Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto. This is for entertainment only.
It was in the middle of her third song that TenTen noticed him. Those wide, pale eyes. That long, dark hair. That unforgettable face.
A curious ache rose in her chest, but the brunette managed to school her face into an expression of neutrality. She could not show she was affected, not while on stage. Closing her eyes, TenTen found herself reliving the circumstances of their parting, trying and failing to lose herself in the primal beat echoing throughout the club.
About five months prior:
"You seem to be under some sort of impression your father cares about you, Hinata. No backbone, no drive to succeed. Frankly, you'd be hopeless at trying to run the Hyuga enterprise. It's probably best you were disowned."
TenTen gaped at his insensitive statement. "Neji…you can't mean that-"
"Oh, but I do." He interrupted smoothly, lip curled back into a nasty sneer. "Some people are destined for greatness. Others are destined to do…" he waved his hand, indicating the interior of the club "…this sort of nonsense."
"N-N-Neji…I-I I…" Hinata stuttered, wide lavender eyes swimming with tears.
Neji snorted at the girl's weak attempts at rebuttal. "It's the way things are supposed to be, Hinata. Don't bother trying to change your destiny as a failure."
"Hey, Neji, don't-"
"You can't possibly be trying defend her, TenTen. I suppose you must feel some sort of kinship, working here and all, but really. Now let's go."
TenTen gave Hinata a defeated look and followed Neji out the door. An accepted genius must be right, right? She had known him for years and she couldn't think of a time he had made a mistake.
Later that night, or rather very early the next day, they lay together, both sweaty and spent from their intimate rendezvous. TenTen exhaled a contented sigh. Although Neji wasn't terribly considerate in bed, she enjoyed this closeness, the warmth of his body seeping into hers; smiling, she cuddled closer against his chest.
"Alright, you'd better get up and get out of here."
"What?" TenTen was sure she had misheard him.
"Get going. I've got an interview with Hiashi tomorrow for a position and I don't sleep well when you're here."
"It…it's 2:30 in the morning!"
"So? You don't have anything going on tomorrow. Try not to let the door hit you on your way out."
"I don't have a ride home!"
"And you're house is less than a mile away. Now stop arguing and get going."
TenTen, though she wasn't all that eager to quarrel with Neji, felt extremely unsafe walking home so late at night, and told him so. Neji just regarded her apathetically.
"What part of 'I'm sending you on your way' don't you understand? I need my sleep."
Holding back frustrated tears, TenTen gathered her things and pulled on her clothes. Giving the man reclining on his bed a sad look, she pulled opened the door.
"There also won't be a need to come back after this."
TenTen felt her knees start to give out from shock. Holding onto the doorknob for support, she clenched her teeth and at last managed to spit a reply out. "What are you saying?"
"I'm saying we're through. You can't serious expect me to be with someone who is destined to be a cheap harlot? It's laughable, not to mention you've been extremely selfish in this relationship, expecting me to let you spend the night and all. Now get out."
And that was it. Cold, alone, and full of grief, TenTen stumbled her way through the large house. Too numb and shocked to think clearly, she walked blindly out onto the dark streets, somehow managing to make her way home.
Present time:
Routine over, TenTen was able to get down off the stage and make it to the dressing room without any mishaps, though her mind was racing erratically, alight with nerves and anger. Caught in a daze, she opened her locker and began to haphazardly run a brush through her tangled hair, then furiously wiped at her face with makeup remover in preparation for her later, non-sexual role when the boys took their shift. Plus, she was fairly certain Neji would try to talk to her and she was not going to look like a 'harlot' during a confrontation with him. That fucking asshole! she thought angrily. How dare he just waltz right back into my life after discarding me like that? That arrogant shit. I'm gonna give him a pice of my fucking mind if he even dares to look at me!
TenTen was, as a rule, a fairly forgiving person. She didn't get angry when Neji had repeatedly blamed her for getting him sick, even though it was physically impossible to give someone an illness she had never had. She had graciously looked the other way when he told her the gifts she got him were useless, but was beyond her how Neji could have found the Swiss Army knife she got him for Christmas unusable. She never nagged him when he canceled plans or didn't contact her for days on end, because, at the time, she had been in love with him. When he was sweet it was the most wonderful thing in the world; however, those blissful moments were few and far between, and the brunette had long realized that she had not been treated like a treasured girlfriend should be. Having been forced to leave during the night had been the final straw, and she liked to think she would have been strong enough to break up with Neji after that incident even if he hadn't gotten to it first.
