Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to the story or characters of InuYasha, they belong to Rumiko Takahashi. I make no profit from writing this fanfiction.

A/N: I don't know what possessed me to write a Sesshomaru/Kagome love story epic, it just sort of came to me. I guess my muses really like this couple. I'd have to say I agree. Of the Sesshomaru/Kagome stories I've written I think this is my favorite. I may post the others some day (maybe, when I get them typed up).

Days Have Passed

Meeting Again

Kagome walked unhurriedly but with purpose as she traversed the dusty road. There was once a time when she never would have dreamed of wandering this far from home. She chuckled at the thought. Home. That word used to mean something completely different to her than it did now.

It was a beautiful day, sun shining through the trees, birds singing, she couldn't have asked for better. This wasn't a stroll for fun though, she'd been summoned by a village in this area needing her services.

After the death of Naraku and the healing of the Jewel of Four Souls her fame as a priestess, healer, and purifier spread far and wide. The village she was headed towards was in a location she'd not been to for some time.

She paused when she came to an open meadow and stood in the middle, then set down the basket she'd been carrying. She had passed the border into the western lands a few minutes prior and there were respects to be paid. She let her aura's concealment slip for a moment to announce her presence.

She could feel smaller demons nearby scurry away but she wasn't concerned about them, it was the big ones you had to worry about. In fact there was one in particular that she wanted to alert.

It wasn't long before she felt that familiar aura approaching. She smiled and stood tall to greet him.

Sesshomaru stood at the edge of the meadow to get a good look at this creature who's power had summoned him. She was a priestess, that much was clear, greater in power than he'd ever run across. He was startled a bit when he realized he recognized her. She was similar in appearance to the dead one his half-brother pined over.

He approached and gave her a subtle sniff as he did. No, it wasn't the dead one, it was the other one, the miko who used to dress like a harlot. Now she was wearing the traditional priestess garb, her bow and arrows slung over one shoulder.

"Lord Sesshomaru," Kagome bowed low in respect.

"Miko, you are different."

She smiled a little as she straightened back up. "It's been ten years, I've aged."

It wasn't that. In fact she didn't appear a day older than the last time he'd seen her. 'Curious,' he thought, 'humans age faster than this, do they not?' "This Sesshomaru was referring to your power and your form of dress."

She glanced down at her formal miko garb. "Yes, well, my old clothes became tattered rags and since I was unable to get replacements I decided to dress the part for my calling and occupation." She looked at him slyly. "Do you approve?" He made a noncommittal noise but she took it as a compliment and she smiled again.

"Why are you here?" Ever to the point, or was he simply trying to change the subject?

"I don't wish to disturb you, my lord, but I need passage through your land so I thought it best to gain your permission." She bowed her head in reverence again.

He liked her submission and shows of honor to him. "This one will grant it."

"Thank you, Lord Sesshomaru." She picked up the basket she'd set down, and with a nod to him, she started on her way again.

A few steps later she was surprised to feel him following her. She chose to ignore it, he may simply have business in this area, she tried not to let it make her self conscious. She started to hum a tune to calm her nerves.

Though the last time she'd seen him they weren't enemies they weren't exactly friends either. His great power had only grown and he was a being to be reckoned with. His presence didn't engender a sense of calm. Even now she knew his true power was being withheld but she could feel what he did exhibit wash over her.

They'd gone another mile and she'd begun to wonder what his deal was. He'd never been a talkative demon so she wasn't sure he'd tell her even if she asked but she was curious as to why he continued to follow her. She was nearly shocked out of her sandals a moment later when he spoke.

"Where is my half brother?" He had been surprised to see she was unattended. There was a time not long ago she'd appeared rather dependent on those she traveled with. Her power seemed to have reached a higher and more controlled level, he could see she was less flighty or scared of everything, but still they had seemed inseparable.

"I don't rightly know, m' lord. I suppose he's at home in his village."

