Hey Guys! I am SOOOOOOOO sorry that this took so long to update. Crazy things happening, ya know? So, This is where everything starts, and things really begin to heat up as promised. WARNING! There is a heavy lime content in this chapter, if it offends you, skip to the bottom and just read about training day. Thanks to everyone who has reviewed and stuck with me thus far! Ya'll know I love ya! :D

I don't own Yu Yu Hakusho or any of the characters therein.

48 Hours

As she glanced down at the thin, short metal sheet that separated her from the next shower stall over, it occurred to her that she'd never been so very exposed. In point of fact, the more she thought about it, the more she realized that any person that was tall enough could peer over the separator and see every inch of her bare flesh! Her face heated and she scrubbed her hair with a new found speed, her nails scraping every last inch of dirt and grease from her scalp. Luckily, the stalls were all empty at that time, but she wasn't about to press her luck and take the chance that something could happen. She didn't think that she was fully in possession of her mental faculties naked as she was, and a self-defense situation could quickly go south for her.

She quickly reached into the purple plastic shower bag that she'd brought with her and whipped out the soft white wash cloth that was stowed in the front pocket. She worked her dripping hand into the cool interior of the bag and pulled out her blueberry pie scented body scrub. She squirted a generous amount on the rag and began to vigorously scour her neck and shoulders. Though her eyes kept darting to and fro around the semi-darkness of the latrine tent, she found herself gradually beginning to relax as the frothy white suds ran down the long length of her body. She gingerly rubbed the lather around her chest, taking care not to agitate the blisters that Hiei had left behind. She leaned her head back under the spray and allowed the luke-warmth of the water to wash away the grime that had built up over the course of their little hike that day. She popped her eyes open, took one final look around the room and decided that no one would want to bathe that late in the evening save herself. Even Hiei had headed straight for the tent after he'd dropped her measurements off at the tailor's tent. Hiei…her mind wandered once again back to the strange occurrence back in his quarters earlier. It was odd…almost like they'd come under a trance. She'd never seen Hiei act that way. Hell, she'd never acted that way before. She made up her mind to talk with him about it later. Letting out a long, soul-deep sigh, she finally allowed herself to fully relax and enjoy the little prunes starting to form on her finger tips… until…


Her eyes snapped open and immediately landed on the shadowy figure standing at the entrance to the tent. She let out an earth shattering squeal and hunched into herself, her arms instinctively going around her breasts. Somewhere in the back of her mind, she understood that the man couldn't see her very well from his vantage point, but that didn't stop her from ripping her towel out of the bag, knocking it over and spilling its contents on the sopping floor. Wrapping the fluffy white towel around herself, she realized that she had forgotten to turn the shower stall off, and the water soaked the towel. Looking down, she felt her face turn scarlet at the blaring sight of her own nipples jutting out proudly back at her. Her eyebrows slammed together and she whipped around to turn off the water, her left forearm pressing into her chest to preserve her decency once again. She dared to glance up and squealed once again.

The stranger had advanced closer to her during her little fumbling episode, and she could see that his shoulders were shaking with suppressed laughter, though his face was still shrouded by the shadows of the tent. Suddenly, she was furious at this very rude person, and fully intended to tell him so just as soon as her legs stopped shaking. She opened her mouth, took an angry breath in, and raised a clenched fist at him just as the front flap to the tent was all but torn from its ties and an irate Hiei marched in holding his unsheathed sword. The stranger's shoulders began quaking in earnest now, and Botan could have sworn that she heard an amused snort coming from his direction. Her wide eyes swung back and forth between the stranger and Hiei, her jaw dropping lower as her cheeks became more and more enflamed with each passing second. No one moved, and for the first time in her life, she found herself utterly speechless. She didn't think that she could talk her way out of that one. Hiei saved her the trouble.

"What in the HELL is going here? Girl! Why did you scream? You woke up half the camp! Don't tell me that you can't take one simple shower without needing to be rescued!" Though Hiei angrily hissed his words to her, he kept his eyes trained on the figure in front of her… who was gasping for breath between sobbing laughs. His eyes narrowed. He'd have known that goofy laugh anywhere.

"Detective! What the hell are you doing here?" Hiei brandished his sword ungracefully above his head, raw fury overtaking his features. "Do you have any idea of the panic you've just caused out there? Half of my men were heading to the armory before I stopped them! Explain your presence!" The air whistled as he dropped the blade to point at Yusuke, who was still all but howling with laughter.