A piece of her was still sore over the 'being kicked out at 2:30 in the morning' thing to be sure, but a large part of that hurt was replaced by anger now that he had intruded in on her life again. She was over him enough so that she could contemplate moving on…albeit with a very unlikely, fairly scary, but really attractive member of the Akatsuki. Smiling to herself at the look on Kakuzu's face when she had kissed (or rather pecked) him, TenTen had a strong premonition that they would have a very interesting conversation tonight once they were alone in her bedroom.
"You haven't changed."
TenTen spun around, instantly recognizing the smooth, insufferable voice of her former lover. And you still sound like a narcissistic asshole! were the words dancing on her tongue.
"What do you want, Neji?" she growled, trying to keep her temper in check.
Said man raised his waxed eyebrows nonchalantly. "I want you back, of course."
"Don't be ridiculous. I'd date a dead fish over you."
"We had fun together…" Neji tried to interject, but TenTen cut him off.
"Yeah, if walking home at three in the morning is fun, then sure. I had fun," she said sarcastically.
"No. I'm not going through what you made me deal with again. Please leave before I'm forced to introduce you to my dagger collection."
Neji scowled. "You're destined to be with me."
"Will you just shut the fuck up about destiny already? We write our own lives, Neji. And I'm writing you out of mine."
"No, you're not!" Neji stalked closer to her, pale eyes creased in fury. TenTen would have laughed at the way the veins around his eyes were standing out, but she happened to be in a tight spot…as in backed into a corner. Her logical side won out against the idea of using physical force, for Neji was much stronger than her.
What the hell is up with crazy exes lately? First Sasuke, now Neji. It would be nice if a total hottie could come and kick some ass right now...
As if on cue, a familiar voice sounded from the base of the stairs.
"Do I need to intervene?"
Kakuzu stood silhouetted against the stairs, corded arms crossed over his chest and a scowl on his face. The man may have been dressed in naught but blue briefs, but he was still fucking terrifying, if Neji's muffled exclamation of surprise, and perhaps trepidation, was anything to go by. To be honest, TenTen would have been scared herself if she had not been absolutely sure the tattooed Akatsuki member was on her side.
"I asked you a question, punk." Kakuzu snarled. The little shit had his woman cornered, and he was about two seconds away from losing it completely. Wait…did he just seriously call TenTen his woman? Kakuzu was about to have a long argument with himself about why having these sorts of affections was completely unacceptable, but Neji's fist flying towards his face brought him back to focus on more pressing concerns.
TenTen knew Neji was good in a fight, but Kakuzu was something else entirely. Even though he took the brunt of Neji's blow, Kakuzu managed to grab Neji's wrist and knock the Hyuga off balance, giving him a sharp rap in the ribs. The hit was not, unfortunately, enough to halt Neji, and his adversary whirled, retaliating with a swift uppercut that Kakuzu easily avoided. Concentrating fiercely, Kakuzu analyzed his foe's movements, trying to think of a way to disable without permanently maiming him…because the pretty boy would undoubtedly sue if that happened, and Kakuzu was not in a position to either kidnap or pay for a lawyer.
It was while in the process of dodging another strike that Kakuzu saw the gun. He vaguely wondered what on earth anyone would want with the stupid thing, but the contraption would allow him to subdue the Hyuga with little effort. There might be a bit of a mess to clean up, but that was the price of completely avoiding a lawsuit. Kakuzu, managing to unbalance Neji with a well-placed kick, grabbed the gun, aimed, and fired.
"What the-urp!" Neji's exclamation was cut off as his face was enveloped in a cocoon of silly string.
"Fuck yeah!" TenTen cheered as her ex lover's face was plastered with the sticky stuff. I would kill to get a picture of this.
Blinded, it was a simple matter for Kakuzu to pin the man's arms and push him up against a wall, effectively removing the threat to his roommate. The commotion, in the meantime, had attracted the attention of Ino, who had just gotten off stage, and soon Kisame appeared alongside her, having stolen a few moments with Hinata before the dark haired girl was scheduled to perform.
"Man, you used my silly string!" Kisame griped.
"It was fair use…No, I am not paying you back!" Kakuzu said as Kisame opened his mouth to argue. "I just got punched in the fucking face…I better get compensation for this."
Neji, rendered incapable of speech by the silly string plugging his mouth, made a muffled sound. It sounded like a whimper.
"I'll deal with it." Kisame grinned, chuckling at the sight. "Anything you want me to do in particular, TenTen?" he asked.
