Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto. (Why do we all put this anyway? Isn't that pretty obvious?)

Prompt Seven: It's been awhile since Sakura's been able to destress, but swiping on dating apps leads her quite literally into the lap of the tall, dark, delicious man who will take care of all of her frustrations.

Please enjoy~

A tinge of blood on her tongue immediately took her full attention. Pulling her hand away, Sakura quickly noticed the slight tint of red mixed with saliva on her pointer finger. Nail biting was always an anxious habit of hers, only to be spurred on even more by her mentor at the hospital.

It couldn't be helped. Not right now, at least. Her mind was racing a mile a minute. Would he show up? Was this going to be a stupid prank where she waits away all night for nothing? Would she be killed like all of those girls in poorly written movie plots?

Wiping the bit of blood off on her blouse, Sakura took a deep breath.

Stay calm, that situation is one in a million. She chose another nail as her victim to chew.

It would be a matter of minutes until a knock would finally resound on her apartment door. Last she checked, the app said his distance was only 10 miles away and it has already been a half hour! The only way he wouldn't be knocking on her door within the next ten is if he decided to crawl his way over.

Or what if he really wouldn't show? She gave him her address, he responded positively, and she rushed to put on somewhat matching lingerie and deodorant. A bit of preparative bikini maintenance also happened in the shower that morning, so if she gets blown off then she'll actually scream, like, bloodcurdling, neighbors question to call the cops kind of scream. The godforsaken itch is only worth it if someone touches her before it sets in.

And it would be his loss too! She's a catch! With hair the color of blooming blossoms, eyes as green as leaves, and a body curved like the natural structure of a cherry blossom tree, she was the epitome of tree nymph born human that any man would drool over! She was a goddess and deserved to be appreciated as such! Shannaro!

Sakura balled up her fist and pumped it in the air as she self-hyped on the couch.

A knock on her door was what broke her out of her pep-talk. "Oh shit," she mumbled to herself. He was actually here! Fuck, fuck, fuck. Play it cool, girl. Previously mentioned tree nymph goddess needs to report for duty.

In an awkward rush, Sakura bounced off the couch and stumbled to the front door, pushing one eye against the peephole before she unbolted any of the three locks.

"Whoa…" was all she could say as her single eye took in the sight of the man on the other end.

He was even better in person! Even with the awkward distortions the peephole caused. With a quick thank you to whatever god is up there, Sakura opened the door to the man she was expecting.

"Uhh… hi! Uhm, come in?" Wow, okay. Not as cool as she could have been, but at least it was something.

Sakura stepped aside and he took the hint. In walked a 6'2" drool-worthy man. It was hard to breathe as she took him in, maybe because it was her first time doing something like this, or maybe just because he was so much hotter in the flesh.

"Thank you. It's nice to finally meet you, Sakura." He said, courteously bowing his head a bit as he stepped in.

Sakura could only "Mhm" in response, blushing and bashfully turning away to shut the door. Itachi was a big guy—height wise—but thin with muscle tone evident through his black shirt and unbuttoned flannel. She could see the artistic lines of tattoos peeking out on his wrist; all black against his beautiful olive skin. Another noticeable trait was his hair, black as onyx with undertones of a natural blue. It was probably three times as long as her shoulder cut and neatly tied back into a ponytail at the nape of his neck.

Most men, and maybe even a huge portion of women, wouldn't be able to hold a candle to the handsome man before her, but it was evident he was not most men.

With a click, the door was shut and Sakura pressed her back against it, twiddling her fingers together as she avoided eye contact with the guy presently standing in her inner doorway, hands casually in his pockets. They stood there like that for a minute, total silence and no moves made.


Itachi let a deep breath out of his nose, which snared Sakura into his trap of looking up so she could catch him cock his brow.

The girl in front of him was beautiful, a head turner for sure. And he wasn't just thinking that because of her pink hair. With a heart-shaped face, large eyes, and skin the color of cream, a multitude of men would kill to be in his position.

She was definitely the same girl pictured in the profile he swiped on and chatted with for a handful of days, but seeing her in the flesh was so much better than pixelated on a screen. He sent a same word of thanks to an ambient being in the sky just as Sakura did before him.

