both youkai and humans. The animals had either moved on to more peaceful pastures long ago, or had toughened up to survive. So when the largest predator in this part of the world landed in front of the village's collective doorstep it was just business as usual for most of the inhabitants.

It helped that the Western Lord was a well-respected patron of the taijiya's village. After all, he and his son couldn't go around culling off all the minor youkai that took it into their heads to bring down any of the scattered human villages in his domain.

No, what really threw off their game were the two guests the daiyoukai had brought with him. Not many wielders of reiki were known for their forgiving attitude toward youkai.

"Kikyou-sama?" an elderly man gasped.

A crowd began to gather, murmuring among themselves about this being a miracle, a trick, no, a ghost. Someone go get the purifying salt!

Kagome smiled, hiding the brief twinge of hurt before snuffing it out. She should have realized there might still be taijiya who would remember the previous guardian of the jewel. This clan was the ones to give it into Kikyo's keeping in the first place. Maybe she shouldn't have changed into a miko's robes before coming here. "No. My name is Kagome."

There was a brief flare in volume before a man worked his way to the front and silenced them with a hand gesture. He bore a striking resemblance to Kohaku, but held himself with Sango's confidence. Kagome's breath caught in her throat, and only Touga's hand settling on her back let her breathe out again.

If she wasn't careful it wouldn't be Naraku that killed her, but her own painful reactions to what she had lost. But she wouldn't regret it; not now that she finally had something –had someone- that she wanted to live for. Reaching behind her Kagome discreetly grasped Touga's haori and took a fortifying breathe before meeting Sango and Kohaku's father's eyes.

If he noticed her little moment, he didn't remark on it. "Welcome to the taijiya village, Inu no Taicho-sama, miko-sama, houshi-sama. We meant no disrespect. It is just that you bear a striking resemblance to a miko that we once knew."

"I am Kikyo's reincarnation," Kagome explained, grateful that she had taken the time to explain all this to Miroku on the way here. It felt nice to look over and see him smiling genially at the taijiya, leaning against his staff and his eyes missing nothing. Just like the first time she had ever met him they had become fast friends, swapping stories and spiritual tips as Touga had carried them to their destination. Miroku had always been like a perverted, but loveable older brother. It took a little longer for Touga to warm up to him, but he did eventually. But not before a few threats of bodily harm had been issued and a few details of the monk's family had been explained.

More murmurs were heard from the crowd, but it didn't seem hostile. The lead taijiya raised an eyebrow, but ended up inviting them into his home to talk.

"So," Sango's father, Takashi, said after introductions were made, sitting in front of them with a trio of elders on one side and his preteen son on the other. His daughter laid tea and snacks in front of their visitors before placing herself next to Kohaku. It was hard for Kagome to muffle to giggles from coming out at the awestruck look Miroku was giving Sango, but she managed. Barely. "What can we do for you?" Takashi directed this to Touga, who minutely shook his head, gesturing to Kagome.

Clearing her throat, Kagome got down to business. "I would like to hire your strongest taijiya kill a certain hanyou."

Takashi's brows rose and his mouth opened, but Sango leaned forward and cut him off. "Why are you asking for our help, miko-sama? You already seem to have more than enough help already." Gesturing to the silent men on either side of Kagome, she continued. "The Inu no Taisho brought you here, so you must have some kind of help from him. Not to mention the monk on your left doesn't look like he could be easily beaten either."

"Call me Kagome, please. And can I call you Sango-chan?" At Sango's hesitant nod, Kagome flashed her a quick smile. "Well, it's like this…"

As Kagome told the tragic tale of Kikyo (with a lot of editing out in the form of one Inuyasha who hadn't been born in this reality) and why she wanted Naraku dead she watched the taijiyas' reactions. Takashi was the hardest to read, but she had an advantage where Sango was concerned, and neither of the youngest taijiya were as hardened by tragedy as when Kagome had last met them. They both were very engrossed in the story, Kagome could tell that, but she was glad to not see any disbelief in their faces. That would have been bad for her heart.