Exhausted, TenTen sagged against the wall. Now that the adrenaline had faded from her veins, all that remained was a nagging sort of weariness. But the brunette, far from being mollified by Neji's embarrassing predicament, planned on giving him a piece of her mind. Marching over, she roughly scooped the sticky stuff out of Neji's eyes and glared at him so fiercely her gaze would have set driftwood on fire. Even Kakuzu was a bit perturbed, and he was the most unshakable fellow in the gang. Except for Pein. That man had the emotional range of an ice cube.
"Listen, you asshole. We are over. If I ever see your face again, if you ever talk to me again, or come here, or bother Hinata, I swear to God I will fucking kill you. Got it?"
Neji merely nodded, and Kisame took over, shoving him up the stairs without any sort of gentleness. Hinata had told him about her cousin, and the blue-skinned man was tempted to rough the Hyuga up a bit more, just to be sure he wouldn't come sniffing around once again.
However, he derived more than enough satisfaction from pitching Neji out onto the damp grass and watching the gate hit him on the ass as he was exiting the premises.
Kakuzu wasn't sure exactly what had made him decide to confront the Hyuga. In fact, the treasurer was about to go fetch Hidan or Deidara and have them deal with TenTen's girly ass ex, but found he just couldn't leave her there to fend for herself, especially against someone who prattled on and on about fucking destiny or whatever…that guy had to have a screw lose somewhere. Anyway, there was a good chance the guy might cause damage to some property, and that would have required money to make repairs. Or so Kakuzu tried to justify his immediate intervention.
"Thank you, Kakuzu. Really." TenTen's murmured remark made him look up at her. "Let me get you some ice for your eye."
"It's fine."
"No, it's not." TenTen snapped. "I'm getting you some damned ice, like it or not." Then her voice softened. "I'm more or less done for the night, so why don't you go up to our room? I'll give you my tips for tonight to make up the lost revenue, if it makes you feel better."
Kakuzu was up the stairs in two heartbeats. Damn that woman for knowing my weakness.
"Are you sure you want to do this?" Ino asked a seemingly relaxed Sasori.
The redhead turned to face her, hazel eyes slightly narrowed in annoyance. "Of course."
"But your back-"
"No longer resembles an eggplant, or pains me in any way." Sasori interrupted. "Sakura smoothed out any remaining discoloration with concealer…or at least I think that's what it's called."
"Yeah, that's what it's called…"
The time had come once again for the Akatsuki to don their stripper personas, and Sasori had insisted on being the opening act tonight, though his resolve had led to some nasty bickering between Ino and Sakura as to whether or not he was fit to perform. Sakura, with her medical background, had prevailed in the argument, pointing out the the bruising was down to no more than discoloration and moving caused no discomfort. Of course the pinkette had dictated he was not to put any unnecessary strain on his back (or to put in medical terms "Don't fuck up") but the warning was unneeded. Unlike Hidan, Sasori was not about to attempt any crazy maneuvers with household appliances, vacuum cleaners or otherwise. Rolling his shoulders and stretching a bit, he mentally prepared for Temari's announcement, somewhat excited and somewhat nervous…He did have a loudmouthed blonde brat to show up, after all.
"Welcome, welcome to Yamanaka's De-Flowering Shop! I'm excited to announce we have two wonderful acts for you gals tonight, and of course the rest of our delicious dancers will be offering…well, you'll just have to find out! Now, it is my privilege to introduce our first act for the night…Sasori!"
As the light snapped on to reveal the redhead, Ino had to admit she had done a fantastic job of selecting his clothes for the night. Sasori was dressed in tight black jeans, a loose white shirt, and an adorable gray beanie. Seriously, she just wanted to take him home and cuddle him…surely she could convince him to snuggle some tonight? Sasori had seemed to enjoy it, after he realized she wasn't going to bite him.
*Come my lady Come come my lady you're my butterfly Sugar baby*
Sasori swaggered out onto the catwalk, swiveling his hips and smirking at the awestruck audience. He twerked once, twice, and made a 'come hither' motion at the women closest to the stage, gazing over the crowd with those dreamy hazel eyes, a look of sophistication and seduction captured perfectly on his face. His red hair was adorably tousled, and it was easy to see the lean definition of his frame. Although Sasori was the most lithe out of the Akatsuki members, that did not affect his sex appeal in any way. He was, in Ino's professional opinion, a fine piece of ass.
