This was my gift to Savva for the 2015 LJ gift exchange. Her prompt was a delight to write as well as an honour for me. I hope yoyu like it!

This story was honed by the wonderfully talented, Thosedarndursleys, KCI_47, and Velveteenbunny, all of whom have works on this site and others if you don't find them here.

Early January 2008

Hermione sat on the edge of Ginny Potter's hospital bed and took the proffered bundle into her arms. She cooed over the tiny, wrinkled face of Lily Luna, and then laughed aloud when the tiny mouth opened into a perfect circle of a yawn. "Oh, Ginny! She's gorgeous, simply gorgeous! I bet she's already wrapped her daddy around her finger."

"Harry will barely let me hold her," said Ginny, wincing as she changed position in the bed. "Ever since we found out we were having a girl, he's been making proclamation after proclamation; no dating until she's twenty, no make-up until she's sixteen, and on and on. Honestly!"

The women laughed at Harry's behaviour as only women who love a person dearly can do. Both ladies knew that Harry would be, and was protective, yet fair, not only with his daughter, but his sons as well.

"Are you doing all right?" asked Hermione as she handed Lily back to her mother.

Ginny nodded. "As well as can be expected. Having done this twice before, it was much easier than when I had James. The best bit is that this is the last."

Hermione twitched the tail of Lily's blanket over the infant's legs. "Are you sure? You loved your pregnancies, and you sailed through them. You positively glowed."

"I'm sure. I'll just be content now with raising this lot and living further pregnancies through my sisters-in-law." Ginny fussed with the baby a moment and then asked, "What about you, Hermione? Have you thought about having a child?"

Hermione looked slightly horrified at Ginny before responding. "What, one hundred five-to-ten year olds, ten months out of the year doesn't count?"

"You know what I mean," she giggled. "Yes, you teach at the primary school, but those kids go home every day. And yes," she held up a hand to stop Hermione's protests, "I know you love each and every one of them to the point of mollycoddling, but your own—" she caressed Lily's small head and continued softly, "it's different with your own."

Hermione watched the pair, thinking about motherhood. It was always something she would do 'later'. But later became even later as she worked up the career ladder. Even though she was twenty-nine and a witch—which lengthened her time to safely conceive and carry to term as compared to a Muggle—she still hadn't put serious thought into becoming a mother. She was about to respond when the door to Ginny's room burst open and a horde of redheads poured in. Exclamations of congratulations became fever pitched, so Hermione quietly slipped from the room and left the hospital.

She walked to the Apparition point just around the corner from St. Mungo's, and with a quick thought, was outside her building in moments. She fished her key out of her bag and entered the main lobby, checked her post, and then took the lift to her flat.

With a sigh, she threw her bag, post and coat onto the sofa and went to the kitchen. She grabbed a bottle of water from the refrigerator and took a long sip. Toying with the idea of making some tea, she decided to have a bath instead and then head to bed.

Soaking in the hot water, liberally doused with bath salts and her favourite jasmine-scented bubbles, her conversation with Ginny came back to her.


Throughout the years, she had no real longing to become a mother, other than 'someday'. She was young and had things to do first.

Her first 'first' was finishing Hogwarts once the war was over, and the school re-opened. Her second 'first' was attending university where she graduated top of her class with a degree in magical law. Her third 'first' was a lucrative career within the Ministry, where she quickly became disenchanted. Voldemort was dead, and Muggles and Muggleborns were now treated with more respect, but the old ways still held. She ran into road block after road block in an attempt to move legislation through to guarantee rights of magical beings that were not human. In a fit of pique one day, after yet another delay to her House Elf law, she quit. Two weeks later, as she commiserated with Minerva, Hermione was offered the opportunity of a lifetime; her fourth 'first'.

When students entered Hogwarts at age eleven, the disparity in education was sorely evident. Muggleborns were far more grounded in grammar, maths, and sciences than their pureblood or halfblood classmates, who were more than likely home schooled in the basics of magic, magical history, and writing. The reverse was true as well; Muggleborns were less grounded in magic and magical history. Because of mandated Ministry education requirements, there was no room in the Hogwarts curriculum to add any extra support classes in these subjects. Minerva had suggested such classes be taken before entry to Hogwarts, but the Ministry balked, stating there was no one willing to take on such a thing, no money, and no room at Hogwarts.

