![]() Author has written 99 stories for Naruto, Vampire Knight, Soul Eater, Bleach, Inuyasha, Yu Yu Hakusho, Supernatural, Fruits Basket, True Blood, Uta no Prince-sama, Captain America, Hobbit, B-Project: Kodo Ambitious, Hakuōki/薄桜鬼, Zombie-Loan, Ghost Hunt, and Underworld. ~Notice I am currently struggling to write anything right now so please don't demand updates to stories because chances are it could be a month before I get anything out for you all. End Notice~ I'm 27 I have Black hair and blue eyes and I'm 5ft. 4 1/2in. tall. I have 2 brothers 1 older and 1 younger and they can be annoying like most brothers can be but I love them no matter what. My hobbies include: Reading any kind of book but I mostly choose fiction, Writing short stories I used to do that a lot when I was younger and I'm getting back into it and posting it on a website for people to read if they want, Swimming I absolutely love to swim my mother told me that I taught myself how to swim by going down a slide in the deep end of a community pool without any floaties on, Riding horses it's exhilarating and amazing the first time I rode a horse I was absolutely terrified but my older brothers girlfriend said I was a horse whisperer because of how well I handled riding for the first time. I'm an animal person it's been my dream for as long as I can remember to be a veteranarian or have a job that has anything to do with animals like an animal caretaker or maybe an animal breeder. Over the years I've had many types of animals like: Rats they are so cute sometimes they can be a little evil still it didn't matter to me since I had two of them myself, Rabbits are one of my absolute favorite type of animals and again I had two of them, I've had two fish, three dogs, four cats, a hamster, a guinea pig, and now I have a ferret they are so adorable be careful because they are not easy to take care of and they will give you a massive headache one is trouble enough but having three well I'm sure you'll figure out the destruction and chaos they can create by stealing your socks and just about everything they can find in a 1 foot radius of themselves so long as they are focused on someone else other than yourself it's absolutely hilarious to watch and this is a warning never wear socks around them because they bite. I'm afraid of just about everything but I've been working on that but I don't know how well it's going at all so I'll just tell you everything that I fear. Lets see I'm afraid of: Storms- like thunder and lightning and natural disasters I have no explainable reason as to why I'm afraid of storms it's always been that way, Bugs- spiders in particular again I have no explainable reason as to why, Snakes- I do have a reason why I'm afraid of snakes I've been chased by at least three snakes wouldn't you be afraid too, Needles and Sharp objects like knives go together and I have no idea why I'm afraid of either maybe I'm afraid because when I was younger I stepped on a nail and it when all the way through my foot, The dark- oh I can tell you exactly why I'm afraid of the dark I blame my older brother for that because he tied a battery to the bottom of my bed and then every night he would pull a string making it bang up against the bars underneath my bed, Doll- shouldn't be aloud to even talk or make noises it's just really creepy, Scary movies- I absolutely cannot watch them at all because they influence my dreams and turn them into nightmares enough said and that's all of them. I can be extremely emotional at times whenever I watch something sad or upsetting or when someone yells at me I get it from my mom. I'm extremely protective of those I call friends so don't mess with them or you'll be dealing with me. I'll also tend to be shy and withdrawn around large crowds but if I get to know you better I'll open up to you. I'm frightfully clumsy and that little trait of mine has caused several sprained wrists and ankles and a few broken bones. My favorite colors: Red and I know black isn't a color it's a shade but Black. Favorite food: Gnocchi basically a fancy word for potato noodles. I love to watch anime and yes I know some may call me an otaku but that doesn't bother me at all in fact I'd take it as a compliment instead. The Legend of Zelda series are my favorite video games to play and for all those who don't know Zelda is a girl not a guy that would be Link whose the guy. My pet peeves: People who mispell words but I've learned to let it slide because nobody is perfect and where would anyone be without their faults People who abuse others just for fun it's wrong and terrible to be made fun of I should know. Being called a liar when I know I've told the truth. People who think they are better than everyone else it's stupid and awful because I believe in equalism. People who cheat and become jealous I think it's awful especially when someone loves you and jealousy it's a petty emotion maybe you should open up your eyes instead of being blind to everything else around you perhaps you'll learn a lesson or two. And thats all for now I'll update when I've come up with more to add. Uchiha One Shot Series In Order Four Kinds of Kisses Determination Worthy Faith Strength Believe Update, I'm uploading some of my stories over on Fictionpress, under the username TsukikoUchu |