12 April 2007
Severus had never felt like he did currently in his entire life, and he thought his head might actually explode just like a potion gone wrong often did. While he and Hermione had not spoken of having a 'relationship' exactly, their behavior indicated that they did. The past couple months found them engaging in playful, flirtatious banter, cuddling on the couch (Severus had been suggesting more movies lately as an excuse to sit with his arm around her) and Hermione had even briefly held his hand a few times when they'd been out (she'd reach for his hand to pull him over to something she wanted to show him and then conveniently keep holding it). It was crazy, but it was absolute bliss.
All of their behaviors made Severus feel like he was a virginal teen back in his school days. Being with Hermione made him disturbingly happy, but it also made him acutely paranoid of messing something up. It would sound foolish to most if they knew of his fears, but he'd loved a woman before and had screwed it up royally; caused her to run straight into another's arms, in fact. He couldn't help but tread lightly and be a little hesitant.
Hermione was content to allow him to set the pace for the most part, and that also made Severus question himself. Should he continue the languid pace of their relationship? Did it mean that she didn't want to rush into anything? She'd been in Gypsy Hill almost a year. He didn't feel it was rushing, considering that they had known each other for some time, but perhaps it was to her. And did she even want to marry? That was the internal question that gave him the most grief; after all, she'd already walked away from one wedding. What if she had no interest in marrying? Or what if she had no interest in marrying him?
Severus' recent purchase lie hidden under his pillow, and he swore that it taunted him every night.
15 April 2007
You're going to kiss her, you coward, Severus was telling himself as he looked over the potions that they were going to brew that day. Just pick a time and do it.
I want to, and while I am no expert on women, I do know that they expect the first kiss to be at the right moment at the right time. They want it to be memorable. I can't just 'do it', as you so eloquently put it.
So make it memorable then.
I don't know how.
Of course you do. You've been watching all those Muggle movies. Just do what they do.
It's not that simple.
It is that simple. You press your mouth against hers.
I know that part. I mean, I want it to be a moment that she remembers.
She cares for you, you dolt. She probably loves you. She'll remember it.
You're no help.
Did you really expect that I would be?
Severus groaned where he sat and pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration.
And that's when Hermione walked into the lab. "You all right?"
Severus dropped his hand as his head snapped up. "Yes," he answered, putting a smile on his face instantly. "I am fine. I was just…looking over the potions for today."
Hermione offered a quirky smile that told him she didn't exactly believe him. "If you say so."
18 April 2007
Severus stood in front of his mirror, having finished getting ready for the day.
"I can do this," he said out loud. "I'm being utterly ridiculous. And she probably already knows that and is just waiting for me to figure it out. Think, Severus. Wine. She likes wine. We could have some wine after dinner. Both of us will be more relaxed that way."
Yes. They'd have some wine after dinner, and that's when he would kiss her. Perfect.
"Severus, are you sure you don't want to go see a healer?" Hermione asked as they spelled away dinner dishes. "You've been a little…off…lately."
He quickly smiled. "Nonsense. I am perfectly fine. You know how I get, always mentally brewing potions and such. Forgive me if I've concerned you." Severus paused to breathe deeply and calm his nerves; time for his plan. "How about some wine?"
Hermione's grimace was not what Severus wanted to see. "I think I'll pass tonight. The dried goosegrass always gives me a slight headache. I'm going to go read for a while. That should make me feel better."
As he watched Hermione walk away from him towards her bedroom, Severus' shoulders slumped.
So much for the wine.
22 April 2007
It took Severus a few days to gather his courage again. He mentally berated himself every day, insisting that he was still being foolish, yet he still hadn't kissed her, much less asked her the big question.
That purchase still taunted him. Every night. Relentlessly.
He finally decided that he'd try again. The weather was perfect outside – warm with a cool breeze – and he knew that there was a park nearby that Hermione enjoyed visiting occasionally. He'd take her there and see if he couldn't find a moment to kiss her.
Yes, that should work.
As he was formulating how and when to ask her in his head, Hermione walked into the lab and leaned against the door frame. When Severus looked up at her, he instantly knew that she was in pain by the tension in her face.