The fidgeting girl was wearing a black, peasant-styled blouse that cut down in the shape of a "V" to tease a glimpse at her chest. Her bottom half adorned tight jeans of the same color. As his gaze slipped down the seemingly endless expanse of her legs, he found himself smirking at the sight of neon pink socks adorned with smiling skewers of cartoon dango, effectively breaking the dark color scheme she chose for the night.

When his pink haired host lifted her eyes to meet his, he cocked his brow.

He seemed so… comfortable, so shameless, just chilling in a stranger's house waiting for the rest of the night to unravel. He must do this often, Sakura thought.

This was her first time in this kind of situation: a hookup.

The only guy she's ever had sex with was Naruto, a boyfriend back in high school! They were young, dumb, and eager to lose the suffering cloud of their virginities before college took over their lives. Hence, Sakura's current situation of not getting laid for years. The exhausting hell that is university really held her back. Touching herself at night became old, tiring, unfulfilling… and her dating life was non-existent, to her frustration. That's how she found the dating app. No one piqued her interest, at least until Itachi came along with tasteful pictures and enticing conversation, not to mention he was smoking.

Now he was here… in her apartment… waiting for her to do something.

"Sorry, sorry! Please come in! I'm just kind of…"

"Shy?" He questioned with the hint of a smirk.

Sakura sighed. "Yeah," Moving past him, she motioned him to follow her deeper into her home. As he sat down on her couch she stepped into the connected kitchen. "Would you like anything? Water, a snack, or even some-"

"Sakura," He interjected. "You're fine. I just want to get to know you. Come sit down."

She brought him a glass of water anyway and plopped next to him on the couch. Respecting his space, she left a foot in between them.

"Sorry, I've never done this before…"

"It's quite alright, Sakura. There is nothing you should apologize for." He claimed. "I just want to get to know you."

And they did. It took her a bit, but they fell into friendly conversation on typical topics. She spoke of her current position as an apprentice for the Konoha Hospital Surgery Ward. He then went on to explain his work within the police force, gaining experience to take over his father's position as Chief of Police. She didn't take him for a cop at first glance, but honestly, the authority aspect made him even more attractive. It was nice, Sakura admitted to herself, as conversation with him didn't ebb or come to a point of awkward silence.

When there was somewhat of a lull, Sakura put a movie on.

It was a stupid comedy, the kind of movie you put on when you aren't entirely in the mood to watch something, but barely pay attention and still get the gist of it. There was no way she could focus on a thriller with a stranger meant to be the one night stand, the hook up, the dick appointment right next to her. Should they just sit there and watch a movie, then go at it? Is that how these things typically go? Or should she make a move to get the ball rolling? How does this work?

She has been pretty frustrated lately, which is exactly why she used that godforsaken app to begin with. The feeling of touching someone… and being touched… especially with the dark, quiet, glass of hunk sitting next to her. She needed that. Badly. He was so calm, sitting there in a pure slouch; the ultimate stature of comfortableness. He had no turmoil with this situation whatsoever. Confident as can be.

And here she was: a mess.

Make the first move. Fuck it.

"Okay, weird question," She blurted before she could turn back. At the sound of her voice, he lazily inclined his head toward her. "Do you want to… skip this," she motioned between them, "and just go have sex…?"

Awkward moment #2: completed. How many more could she wrack up?

Itachi Uchiha doesn't get surprised much anymore. Working within the police force creates that kind of callous for shocking things. He knew she was shy, as if the first moments in their initial introduction didn't signal that already, but he could see her fidgeting on the couch throughout the entirety of the mess of a movie she put on. Biting her nails, quickly glancing back and forth between them, and fidgeting like no other.

It was her first time doing this; she mentioned as such earlier. He didn't expect her to be this high strung on it, at least since she was the one who initiated this night in their chat. But her sudden bluntness, blurting out the request to immediately go at it like rabbits? That definitely took him off guard.

Who was he to keep a beautiful girl waiting?

Just as he was about to agree she blurted something along the lines of "Great! Let me get ready!" and practically flew over the couch and down a hall way, presumably into a bathroom, as he heard a sink turn on. He sighed, he always seemed to get the strange ones.