*Such a sexy, sexy pretty little thing*
Rocking his hips in time to the beat, Sasori tilted his head back to show off his refined features. It appeared the redhead was a very popular commodity, for his more boyish characteristics did not so much scream "sexy," but rather portrayed him as a good-looking, relatively normal guy that just wanted a sweet girl to have a good time with. Of course, from the way he was shaking his ass, Sasori was still very capable of being seductive, and Ino frowned. She had come to consider Sasori as her sexy little secret, and now he was up on stage for all the world to see, causing the blonde to realize she would have preferred to keep him to herself.
*Butterflies in her eyes and looks to kill*
Executing a seamless body roll, Sasori caressed himself through his shirt, drawing more attention to his toned musculature, especially in the southern direction. The redhead proceeded to suggestively jerk his hips, making a game of showing off each particular muscle group. Currently, that muscle group happened to be his abdominals, and the ladies down below certainly seemed to appreciate the glimpses of skin. A veritable mound to bills was currently littering the stage, and the cheers were positively deafening.
*Cause I can't sleep, I can't hold still*
Pulling a grinning blonde from the crowd, Sasori held her hips and ground against her, allowing the female to do a little groping herself. Ino found herself inexplicably and utterly jealous. Was a little ass groping too much to ask? She was feeding them after all…no, Sasori would run for the hills if she suggested he let her fondle him, but the thought was entertaining.
*Come my lady Come come my lady you're my butterfly Sugar baby*
Successfully pulling off a controlled fall, Sasori elegantly descended to the stage, enacting some extremely explicit activities against the catwalk. Several women reached out to touch him, and he permitted this, for the reaching women also stuffed cash into his jeans. Deciding it was time to reward the ladies, Sasori stood and theatrically removed his shirt, allowing his beanie to fall to the stage along with the garment. The exposure of his pecs and abs was greeted by screams, and Sasori couldn't help but smirk at the hapless females literally falling at his feet.
*I don't deserve you unless it's some kind of hidden message*
Rotating his hips sensually, Sasori even went so far as to grope himself, giving a naughty smile directed at the crowd. A hidden message indeed. Ino thought, her curiosity piqued. His torso was certainly delectable, and she had a very strong feeling the tastiness would apply to his other areas as well…Damn, she was being really unprofessional today. The blonde decided to blame Kisame and Hinata, for she had accidentally come across the two stealing some private time before Hinata's solo and the image was very, well, memorable, to say the least.
*Knew a better life existed but thought that I missed it*
Trying a different tactic, Sasori copied his peers and made his way over the the poles, gripping one securely and pivoting neatly, flexing his abdomen and drawing attention to his high, tight ass. While not as outrightly muscular as Kisame or Hidan, Sasori still was a prime specimen of a man, and possessed the most lovely pair of shoulders Ino had ever laid eyes on.
*Come my lady you're my pretty baby I'll make your legs shake you make me go crazy*
As the last notes of the song were reached, Sasori made one last descent to the stage, twerking his hips flawlessly. Several ladies swooned. A few more drooled. All were completely captivated, including Ino. It was probably time she clarify what sort of thing they had between them, or she was going to go crazy…well, crazier than she already was, Ino decided, smiling ruefully to herself. Now she kind of understood why Sakura was so hung up on Itachi, and why Hinata had clearly fallen in love with Kisame. The Akatsuki members were surprisingly endearing. Well, most of them, anyway. Ino thought, spotting Tobi lurking in the corner. He appeared to be playing with a matchbox car…or was it an actual matchbox? She resolved to go over and check, just to be sure, and in the process missed Sasori's deep hazel eyes following her movement across the room.
"For god's sake, will you stop with the counting!?" TenTen said, exasperated. "This is the sixth time you've counted my tips, and the value hasn't changed! Get that ice back on your eye, too."
Kakuzu gave the brunette a royal stink-eye and proceeded to ignore her.
"Could we at least talk?" There was silence. Evidently not. "Fine then. I'll just annoy you with my obnoxious prattling, because I'm obviously not going to get you to tell me why you intervened and kicked my exe's ass with silly string, which was pretty cool by the way, and-"
"Please stop talking. You're starting to remind of Hidan." Kakuzu grunted, putting the money down and replacing the ice pack on his face. "And it's giving me a headache."
TenTen laughed. "Well, let me make it up to you…lay on your stomach."
Kakuzu glanced at her warily but complied, arranging himself comfortably on TenTen's bed. It was a far more comfy resting place then the air mattress, and he was beginning to think Sasori and Itachi had the right idea, sleeping with their roommates…in a non-sexual way. Yet. Kakuzu snorted. Put a gang decidedly lacking in available females under the roof with some hot strippers, and- oh my god, what was she doing?