"You…you should," he gasped, "you should see your faces! I-I've seen tomatoes with less coloring!" Yusuke found his little joke hilarious and collapsed into a fit of giggles on the damp floor. Botan's eyebrows slammed together and forgetting all about her state of undress, she dropped her fists onto her hips. She was not amused.

"Yusuke Urameshi! Have you any idea how AWFUL this is? For crying out loud, this is my first night here! Couldn't you have waited until next week…next month….NEVER to come and cause such drama? And stop that cackling! I fail to see what is so funny here!" She was surprised when he stopped, his whole face going slack and his eyes settled themselves somewhere much lower than her face. She shot a cursory glance a Hiei only to find the same expression painting his features. Wondering what was so very interesting, she looked down at herself and shrieked.

She'd been so riled up about the whole situation that she'd forgotten to hold her towel together. She reacted in pure horror when she realized that front of it had completely fallen open, allowing the boys a full frontal view of her nude body. She thought she could die right there. In fact, she wished for it vehemently as she whipped the cloth over her obviously cold skin and grabbed her bag. She thought she heard Yusuke calling her name as she tore from the bath tent as hard and as fast as she could, but she was too distraught to care.

She was vaguely aware that she was knocking into people and making an even bigger scene, but her feet wouldn't listen to her commands to stop. Her heart wouldn't slow its tempo, and her breathing came in ragged gasps as she reached the tent. Its color was like a bright beacon on a dark sea, and she nearly ripped the flaps off of the front of it as she flung herself through the entrance. She frantically searched for her suitcase in the pitch blackness of the room, and let out a groan of frustration when she tripped over it. She opened it quickly, searching for dry clothes since her other pajamas had been soaked during that fiasco in the shower tent.

She roughly pulled on a pair of green cotton panties and not caring about finding a bra, fished around in her assortment of night gowns for one that would cover every inch of her skin save her hands, face and feet. She growled when she remembered that she'd left all of her more conservative things back at Genkai's place in favor of her lighter, cooler things. She found a large pink t-shirt and pulled her arms through it quickly then she shut the case and sat on top of it, still mostly unclothed. The shock was beginning to ware off and the gravity of what had just happened began to truly set in. She'd never been so embarrassed!

She felt the familiar sting of helpless tears beginning to build behind her eyes, a hazy film covering the room. Just as she began to hiccup, she felt a heavy weight fall around her shoulders. She gasped and stood up quickly, barely catching the blanket before it fell. Holding it in front of her like a shield, she squinted in the darkness.


"Hn. Who else, foolish girl? Did you think anyone else would dare follow you in here?" Hiei's rough baritone washed over her, both relieving and humiliating her all over again.

"M-Master! I—I…I'm sorry." She sniffed, trying desperately to suck up the tears attempting to run down her cheeks. She wouldn't let him see her cry again.

"Hn. Enough of this." His voice still rang with his distinct monotone, but she thought she heard a softness in it that wasn't there before. "Get in. It's late and I don't want trouble getting you up in the morning." He tilted his head toward the silhouette of the small green cot laid open against the back wall. She nodded and made her way carefully through the darkness until her knees bumped the icy metal frame. Quickly dropping the blanket he'd given her, she threw back and covers and flopped into bed, turning on her side and facing the wall. Just as she began to get comfortable, a thought came to her.

"Hiei, where will you sleep?" Her voice was slightly muffled by the fabric of the tent. She suddenly felt so comfortable cocooned in her little blanket pile and fabric wall that she almost missed his reply. Almost.

"I'm sleeping in here too. This is my bed, and I've no intention of letting you kick me out of it. You'll just have to sleep on your side so we can both fit. Men do this all the time in the field. It's a defense tactic and it's also used to keep warm in the cooler months. Consider that another free lesson. Now scoot."

His rough timbre growled at her somewhere over her head. Her eyes had widened when his comment registered, and she nearly shot upright when she felt the little cot dip under his weight. She lay rigidly as he moved the bottom sheet over himself, only wanting the sheer bit of cotton over him, lest he become too warm. She squeezed her eyes shut and curled in on herself, only to have the movement backfire when her back arched out and rested lightly against the warmth if his arm. She nearly cracked her spine as she rushed to straighten back out. She heard him make a small noise in the back of his throat, before he too turned away, his back mere centimeters from hers. He was so close that she could feel the heat rolling from his skin.