With a flick of her hand, the sink was on at full blast, hopefully blocking out the sound of her talking to herself in the mirror.

"You got this, Haruno. He's a pro, you have to pretend to be on his level. No big… what's in his pants will be big… oh, god,"

What the fuck was she thinking? There was a dark god just a room over that she was supposed to be plowed by and she's hiding away in the bathroom. Ugh, and that outburst she had. How stupid of her! She told him she was going to be a surgeon, but now she just looked like a clown in training. Sakura groaned into her hands. Honestly, what a mess.

"You are wasting water," Itachi interjected from the doorway.

She had been in there for a handful of minutes, leaving him to stare at the screen of a paused movie. He could just make out her mumblings over the running water and he knew his pink haired host was relishing in the turmoil that haunted her night. Itachi thought their comfortable conversation was enough to break the ice, but it was evident he thought wrong.

With a gasp, Sakura smacked down the faucet and spun to face him. When did he get there? "Sorry," She mumbled.

"You know, Sakura," Itachi walked into the bathroom, hands in his pockets, shoulders slouched, looking as comfortable in the tiled room as if it were his own. He stood in front of her, she could feel his breath on her forehead as he spoke. "We do not have to do anything if you do not wish to. It is not my desire to see you uncomfortable."

"No!" She shrieked. His eyes widen just a bit at her volume. "Sorry, uhm, it isn't like that, Itachi. Thank you, really. I really want to, I just… don't know what to do,"

As she trailed off, Itachi smiled. He couldn't lie, he enjoyed the shy ones. Taking her fiddling hands, he began to lead her out and back to the foyer. Wordlessly, she followed, guided by his lead and his comforting, judgement-free gaze. Itachi comfortably sat on the couch and directed Sakura onto his lap. This way she wouldn't feel caged in and had the upper hand to stop or go within her own comfort.

"Just relax and do what feels natural." Itachi murmured as he relaxed into the couch.

Thankful wasn't enough to describe how she felt towards the man she was currently sitting on. It was still a strange predicament to be in, but at least he was kind enough to help her relax. But, now was her moment. They could actually get the ball rolling per her desires since he tossed it into her court.

With a slight nod and a breath of confidence, Sakura leaned forward until her lips brushed against Itachi's. Just ever-so slightly, feeling the thin curvature of his mouth with her own. She kissed him like that for a while, taking her time to learn his movements. It was when she opened her mouth and shyly licked his lips that he began to touch her.

Itachi was a respectful man, choosing to give Sakura the reigns for her own peace of mind. He let her be in control so she could test out his waters and work up the confidence to let him in. Beginning with feather-light kisses, Sakura warmed up to him. His arms were at his sides, respectfully not touching her as she began her exploration. He did not want to scare her with excessive forwardness. But when the girl on top of him began to sigh against his mouth, licking the seam of his lips for his own to reciprocate, he could not help but slide his fingers against the curve of her behind, lightly touching her sides until he could cup her face in his hands and taste her as she had done to him. She stiffened, but he smirked as she pushed closer, beginning to gyrate her hips against his groin. She must not have even noticed, for he assumed she would apologize if she did.

Oh, god. Sakura thought as she relished in the feeling of his big, veiny, strong hands sliding up the sides of her body. They were so warm, even through the fabric of her blouse. She blamed them for the heat on her face, even though it was truly her blushing from the scene taking place. Fuck it, she needed more. Pulling away with the intent of pulling his shirt off, Sakura stopped once she met Itachi's gaze. It was heated, molten and glazed with lust as he bored his black eyes into hers. She felt like she was staring danger in the face and all it did was turn her on more. With determination, she slid her hands up his chest and under his red flannel, urging him to take it off.

Itachi took the hint. Wrapping his arms around the pinkette (and earning a gasp that Itachi didn't want to admit sent some blood down south), Itachi sat up. He growled, "Take off your blouse," as he stripped off his shirt.

Sakura followed his lead and pulled the black material over her head. Sakura was bashfully biting her bottom lip in a fashion that immediately made Itachi want to kiss her for hours, but she intervened his movements by pulling his black shirt off. Refusing to be stagnant, Itachi unclipped the lacy red bra and pulled it from her creamy shoulders.

