A/N: just a little one shot that came to me. Hope you like it. :) rated M for mature content. This is the lighter side of bdsm, might as well just call it a little kinky sex. I know this has been done before, but I hope you still give it a chance. I don't own Harry Potter or Draco Malfoy- though I wish I did have him. ;)


"Red Draco? I thought you were more of a Slytherin colors kind of guy, not Gryffindor colors," Hermione declared as she walked around the room he had just brought her to.

She couldn't deny she was intrigued. She'd had sex before but, even though Ron was a good lover always making sure her needs came first, she could never describe it as passionate or fun really. More like friends with benefits.

When they had broken up, in a way she was happy, because it meant she could explore her options. Her options wound up being mainly Gryffindors, until Pansy suggested she try a Slytherin guy, Pansy claimed they did it better. Seemed she was about to find out.

One option she had never thought to explore though, was anything remotely kinky. She couldn't deny though, that the thought of giving over control to Draco Malfoy, of all people, had its upsides. Yes, she could certainly see herself in this room, tied to that bed or bent over that padded bench with her bum in the air while he fucked her from behind. Yes, yes she could certainly see that.

She just hoped she could see it tonight. She was surprised when she had looked up from her conversation with Blaise and saw Draco standing there. She hadn't seen him since the Battle of Hogwarts. Which was strange, since they both worked at Hogwarts.

It had seemed as if he had been avoiding her for five years. Not that that was hard to do since he worked in the dungeons as the new Potions Master and she worked in a totally different wing as the new Muggle Studies Professor. He didn't even take meals in the Great Hall. He preferred to keep to himself apparently.

Rumors were that he was trying to maintain a low profile because he was once a Death Eater, and there were those parents who were uncomfortable with him teaching their children. She knew that was part of it, but mostly it was that he just liked to keep to himself since the war. Not wanting to be the center of attention like he once had been.

She knew a lot about Draco thanks to Pansy and Blaise. She was just afraid to make a move. Not Gryffindor like at all, but she couldn't really make herself make a move for him, after she ended things with Ron of course.

Now here she stood, in a room she never thought to enter, ready to do things with a man she thought to never be with because she was too much of a coward. His voice suddenly filled the silence, an excellent question he was asking.

"Well Granger, what do you think?"


When he saw Granger in that bar, flirting with Blaise of all people, he had to admit he had been jealous. She looked nothing like the bushy haired bookworm he knew from five years ago when they last saw each other sitting with their friends and families after the Dark Lord had been defeated.

Now she was stunning, not that he hadn't thought her beautiful before of course, but this Hermione was far different from that eighteen year old one. They were both twenty three now, he knew that she'd soon be twenty four, and the difference in them both was marked.

She was more filled out, the curves that dress accentuated were lush and his hands had twitched with the need to run down them. To cup those pert tits and grab that full bitable bum.

He had watched as she threw her head back on a laugh at something his soon to be former best mate said. The arch of her throat drew his eye and he could see a collar there. Something thin, a choker. A choker of diamonds and rubies. Made of gold, her house colors. Yes, that would look exquisite.

He could picture the clamps on her nipples, the silken ropes at her wrists and ankles. Her body flushed as he pounded into her from behind.

The scene that had popped into his head from one sighting of the Gryffindor Princess, just a moment of seeing her, had made him hard as a rock and determinedly marching his way across the room to stop in front of them and ruin what had to have been a date. Or so he had thought, but the ease in which Blaise had walked away made Draco think that perhaps his friend had set him up.

His best mate, who knew all of his deepest, darkest secrets knew how much Draco had wanted Hermione Granger. After the battle, for whatever Merlin forsaken reason, he couldn't get her out of his mind.

For five years Blaise had told him to grow a pair and talk to her. But he had tortured himself with hearing stories of her with Weaslebee. Tortured himself by avoiding her all these years during the school year at Hogwarts. He couldn't fathom bringing her into his lifestyle, of corrupting her innocence. But then tonight everything changed.

Blaise knew Draco frequented that Muggle pub every night of the summer holidays. Trying to drown his sorrows and forget about one Hermione Granger. He couldn't even count the number of women he had brought to his Red Room. Red, he had painted it red because of Hermione. Even subconsciously he had wanted her there. And now here she was. Standing in the room and not running away.

She actually looked intrigued, which made his heart quicken and his body react. He wanted this, so damn much he could taste it. Her skin beneath his tongue, her juices filling his mouth. The feel of her body writhing beneath him. Damn, but he wanted it! And the way she was looking at him now, she wanted it too; and it was at that moment that all his resistance snapped.

He grabbed her and kissed her. A deep passionate kiss that was all tongues and teeth and moans. Draco would have this night. He would make her want more, so much more so she would never want anything or anyone else again. He would make her his, forever.


When Draco grabbed her she could do nothing more than hang on for dear life. Merlin, but he was a good kisser and she could feel her body reacting. Her skin flushed and her panties became wet. She rubbed her thighs together needing some sort of friction.

She wanted this man, wanted what he could offer far more than she should. And she could have him, right now, if the erection against her thigh was any indication. He broke the kiss, both of them panting and she felt bereft.

"Stop me now Hermione. Because if you don't this is happening, right here, right now, and I'm never letting you go. Do you know how long I've wanted you? How hard it was to stay away and let you be with the Weasel? How hard it'll be to walk away now?"

"Then don't."

Those seemed to be the magic words because he growled then and delved back in, his mouth possessing hers as his hands reached back and began to unzip her dress. He peeled her out of it, removed her bra and panties until she was naked before him.

He stepped back from her then and she watched him as his eyes roved over her body, taking everything in. She felt he could see not just her body, but into her soul as well. He grabbed her hand and moved her to the bed.