The tense silence continued from quite a few minutes, each one trying to find a comfortable spot and to force themselves to relax under the awkward strain of sharing a bed with a member of the opposite sex. Finally, after a bit more time had passed and Botan had abandoned all hope of sleeping, she heard Hiei let out another grunt before mumbling something about not "having any other choice." She nearly died a thousand deaths when he quickly flipped onto his other side, shoved his arm under her side of the pillow and pulled her flush against him. She let out a gasp and tensed. She felt him shake his head.

"Don't get any stupid ideas, girl. This is only because this cot is really too small for two people to lie however they please and I want to sleep tonight. Just get over it and shut your eyes." He felt her shiver as his breath and deep voice caressed the shell of her ear. He smirked, his male ego having been stroked by her physical reaction to his proximity. He shut his eyes and lay his head on the pillow, fully intending to get as much sleep as possible before what was sure to be a trying day.

Thirty minutes and one very miffed fire demon later found the couple still awake and getting very annoyed with the fact. Hiei was having a particularly rough time of it, as his privates were reacting rather strongly to her skin against him. He just couldn't understand why she got such a rise from his body. He been with other women before, but even burying himself in the heat of their bodies had never caused such a roaring flame in his stomach. Just the feel of her soft curves molded to the rock hardness of his front had him nearly groaning. To make matters even worse, her scent coupled with every little twitch or movement that she made against him had him wanting to writhe against her, to rub his hot skin against her cool back. It was humiliating. He was pining after her like a bitch in heat. It was stupid, it was ridiculous… it was downright unmanly!

Botan couldn't sleep. Nope, no way. So she just settled for keeping her eyes trained on the gently flapping fabric of the tent and hoping that her body would just take the hint and give out already. Instead, she was bombarded with the twining forces of a racing heart, the shivers and nipples so hard she could cut glass with them! Her eyebrows snapped together and her lips turned down in a nasty frown. This was ridiculous. She might as well have been rubbing her butt right against his crotch for all the sexual tension that was obviously there; and boy, did she mean obvious. She wondered if Hiei was even bothered by the raging hard-on that he was trying so hard to keep from pressing into her backside. He was failing miserably, but she had to give him points for effort. It was a rather sizable erection, after all. With that thought, a surge of heat shot straight to her core, boiling her blood and leaving a massive case of the tingles in its wake. She knew from the throbbing between her legs that her scent had spiked, and quickly prayed that he didn't notice too. Fat chance… He growled. She froze.

This wasn't a typical aggravated Hiei grunt, but a low, feral, animalistic vibration that originated from somewhere within his chest. She knew without even turning to look at him that he had reverted back to his basest demon form. She didn't even consider moving, knowing full well what happened when a demon lost control of his more civilized traits. So instead she lay perfectly, rigidly still and hoped that he would transform again soon; but instead of seeing her wish realized, she was once again shocked by him when she felt a scalding hot hand come around her and trace the line of her collar bone. He brushed the hair off of her chest and tucked it behind her, baring a smooth expanse of shoulder to his gaze. Her shivers kicked up a notch when she felt the tickle of his claw trailing up her arm and over her shoulder blade until it came back around under her jaw line. She gasped as he roughly grabbed it and forced her face to turn and see him.

She was surprised to find out that he had indeed transformed back into his humanoid resemblance, but the bestial look in his eyes remained undiminished. He roughly laid her on her back and shifted to cover her body with his. Picking up both of her tiny wrists in his large hand, he pinioned them above her head and leaned his weight on them. She looked up him, all but panting for the breath that didn't come, the pulse that didn't calm. Her eyes were half-lidded and heavy, her pupils dilated and tracing his every curve, every point. No longer was she clenched and nervous about being around his demon countenance. In fact, the ache between her legs had returned in full force, nearly becoming painful when he shot her a look that was so smoldering and intimate, she thought she might melt into a little puddle of goo in his hands.