Sesshomaru was baffled, there was much in that statement that needed clarification. He waited, seeing if she would continue – he remembered her as one who tended to ramble. He was annoyed when she once again held her silence. "Is he well?" He hated how that sounded and almost winced when she turned to look at him with a raised brow. Thankfully, she didn't comment on his apparent concern. Truthfully it was merely an inquiry as to the reason for his absence from her side.

"As far as I know," she admitted. "I haven't seen him in several months."

More interesting news.

Kagome had questions of her own and since he seemed in a talkative mood she pressed on. Though she avoided the harder questions, opting to give him an easier topic. "Do you see Rin much these days?" Kagome had heard about the girl's wedding a couple of years back, though she hadn't been able to attend.

He was silent for several minutes and she wondered if he were going to respond.

"I do not."

She frowned, there wasn't anything she could glean from his response, she couldn't tell if he were upset or glad about it. He of course didn't elaborate and she wasn't comfortable inquiring further. She was surprised again when he asked another question.

"What of your kit?"

She blinked, "Shippo? He's well. He joined a fox-demon school to learn the ways of his clan. I miss him but he sends me correspondence from time to time."

He watched sadness and loneliness wash over her face for a moment before her smile returned.

She'd caught onto his line of questioning, so saved him the further trouble of asking. "Sango, the demon slayer, and Miroku the monk got married not long after Naraku's demise. They are rebuilding the Slayer village. They have five children and another on the way." She chuckled. "So far they're all girls – much to Miroku's consternation. He informed Sango that they would try until he got a son." She laughed. "Just a secret between us, I already know she's having a boy, which will make them both happy."

Sesshomaru was amused by the thought of the monk surrounded by females, and intrigued at the power of this miko to know the sex of a child prior to birth.

Silence fell again as they continued but now it was much more comfortable in Kagome's opinion. They had gone another few minutes in silence as Kagome thought about her friends. She didn't get to see them as much these days. She missed them but she had enjoyed getting to know herself the last few years. She'd grown as a self-reliant person, a woman she knew her mother would be proud of.

There were days she missed her mother, grandfather and even her little brother, Sota. She knew she would never see them again and had made her peace with that, but it didn't make the ache any less. They say time heals all wounds. That wasn't true, you simply learn how to work around the gaping holes and it becomes part of you. The pain remains.

"What of you, priestess?"

His question shocked her out of her musings again and her mouth opened and closed silently as she pondered the question. Telling about herself hadn't crossed her mind for a couple of reasons: honestly she wasn't sure why he'd care, he could see she was well enough, also it didn't seem interesting to her to talk about.

She glanced at him to discern his interest but his expression stayed the same as always. She shrugged, "I... I've been fine. I have a small hut near Keade's village, but honestly I'm not there much these days. I travel a lot."

He grunted but didn't inquire on that further.

She looked up at the sun to gauge the time, it was almost midday and time for lunch. She hesitated on what to do, her chaperone might not like this delay in his day. She took a deep breath then stopped in the path, turning towards him. She gave him a little bow. "I beg your pardon, Lord Sesshomaru but would you mind if we take a short break?"

He was curious, she didn't seem fatigued in the slightest. Another difference about her, before he'd witnessed her physical weakness and subsequent whining in the past.

"I'm hungry and I..." she looked down for a moment, "I don't wish to detain you if you have somewhere else to be."

He watched her as she found a rock to sit on. Why was he lingering? True, he did have things to take care of but they could be dealt with later. Right now he had far too many questions swirling in his head. He figured the longer he was with this woman he may be able to deduce the answers. So far it was not proceeding as he hoped.

She took his sitting down nearby as an allowance of the time-out, no matter how much his behavior was confusing her. She tried to put that out of her mind as she rested in the cool shade of a tree and unwrapped a small bundle tucked into her robes.

Sesshomaru smelled the smoky tang of fish and also bread. He would never understand the human fascination with searing the flesh before consumption. It was repulsing.