TenTen had straddled his hips and was in the process of massaging his shoulders and upper back. A groan rose in his throat as his discomfort was replaced by pleasure. Damn, she was good with her hands. He moaned again as she worked loose a particularly foul knot located under his left shoulder. No one had ever done this for him before, and Kakuzu realized he had been missing out. The gentle massage lasted for about twenty minutes, the only noise was the occasional sigh of satisfaction asTenTen managed to work loose each twist in the muscles, and eventually the tattooed man shoved the ice pack away, finding that he could barely feel the bruise on his face anymore.
"I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess that felt pretty good…You're awfully tense." TenTen joked, continuing to knead the tightness out of his body. "I really do appreciate your intervention, you know. Sometimes I think Neji could have turned out a different person, if he had met the right people, but…Well, it's no use thinking about it now. I'm very over him, and it's time for me to have a little fun again."
Kakuzu mumbled an incoherent reply, body gradually melting into the mattress as TenTen's gentle ministrations continued. He was willing to put up with her babbling in exchange for this rare experience.
"You know, I think you'd be a hella lot more popular if you talked every so often," the brunette continued. "Why are you always so grumpy?" She received no response. "Okay, I'll just think of some random story behind your chronic bad attitude. I bet you got into a fight with a banana, and the banana bested you and then everyone was like "We can't be friends with someone who can't beat produce" and then you were very sad and spent all your time collecting pennies…"
"Something like that." Kakuzu muttered, interrupting her. TenTen was rendered speechless, and suddenly felt like a really big jerk.
"I'm sorry. Do wanna talk about it?"
"Not particularly."
"What if I told you I really wanted to listen? It would be cathartic." TenTen replied.
Kakuzu sighed. He was too tired to argue with her over this, and it was a pretty short story. "I used to be in the Falls gang. I was given an assignment to assassinate your previous governor. I failed. And my supposed "family" didn't take it well."
"Well, if I was lucky enough to have you, I'd never leave your side no matter what." TenTen told him fiercely.
Kakuzu was so shocked, he flipped over so he could look his roommate in the eyes. "You don't mean that." The movement happened so fast TenTen didn't budge, not realizing she was currently nestled in her crush's lap.
"I do. Loyalty is my most valued characteristic, and I do my utmost to exhibit it myself," she said proudly.
"Then stay away from me," he growled. "I'm bad news."
"Nah. I can't expect you to stay with a group that treats you badly and you must be loyal to the Akatsuki, because goodness knows your partner is a piece of work."
"He is a legitimate, certifiable idiot." Kakuzu agreed, cracking a smile against his will. Then he noticed how they were arranged. TenTen was on his lap, and he bit his tongue when she gave an inviting little wriggle. He looked at her face and she raised her eyebrows smiling. She moved again. Still he did nothing.
"You are seriously the thickest guy I have ever met!" TenTen said at last, exasperated. "What on earth do I have to do?"
Kakuzu remained silent, trying to concentrate on not letting his body show how much it approved of her position on top of him.
"Oh Jesus Christ." The brunette sighed. "You're goddamned obtuse." She took his hand and moved it to just underneath her breast.
"What do you want, exactly?" He's so cute when he sounds confused.
TenTen responded by bending down and planting a fierce kiss on his lips. "I can name the coffee prices from all the restaurants in town, Kakuzu." She kissed him again. "Starbucks, $2.95." Another passionate kiss. "McDonald's, $1.49…"
She bent to kiss him again, and this time he had the wherewithal to respond. It was fierce and fiery, her lips colliding with his and him taking control, dominating her, taking as he wished. Her mouth tasted like cinnamon. Intoxicating.
He exhaled against her neck. It had been so long since he'd been with a woman, for he could feel the pent up wanting that had been plaguing him for weeks now. There had been some signs, some glances, some flirting, that quick peck in the kitchen…but did she really know what she wanted? Didn't she know who he was?
"Am I what you want?" he ground out. She would say no…please, let her say no. Let her give him a reason to disregard these feelings forever.
"Abso-fucking-lutely." TenTen growled. His heart lurched, and he didn't know whether or not it was from fear or happiness. "It's time to live in the moment, Kakuzu. Life is fleeting, and I'd rather regret having done than having not done."