When Kagome began to wind down, taking care not to say when she had been born (even though she trusted her old companions, they hadn't been through the same experiences as before. Also she didn't know the other taijiya at all, so she would wait to see how it all played out before disclosing such sensitive information), Miroku politely cut in and explained his family's history with Naraku. Kagome was delighted to see sympathy work its way onto Sango's face, and began gleefully plotting opportunities to push the monk and taijiya together (again).

When Miroku finished his tale with a grim flourish of his cursed hand, Takashi crossed his arms and leaned back with a thoughtful expression on his face. "That explains why the two of you are here, but not you, my lord."

Touga smiled the crooked smile that never failed to make Kagome's heart skip a beat, reaching over to pull Kagome to his side possessively. "My mate is pregnant, and I find it… difficult… to let her put herself in harm's way without a good amount of backup." His smile changed to something sharper, darker. The silent taijiya froze and paled as one. "The only reason I am not taking her to a secure place and hunting this bastard down myself is because this is important to her, and I can see the wisdom in her arguments. So I would be most grateful if you could spare one of your best to help my mate in her quest."

Some of the elders glanced at her with scandalized expressions, but Kagome deftly ignored them. They could think whatever they wanted of her; the only opinions of these people who were allowed to hurt her were Sango and Kohaku. And possibly their father, Kagome thought, remembering dark nights spent in a hot spring with stories of a loving father and honorable warrior. Fortunately the taijiya family's faces only expressed quiet empathy for her, letting Kagome release a sigh of relief.

"Yes, of course my lord. Congratulations on your… ah, mating." All the humans in the room relaxed, if for different reasons, when the youki that Touga had allowed to slip from his control was reigned back in again at Takashi's answer. Turning to his daughter, he told her, "Sango, gather whatever you need and return meet us at the gates."

Turning back to his guests, the taijiya leader explained, parental pride leaking into his voice as Sango rose and strode purposefully toward a separate room off to the side. "My daughter is our most proficient warrior."

"Yes, she moves like an experienced warrior," Touga commented with a genial smile. He gestured to the door leading outside. "Should we discuss payment while we wait for her at the gate?"

"Of course."

As they rose and started to file out of the room, Kagome hung back when she caught Miroku peering longingly at the side door Sango had disappeared into. She pinched him with a smirk before herding him out of the house.

As the newly formed group exited the gates with Sango in the lead, Kagome and Touga watched in bemused silence as the monk sidled up to Sango and groped her butt.

The slap startled all the birds in the trees in a hundred meter radius, and any wildlife not scared off from that quickly dove for shelter in the ensuing argument.

The application of Hiraikotsu to Miroku's head pulled a laugh from Touga, and Kagome couldn't keep the grin off her face even if she had tried. Which she unapologetically didn't.

It was just like old times.

Things were looking up.


The battle was jarringly, disappointingly anticlimactic.

Kagome had known in her head that what had made Naraku such a formidable foe was the Shikon Jewel. Even though she knew this, it was still hard to wrap her mind around how easy this confrontation was. It was pathetic, really, how weak he was without the jewel.

Or maybe, Kagome thought to herself reluctantly, her friends were such strong opponents themselves it just made it seem that way. After all, she had never really faced Naraku without him having some portion of the jewel. And she had unconsciously come to expect every fight with the hanyou to be draining to both her emotions and her friends' general health. But this time was different. This time she had a seasoned warlord and general on her side, who was a more than decent strategist.

There was no time for Naraku's traps or manipulation.

Miroku had erected a barrier, placing anchors in prearranged places according to Touga's plan. Sango, Kohaku, and Kirara waited in the clearing they had staked out, armed with their chosen weapons and protection masks. And Kagome was the bait, with Touga shadowing her silently out of sight.

Touga wasn't happy with her role, instincts of keeping his pregnant mate out of harm's way warring with his tactician's mind supporting the logic of it after hearing about Kikyou and Naraku, and how Kagome fit into it all. In the end, Kagome put her foot down and said she would do it whether he wanted her to or not. He could either help her or she would do this without him.