Minerva had expounded all of these issues to Hermione, knowing that the challenge would appeal to her. It had brightened her heart to see her favourite student become enamoured with the idea and after two years, Hermione had found herself as Headmistress of the Hogwarts Primary School. It was a lot of hard work and without Minerva, Harry and—to her great surprise—Lucius Malfoy, the school would still be a pipe dream. Lucius had admitted that he offered the money at first to help rebuild his reputation, but when Scorpius Malfoy had enrolled and improved in his lessons beyond his parents' expectations, Lucius had donated even more money to the school in deepest gratitude.

Hogwarts Junior, as it was familiarly known, offered classes for ages five through ten to any magical pupil, Muggleborn, halfblood, or pureblood, for a small tuition. They held day classes only in English, maths, science, magical history, Muggle history, and Wizarding etiquette.

The school was not well-received in its first year and only ten students had attended. Hermione had only had enough money to pay for supplies to outfit the classrooms and none for staff; she had taught all the classes. However, when mothers began to rave about how well their children were doing, and how fair Hermione had been in dealing with infractions, the school's popularity took off. The following year, enrolment had doubled and the year after had tripled, and now held steady at one hundred. A staff of twelve had allowed Hermione to teach only when she wanted and manage the school. Many of the teachers were her friends from school as well as some older witches and wizards eager to pass on traditional magical lore and knowledge.

Realising the water was cold and not wanting to cast a Heating Charm, she got out of the tub and dried off. Her thoughts continued as she finished her bath routine.


If she were to consider it, she should probably have a boyfriend or lover or something. She could go to a sperm bank, but that seemed too impersonal, in her opinion. It was a popular option for many Muggle women and a new option for witches, but it was not for her. The last time she had been with a man—well over a year ago—she ensured that no pregnancy would occur. She did not date often, to be honest. She was picky. She felt she could afford to be since witches lived longer than their Muggle counterparts, so she was in no hurry to marry at all, but she had been at one time.

She had wanted to marry Ron once. They seem fated to be together...everyone said so. And that kiss; the kiss she'd been waiting for. It was—not to be trite—magical. It was passionate, frantic, and sweet, and in those hectic, hedonistic days after the war, when they realised freedom was finally at hand, they met life with passion. They quickly slept together and moved forward with life, even planning the basics of a wedding. But as the days passed and the passion began to cool, the cracks began to show. On the anniversary of their first kiss, they broke up in a horrific argument, ending their friendship. It was through Molly that Hermione learned Ron had married Lavender Brown six months later. Once she recovered from her heartbreak, she dated other men and slept with a few of them, but pregnancy was something she firmly ensured did not happen.


Now that Ginny had planted the seed, it germinated in Hermione's brain. She adored the children in her school and rejoiced at their accomplishments. But at the end of a busy day, she was ready to be alone, to have some quiet after six hours of constant chatter. At yearly Parents Evenings, she would shudder to see a mother, looking bedraggled and tired, bringing along the siblings of the student in question. More than once, a mother would drag a screaming child out of the doors. Did Hermione want this?

She loved and enjoyed her 'nieces and nephews' a great deal and visited them often, but the various, rowdy Weasleyotter households could be a little overwhelming for a woman who was used to peace and quiet at the end of the day.

Finally settled in bed, Hermione put out her light and attempted to settle to sleep. When thoughts of motherhood began to overwhelm her, she remembered her relaxation routine and decided to attempt it in the hope she'd fall asleep. She didn't remember finishing it in the morning.


Dropping a folder with budget requests from the teachers on her desk, Hermione plopped into her chair, hoping for a moment of peace before sifting through the requisitions. However, that hope was short-lived when a timid knock sounded at her door.

"Come in."

"Miss Granger," a small voice asked, "do you have a minute? Only me mum brought in my baby sister so I could show you."

The proud, hopeful smile melted Hermione's resolve for some peace. "Certainly, Lelia; I'd love to see your sister. Mrs. Shearton, please come in," said Hermione, looking over the head of the pupil to her mother. "Come in and have a seat, both of you. You are doing well?"

"I am, Miss," responded Mrs. Shearton. "She's a bit colicky, but the apothecary carries a wonderful infant potion that helps." She unwrapped the bundle in her arms. "Lelia is so proud of her sister and wouldn't rest until I showed her to you. Would you like to hold her?"

"I'd love to!" Hermione said.

The baby was duly transferred to Hermione's arms, and as she admired the small features, a tug at her soul startled her. Because of her confusion, she only held the baby for a short time before handing it back to her mother. "She is a lovely thing," Hermione said. "I can see some features of her big sister in her."

