Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to the story or characters of InuYasha, they belong to Rumiko Takahashi. I make no profit from writing this fanfiction.
A/N: This is the end, my sweets. Thank you to all who've reviewed and favorited. I greatly appreciate your kindness. It makes me very happy this was so well received.
Postscript: All The Way Back Forward
Mrs. Higurashi was trying to relax by reading a book, but she found her mind wandering as it had done so many times of late. It'd been a year since her beloved eldest had disappeared down the well for the last time. She wondered how Kagome was doing, and if InuYasha were treating her well.
She supported her daughter's decision but it hurt that she'd never see her again. Souta was a constant comfort and help to her, even though he was currently and school, and the children's grandfather was well but currently at a doctor's appointment. She shouldn't complain, life was peaceful and secure enough.
Her thoughts were interrupted with a knock on the door. She was not expecting visitors, as the shrine was closed for the day, so she suspected a solicitor. With a bone-weary sigh she pushed herself up out of the chair to answer it.
What met her on the other side of the door shocked and confused her. There stood a woman with long dark hair spilling down her back. The woman was dressed impeccably but with a casual air that made her seem more approachable. She wore dark gray dress slacks and a white shirt that billowed in the breeze, indicating it's silken fabric. The woman wore aviator sunglasses which hid her eyes and distinguishing features.
What struck Mrs. Higurashi the most was the remarkable resemblance this woman had to Kagome. She shook her head, it must be wishful thinking. She was fooling herself, her Kagome was five hundred years in the past, it couldn't possibly be her. Besides, this woman exuded refinement and breeding, as well as an air of maturity which her teenage daughter didn't have last she saw her.
The woman seemed to be trembling quite hard as she raised her hand to remove her sunglasses. The eye-wear was dropped to the porch thoughtlessly and Mrs. Higurashi watched their course before looking back up to the woman.
She nearly lost the use of her legs when she spotted a pair of very familiar blue eyes. "Kagome," she gasped out as she grabbed the doorjamb to steady herself.
Kagome rushed forward to support her mother and gently guided her back to the chair she'd recently vacated. As soon as the matriarch was situated the priestess dashed to the kitchen to retrieve her a glass of water.
Mrs. Higurashi took a few calming sips before she regained her breath. "Kagome? When did you get back? Is the well working again?"
Kagome smiled softly as she took the cup from her mother's hand and set it on a nearby table. "I didn't come through the well, you could say I came the long way around."
Mrs. Higurashi's brows scrunched together and she rubbed at her aching temples. "I don't understand. You're here but you didn't come through the well? And you look different." This was all so confusing. "Is InuYasha with you?"
A ghost passed over Kagome's features but it was gone as soon as it arrived. "I have much to tell you, Mom."
For the next hour or so Kagome briefly relayed what the jewel had done to her and her broken relationship with the half-demon. There were tears and laughter as she told about how she'd become close to The Lord of The West and what that had led to.
Mrs. Higurashi shook her head. "It's hard for me to reconcile this version of Sesshomaru you are presenting me with now, and the version I heard about before."
Kagome chuckled low. "Don't I know it. I was there and I sometimes forget he's not that cold, stoic demon I first met." Her eyes grew soft. "Oh, but, Mom, if you knew how much he loves me and has taken care of me." Tears welled in her eyes at the memories they had shared over the centuries.
Mrs. Higurashi's own eyes brimmed with moisture to see her daughter's emotion. If this demon could love her daughter that much, to move her to tears at the thought of him, than she could wholeheartedly give them her blessing. "Well, I suppose I will have to meet this son-in-law of mine."
Kagome beamed, she hadn't realized how much she'd been craving her mother's approval on her mating. "I would like to bring him by tomorrow if that's alright. I want him to meet Grandpa and Souta as well."
"Of course, that would be lovely. Can I also look forward to meeting grandchildren? I mean, you have been married for almost five hundred years," the elder woman prompted.
"Mother!" Kagome barked out an embarrassed laugh. "Let's take this one step at a time, shall we?"
Mrs. Higurashi gave her daughter a pout that was completely unbecoming for her age but made both woman laugh.
Just then there was the sound of two very familiar voices at the door. Kagome ducked into the kitchen as the two men of the household returned.
Mrs. Higurashi stood to greet them. "Welcome home, you two. Dinner will be a little delayed tonight."
Souta gave his mother a worried look. "Are you feeling okay? Did you fall asleep in the chair again?"
She chuckled and shook her head, what a sweet boy. "Nothing like that, I simply had an unexpected visitor, that's all."
"Who was it, my dear?" grandpa asked as he found a seat.
The woman smiled and twisted her hands in her apron. "Why don't you see for yourselves."
Kagome had been listening and took her cue to return. Both men's eyes rounded as they stared at the apparition. "Kagome," they yelled in unison.
Soon the time traveler was engulfed in hugs. Her grandfather cried tears of joy, and though Souta put on a brave face she knew he wasn't far behind. Soon they settled into seats and Kagome went over her story again, this time slower so that she could answer more questions.
Mrs. Higurashi took time to prepare a light dinner for everyone so they could continue. Having just heard the tale she could afford to miss parts of the retelling.
Before they knew it it was very late and all were tired but excited. Kagome called Sesshomaru to let him know she was on her way home and they were on for the next day. Goodbyes were said and everyone headed to their beds for a little rest.