There was no contest, really, after that. He remembered how stubborn she could be. And how creative, too.

So Kagome walked through the small village Hachi said Naraku had been sighted in, and within the hour she had heard a dreadfully familiar voice whisper, "Kikyou?"

She turned and ran.

She could feel him following behind her, but didn't turn to look. That would have given away the deception, because Kikyou's eyes had been brown, not blue. Kagome made it to the clearing and turned when she felt Miroku's barrier take form.

A taijiya, a nekomata, and an inu daiyoukai were on him just as Kagome saw his mouth –the only part of his face visible besides his nose– tighten in comprehension. The white pelt he always wore was soon in tatters, as was most of his body. Miasma poured out as he tried to make a retreat, but Kagome purified much of it before it could go much farther than a few feet.

Kagome now knew why he had worn the baboon pelt in previous encounters. It wasn't just for anonymity like she'd thought.

Stretched red skin -legacy of the burns that had nearly ended Onigumo- covered his body from head to toe. His face was the worst, flesh stretched taut over his bones, making him look like some nightmare cadaver, highlighting glaring red eyes.

The sight made Kagome sick; and not just because the visual was so disturbing. This wasn't the Naraku she knew, the one that still haunted her sleep. That Naraku looked human and –loathe as she was to admit it– handsome.

She remembered when Sango had first joined them, back when shard hunting had made up so much of her life. The taijiya had told them that Naraku had been impersonating the sickly son of the lord who had hired her clan. At the time Kagome hadn't thought much of them, but this had her reevaluating everything. She had naively assumed the face he started showing them after their newest addition to their little band was his own. Now she wondered at the fate of the young man swallowed up by the spider hanyou and couldn't help feeling guilty for not realizing sooner.

She couldn't even remember his name.

Kagome swallowed thickly, willing the tears not to fall. Not yet, anyway. She could see Touga look at her in concern and shook her head at him. Not now.

This manipulative bastard had to be taken care of before she could let herself mourn for all who had been lost.

At least in this time the casualties were far less than in that forgotten past.

Miroku, who had the most reason in this timeline to want the hanyou dead, was the one to deal the final blow.


The group of hunters stayed together for the night to celebrate.

Miroku, of course, sidled up to Sango right away. The slap was as swift as it was expected, but Kagome could make out the slight blush dusting the slayer's cheeks. Kirara mewed in amusement on Sango's lap.

The sight was so similar to what had been- and now never could be- it was hard for Kagome to keep a straight face. She could imagine Shippo energetically boasting about his "accomplishments" and bounding around the campfire, and Inuyasha sitting on the fringes of the firelight, still on guard but interjecting here and there with a muttered "keh" or comment.

A soft rustle of clothes behind her was her only warning before warm arms wrapped around her and deposited Kagome in Touga's lap.

"It will be alright, Kagome. Your friends may not remember, but they are alive for you to make new memories," Touga murmured in her ear, stroking his hands down her arms.

Turning in his arms, she sighed and snuggled further into his hold. He was right, she knew. Shippo would have his father for a lot longer now that the Shikon shards weren't around to attract the Thunder Brothers. Miroku and Sango were right in front of her, and from the way things looked, probably would both be returning to the taijiya village where she could visit. Inuyasha, well…

Kagome was sure she would see him again. She touched her still-flat belly and smiled.

It was only a matter of time.


Touga had brought her to a secluded shiro -which he later told her he had commissioned to be created after he had decided to court her- soon after they had parted ways with the monk and taijiya. It was built into the surrounding mountainside that enclosed a valley, and protected behind a strong barrier. Not especially large, there was just enough room for a large family to live comfortably, which was just how the mated pair liked it. The staff on hand there had all been screened carefully from a different location before they were hired. Any who felt negatively toward humans or hanyou weren't allowed inside. Touga didn't want his mate and pups to be in danger from within what would become their home.

It was a beautiful palace, but not too lavishly done, built so it was open to the wilderness and the large waterfall and pool in the valley.