Sakura inwardly pouted. So much for appreciating her matching set.

The horny monster inside Sakura immediately quelled that thought as she took in the bare sight of Itachi Uchiha. There he was, a bare, chiseled god right underneath her. His abs were lightly visible, not excessive but enough to show that he was in good shape, and if she followed the lines she could see a black trail of hair disappearing into his jeans. Letting her eyes explore upwards, she was graced with a full view of his tattooed arm, intricate black patterns beginning with a flock of ravens on his shoulder and spiraling down the entire length of his arm in dark swirls. Her mouth went dry. He was delicious.

Itachi's thoughts were the same as he relished in the view of her budding breasts, light pink nipples hardened and perfectly in front of his mouth. He could easily close over one and suck… but no, he had to take it slow with her. Choosing to lightly glide his hands up her bare sides, he murmured, "You're stunning," the feminine creature under his palms blushed a few shades darker.

"Did you, you know, bring condoms?" She asked shyly.

Itachi hmm'd as his hands continued their glide up and down her skin. As he brought them back up, he cupped her breasts and tenderly squeezed. She shivered and bit her lip, but chose to grind her hips down into him, eliciting a surprised exhale from him. This girl seemed to be much more forward than he took her for.

"It's too early for that, little girl." And with that, he took one of her breasts into his mouth. If she wanted to play, he'd show her how good he was at the game.

Sakura was always quick on her feet, as a surgeon you have to be, but when Itachi put his mouth on her breast her hand flew into his raven locks with lightning speed. She couldn't help but moan as his tongue flicked back and forth across her nipple, soon circling it until she shivered on his lap. She was so into it she almost missed what he said to her.

"What do you want me to do to you, Sakura?"

A breathy sigh escaped her. "Touch me, Itachi. Dominate me, do whatever you want, just fuck me." Sakura groaned. Why hold back, she figured. She's been needing this lay for years and he was a total god. She wouldn't even ever have to see him again if things get super freaky!

Itachi could have laughed at how easily he was able to melt her down into a desperate puddle of lust. She was practically begging, gazing at him through sooty lashes with dusty pink cheeks, unconsciously grinding against his hardened length. She didn't know what she was getting into.

With a stern, "Take everything off," Itachi had Sakura off of his lap and stripping her tight jeans. He followed, pulling them off of his hips and kicking them away. He barely had a second to admire her naked body before she started to straddle his lap.

"No." He practically snarled.

Sakura froze, only moving when Itachi's big hands guided her to turn around and sit on his lap with her back to his bare chest. This was… strange?

What was he plan—oh. Ooooohh.

His bare arm snaked around her front, grasping her breast while simultaneously holding her to him. His tattooed arm slithered between her legs. She thought he was going to touch her but he pulled her one leg to drape over his own, she understood and did the same with the other, leaving her open to the world. She felt so naughty. But then his fingers found their way to her wetness and naughty was the last thing on her mind.

Itachi relished in her gasping breaths, the moans in the air, and her heat. God, was she hot, and in more ways than one. Not only was she a stunning creature, but her cunt was molten wetness that made his cock twitch against her naked back. He decided to release her breast and let his other hand join its counterpart. With his pinky and ring fingers, Itachi pulled apart Sakura's folds, opening her core to the cold air and his other awaiting fingers. Even as she squirmed, he picked it up a notch by using his middle and index's to tease her inner flesh until they found the pearl in waiting.

The second he touched her clit Sakura slammed her legs closed. This would not do. His hand immediately found its way to her throat, not threatening, but showing her that he was in charge here. She wanted him to dominate her, right? His other hand brushed her hair back over her ear, leaning in to whisper, "Open your legs, Sakura, or else I will not touch you whatsoever."

Now that… that was a threat.

Her chest heaved, but she spread her legs over his again. "Good girl," he murmured darkly and proceeded where he left off.