"She's quite nice," gushed Lelia. "I get to feed her and burp her, but mum won't let me change nappies yet."

"Well, that can be quite a messy job. Best leave it to mum for a while yet."

Mrs. Shearton brought the visit to a quick end. "We won't keep you; I know you have work to do, and to be honest, I am rather tired these days."

"Understandable," Hermione smiled. "I know my friend, Mrs. Potter, is also rather tired these days. Her third child was born not long after yours."

Mrs. Shearton nodded and picked up her bag. "Come along, Lelia; you've got homework to do, and I need to prepare supper. Thank you for your time, Miss," she said, nodding her head to Hermione.

"You're very welcome. It was a pleasure to meet a future student! Good night."

She ushered the pair out of the room and took her seat with a sigh. Another new babe in her arms for a fleeting moment had tugged her at heart, yes, but the pull deep within her body that she had felt this time was new. Was it an affinity for the child? Perhaps a visit to the Potter's—under the guise of bringing another gift to ally suspicion—was in order. If she felt the pull with Lily, then perhaps it meant something?


"You really didn't need to get her another gift, you know," laughed Harry as he reluctantly placed Lily in Hermione's arms.

"I know, but I saw it in the window and could picture her in it," Hermione responded distractedly as she ran a finger over the downy, round cheek of the sleeping girl.

Ginny watched Hermione with the baby; something was on Hermione's mind. "She's got more than enough what with all the knitting Mum has done," Ginny chuckled.

"But still," Hermione said, looking at the couple and then went back to smiling at Lily.

Ginny, keen to know what was going on with her friend, motioned to Harry to give them some time alone.

Harry nodded and said, "Well, I'd better go check on James and Albus." He leant over and kissed his daughter's head. "You know what they say, when your kids are quiet, they're up to something! I'll talk to you later, yeah?"

"Okay, Harry," said Hermione.

"Hermione, what's up?" asked Ginny.

"What do you mean?" she answered absently.

"You've not stopped touching her since Harry put her in your arms. If you held her any closer, you'd squash her. Now, what gives?"

Hermione looked at Ginny for a long moment before asking, "When did you know you were ready for children?"

Ginny was not prepared for that question. "Well, we've always had it in the cards, ya' know? After I had a few seasons with the Harpies under my belt, and Harry had a few years in as an Auror. I mean, at first it was 'a plan', but then one day, I held Bill's second daughter, and well, I knew it was time. I just felt it. Why?"

"I didn't notice it at first when I held Lily the other day, but after our talk, I began to think about it. And then one of my students brought in her newborn sister, and it was like the baby felt so natural in my arms, and then my heart or soul or whatever, felt as though there was an ache."

"And knowing you," began Ginny with the confidence of really knowing Hermione and her quirks, "you had to investigate it and be sure of your feeling before you acted upon it."

Hermione blushed. "Yes."


"I want this. I want to be a mother."

Ginny rubbed her hand along Hermione's arm. "Are you sure?"

"I'm pretty sure."

"Maybe you'd better give this a while, you know, think about it."

"I know. But, I'm twenty-nine, and I think that if I'm going to do this, I'd better consider it now."

"But Hermione, witches have longer reproductive years because of our magic."

"Does it make a difference that I'm a Muggleborn?"

"I don't know. Maybe you should make an appointment with a healer at St. Mungo's. You know, see what's going on first?"

"I probably should do something else first," snorted Hermione.

"What's that?"

"Find someone to be the father?"


Hermione sat up, adjusting the paper gown around her as the doctor concluded her exam.

"Everything looks good, Hermione," Healer Patricia Ross said. "Even your exposure to the Cruciatus did not affect your ovaries or uterus. For a witch, you're in the prime of your reproductive years."

"How long do I have? I mean, I know that pureblood witches can have babies well into their sixties. What about the fact I am a Muggleborn?"

"That is an excellent question. Even healthy Muggle women can bear a child into their fifties, although for them, it's considered a high risk pregnancy. Magic makes it a bit easier." She made a note on her parchment and then said, "Hermione, get dressed, and we'll finish this up in my office."

A few minutes later, the pair was in Patricia's office. "Why all the questions about childbirth, Hermione? You never seemed interested before."

"The proverbial biological clock ticking, I suppose," Hermione said. Patricia looked confused. "It's a Muggle saying. It means that I know my reproductive years are coming to a close, so I'm against time."