Kagome loved it.

It was there during her first month back that she met Sesshoumaru as she had first known him again. And he wasn't alone.

Jaken was loyally with him as always, as was the two-headed dragon Ah-Un. Kagome was delighted to see little Rin as well. But the one she did not expect was the elegantly dressed youkai who looked so much like Sesshoumaru.

Kagome had to swallow nervously to work some moisture back into her throat.

The female youkai looked her over, expression not giving anything away. Her youki pushed out at Kagome, not hostile but insistent, and Kagome pushed back with her reiki.

A small smirk made its way onto her painted mouth, and Satori spoke with a tinge of amusement. "Such a small thing to hold so much power. Tell me, how did you change one as stubborn as our son? I have wondered for some time." She shot a mild glare at her son and his father. "Neither of these two have seen fit to tell me."

The miko glanced at the younger male daiyoukai and looked back to his mother. "I don't think anyone can change Sesshoumaru-sama if he doesn't wish to change."

Off to the side Sesshoumaru's eyes widened slightly, before narrowing thoughtfully. Yes, only he could change himself, he realized long ago, but she had shown him that changing some of his previously held views could be beneficial to him. It was due to her influence that he had considered taking Rin into his pack. There were exceptions to every rule; first his father's miko and now his ward.

"But you must have done something; otherwise he would not have acknowledged you." The Western Lady was becoming mildly frustrated. No answer for two hundred years had worn on her patience. It didn't help that every time she had tried to find out Touga would just grin smugly at her, directing her to their son who would dismiss her queries with a few words. She would find out, even if she had to drag it from this little miko's mouth!

Kagome blinked at her, puzzled. "We played Go, my lady."


"Yes, Go." Kagome wasn't quite sure if the female youkai would find what she was looking for, but she hoped so. Besides, all Kagome had done was lecture the young Sesshoumaru and try to prove him wrong.

"…who won?" was the carefully asked question after a stunned pause.

"I did."

The regal female stared at the miko for a moment before her lips twitched into a smirk and she chuckled. "I believe we will be great friends. I am Satori." She tilted her head inquiringly. "And you are…?"

"Higurashi Kagome," she answered with a respectful bow. Kagome straightened with a shy smile. "I would like that…Satori-san."

"Good," Satori nodded and stepped up to her oldest friend's human mate. She was beginning to see what the males in her life saw in this girl –clever, being able to use a game to sway her son's mind, and perceptive enough to take his measure –and since she was already pack Satori was willing to treat her as such. Amber eyes slanted towards Kagome's hovering mate and couldn't suppress a smirk. She could have fun with this. The Western Lady took hold of her arm and swept her off towards one of the gardens, a playful gleam dancing in her eyes. "Now, let me tell you some things about Touga as a pup…"

And that was how she met Satori, Lady of the West and Sesshoumaru's mother.


Kagome's pregnancy was not an easy one.

Around the second trimester, just as she was starting to show, Kagome had tried to use her reiki. It was only a small working, just imbuing some of her power into a bundle of herbs to increase their healing properties, nothing strenuous, when the pain started.

She had collapsed to the floor, her breathing harsh, as she clutched at her abdomen. The herbs scattered around her silently as Kagome clenched her teeth and tried hard not to wail.

Alerted by the small sounds of pain, Touga burst into the room she had been working in and promptly began to panic.

The frantic inu youkai gathered her up against his chest, alternating between bellowing for the healer and crooning to his hurting mate. Kagome tried to reassure him, but the pain was too much to get out anything more than a few garbled syllables.

After examining the mother-to-be, the healer, an old horse youkai, came up with a probable theory for the miko's pain. Since her child was half youkai, actively using her reiki would cause it to see the youki of the child as an invader, and subsequently attack it.

The mixing of youki and reiki in her body caused her immense pain as each fought for supremacy within her womb. There were times she feared she would lose her child.

Touga had taken to hovering over her as much as he could, hardly ever leaving her side. And when he did have to leave, a servant was always at hand to cater to her every need. At first Kagome thought it was sweet, but soon it began grating on her hormone enhanced nerves.