She glanced at him sheepishly. "I would offer you some but I know you don't eat human food." He nodded that she was correct so she started eating. She couldn't figure this demon out, in the past he'd practically ran from them once their mutual goals were met, not wanting to be in their presence any longer than necessary. Maybe he'd softened towards humans in the last ten years, anything was possible. She finished quickly, put the remaining food away, and was ready to go again. She stood and glanced at him and he seemed lost in thought. She shifted her weight from foot to foot. "My lord?"

He snapped his gaze to hers and stood fluidly to join her. She scrunched her forehead, wondering if he were alright. They continued down the path, again in silence, each wondering about the other.

"Are things well in your lands?" she asked softly.

He hummed a note of contemplation. "All is well, we are in a time of relative peace."

She smiled to herself at his description, knowing history referred to this time as the Warring States Era. "And you?" she shot him a glance. "How are you doing?"

He took much more time to answer that one. "This Sesshomaru is well." He wondered why she asked, did he appear unwell?

She shook her head. "Are you lonely now that Rin has a home of her own?" she bit her lip at the boldness of her own question.

"There is security in being alone."

His low, quick, response was not what she was expecting and a shiver of recognition flashed through her. It made her heart ache. When she was younger she might not have understood, but now it resonated deeply within her. She knew too well the responsibilities of great power, it's a lonely road. If no one were with you, no one could hurt you, or be hurt by association.

She wanted to take his hand in hers and reassure him that she understood, but she didn't dare. Instead she nodded to him in silence.


Only two more hours and they came to the edge of the village. The two paused at the crest of a hill to observe the seemingly peaceful hamlet. Kagome inhaled a deep breath and took a few steps towards the village before she noticed her companion had paused where he was. She stopped and faced him, a question on her face.

"It would be best if This Sesshomaru remained here."

She was baffled. She should have expected his not wanting to go into the village – check the not-improved-with-most-people box – but that he would wait for her? He was weirding her out a bit. Despite her thoughts she bowed shortly in acceptance and headed down.

The village elders had been alerted to her appearance on the hill so some of the men came out to meet her.

"Welcome, venerated Shikon Priestess. You honor us with your presence." They gave her a deep bow.

She was now more used to the respect most gave her, it didn't make her blush and become flustered like it once did. Though she still thought herself unworthy of such praise, she'd long ago stopped trying to dissuade them. It was usually a practice in futility on her part anyway.

"Is your companion going to join us?" The head elder asked with a crinkly grin.

"My companion?"

"Yes, the one in white," he motioned to the hill.

"Ah," the light went on. "No, he's more comfortable surveying from a distance."

The elderly man frowned briefly then his smile returned. She was quickly ushered to the meeting hall. The town had been missing food from their stores for several months, then a few weeks ago it escalated to the disappearance of livestock. That was when they had called for her services. They were positive the thief or thieves were demons due to their seeming ability to walk through walls. They had set traps and set up extra guards but no one had seen or heard anything. They were in fear that their lives might be in danger next and she had to agree things seemed to be heading in that direction.

As she'd been traveling the demon had become emboldened by its prior successes and had "shown" itself. It still only came at night and they still didn't get a clear visual on it but everyone was understandably frightened. She inquired as to which direction it had come from but no one seemed to know.

Kagome was about to suggest she patrol on her own tonight when there was a scream from the other side of the village. She jumped up with the younger men and rushed to see what was going on. They had to plow through the throng who were running, screaming, away.

They came around a corner and paused at the scene before them. A child was floating, suspended in mid-air by something invisible. The child was clawing at the air in front of his neck but was rapidly losing consciousness.

Kagome snatched an arrow from her quiver and it was set in her bow in a flash. She wasn't sure where to aim and with the child in the line of fire she hesitated.

A dark chuckle emanated from near the child. "Priestess, having trouble aiming?"