"No worries there," laughed Patricia. "Are you dating?"

"No, actually."

"Do you want to do this through a sperm bank? The clinic actually has a very good one. Clean, well vetted, quite successful, too."

"I, erm, think not. I'd rather do it naturally."

"Hermione, I've known you for years. I know that you can be rather 'straight to the point'. Do you just intend on approaching a man and asking, 'Will you be my baby's father?'"

Hermione laughed. "No, I think I'll be a bit more subtle."

"Do you have any idea who you might ask?"

"I've thought of a few of the male friends I could approach."

"Have you?"

"No. I'm actually still thinking about whether or not I want to do this."

"Can I be honest with you?"

"Of course."

"Having known you for as long as I have, the one thing I absolutely know is that you don't ask questions unless you've already thought about it. You want someone to confirm what you already know."

Hermione stood up and went to look out of the window. Wryly, she said, "Ginny Potter said the same to me." She turned to face Patricia. "Do you think I'm wrong to want a baby?"

"No, but the Wizarding world tends to frown on single mothers, and when there is no marriage, there is more than likely a committed relationship. Have you thought about that?"

"Yes. Ginny has been a valuable font of information in that regard."

"What would you want to do, then?"

Hermione paced the office. "I'm not sure. Unless I choose a Muggle for the father, odds are my child would be magical and therefore, I'd want to raise him or her in the magical world. I wouldn't want them to be exposed to any bullying because of their parents' status. I suppose I would want a committed relationship at least."

"So you're not looking for a 'hurry up and impregnate me' relationship?"

Hermione laughed again. "It does sort of sound that way doesn't it?" Patricia laughed as well. "But no, I don't want a 'hurry up and impregnate me' relationship. I'd be asking a man to commit to fatherhood and possibly living with me, which is a daunting task."

"Fatherhood or living with you?"

"Both. I'd have to send whoever I choose to Ron and Harry for 'Hermione lessons' as they'd put it."

"Hermione lessons?"

Hermione sat again and smiled. "After knowing someone for six years and then spending a year living in a tent at close quarters, one gets to know ones habits, expressions, likes, etc. Harry and Ron know me inside out. They know when to approach and when to flee."

"You've a tough road ahead of you if you ultimately decide to go through with this," said Patricia.

"Don't I know it?"

A knock on an inner door caused Patricia to stand. "My next appointment is ready, Hermione. Please know that whatever your decision, I look forward to taking care of you for years to come. I'll be selfish to admit that it would be an honour to help you bring a child into the world."

Hermione hugged the woman. "You'd be the only person I'd want to do it!"


The early May sunshine was bright and warm as Hermione got ready to head to Hogwarts. Each year, she and Minerva got together for a working lunch of sorts to discuss the incoming first years and their progress as they stepped up from primary school to Hogwarts. Minerva appreciated the insight, and Hermione received support and information, as well as a lovely bit of gossip regarding various friends and associates.

Hermione planned to Apparate to Hogsmeade and do a little shopping before walking to the castle. As she made her way, she mulled over the main topic of her thoughts since her appointment with her healer two months earlier. After many hours spent thinking and wishing and then finally making a list of pros and cons, she had firmly decided to have a child. She had even gone on a few dates with her male friends from her Hogwarts days and a few from her time at the Ministry, but all had fallen short. A few of them simply wanted to bed her and were summarily given their comeuppance in that regard, and the others, while kind, honest, and fun, were simply not able to keep up with her intelligence and drive. Ginny had set her up on a few blind dates with chums of Harry's from work, but those fell flat as well.

Try as she might, Hermione kept telling herself that she was in no hurry, but deep inside, she knew she was.

She approached the gates of the castle and smiled as they opened for her. Minerva must have set the wards to admit her for their appointment. She quickened her pace and was soon stepping through the old wooden doors into the Entrance Hall. She never failed to be overwhelmed at the enormity of the castle and stood a moment or two before making her way to the staircase, allowing happy memories to wash over her. Her thoughts were interrupted when she kicked something with her foot. She watched the little black object scuttle into a corner and went to retrieve it.

A black button.

Hermione quickly looked over her cloak to see if she'd lost one, but all were accounted for. Upon closer inspection, she noted that between the four holes that attached the button to the garment, a tiny double 'S' was etched. There was only one person to whom this button belonged, and as the realisation of several things settled in Hermione's mind, one stood out among them and felt exactly right.

Hermione Jean Granger wanted Severus Tobias Snape to be the father of her child.