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![]() Author has written 31 stories for Harry Potter, Kingdom Hearts, Dragon Ball Z, and Naruto. Hi and Welcome to Karma's Slave Profile, I'll be your host for the time you taking to actually taking to read and or look at this part of the profile. I strongly dislike Yaoi/Yuri, If they arent Canon gay's then leave those Characters alone! I strongly dislike Fanmade characters in Fandom's especially when they're made to replace Canon characters for trivial based reasons. Favorite Pairings DBZ: Bulma/Vegeta; because it’s amazing how different and yet somewhat alike these two are. Not to mention it was totally unexpected and even after all these years, it is STILL a mystery as to how they ended up together. Chi-chi/Goku; I love this pairing because it's a slight twist on childhood romance mostly on Chi-Chi's part while Goku was oblivious (...sounds too realistic right there) but when reunited at the end of DB, leads to a comical and yet sweet moment between these two. Now most fans do think Chi-chi trapped but let’s remember one important thing here, Goku CHOSE to marry anyway even after learning in that moment what it was. So in time from after DB to DBZ, Chi-chi and Goku got to really know each other and really fall in love with each other. 18/Krillin; I like to think of it as a reverse Bulma/Vegeta though unlike Bulma and Vegeta, these two did have some moments that did show them being into one another though mostly on Krillin's part. Gohan/Videl; I actually don’t like this pairing as much as I used too. In fact, I found it to be so cliché that it began to annoy me. I still like it but not as I would other pairings. Goten/Bura; this too is another pairing that has lost appeal to me over time but I still like it. I mean this paring could have happened if Bura had been born around the same time Marron was or at least right after the Buu fight. I mean this almost had the potential to be a good pairing and at least delay the complete extinction of the Saiyan race by a few decades. Tien/Launch; I liked it, so why wasn’t she written into DBZ aside from having a 2 cameos in Saiyan and Buu saga’s, excluding Bulma and Krillin a majority of the old main characters were reduced to minor roles, so why not one more to push to the background, it’s not like any of them were getting developed. Trunks/Marron or Goten/Marron; Well these pairings could have happened but I don’t think it would have been a lasting relationship. I mean sure Marron was 3-5 years apart from Trunks and Goten but despite age difference. We don’t see them as a group hanging out as we did with the others or even interacting with one another aside from Trunks and Goten being BFF’s at this point while at the end of DBZ, it’s implied that gang loses contact over time; This is also shown in GT (despite GT is questionable canon-ness) with Vegeta Jr and Goku Jr For some reason I have seen to taken a liking to crack pairing fics with Bra especially when its Bra/Gohan, Bra/Trunks Harry Potter: Hermione/Sirius (OTCP) Remus/Tonks Draco/Hermione Ouran High School Host Club: Haruhi/Kyoya Kingdom Hearts: Sora/Kairi Kairi/Riku Roxas/Namine Riku/Xion Axel/Xion Axel/Larxene Larxene/Xigbar Larxene/Zexion Larxene/Xaldin Terra/Aqua (OTP) Vanitas/Xion Xion/Zexion Aqua/Xemnas Yu-Gi-Oh: Yami (Atem)/Mai Yami (Atem) /Ishizu (Isis) Ishizu/Seto Isis/Mahado Isis/Seth (Seto) Yu-Yu Hakusho: Botan/Hiei, Why, you ask? Because I just Do! Bleach: Rukia/Byakuya (OTP) Rukia/Kiskue Rangiku/Gin Shuuhei/Nanao Rukia/Grimmjow (OTCP) Shuuhei/Rukia Nanao/Byakuya Rukia/Hitsugaya Buffy, The Vampire Slayer: Buffy/Spike Angel/Faith Willow/Tara and Willow/Oz Xander/Anya Pirates of The Carribean: Jack Sparrow/Elizabeth Swann Sweeney Todd: Mrs. Lovett/Mr Todd Mrs. Lovett/Mr Barker |