The explosion was inevitable.

The shattering of a truly priceless vase was heard throughout the shiro, followed by a voice that had bypassed irritable and segued into rage.

"Damnit, Touga! I'm not going to break!"

Satori blew serenely on her tea as Touga rushed into the sitting room, sliding the door closed behind him.

He aimed a glare at the Lady, which was returned with a bland smile.

"You're enjoying this," Touga grumbled.

"Of course," the Western Lady replied, a sly smirk on her lips. "The great Inu no Taisho cowering before a human woman. It is highly entertaining."

He growled half-heartedly at her, wincing when he heard awkward footsteps bearing down the hallway.

Calmly sipping her tea, Satori settled in for an entertaining visit as the door slid open and furious blue eyes narrowed in on Touga.

Really, this was the most fun she had had in centuries.


The day finally came that all who resided in the secluded shiro were waiting for with baited breath.

Snow had newly fallen that morning, and Kagome insisted on taking her meal where she could see the pristine covering. She smiled as she watched Rin throw snowballs at Jaken and use Ah-Un as a living shield at his retaliation. She had taught the little girl how to pack it just right to get maximum velocity. Sesshoumaru sat nearby, keeping an eye on his ward. Kagome had to hide a smile when he threw his own snowball at Jaken when the small youkai managed to hit the giggling little girl.

The toad went down with a squawk just as Kagome gasped as she felt liquid gush down her legs. All eyes turned to her in varying degrees of concern.

Touga was at her side instantly. She looked up at him with wide eyes. "My water just broke," she told him with a calm that meant she hadn't yet realized the significance of her statement. Her eyes widened when it hit her. "The baby's coming!"

The midwife and Satori, who had been attending to the Western Lands in Touga's and her son's absence, were sent for. The female inu youkai had insisted she be there so that the "hopeless males don't get in the way." Kagome was grateful for the female support. Her mother couldn't be here, but she was glad to have a friend experienced in childbirth with her.

When the labor pains started to worsen Touga began to panic. Sesshoumaru, still managing to maintain a calm façade could feel himself pale with each increasing wail of pain. But he had never fled from combat, and he refused to do so now.

The midwife and Satori tried to shoo all the males out, but Kagome insisted on Touga staying. Equal parts relieved and scared, he took up a position behind his little mate and supported her during the labor.

Satori couldn't help chuckling when Kagome started cursing Touga out for 'doing this to her' and threatening to castrate him. Touga waited her temper out bravely, holding her hand through her increasingly crushing grip.

The first wail split the night hours after Kagome's labor started, and she smiled through her tears. He was here.

Kagome held her son and looked up at her mate as he looked down at their child with undisguised awe. He set his hand gently on the child's head. "Inuyasha. His name will be Inuyasha."

Kagome leaned back against him, content, until another contraction hit, and she looked away from her baby with wide eyes.

All in the room were surprised when the midwife informed them that another child was coming.

Inuyasha was passed to Satori and another child soon entered the world.

"It is a girl-child," the midwife informed them as she handed the new mother her second child. "What will you name her?" she asked, turning to Touga. Kagome's head snapped up from inspecting her precious burden, eyes wide.

Kagome gasped in horror, yelping, "No!"

Every head swiveled to her, looking at her in confusion, but Kagome ignored them.

"I'm naming her!" When Touga opened his mouth to say something, she interrupted firmly. "No! You already named two children. I want to name my daughter." And save her from your terrible naming sense!

Touga pouted at her, but she wouldn't be swayed, and he gave in with a sigh. He knew when to pick his battles, and her eyes promised many nights in separate bedrooms if he didn't listen to her demand.

Kagome held her daughter, taking in the fluffy white hair and little puppy ears. A part of her couldn't help but squeal inwardly at being able to pet those little ears whenever she wanted. Big blue eyes blinked up at her, then squeezed shut as she yawned, showcasing tiny fangs.

Kagome's eyes gentled, feeling her maternal instincts stir at the precious sight.