The next day Sesshomaru and Kagome pulled up to the shrine steps and got out. Sesshomaru came around the car to join his bride at the bottom of the steps. "I know we have visited here many times in the last several centuries, but this will be the first time while your family lives here."
Kagome gave him a soft look. "They're your family too."
He put an arm around her shoulders and gave her a squeeze. "So they are."
Kagome bit her lip to restrain a giggle. "I do have to warn you that Grandpa might try to throw a sutra on you, though they're harmless. He doesn't have the best manners when it comes to demons. Sorry."
He let his arm drop and he shrugged. "This Sesshomaru will refrain from killing him."
Kagome laughed outright. It had become a running joke with them that he could no longer kill on whims due to the prevalence of video cameras these days.
"Shall we?" he motioned towards the archway at the top.
Kagome nodded and they started up. She kept shooting her husband glances as they ascended the staircase. "I haven't seen you this nervous since the first time your mother came to visit after we were mated."
He glared at her. "Not then, nor am I now, nervous. Besides, I seem to remember on that occasion you were in a near state of panic."
She rolled her eyes and threw up her hands. "Well, how was I supposed to know she was still alive." She settled and smiled fondly. "My mother already loves you, because I love you," she said in a soft voice.
He stopped them and leaned down, giving her a swift kiss on the lips. "And I love you, Kagome."
She sighed dreamily. "I never tire of hearing that."
He smiled but was quiet as they continued on. Less than a minute later they were at the top and it was a few steps more to the door of the house.
They paused on the porch and Kagome straightened his tie. Sesshomaru knocked and they waited. Soon they heard a commotion inside and Souta's excited voice. "They're here!"
The teenager opened the door with an huge grin but froze at the sight of Sesshomaru. Kagome chuckled, yeah, her mate had that effect on people.
"Why are you just standing in the doorway?" Mrs. Higurashi said as she came up behind her son. She looked at the couple on her porch and tears formed in her eyes. "Kagome," she turned to the male, "Lord Sesshomaru." She gave him a bow and Souta was shaken out of his stupor and followed suit.
"Please, Sesshomaru is fine." He waved them off and Kagome took his hand and squeezed it.
They all made their way into the living room where Grandpa was waiting for them. He ambled over to the couple and eyed the tall stranger. "Demon!" he cried brokenly and slapped a sutra to the tall lord's chest.
Kagome covered her laugh with her hand and Souta rolled his eyes.
"Grandpa!" Mrs. Higurashi said as she retrieved the paper. "I'm so sorry."
Sesshomaru smiled easily. "It's quite alright, I'm unharmed."
After the excitement they sat and talked. Sesshomaru was amazed at how at ease he felt with these people. Perhaps it was the close scent to Kagome which permeated the house. Whatever it was he was able to be more himself with them than any other people he'd just met.
Souta informed them in the course of the conversation that he was taking kendo, and had a tournament coming. Sesshomaru offered to give him pointers if he would like. If his face was any indication then Souta looked like he'd been handed the moon.
Kagome shook her head, her brother's idol had been replaced.
They talked all day and into the evening and before they knew it it was time for the couple to go. Grandpa had already retired for the night. Souta hugged his sister and she promised to come to his tournament. Mrs. Higurashi walked them to the door.
"I had a lovely day, ma'am," Sesshomaru said with a dip of his head. Kagome looped one of her hands into the crook of his arm.
The matron smiled and returned the gesture. "I want to thank you, Sesshomaru, for being there for my daughter. I know she can be a handful at times, but thank you for loving her." She bowed again, this time more deeply.
Kagome looked ruffled but Sesshomaru patted her hand. "I agree that she can be a handful."
"Hey!" Kagome protested.
"But one thing I have discovered over the years is that she is easy to love." He held his mate's gaze, holding back none of the affection he felt for her in the look.
Mrs. Higurashi nodded sagely to herself. If he looks at her like that, then she was content with their union. She felt bold as she reached up and hugged the usually stoic demon. "Do come again any time. This is as much your home as it is ours," she spoke to both of them.
Sesshomaru was touched. "Thank you."
Kagome gave her mother one last hug and they departed. They were half-way down the steps when she spoke again. "Thank you for this, Sesshomaru."
He raised a brow at her. "No need for thanks, I have been hearing about them for centuries. Even if you didn't accompany me I would have come."
He elicited the chuckled he was hoping for, but she stopped them and turned to face him. "I'm just so happy that I got to see them again," her voice trailed off in a happy sob.
He pulled her to his chest and smoothed her hair. "I'm honored I could walk this path with you, and end up at your beginnings. I should be the one to thank you."
She choked out a laugh and reached up so she could kiss him. He really was perfect.
A/N: Why did Sesshomaru wear a tie to an informal family gathering? Because he's very traditional and would wear one when meeting his mother-in-law for the first time, it was that or a full formal kimono (Kagome talked him out of that).
Also, let's just imagine that for a moment – Sesshomaru in a finely tailored suit and tie without the jacket... *drool*
Yep, that would make an impression.
I was going to make a note in here how Mrs. Higurashi was disappointed that Sesshomaru didn't have cute ears like InuYasha, but I couldn't find a place for it.
Please keep this story in your watch list. When/if I post the sequel, which I've already started writing (what is wrong with me!), I will announce it on this story. It won't be for some time though, I need a break! LOL See you all around.