He groaned when he saw the look of absolute need in her beautiful eyes. Never had a woman looked at him like that; like she would die if he didn't touch her. He shamelessly stared at the rise and fall of her breasts beneath her shirt, the peaks of her nipples plainly showing and begging for him to give them the attention that they craved. Who was he to argue? She arched her back and strung up as tightly as a bow when he pushed his hand underneath the hem of her shirt and dragged the flat of his palm up and over the taught plain of her abdomen. He dragged his thumb leisurely around the underside of her breasts, causing her to writhe beneath him in the most delicious way. He could barely contain his own groan of satisfaction as her hips brushed wantonly against his, the most secret parts of them meeting and retracting in a frantic rhythm. Growling again, he ripped her shirt to a place where it caught just above her breasts and lowered his face to take one of the swollen tips into the velvet heat of his mouth. She cried out, thrusting her chest up to him, silently pleading for him to continue. He removed his hand from her wrists and brought it down to her other breast. She immediately buried her hands in his hair, the little moans and mewls that she had been uttering growing in volume. She threw her head back against the pillow and lowered her hands to his broad shoulders, kneading the muscle there just in an effort to touch him. He shot her a look that threatened to sear her bones, and she tugged on his shoulders to bring him up to eye level with her. He let go of her with an audible pop, and she gasped as the cold air hit her chest, now damp from his attentions.

Without missing a beat, she placed her hand on the back of his head and bought his lips down to hers, crashing them together in an almost painful way. He fisted his hands in the thick glossy strands of her hair and threw himself completely into it, relishing the feel of her nearly naked body grinding against his. His tongue forced its way past the pillowy softness of her lips as he quickly took control of the situation. She arched into him, ensuring that almost every inch of their flesh was pressed together tightly. They were both panting, pulling in breath like they were dying for it.

Hiei was burning. He had never held a woman close to him and he DIDN'T kiss them. Sex was just sex, after all. No need to go and make the woman he was with feel like he was a weak fool who needed her touch. This, however, felt out of his control; like his body was moving of its own accord. When he had caught her scent spiking the way it had earlier, he'd almost blacked out completely. It took everything he'd had to transform back into his usual state. Her body was like a magnet, drawing him in without any hope of escape. Even worse was that he found himself actually wanting to kiss her, to please her…to hear her scream his name. He had no idea what was happening to him, but he had no qualms about letting this particular part of his admitted attraction to the ferry girl take over him, and she seemed much more than willing to return his attentions. He lowered his hand back down to the top of her breast. She let out a tiny moan that threatened to undo him right then and there. Yep, things couldn't get much better.

"OH DAMN! SORRY, GUYS! Whoo, Hiei! I thought you said you didn't like her like that? You sure do change your tune pretty quick, don't ya?"

The two of them jumped apart, Botan wearing a horrified expression and Hiei looking quite blood-thirsty. She turned to face and the wall, frantically trying to compose herself and praying that Yusuke hadn't seen too much of her. Her face was day-glow red, and she knew that Hiei saw it. So she didn't say anything at all. She just lowered herself under the covers and pulled them up over her head. She heard a loud thwack followed by Yusuke's unmistakable howl of pain before she felt the cot dip again and Hiei settle her back against his chest, the inferno between them now simmering just beneath the surface. She lay there for a little while longer, thinking about what had just happened with Hiei and wondering where it would take her… what it all meant; and where it would've ended up if Yusuke hadn't come in when he did. She was just about to doze off when she heard her friend whine to Hiei.

"Well, if you're sleeping with her, where am I gonna sleep?" The detective's voice was so sweet, so deceptively innocent that Botan had to smile. Hiei, however, was more comfortable with yelling.

"You rat bastard, you can sleep in my trunk for all I care! Now, shut up! Tomorrow is going to be very long for all of us, and I for one want to be clear headed." With that, he plonked his head back down on his side of the pillow and slammed his eyelids together, determined to sleep off whatever strange feelings were left over from his recent activities with the ferry wench. Tomorrow was training day one, and he had a feeling he'd need all the patience he could get.


She swore it was the cruelest thing that could have been done to her. She rubbed her swollen eyes and stretched, trying to compensate for the poor sleep and lack of coffee. How the hell was she expected to perform without coffee? It was unheard of! A sinister prank performed by a shrewd little man who was currently walking in silence ahead of her with their friend. She didn't know where they were walking to…didn't care. All she knew was that the sun hadn't yet risen; she was running on an empty stomach and she had gotten next to no sleep that night as she lay back to chest with an extremely attractive male.