Her sex was slickening by the second, her arousal coating his fingers as they resumed their original position. A single, broken moan left her lips when Itachi stroked her swollen clit, engorged with arousal and begging to be touched in every way, shape, and form. Her hips tried to swivel up, chasing his fleeting touch, but his forearms on her pelvis held her down throughout his torment. Sakura's arms found themselves going back to twine her fingers in his sleek hair, turning her head to kiss him as his onslaught continued on her sex, it was all she could do. She doesn't know why she was surprised that he returned her kiss, but the second it heated up and their tongues touched was when he slipped a long finger into her.

"Oooh—oh god…"

The finger inside her slowly slipped in, its owner relishing in the feeling of her taut passage squeezing around him, gripping him as if it were begging for him to be there, wet and hot for his own enjoyment. Itachi could almost chuckle, he was enjoying this so much. The squirming pinkette in his lap was feisty in his lap, pulling his hair in an iron grip and actually testing his own strength as she squirmed from his twirling touch. He could picture the sight of her in his mind's eye, writhing on his lap with her sex pried apart and vulnerable to the world, her plush mouth open in a never-ending moan, and a flush toning the creamy skin all over her body. He never claimed to be an artist, but he took credit for turning this bashful girl into a pornographic masterpiece.

One hand had a finger inside her, the other was using a calloused finger to rub against the most sensitive spot on her body. Her own fingers never felt like that. Now this is exactly what she needed. His spidery fingers were rubbing against her most intimate place, one exploring inside her and twisting so deliciously, she was forced to clamp her own hands on his toned forearms just so she could have some form of purchase as he had his way with her. It was when his finger curled and the others pinched her clit that she saw colors flashing behind her lids and had a tightening coil in her stomach threatening to snap. Though, his crafty fingers didn't stop, only slowing down when she felt like she could breathe again.

There was no time to come down from her mini-orgasm because she immediately honed in on the next path of his fingers. They slowly hovered their way over her stomach until they made it to her nipples, tracing her areolas and leaving a ring of her own wetness around them. They were perked before, but the cooling wetness against the air of the room seemed to make them harder. Then a hand came up to her mouth and she immediately complied by licking her cum off of his digits.

Who knew she was hiding such a vixen inside?

Hot lips were against her neck as she moaned around his fingers, his other hand tracing up and down the contours of her body.

"How do you feel?" He mumbled against her flesh. She moaned in response. Pulling her hair back and giving her ear a lick, he whispered, "Ready for more?"

When she purred her agreement, Itachi reached for a condom he tossed into the couch after he removed his jeans. It was awkward, but he managed to reach around the pinkette—still in orgasmic bliss on his lap—to stretch the latex over his throbbing length. As much pleasure as he takes in pleasing his partner, Sakura's moans, movements, and feel of her body had him ready to ease his own frustrations.

All she could think about was how good that was, and he only used his fingers! The way he stroked her, plucking her flesh like she was an instrument… she wondered if he played something, or if women were the tools he learned to master. The way his hands encased her, flicked her nipples, dove inside her and curved—whoa!

She was broken out of her blissful remembering by the feeling of his big hands grasping her bottom and lifting her hips. The feeling of something hard against her opening really broke her out of it.

Oh shit, of course he was immediately ready to go; he didn't cum. Well, of course he didn't, but she was so out of it she barely registered that they didn't fully have sex yet.

Kicking her own ass into gear, Sakura pushed herself up and to the side, resting against the back of the couch but still on his lap.

"W-wait, Itachi! I've never done this position before!" She shrieked.

Without responding, he pulled her in for a hot kiss. Once he felt her relax, his hands slid down her body, one holding her sides while the other trailed underneath her to guide his member to her own, leaking sex.

His silent reassurance was unsuccessful. "I'll guide you." and with that, he pushed himself into her.

Sakura couldn't help but wince as he squeezed himself in her tight channel. She hadn't had sex in years, so it was no wonder she was pretty tight, but damn, it kind of hurt. The sting was miniscule, but it kept her from reciprocating his enthusiasm for the first minute of their connection. Because of this, Itachi had to grasp underneath her thighs and bounce her up and down in time with his thrusts. Thankfully the pain was slowly transitioning into ecstasy. Now she could show him what she was made of.

With determination to fuck him right back, Sakura sat up on her feet, practically squatting over his lap in order to bounce up and down on the entirety of his length. She moaned at the instant change in how deep he could be inside her. Itachi felt it too, hissing and gripping her hips for purchase.