"What's wrong? Do you need to see a healer?" he asked quickly.
Hermione shook her head, wrapping an arm across her stomach. "No. It's just cramps. I've been up since five. Can you handle the lab today? I'm going back to bed. I'm exhausted."
Severus stood. "Of course. Is there anything I can do for you?" If he'd been watching the calendar, he would have known about what time it was. She brewed a pain elixir for herself, but he felt remorseful that he'd been insensitive; he'd been too preoccupied with other things.
"I want a big chocolate cake for dinner," Hermione said with a tired smile and a small laugh before she turned and headed for her bedroom.
After she was gone, Severus slumped down to his chair and exhaled heavily. Damn. So much for the park idea.
On the upside, they were having chocolate cake for dinner, and he knew just where to get it.
2 May 2007
"You know today marks a year."
Severus was reading the paper as they sat at the small table having just finished breakfast. "A year for what?" he asked, purposely not looking at her.
"A year that I arrived here."
Placing the paper down, Severus revealed his smirk. "I know. I made reservations out tonight."
Hermione's eyes enlarged in surprise. "You did?"
"And here I thought you'd forgotten," she commented, shaking her head. "Where are we going?"
"Black Lace and Wine."
"But that's so expensive!"
"Well, thanks to you expanding our business on-line, we can afford it," Severus told her. "Plus, I think the occasion calls for a celebration a little more special than a quiet drink at The Knotted Wand." When he covered her hand with his where it lay on the table, he noticed her cheeks turned pink.
Tonight was the night, and nothing would stop him.
When Hermione stepped from her bedroom later that evening, Severus quickly stood from the couch, his eyes hungrily gazing over her body. She wore a sleeveless emerald green evening dress that barely kissed the floor with heels that matched. The velvet looking material wrapped snugly around the top while a silver design – the only color on the dress – originated between her breasts and then wrapped around her body to her left. The rest of the soft material fell to the floor in simple elegance. Her hair was up in a twist, her make up was flawless and her earrings and necklace were a perfect, sparkling completion to the ensemble.
"You look beautiful," he breathed in awe. "I feel…underdressed."
"Severus, you look quite dashing," Hermione commented, walking over to him. "I've never seen this dress robe before. Is this vicuna?"
"It is. I bought it yesterday in anticipation of tonight."
"This is the finest material available," Hermione pointed out. "It's exquisite! You are definitely not underdressed. Maybe I'm overdressed."
When she looked down at herself, Severus lifted her chin gently with his finger, tempted to press his lips to hers right then but telling himself that he needed to wait. "You are breathtaking, Hermione. Don't even think about changing."
She met his eyes, holding his gaze a little longer than usual, and smiled. "Okay."
During dessert, Severus asked, "Do you miss your previous life at all or are you happy here?" He never brought up their past, but he had a reason for asking.
Hermione gazed at him from across the small table. "I'm very happy here," she answered. "I certainly have no plans to go anywhere else, especially since we're together – err, you know – working on the potions all the time. I told you a few weeks ago how happy I was. Why?"
"Just curious," Severus answered with a shrug. "Finish up. We need to get back to the lab."
Hermione laughed and shook her head. They were always saying that.
The lab was quiet and had been for the past hour. Both were busy with separate potions, adding various ingredients and counting stirs. Severus – who was usually extremely focused when brewing potions – couldn't concentrate on anything but Hermione. They'd both changed into comfortable clothes, but all he could think about was taking out the combs that still held her hair in place and messing it up as he kissed her.
He didn't know what he was waiting for. He loved her – he knew he did. He wanted to kiss her, and he wanted to marry her. They'd had an absolutely perfect evening out to celebrate the anniversary of her arrival in Gypsy Hill. Hermione had gazed at him in – what he thought – was such a loving way all evening. He was not a child; he knew that look in a woman's eyes. So what the bloody hell was he waiting for?
Perhaps he could start a conversation about them; bring up their playful behaviors towards each other. Maybe he could offer to help her brew the potion she was working on and then sneak his arms around. Merlin. Why was he making such a big deal out of it?