And in this moment, of all people, Kakuzu found himself thinking of Kisame. The large man had had a hard time in the Mist gang, but he hadn't let that stop him from pursuing Hinata. The couple was unlikely, but they were happy. Kakuzu knew he wasn't a happy person. He was bitter and pissed off 90% of the time (70% if that anger was probably directed at his idiot partner, but still). The feel of TenTen's warm skin though, the touch her soft mouth, her fingers dancing down his spine, she touched him as if he mattered. As if she felt something…it couldn't be real, it couldn't be sincere, and he wasn't supposed to, but fuck it, he felt something back.
He made a decision. Smiling to himself, Kakuzu moved to recapture her soft lips, lips that tasted of cinnamon.
Sakura whistled merrily to herself, ecstatic that TenTen had finally seized the moment and snuck off for some private time with Kakuzu. She wondered why the two had suddenly brushed past her and hurried up the stairs, but Ino had only been too delighted to fill her in on the details. The blonde hadn't changed too much since middle school, at least when it came to gossiping, but the four strippers were sisters in all but blood, so TenTen wouldn't be that upset the pinkette knew what was going on behind closed doors.
"You look exquisite tonight."
She whirled around, started, and came face to face with a bare chested Itachi. "Don't do that! You startled me!" Sakura playfully growled.
"Is it so wrong to wish to compliment someone?" Itachi said, sounding concerned.
"No, no! I was just teasing you, promise. It was a very nice thing to say." Sakura replied. I'm gonna have to teach him about jokes and sarcasm, one of these days, I swear. The pinkette closed the gap between them and gave Itachi a quick hug, deciding to make it brief, but Itachi held her to him, bending down to give her a feathery kiss.
"Kisame will be performing soon," he stated after a minute of gently holding her. "I think he would be most appreciative if we were to support him."
Sakura laughed at his choice of words. "You're such a charmer, Itachi. Of course we should go watch Kisame. How'd you guys meet, anyway?"
"We were partnered together by Pein, but now I would count him as a friend. Granted, our first conversation was about shark babies eating each other, yet now he is a valued member of the Akatsuki." Itachi explained, then looked thoughtful. "I would love to take you to the aquarium sometime, if you haven't been. There are sharks there. They would like Kisame."
"How…interesting." Sakura squeaked out, wondering if Itachi ever listened to himself talk out loud once in a while.
The Uchiha prodigy smiled to himself. A magazine had explained the importance of compliments and sharing in order to strengthen relationships, and now Itachi was seriously considering taking out a yearly subscription. Cosmopolitan clearly knew its stuff. He was about to pull Sakura in for another kiss when someone fell down the stairs and knocked the two apart.
"Oh, so sorry, Itachi sir! Tobi was not looking where he was going! But he is a good boy!"
"Um, it's okay, Tobi!" Sakura said with forced cheeriness. "We're just going to watch Kisame!"
"Yay! The pretty girl can sit with Tobi!" The masked man grabbed her hand and pulled her upstairs, and Sakura shot an apologetic smile at Itachi before she was whisked away.
"Hey, bitch."
Temari sighed. "What do you want, Hidan?"
"I wanted to let you know that tomorrow is Sunday." The silver haired man smirked.
"And I could have guessed that from looking at any calendar." Temari deadpanned.
"No, that's not what I'm getting at, you stupid bitch! Tomorrow is the Sunday I get to take you out on a date. Club's closed and you're not busy."
"How do you know?" Temari said hotly.
"I checked your phone. Here, catch!" Hidan tossed the device at her and she caught it smartly, pissed that he had dared to pickpocket her.
"How dare you pickpocket me!"
"Come on, don't be like that…we'll have fun, seriously. We'll go see a movie. Hope you like really fucking scary ones, because we're seeing The Conjuring."
Temari laughed aloud, shocking Hidan. "You're not too bad, asshole. I love scary movies…but I'm driving. I think you'd be scarier on the road than that movie would be."
"Damn straight." Hidan smirked. "Seven?"
"Yeah, sure. Now get the fuck out so I can get Kisame's music on!"
"Fine, fine. You sure are a temperamental one, like seriously."
Temari's response was throwing a nearby stapler at him, and Hidan exited the premises before more appliances started flying.
He left the room to come face to ass with Deidara, who was standing on a table giving a private show to a group of ladies…which were now motioning for him to join his blonde friend, one holding out a wad of cash as enticement. He could see Kakuzu's rage now if he refused this opportunity.
Author's Note: My sincere thanks to everyone who has reviewed, favorited, or followed this story! Your support is the reason I'm able to sit down and actually write out the ideas cluttered in my head. Also, does anyone want a Kakuzu x TenTen lemon? I'll do it if you guys want me too. Please let me know your thoughts!