"Like this?" Sakura asked meekly, but turning to look at him with fire in her eyes.

Itachi furrowed his brows but nodded nonetheless. This girl kept throwing curveballs; one second she could barely sit still with nerves and in another she's like a literal cowgirl entering the ring with the bull no problem. What happened to "never doing reverse cowgirl" before?

It was easier than she originally took it for. It was all in the legs, she figured as she bounced up and down on the entirety of his cock. Sakura relished in the breath hitches, the grunts, and the slight hissing sounds Itachi made behind her. She too couldn't hold back her moans. Itachi's member curved perfectly into her, especially at this angle. With each thrust the head of his penis hit a spot that made her vision spotty. Hell, she'd be willing to go blind if he hit that spot nightly. Sakura continued to bounce up and down on him, begging incoherently (and embarrassed to admit) for him to keep going, mentions of god, and seemingly hundreds of yes's.

She made the mistake of looking back and making eye contact with him. Even with eyes hazy and half-lidded, Itachi's gaze was piercing. Black, sooty eyes cutting into her own, dominating her from beneath him as he ground his hips upward but kept her focused on him. His hair was disheveled from her fingers and loosely hanging across his forehead. He was so—

"Hot… oh god, Itachi. You're so hot. Mmm, yes!" She cried out.

That was when he knew she lost whatever game of determination they created in their minds. Sakura slumped against him and he took the lead to fuck her like she's never been fucked before. His hands gripped her thighs, pulled them apart, and drilled upwards into her dripping cunt. Her molten heat clamped around his girth, begging for him to keep going just as much as Sakura voiced it. He kept up his rough pursuit, nibbling and kissing her shoulder as he did so. With the reassurance, Sakura began to hump her hips back and forth with his own once again. Not needing his guidance, Itachi used one hand to turn her towards him and capture her mouth in a kiss; he would need to distract her for what was coming next.

He had to make her cum. He could feel his own orgasm building in his groin and coiling into his stomach. A gentleman always helps a partner finish before himself. So, he reached down and began to flick the little ball of nerves that must have missed his attention so much. As expected, Sakura pulled away from their game of lips and tongue to moan and cry from the sensations. He didn't stop, even when her blunt nails decided to dig into the skin of his arms again, even when she clenched her legs together, even when he felt the wet flesh of her inner walls contracting around his cock, even when she convulsed from orgasm and accidentally elbowed his ribs, even when he came inside her and felt his own cum trapped within the latex, Itachi didn't stop. His fingers continued to grind against her outer folds, rubbing at a constant pace. He even continued to thrust, enjoying the feeling of her riding out her orgasm around his sensitive, twitching girth.

The cramp in his ass made him stop, though, but damn was it worth it.

Gently, Itachi pulled himself out of her delicious passage, groaning as her entrance tightened around his head in a last ditch effort to keep him there. She barely noticed, as she was purring the aftershocks of his work away on his chest. Somehow, he flipped them around so they were forward-facing spooning on the couch, him stroking her body and her rubbing against him like the cat he decided she was.

"Did I fuck you like you wanted, Sakura?"

Sakura hid her face in the crevice of his neck. "Mhmm,".

Itachi smirked at her sudden shyness resurfacing. They laid like that for a few more minutes until Sakura lifted her head to voice a question.

"Do you—do you want to… do it again?" She asked shyly.

Itachi could almost laugh at the fact that she thought that he would be a "one and done" kind of guy.

"Sakura, I am nowhere near finished with you."

WHEW. Holy cow… this is awkward. I don't have any excuses… I just go in and out with the urges to write. I'm sorry that it has been actual YEARS since I updated. Honestly, I didn't know it had been so long… hopefully my writing is better than ever and the ELEVEN pages of smut make up for my absence.

I can't promise more right away, but I know I will write more as inspiration comes to me.

Do you like the chapter title? I feel like this one was pretty humorous, so I decided on not holding back in the name either.

I apologize for any mistakes; I'm still learning the proper usage of tenses, punctuation, blah blah blah… and I still hit some walls when it comes to sex scenes, but I hope you enjoyed nonetheless!