Think, think. Maybe I could –
"Severus, why did you ask me earlier if I was happy here?"
As he stared at Hermione for a few moments, Severus decided that he was not going to wait one moment longer. He didn't know if it was the right time or not. He didn't know what she was going to do or say. All he knew was that he was absolutely tired of thinking about it and trying to figure it out. It was time for action.
After taking a deep breath, Severus put down his stirring rod and walked towards Hermione determinedly, who'd been watching him curiously. With no word or warning, he cupped her face in his hands and leaned in for a searing kiss that elicited a whimper of surprise from her as he finally allowed his passion to be expressed fully. Initially, he'd intended their first union to be soft and genteel, but that idea got tossed aside as he deepened their kiss. He'd wanted it for too long.
"Because I want you to stay here and be my wife," he breathed when his lips finally pulled from hers, his thumbs caressing her cheeks. The words were out of his mouth before he could stop them; so much for all of his planning. He nearly held his breath waiting for her response, hoping he hadn't ruined everything.
Hermione's jaw dropped, but her eyes glistened with happiness. "You – you're asking me to – to marry you?"
"Hermione, I love you. It terrifies me, but I do. I've been trying to do this for the past couple months, and it was just never the right time." He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small box, opening it so that she could see what was inside. "So, yes, I'm asking you – will you marry me?"
Hermione looked into the box and then up at Severus with a slightly confused look on her face. "There are two rings," she said.
"I couldn't decide, so I bought them both," Severus explained. "You can pick one or – "
"I want them both!" Hermione exclaimed with a laugh. "If I can have them both."
"Well, you have to give me an answer first," Severus teased, his heart pounding in his chest.
The brown eyes staring up at him filled with more tears as Hermione laughed again. "Yes! Of course I will! I love you, too, Severus. I – I have for a while now and never knew when to tell you or if I even should. There's just one issue, though."
Severus' eyebrows furrowed; his heart nearly stopping in anticipation of what it would be. "What issue?"
Hermione chose one of the rings as her engagement ring, allowing Severus to slip it on her left ring finger, and then she put the other on her right ring finger. "Well, will I be Hermione Granger-Snape or Hermione Granger-Shale?" she teased, a sly grin on her face.
Severus rolled his eyes as he wrapped his arms around her, free to embrace her as he'd wanted to for months. "You little witch," he laughed. "It doesn't matter. You're mine either way." He couldn't believe it. Why had he waited so long? He didn't think that it was possible to feel as happy as he felt right then.
"Now that's something I didn't ever think I'd hear you say," she quipped. "Imagine the grumpy potions teacher claiming the little know-it-all as his."
Severus released her so he could look into her eyes again. "And happily," he agreed, reaching for her hand to lead her out of the lab.
"Where are we going?"
"The bedroom," he answered. It seemed to be the night for everything to happen, and he had no problem letting everything happen. He'd denied himself for so long, he refused to continue to. He was happy, he was loved and he was engaged. It was not a world that he knew much about, so he was eager to explore it.
"Which one?"
After leading her to his bedroom, Severus closed the door and gently pressed Hermione against it. "Ours," he breathed as his mouth closed over hers in a kiss that seemed to last long into the night.
Hope you all enjoyed reading this short story as much as I enjoyed writing it. Check out my blog link (in my profile) for a photo of our couple on their night out AND a picture of the two rings that he gave her. Which one do you think she chose as her engagement ring? I know which one I think she chose. *wink*
Many, many thanks for the story alerts and favorites and REVIEWS. You know how much I love them, and you know that I'll reply to you (if your account lets me) every single time to say a personal THANK YOU. Hope you'll read my other offerings that are already posted - I'm currently working on Lost and Found Treasure...a story about Barbossa and Elizabeth from Pirates of the Caribbean.
Velvet: So, Severus, are you satisfied with this chapter?
Severus (with Hermione sitting on his lap): I am. Immensely. Thank you.
Velvet: Good. See, I told you you would be happy with the ending.
Severus: Any chance of a part two?
Velvet: *slaps forehead* No!