A/N: sorry I didn't post Saturday, if I'm truly honest I didn't want to post. Because I don't want to hit they little complete button. But I must. :'(

So...this is the end. I couldn't really move this story any further without forcing it. I hope you all enjoyed the story.

Warning: mentions of character deaths and suicide.



"Draco please! I need to come!"

Draco looked down at his beautiful wife. He had her tied to the spanking bench on her stomach, her round bum was nice and pink from the flogging he had just given her and her body was slick with sweat and flushed. It was an exquisite sight. The kids had spent the night at Grimmauld Place with Mitchell, James, Albus and Lily and he and Hermione had taken full advantage of their absence.

They had spent the night making love, but this morning when he had awoken, she hadn't been in their bed. When he got out of it there where arrows on the floor and so he had followed them. When he found her she was kneeling by the door of their playroom. They had had about two hours before they had to leave for King's Cross Station to meet the train and get their son on it for his first year.

But right now his focus was directed at his wife who was squirming and begging him again.

"Draco please! Please make me come!"

"Alright love. I'll make you come." And with that he sheathed himself within her and began pounding in and out of her hard and fast from behind.

Unable to move she had to take the full sensation created by his thrusts and it didn't take long for her to come hard, him following behind her after a few more thrusts as her walls squeezed him tight. Pulling out he untied her and helped her to stand.

"Come on love. We need to get cleaned up and head to the train station. Time to get Scorp and ourselves to Hogwarts."

"You're right. By the way you know Harry's going to kill you right? I can't believe you bought a ferret for Albus as a familiar."

"What? It's funny and Ron and Ginny completely agree with me. Besides every child needs a familiar if you ask me- even before they get into school. It'll teach them how to take care of their things. That's why I want to get our other kids familiars too. James has his owl, Scorp has his cat- I blame you for that one you know- and now Albus will have his ferret; and I heard that Mitchell has finally settled on wanting a fruit bat of all things- I blame Hagrid for that one. And the fact I bought Albus a ferret is my way of showing there's no more hard feelings from all those years ago when Harry got a kick out of calling me Ferret."

"You know he wasn't the only one?"

"Yes I'm aware. Let me have my moment."

"Whatever. Let's go."

They went upstairs, took a shower and grabbed their trunks. They would be seeing Scorpius onto the train and then Disapparating to Hogsmeade, his request because he said it was bad enough his parents would be working there and that he had been born there, he didn't need them riding the train with him too. Catching a taxi they were taken to the station and passed through the barrier and onto the platform.

As Draco looked on at the huge group of his friends and family, all of whom were sending off a kid or two to the school, he couldn't help but feel nostalgic. Where had the years gone? Not that he would trade a day of them.

Over the past fourteen years they had had plenty of ups and downs. Mostly ups though. After Scorp's birth they had gotten married as planned. When he had seen her walking down the aisle in that white satin and chiffon mermaid gown with her shoulders bare, her diamond chandelier earrings and the diamond accent on the dress her only adornment besides her ring, he had thought she was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen.

That was until she gifted him with four more children, Amaryllis Narcissa, Hugo Lucius, Nymphadora Jean- after his cousin and Hermione's mother-, and Helena Hermione- which had garnered an argument and the promise that if they ever had another one, and it was a boy, he'd be named after Draco. Five beautiful children later and Hermione was a little curvier, but still beautiful. He was one lucky man.

His parents had been ecstatic at every pregnancy announcement and they now took the children at least every other weekend so he and Hermione could have alone time. They have never had to mention blood status to their children. Speaking of his parents, when Draco had told his father of Hermione's reaction to all the ancient tomes in the Malfoy vault Lucius had been more than willing to allow Hermione to read them. She had just finally finished the final book a year ago and it had amused him immensely every time she would finish one because the moment she did she had to search him out and regale him with what she had learned in typical Hermione fashion.

It had also taken over a decade for Bill Weasley to cursebreak the whole vault, but he had finished it. Even so Draco had always gone with Hermione to get her books. It gave him a chuckle everytime he saw the look of awe on her face. It never ceased to amaze her, the size of the Malfoy collection- which had been added to over the years by Draco and Hermione themselves.

Keid Allen had been adopted by George a couple months before school let out that year, so Keid never went back to that orphanage. George hadn't had any problems adopting the boy while being considered a single father since Kingsley had been the one to push everything through. On the day of George and Pansy's wedding they had surprised Keid by presenting him with papers that gave him the name Weasley. They had said that they wanted to be family in name as well. Keid had been ecstatic.

George had enjoyed teaching Keid all kinds of things, from all the pranks he and Fred had committed in their years of schooling, to flying, to Quidditch. Much to George's chagrin Keid became a Slytherin chaser rather than the beater George had been hoping for. By the time the boy had graduated however, George had gotten over it. Keid had been the best chaser in his generation at school.

Keid was twenty five now and an Auror. The hat had been right that day, Keid had proven to be a kind and generous man who loved everyone and everything. Harry was constantly praising him for being one of his best Aurors- Harry was now the Head Auror. He had a brother and a sister too. Fred and Roxanne.

Luna and Ron added more grandchildren to the Weasley's with their twins Lorcan and Lysander and their daughter Rose. Plus Luna had predicted, Draco really wondered if she didn't have the sight- their would be a second daughter in a couple of years from now that they would name after their mothers, Pandora Molly. Then they had also adopted Johnny after Hermione had regaled them with his antics that long ago Christmas.