She glowered, "Let the boy go!"she demanded. She stood still and never let her stance waver for a second.

The laugh came again. "I think I shall keep this tasty morsel."

She took a deep breath and let half of it out slowly, readying to fire. Then she noticed a movement off the side, one of the village men was trying to sneak up from the monsters back. She could see disaster in the making. "No! Stop!" but it was too late and the man attacked.

The demon saw the man and swatted him away easily. Kagome took the distraction to charge the demon. She gripped her arrow like a dagger and plunged it near the child's neck. The demon screamed at the pain inflicted from the holy-power charged arrow, dropping the child. Kagome caught the unconscious boy before he hit the ground and she skidded away.

She looked up to see the demon waver into focus briefly. It was smooth-skinned, gray in color with darker black stripes marking its muscles and along the crown of its head. Unlike most demons it was naked, not even wearing armor. As soon as it was there it was gone. The only evidence of its leaving were its screams as it ran from the village.

Kagome was breathing heavy but was rapidly recovering from the rush of adrenaline. She looked down at the boy in her arms and smoothed his hair out of his face, then felt for his pulse. It was weak but present and he was breathing. She put her hands on his chest and closed her eyes. Some of her power flowed into the boy and he woke with a gasp. Kagome smiled and stood, then handed the boy to one of the nearby men.

Another of the men looked at her in awe. "Priestess, that was amazing, what you did. How can we ever repay you?"

She grimaced a smile and pushed through the growing crowd to the other injured man. "Don't thank me just yet. This is far from over." She bent over the man who'd been thrown, checking for injuries. He was winded and his arm was broken.

"But you scared the demon away!" the man insisted.

She glanced at him, shaking her head. "I startled him, nothing more. He'll be back." She set the injured man's arm and healed him as much as she could but his arm would still need a couple of months. She stood up and brushed herself off, then looked around. She was surrounded by the expectant faces of the villagers. She mentally sighed, just once she'd like to go to a town where they could come up with a plan themselves. It was days like this that she missed Miroku. "Lets go back and talk to the elders," she said and headed off without waiting for a reply.

When they met back up she sat quietly as the men had a rousing discussion on what happened. Descriptions of the creature and events varied, but all that was said worked to further put the elders on edge. Finally the headman silenced everyone and focused on the miko. "Priestess, what are your thoughts on this matter?"

She took a deep breath. "This is definitely a tricky demon. I don't recall one like this before in my travels," she held her chin in thought. "I was going to patrol tonight but I think it would be wiser if we gather everyone to a central location. Children in the center, adults surrounding, we'll have rotating guards, consisting of both men and women, so no one gets overly fatigued."

Kagome stood and moved her quiver back onto her shoulder. "I will look for the demon, we know which direction he went, with luck I'll find its home."

She turned towards the door and though the men parted to let her by they all protested her going out of the village. 'My lady, you can not do this by yourself!' or 'Let me go with you,' was heard from several men.

Kagome walked out, followed by all inside. "This is what you called me for," she reminded them. "I will be fine." She held up her hand to silence their further protestations. "Please prepare like I said. I'll be back shortly after dark." The Priestess bowed to them and they all grudgingly quieted and bowed back. She smiled warmly and headed out of the village.

In years past she had relied on InuYasha's nose to track but even while they were still traveling together she'd asked Sango to teach her proper tracking, when it became apparent she couldn't rely on heightened senses all the time. Such was the case with this demon, she realized that when it was invisible she couldn't sense it. She was sure that she would be able to recognize its signature if he became visible but she couldn't hold out a hope of that happening.

She chewed her lip as she got further from the village, the trail was becoming fainter and harder to spot. She paused mid-trail and shut her eyes, she let her own aura out and was able to feel past the rocks and trees. There was a shadow in her senses and she focused on that. It was a ways ahead but she was sure it was what she was looking for.