She reached down to lightly scratch her ribs. The shirt that had been presented to her that morning along with a pair of grey camouflage pants and black leather combat boots were foreign to her, and the strange fabric that they were crafted from itched! She was thankful that her arms didn't have to suffer as well, seeing as the shirt was sleeveless…and rather low cut, she thought. It only came just below her collar bones, but it was still a far cry from the traditional garments that the Spirit World had provided her. These were lighter and thinner than her kimono. She was thankful for that at least because it was warm outside already, and growing warmer by the minute it seemed.

Her hand dropped to play absently with the silver belt buckle attached to the nylon belt that encircled her tiny waist. As she looked ahead at Hiei, her mind drifted back to what had happened the day before. She couldn't understand how things had progressed so quickly. For heaven's sake, she had only kissed a man once, and that had been just a sweet little thing given out of pure love. Her lips twitched upward as she remembered Koenma on that day; how loving he had been with her. He'd held her and gently caressed her cheek before leaning in slowly, giving her time to pull away if she wanted. She hadn't understood at first what he was doing. She'd been so innocent back then. The instant that his lips had lightly settled over hers, she knew instinctively that it was a good gesture, one born of love. She had enjoyed it, but there was a curious empty feeling in her chest. As soon he'd pulled away and seen her hooded eyes, he'd known that she was never meant for him. So from that day forward, he'd thrown himself into being the best friend he knew how to be instead of a lover. Then one day, she was ecstatic to discover that he'd fallen hard for the beautiful and stoic Ayame. Now he was expecting a son…and that curious empty feeling still lingered in her heart. Until last night.

She pulled from herself back from her thoughts as the men came to a stop ahead of her. It was still very dark, but she could just barely make out a small clearing in the wood that surrounded them. So this was to be her training ground…

"Girl," Hiei called roughly though he never turned to face her, "come forward and stand where I can see you." Botan complied.

"Yes, Master?" She said softly, her voice still chopped and low from sleep.

"Today is your first day of training, but we will not engage in combat today. As every good soldier knows, the first step to being a strong fighter is to have strong will, and a sharp mind. Today will be about meditation and lessons of the field." She sighed in relief, knowing that he wouldn't beat on her today.

"However," he continued and a sense of unease filled her gut, "being a good fighter also requires a strong body. We will begin each morning with exercises to strengthen those sticks you call arms, and those deflated air sacks you call lungs. You may hate me in the beginning of this, but when I'm done with you, you'll be strong in every way. I will not allow you to quit or to cry or to slack off. I will not let you fail, no matter how much you beg to. Is this clear?" She gave him a wooden nod of her head, images of thirty mile runs and climbing trees with weights attached to her dancing through her mind. She tossed a quick look at Yusuke, but his gaze was elsewhere.

"Insolent brat! Look at me, girl, not the Detective! I am your master, not that fool and while you're here under the shade of these trees, I will be the only one you see. You shall not speak to him unless I tell you to. He will touch you, correct you and help you find your feet. You are not to thank him. I want it so you will be unable to distinguish his body from yours. I want you to only feel the way that he moves, as if he were an extension of yourself. Eventually, you will be able to do everything on your own. Until then, the Detective will be your shadow self, but you will speak only to me. Understand?" She nodded, her wide eyes trained on Hiei's face. "Now, we'll go through our stretches. We'll run after."

She took a deep breath and steeled herself, following him to the center of the clearing. Yusuke followed closely behind her, apparently taking everything Hiei had said to heart. They stretched every muscle from their calves to their necks, only stopping to allow Yusuke to move Botan's arms and legs when her balance was off. She was not used to being touched so much, but she forced herself to ignore him as Hiei had commanded. She did, however, pull a certain comfort from the feel of his callused palms gliding across her skin as he repositioned her. She felt a little safer with Yusuke acting as her shadow.

She realized as they began to jog off through the mountains that he probably came to her just for that purpose; to make her feel safer. She let out a tiny smile. Keiko was right. Yusuke really was like a prince when he wanted to be, and she'd never loved him more for it.

Seven miles into their run found Botan bent over a large tree root dry heaving. She knew now why Hiei hadn't offered her breakfast. He'd likely known that she would be sick her first few times running at such a pace for such a long time. She was extremely embarrassed at first, until she remembered that these men had already seen her naked. Somehow, the thought made her feel better. She let out another small smile when her stomach settled. If Hiei had wanted to sleep with her last night, she bet that he'd changed his mind after that little display.

She pulled herself back up to find Yusuke giving her a concerned look. Just as he looked about to say something in her defense, she looked at Hiei and cleared her throat.