And they weren't the only ones to adopt one of the three orphans Draco and Hermione had sponsored that year. Harry and Ginny had adopted Mitchell as well. When asked why they chose those two and not one of the orphans they had sponsored instead, it was simply stated that the two reminded them of people they loved. Johnny reminded Ron of Fred and George. Mitchell reminded Harry of a mix between Lupin and Sirius and he'd certainly continued to do so. He was quiet and serious, had studied hard but still maintained the ability to have fun all throughout his years at Hogwarts and now at twenty-two he worked with Ollivander but still managed to get into all sorts of trouble with the twenty-four year old Johnny who continued to play pranks in the spirit of his uncles.

Then there was Bill and Fleur's son, Louis, that they added to their daughters. Percy and Audrey had also had two daughters, Molly and Lucy. Molly of course was supremely happy that she would have two granddaughters with her name. The Weasley's were all one big happy family and Draco could finally see how wrong he had been all those years ago.

It didn't matter how much money one had. Love was the greatest gift of all. It made you the richest person in the world.

Astoria and Theo had also gotten married and while they have their own biological kids, their first child was adopted. They adopted little Rebecca actually. After hearing about the girl Astoria became determined to adopt her and help her get passed the death of her parents and talk and socialize and become less shy; and a few months later Astoria was a proud mama- Theo adopting the girl and making her a Nott shortly after their marriage. Rebecca was now a well rounded nineteen year old working with her mother.

Blaise and Daphne married as well; and Neville and Hannah. They had all been blessed with children as well.

The legislature Draco had talked to Kingsley about trying to get passed went through and all house-elves were freed and now had better living conditions and earned a wage. That had earned him an all night sex fest. He finally got his piano for their one year anniversary and he had taught all the children how to play, Helena seemed to be the best at it so far- which was saying something as she was two- she had been a bit of a surprise coming six nearly six years after eight year old Dora.

Unfortunately there were bad things that had happened over the years as well.

Merlin and Morgana had eventually passed away. They left behind a legacy in several litters of pups. The very first producing Leo- Hermione got her lion- and then there was Rex, Alexander and Cleopatra. Leo unfortunately wouldn't be with them much longer and Draco knew Scorp would be devastated. The pup had been his constant companion since his birth, hence the new cat. Draco could tell his father still missed his pets.

Arthur Weasley had been killed on a raid two years ago when they tried to catch a wizard that had been hurting muggles. When they tried to catch him he fired off a Killing Curse and Arthur hadn't been able to cast a Shield Charm in time. Molly Weasley missed her husband a lot, but she surrounded herself with her family, often babysitting for Draco and Hermione as well as his parents.

The wizard had been caught, tried and convicted of Arthur's murder. He had been given the Dementors Kiss almost immediately. Too many people had loved Arthur and the Ministry had executed his punishment so fast because many people wanted to kill the man. Arthur's funeral had been held at the church in the wizarding village close to The Burrow so they could bury him behind the house on the hill overlooking his family. It had been so full people had to stand outside the chapel.

Adaria Edgewater committed suicide about a year into her punishment. She just couldn't handle being without her family. Draco felt guilty for that one because it was him who had suggested her punishment, but Hermione had reminded him that had she not attacked him she wouldn't have been punished in the first place. It didn't remove the feeling of guilt completely, but it had lessened it some.

As Draco stood there minutes later, his arms wrapped around his wife from behind, and they watched the train as it pulled away- all the kids waving at them until they could see them no longer- he kissed her temple and said, "you know, it's funny how I told you two weeks after our first encounter that one day I might marry you and have children with you and now here we are. It's fourteen years later and we have five beautiful children and life couldn't be better."

"No, life couldn't be any better." Luna turned to them then.

"When will you tell him Hermione?"

"Tell me what? What's she talking about love?"

"Nothing darling," Hermione said as she tossed a glare Luna's way.

Then she grabbed his hand, bid goodbye to their loved ones and Disapparated them to Hogsmeade. Upon landing she promptly let go of his hand and rushed to the nearest thing, where she promptly vomited all over Aberforth's Azalea bushes that he had planted some years ago to brighten up his pub. Rushing to her side he pulled her hair back.

It only took him a moment to realize what was wrong. Luna's comment and now her getting sick during Apparition? She had to be pregnant.

"When were you going to tell me Hermione? I had you on your stomach this morning!"

"I wasn't positive yet. I had my suspicions but I wanted Astoria to confirm them. I'm sorry for not telling you what I suspected but I wanted to announce it with dignity and surprise you. Now here I am announcing it by throwing up on these poor bushes."

"Oh love. Haven't you figured out by now that I don't care about those things. I will hold your hair back everytime you throw up. I will massage your aching muscles, I will make you ginger tea and wake up in the middle of the night with you and get you whatever you desire. We're always in this together. I love you Hermione Malfoy. And I always will. Thank you for giving me fourteen wonderful years of love and happiness."

"You're most welcome darling. And thank you for the same for me. I love you."

"I love you too. Now let's get up to the school and see what Poppy might be able to tell us."


They made their way to the hospital wing and Poppy gladly performed the spell Astoria had shown her all those years ago. She was even able to do an ultrasound because of the machine that had been left behind two years ago after little Helena Malfoy had been born. It seemed yet another Malfoy would be born at Hogwarts. This baby was due in April just like their Scorpius. Things simply couldn't get any better in Draco's mind.

Life was grand. Very grand indeed.

A/N: sorry it's so short but I didn't think there was much to say. Babies were born, people died. And they lived happily ever after. THE END.