She pulled her aura back and opened her eyes. She squeaked in surprise to be met by a pair of golden eyes. "Sess... Lord Sesshomaru, you startled me."

He cast his glance from side to side. "Are you in danger?"

She could have smacked her forehead, of course he would think she was calling him again. She hid her pleased smile that he would respond without thought. "Not immediately, no. I was stretching my senses to track the demon who has been attacking the village." She wondered how she'd become so used to his aura again that she could so easily overlook it.

His posture became less tense and his hand slid from the hilt of Bakusaiga. "Than This Sesshomaru will leave you to it."

She dipped her head and walked past him, she'd gone some distance before she glanced back. Sesshomaru was still standing where she left him but he'd turned to watch her. She gave him a small smile and he seemed to stiffen, then he was gone. She shook her head and continued on.

There was a dip in the path as it passed between some rocky crags. She noticed caves – some natural, some hewn – dotting the rock face. She could still feel the subtle void at the edge of her senses and she followed that non-feeling. She stopped at a cave opening which was slightly larger than the others and she reached out to touch the rock. That same cold, non-feeling cloaked that whole area. She looked up and judged the time, made a little harder because of her position in the hollow. She knew she didn't have time to confront this demon before it was fully dark, something she didn't relish, besides she'd promised the villagers she'd be back before dark. She sighed and headed back.

It seemed to take longer to get back but she was up to it. She almost expected Sesshomaru would be back in the place she'd left him but felt a sense of let-down when he wasn't. She shook her head at her own foolishness.

She was minutes from the outskirts of the village when she was met by several of the men with lanterns, as the sun had just set and the light was waning. "Priestess," several cried as she came into view. "Are you well? Unharmed?"

She laughed, that was one thing that never ceased to amuse her; how the men of this era thought women were weak and prone to death, even though they had ample examples to the contrary. "I'm fine. Lets get to the group."

They moved to the center of the village where all of the people were gathered. She was pleased they'd followed her directions completely. She took some time going around and comforting the children, which in turn put some of the adults more at ease. There as no reason to act stressed because it would wind the others up and that could get people killed.

As she sat and ate some food she again thought of how she took all this strangeness in stride. Even when she first fell down the well, being attacked by a centipede demon, and meeting a dog eared half-demon all may have been frightening but never strange and other-worldly to her. Maybe it was all her grandfather's stories, she'd grown up hearing about demons all her life. She may not have truly believed but at least it was familiar. She'd come here and had dealt with situation after situation with relative ease. Maybe it was her past lives whispering in her head, preparing her for this eventual outcome. Though things continued to never go the way she expected she was still able to remain calm. Maybe it was simply her personality. She didn't know but she was thankful for whatever it was, she was sure she'd be a wreck by now if it weren't for it.

The night was nearing its midpoint and a few of the men and women were standing guard. They had rotated shifts every so often to fight fatigue. Kagome stayed awake, alert to any danger, she paced an arch around the people.

They only had to wait a few minutes more before there was a crash on the cave side of the village. More of the people woke up, mostly fearful, but Kagome stayed still, listening and attentive. The only reaction she gave was her hand tightening on her bow.

The sounds became closer and most of the people huddled behind her. They couldn't see anything until a wall in a nearby building exploded. People screamed and ran in the opposite direction. "Stay together! Stay with me!" Kagome barked, halting their steps. They slunk back and huddled together.

She turned her focus back to the ruckus in front of her. "Demon!" she called to the one she knew was there. "Demon, what do you want? Why do you attack this village?"

Everything went still and quiet, even the village children were silent. Suddenly they heard a deep chuckling. An outline of a tall creature wavered in front of them then slowly filled in, revealing the demon. He continued to chuckle as he stood a couple of yards away.

"What do I want, priestess?" He swayed back and forth as he seemed to debate the answer. He grinned wide, "I want them to die like the food they are!" He lunged, Kagome raised her arrow but didn't let it fly. The demon had only gone half the distance between them when he hit an invisible wall. Power radiated from the hit and arched over the people of the village, encompassing them in a dome. "A barrier?" the creature shrieked as he reeled back.