She smiled, knowing what name to give her daughter.


A little girl chased a butterfly through the forest. White hair streamed behind her like a banner, matching puppy ears pricked forward in excitement.

Today was her birthday, hers and Yasha-nii's, and every year the whole pack came to celebrate it under the Goshinboku. Mama said that this was a very special place for them, because it was where she and Daddy had met.

Daddy would then tease Mama that they had technically met at the hot spring nearby, which always caused her to blush and hit him on the chest.

They would first greet the god tree before anything else, and then Daddy and Nii-sama would go hunt for food while Mama and Sango-basan set up camp. Miroku-ojisan and Rin-nee took her and the other children out to search for firewood. Yasha-nii and her always found the most, she thought with pride.

Mama and Daddy also had a tra-tradition –that was the word– of bathing together in the hot spring at night while Nii-sama tucked her and her twin in. She had asked him last year why she couldn't go with them, but Nii-sama had just blinked before he smirked and told her to ask their father in the morning.

She had. It was the first time she had seen her confident father stutter.

Yasha-nii had challenged her to find the most branches for firewood, and each had enlisted the help of one of Miroku and Sango's twin daughters. She had been combing the forest floor when she had seen the unusually colored butterfly and just knew she had to chase it.

The pretty blue butterfly –the same color as her mother's eyes– dipped before her, and she leapt up, trying to catch it. She wanted to show it to Mama. The little girl was sure her mother would be happy with the gift, and rub her ears as she always did when she had done something good. But the little bug fluttered just out of her reach.

She narrowed her blue eyes and growled at it. The butterfly hovered just out of reach before continuing on.

The trees thinned around her, but she didn't notice, too focused on capturing her prize, until she landed in a familiar clearing. The butterfly perched on the lip of an old well.

Puppy ears twitching with excitement, she crept closer to the unsuspecting insect. Just a little more…


The girl-child stopped at her name, looking guiltily back behind her.

Calm amber eyes regarded her, and a brow arched in silent demand. Nii-sama's markings stood out in his pale face, and Sei secretly wished she had some pretty ones like his. But Nii-sama had told her she was fine as she was. That had appeased her, because she knew Nii-sama never lied.

Sei slumped, ears flicking back at the chastisement she heard in his voice, and explained mulishly. "I found a butterfly that looked like Mama's eyes. I wanted to give it to her."

Rubbing a bare toe in circles in the grass, Sei peeked up at her brother from beneath white-tipped eye-lashes. She heard the quiet huff of amusement and knew she wasn't in too much trouble. Sei straightened up and smiled tentatively at him.

He looked to where the insect waited on the old well, fluttering its pretty wings. Sei stared at it longingly. Nii-sama's eyes narrowed.

"Come, Sei. Your mother is worried about you."

Sei nodded, white hair fluttering about her shoulders, and ran up to Nii-sama as he turned around. She grasped his hand and felt him squeeze gently back, making her beam up at him. She saw his eyes flick to her, a subtle smile in them, and he began walking.

As she let Nii-sama lead her back to their pack, Sei turned her head one last time to the clearing, ears twitching.

She was sure she had heard laughter chiming from the well.

This follow up took longer to finish than I expected, but I hope it satisfied anybody who wanted a continuation on the original story. Like I explained at the top it's mostly just a wrapping up of the first chapter.

As promised, Touga and Kagome's daughter has been named. Presenting Higurashi Sei. Her name means "holy, sacred, and/or spirit." I figured their family needed a little more holiness to balance out the youkai. Kagome was getting a little outnumbered in her pack. Expect to see more of her, though probably not anytime soon. I am planning an optional sequel as a Naruto crossover taking place in the ninja world, and Sei will play a big part of it. It's still in the planning stages, so don't expect anything for a long while yet. Whenever I get around to working on it I'll post it, so if you're interested the title will be "Crown of Thorns."

Please let me know what you thought of this story!

Questions, comments, concerns, opinions? All are welcome!

~Moonlight Through the Water