"Forgive me, Master, I didn't properly prepare myself for this run. I'm ready to continue now if you'll permit me." She held his gaze as a strange expression came over his face.

"Very well, girl. We'll run just over the hill. There is a stream there where we will rest and drink. Then we will continue back to the clearing where your training will begin." His eyes narrowed at her, searching for signs that she was about to quit or slow down. Though her stomach was still roiling, she refused to give him the satisfaction of finding what he sought. So she tamped down on the dread filling her insides at the prospect of repeating that little trek and began to jog.

Another three hours had passed since they had begun and the sun had risen well into the sky before they finally returned to the training ground. Each one dripped sweat from their person. Though Hiei looked completely unfazed by such a strenuous run, Yusuke and Botan were bent over and panting. Hiei quirked an eyebrow at Yusuke, who returned the gesture by flipping him off. Just as Hiei looked like he would begin a squabble with Yusuke, a very red-faced Botan put up her hand and tried to choke out a few words.

"Okay...Master…ready to," she gasped, "keep going." She looked up at him from her bent position and all but pleaded with her eyes.

"Very well then, girl. Come here." He held out his hand to her. Botan gratefully took it, too late realizing that Yusuke had let out a warning hiss beside her. Before she knew it, Hiei had up-ended her into the dirt and pinned her down once again. She immediately hated herself.

"I see you've forgotten our first lesson, ferry girl. I will enjoy re-teaching you when the time comes." He rose from the ground and offered a hand down to her. This time she smartened up and slapped his hand away, pushing herself upwards and gaining a very shaky foot hold. Hiei smirked in approval, and then turned to walk away.

As soon as his back was turned, she collapsed against Yusuke, who cupped her arms with his strong hands and held her weight while they walked. He squeezed her arms warmly, as if to silently tell her she'd done well. She quickly placed her hand over his and squeezed it in return to say thank you.

They made their way to a large boulder on the outskirts of the clearing and Hiei jumped, landing gracefully on top of it. Botan placed a hand over her eyes to shield them from the sun as she looked up at him, already knowing where this was headed and hating it.

"Detective!" His velvet baritone rang out across the trees. "Bring the girl up here! The first phase of training begins now.

Yusuke lifted her gently and bent his legs until his butt nearly hit the ground. She felt his muscles coil just before he launched them both into the air, pulling a flip and landing softly right next to Hiei.

"Now, Yusuke, help her position her body into the proper meditation stance."

Yusuke pushed gently on her shoulders until she folded down into a cross legged heap on the ground. He knelt behind her, his knees pressing against the sides of her thighs and pulled her shoulders back, straightened her head and placed her hands on top of her knees.

"Breathe slow, Botan." His warm sweet voice flooded her ear and she did as he asked, though she told him nothing. She focused on Hiei's face and allowed her tightly pinched muscles to begin relaxing. Hiei came to her then, and knelt before her, his knees touching Yusuke's and completely enclosing her in a circle of male scent and heat. Her body nearly melted right there.

Hiei's eyes found hers and her breath caught in her throat. She was keenly aware of Yusuke's breath at the side of her throat. Hiei reached out and brushed his fingers over her eyes.

"Keep them closed and hold this position. Let everything else fall away. Forget about Yusuke. Forget about me. As far as you know, we're not here. Now, think on what it really means to be strong. Look for the answer deep inside yourself. Hold this position and focus." So she did. Several minutes had passed in total silence before she popped and eye open. The men were still kneeling around her, protecting her body. Her back was starting to cramp and her neck was stiff. She cleared her throat and addressed Hiei, who looked as though he'd fallen asleep.

"Uh..um..ahem..uh…master? Forgive my rudeness, but how long must I hold this position?" Her voice sounded tiny, even to her. Hiei opened his eyes and looked at her for a long time, until she began to squirm.

"Yusuke and I have already meditated on this subject and found our answers long ago. This is only for your benefit. I'd say for someone as thick-headed as you, you'll have to hold this position for…at least forty-eight hours." She could tell he was serious by his straight face.

Yusuke steadied her as she nearly fell off the rock.

Thanks, everyone! I promise I'll update as soon as I can! Don't give up on me! X_X We might even get a surprise visit from Mukuro in the next chapter! Reviews always help and I'm always grateful for the kind words! Love ya'll!

Freya 3