Reviews for Show and Tell
LoriAnnRut chapter 13 . 6/28
I really enjoyed your story. Thanks for posting it.
PNicoleE chapter 13 . 6/16
Wonderful! I love their characters here. No need for grand romantic gestures or evil villains for the readers to realize and really see their love for each other. I enjoyed all four parts of it. A favorite for sure!
MiLaguna chapter 13 . 6/13
I just adore this! Well done!
Stephanie O chapter 13 . 4/26
Amazing ending! Good thing Snape intervened on their behalf with Lucius! Loved the line about how Lucius would react if he looked in his wife's eyes (Yes, I'm a cat. Scratch my belly.) Too funny! I'm glad things worked out for them, and the promise ring he gave her sounds beautiful! Great story series!
Stephanie O chapter 12 . 4/26
Very cool ending! Truly awesome first public kiss! I'm thinking Snape's taking charge of certain aspects of the play mean he doesn't want the dear Professor Clarence to fail? Perhaps he's developing some feelings for her behind all those eyerolls?
Stephanie O chapter 11 . 4/26
Brilliant solution to the problem of forgotten lines! If they weren't already in awe of Hermione, they are now!
Stephanie O chapter 10 . 4/26
Impressive save! I'm so glad Draco is becoming friends with her closest friends, and I'm sure cemented his truce with Harry by saving his girlfriend!
Stephanie O chapter 9 . 4/26
I got such a kick out of Ginny with Draco! Hermione's oath 'Yes! May I fail all my N.E.W.T.S if I tell a lie.' Was absolutely perfect! Seems like slowly but surely, their closest friends are discovering the truth about them!
Stephanie O chapter 8 . 4/26
I'm guessing some of the guts might need a bit more time to grow their facial hair? Just wondering, if the 7th years are the Seniors, how many years are called Freshmen? I thought the part where the ladies first saw the vintage costumes was great! It was cool to see competing houses all in complete agreement with regards to the costumes!
Stephanie O chapter 7 . 4/26
Good for Snape, saving the entirety of the student body from the swordplay in the halls! Never would've guessed he was a fencing master! One thing, though..."Muggle students" should be Muggleborn students. They would not be at Hogwarts if they were Muggles!
So glad to see Harry and Draco getting along! He played the protective big brother part well!
Stephanie O chapter 6 . 4/26
Of course they had to hold try outs for Romeo...good thing Draco won it, hands down! Gotta make it believable for no hard feelings...and wow! How intense was that!?
Stephanie O chapter 5 . 4/26
I'm guessing Hermione and Draco will be playing Romeo and Juliet? I'm not surprised she's having second thoughts, as she's thinking of all that could go wrong, waaay down the line!
Stephanie O chapter 4 . 4/26
Of course Snape had to make sure his godson wasn't under any compulsion spell! Funny!
Stephanie O chapter 3 . 4/26
Those poor owls! Of course Hermione knows the best way to gain Draco's cooperation, for anything! Lol
Stephanie O chapter 1 . 4/26
I can see why planning how to break the news of "THEM" to everyone would require such extensive planning and strategy!
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