Kagome lessened her stance but didn't speak.

"You, little bitch!" he screamed as he banged his fist on her barrier but hissed, pulling back a smoking limb. "You will pay for this, priestess! You can't stay here forever and protect them!" With that he disappeared and fled.

There was a pregnant pause of silence then the people burst out in cheers. Two of the men lifted Kagome on their shoulders and paraded her into the crowd. She smiled tightly in response, she knew this wasn't the time for celebration but she wouldn't deny them their peace of mind. After they'd celebrated some they calmed down and set her on her feet once more. She sent them all off to bed but refused one herself.

She stood watch the rest of the night, when the sun lightened the tree line she took a shaky breath. It was only a few minutes later women came offering her a warm meal which she gladly accepted. She sat and ate, feeling less tense than she had all night. When she'd finished with her meal she quickly met with the elders, then decided to take a couple hour nap in preparation for what she had to do later that day. She was offered the bed of the head elder himself and she humbly accepted. As soon as she lay down she was asleep.

A few hours later Kagome roused, much more rested and clear-headed. She told the elders her plan and they protested as expected. It took quite a few assurances to get them to let her go on the self-appointed mission by herself.

They were still protesting as she gathered her supplies. She knew it was going to be hard to get out of the village alone but she didn't want to endanger them unduly by taking any of them along. She gathered as many arrows as would fit in her quiver and strapped a dagger to her belt.

She headed to the edge of the village with a majority of the people following her. She was thankful they all stopped at the edge of the village as she proceeded out, so she turned and spoke a short blessing over them. The entirety of the people bowed to her and she was touched by the show, and returned the gesture.

Kagome took a deep breath and let it out to steady herself as she turned to head to the cliffs again. She was barely out of sight of the people when she felt a presence very near to her. She halted in her tracks to get a bead on what it was. She let out the breath she'd been holding in relief when she recognized the aura. "To what do I owe the pleasure this time, Lord Sesshomaru?"

He stepped out in front of her from behind a boulder, his normal stoic appearance in place. "Your plan will fail."

She flinched but held back her sharp retort. "What do you know of my plan?" she bit out.

He was non-pulsed by her ire. "You intend to face the demon in its den by yourself."

She nodded and started to walk again. "I do."

He turned as she passed him so he could follow her. "Do you seek your demise, Priestess?"

She surprised him by laughing. "No, not at all. Never seek, only assume every day holds that possibility. Don't concern yourself about my well-being. I have a plan."

He was silent for a minute and she glanced at his contemplative figure. She wasn't sure why she felt the need but she decided to fill him in. "My arrows render the demon visible and my powers are painful to it, I will pin it down then purify it. I know, easier said than done but I'm confident. This isn't my first day on the job."

He was well aware she had faced worse in her time, but she had been with the others then. True, he had no idea what had transpired in the interim of their meetings but it still seemed needlessly reckless.

She wondered if he merely cared that she might die on his lands and thereby be blamed. That didn't comfort her much but she supposed she would take what she could get. "If you are worried about me feel free to assist."

For a split second he looked like he was sucking on a lemon, and a small growl escaped. "This Sesshomaru cares not what you do with your life." Despite his words he continued to follow her.

She hid an amused smile, what was it with these brothers? All bluster and prickles but willing to help nonetheless.

A/N: Sorry for the weird cut off there. When I write I write straight through and it's sometimes hard picking places to break for chapters. Sometimes they end up awkward like this one.

If you are reading this long after the story is fully posted, then no worries.

Okay, don't shoot me. I wanted to post this chapter as a test to see if it would be received with any interest. It will be some time before I post any more but I just wanted to wet appetites, so to speak. If no one reads this but me at least my muse will be sated. Thank you.