"Lay down in the middle, arms above your head, legs spread."

His voice was so authoritative and she knew then that he had gone into Dom mode. She knew what bdsm was, knew that Draco was the epitome of a dominant. It fit him. She complied with his command and laid down on the bed.

After a nod of satisfaction at her compliance he walked away to the chest of drawers she had noticed earlier. She watched as he opened two drawers and pulled a couple things out, she recognized the rope, but couldn't figure out the other.

He moved with a leonine grace back to the bed and deftly tied her ankles and wrists to the bed posts with a silken rope. Not too tightly, just enough to keep her from moving her legs or arms. Then he disrobed.

The man was beautiful. All pale skin and toned body and dear sweet Merlin his erection!

After Ron, when she tried being with other former classmates, she had been with a few different men. Not many, mainly a few dates that had led to sex. She had even stooped low enough to have sex with McClaggen, what a disaster that had been. The man's ego made up for the lack of his dick. He was small and small minded and she gladly left after the one time.

With Draco, the man had a dick as big as his ego and she knew just by watching him that he knew how to use it. He climbed up on to the bed, hiding whatever the second item he had pulled from the drawers was down by her feet, and then covered her body with his.

"This is the last time I'll ask you if you want me to stop. I'm not going to do anything that you will need a safe word for. You're not ready for anything like that. This will all be soft core and you'll love it, I guarantee it. But if you don't want this, tell me now."

"Keep going, Draco."

"No going back now love. You're mine."

And with that he kissed her again. His tongue plundering every recess of her mouth. She was panting again by the time he moved from her lips and began kissing down one side of her neck, pausing to suck, lick and bite just below her ear- marking her his for all to see. Then he kissed his way down to her collarbone, across her chest to the other side, and back up her neck where he placed a gentle kiss just below that lobe; and then back down her neck and to her breast.

There he paused to tease and tempt the bud to harden and then, after reaching for whatever he had hidden, she felt a sharp pinch and looked down to see a nipple clamp.

The pain it brought wasn't awful, just surprising as she'd never felt the like before. He watched her, waiting to see what she would do. She processed how she felt about this feeling and decided it wasn't unpleasant at all and lowered her head back to the bed.

Taking that as a cue to continue he kissed his way across her sternum and to the other breast where he did the same. The pinch from the second clamp much the same as the first only this time there was a tickling sensation and when she looked down again she saw his pale delicate fingers holding a thin gold chain that connected the clamps together. He gave it a slight tug and the clamps pulled at her nipples, causing a slightly painful pinch, but so much pleasure.

She moaned her pleasure and looked into his handsome face to see that classic Malfoy smirk adorning it. The smug bastard.

He let go after one more slight tug and proceeded to continue his journey down her body. When he reached her apex she wanted nothing more than to close her legs, but the ropes made that impossible.

She was held open to his accessing gaze and could feel the blush of embarrassment heat her entire body. No man had ever looked at her the way he was. Like she was something they wished to devour.

He stared at her a moment before moving his hands and using his long fingers to part her; and stare at the rest for what seemed like forever. Her fingers grabbed the rope that tied them, clenching and unclenching with the desire to reach down and cover herself from his gaze.

"You have a beautiful pussy Hermione. So soft and pink," he whispered.

Because she hadn't been watching him, the first swipe of his tongue made her jump as much as the ties would allow and she felt him chuckle against her already slick folds. He licked, sucked and nibbled as if he were at a feast and she were the main course.

All the while she ached to touch him. Run her fingers through his hair. As if sensing that need he paused only long enough to move up and untie her hands before he was back at his feasting.

She gripped his hair and tried to grind against him but his arms around her hips, as well as the ropes still tied to her ankles- that kept her from bending her knees-, held her down and she could do nothing more than use her grip on his hair to pull him closer.

She could feel herself building, like a wave cresting and readying itself to crash on the shore. He pushed her higher and higher and higher until, finally, that wave crashed and she came hard. Her back arched off the bed, fingers tightened what had to be painfully into his hair and she cried out her release long and loud.

She hadn't even begun to come down from the high before she vaguely felt the ties at her feet undone and she was flipped over onto her front on her knees, her chest and face pressed into the bed and he was plunging his impressive cock inside of her and a new set of sensations began.

The feel of him filling her was wonderful. So full, stretched so wide, the sharp sting of the slap he landed on her buttocks adding a whole new sensation. He was a masterful lover and with every plunge back inside her he hit her g-spot and made her see stars.

This wasn't a soft, slow loving either. He was pounding into her fast and hard and after a moment he picked her up off the bed so she was sort of sitting on his lap as one hand reached around to toy with her clit and the other tugged slightly on the chain attached to the clamps that still adorned her nipples.

He buried his face in her neck and grunted as she moaned over the feeling of him filling her over and over and then suddenly his teeth were clamped down on her neck and the exquisite sensation of pleasure and pain combined sent her hurtling back over the edge and before she knew it she was coming again, screaming his name.

A few more sharp thrusts and he was following her over, chanting her name as if in prayer. He collapsed to the bed, taking her with him- on their sides, her back to his front; and as they lay there, trying to catch their breaths she realized two things.

This man, for all the fact that he used to be her enemy so many years ago, will be her salvation. The man she will share her joys and sorrows, her dreams and nightmares, for as long as they both shall live.

Because no matter what anyone may say, Draco Lucius Malfoy, will one day be her husband.

She didn't know if it was just intuition, or perhaps something from Professor Trewlany's Divination class actually got through, but she felt it in the very marrow of her bones.

Draco was it for her. It was just a shame it took her five years to see it. But she saw it now, and it was going to be a wonderful life filled with love, joy and passion; and she for one couldn't wait to get it started.

The other thing she knew, Pansy was right. Slytherins really did do it better.