Chronicles of Xemnas

Chapter1: Doubts

Hi everyone! Its been a long time since i wrote anything and it hurts.*points to his heart* right there. Well, my hard disk crashed and so i lost everything! All my files, so thats why i'm not continuing Memories of Us? right now but i will finish it after i recover the lost files. Either way, i wanted to do this for a long time! So i started with this. Xemnas to me is my favorite KH villain and i had many hopes on him becoming Terra but looks like Tetsuya Nomura has other ingenius plans in the works for him XD So i thought, hey, why not make my version into a fic? Here it is, the Chronicles of Xemnas.
As always I dont own Kingdom hearts or any other characters, settings etc associated with the story.



Strength of heart will guide you through the toughest of trials.

In the end every heart returns to the darkness whence it came.

Just stay put! I'm on my own now.

Your darkness shall be the ark that sustains me!

The Superior opened his eyes, sweating profusely. "More memories?" Xemnas knew who he was or rather who he had been. These memories were just a distraction from his real goal. Like always he would dismiss them as nothing more than a bad dream. Afterall, he had other pressing matters to attend to right now.

A dark portal appeared and a man came out of it. "Greetings brother."

Xemnas chuckled. "Brother? A rather false term for incarnations of the same persona, wouldnt you say, Ansem?"

Ansem simply smirked. "Indeed it is." Ansem teleported behind Xemnas. "One day we can truly be whole again." Xemnas lay back at his throne with a hand under his chin.

"That is still a long road ahead. For now we must concentrate on our plans." Xemnas closed his eyes. "Xehanort's plan."

Ansem nodded in agreement. "I shall devour the worlds in darkness while you-"

"Create Kingdom Hearts, or rather an imitation." Xemnas continued.

"As long as it serves our purpose, it doesnt matter whether its an imitation." Xemnas remained silent. "Doubts?"

"There is always room for failure. We tried to use Kingdom Hearts in the past however we were foiled by those three Keyblade weilders." Ansem teleported infront of Xemnas, a confused expression on his face. "The method used all those years ago was also an imitation." Xemnas raised his gaze to meet Ansem's. "We need a failsafe."

Ansem smiled to which Xemnas raised an eyebrow. "That has been taken care of. I have given our master's young self the ability to travel through time and space itself." Xemnas smirked.

"So if anything goes wrong-"

"He will carry out the final stages, exactly." Ansem continued. "Now for the reason I called for the meeting." Xemnas put on a serious expression.

"You wish to see if I-" Xemnas vanished and reappeared behind Ansem with his back facing him. He slowly turned his head around and continued. "If I have regained my heart?"

"Indeed. I may be a Heartless, but you are a Nobody. A Nobody is able to regain his heart."

Xemnas chuckled. "True but through my research i have discovered that it takes time and a certain catalyst to accelerate the process."

"Catalyst?"Ansem asked.

"It takes many forms but it is essentially something that reminds a Nobody of their true self."

"Could this catalyst be a person?"

Xemnas pondered over that statement. "The thought never crossed my mind. I shall look into it." Xemnas then looked at Ansem. "Rest assured, I am Xehanort, just like you."

Ansem appeared unconvinced. "I suppose so." Xemnas shot him a look.

"Do you doubt me?"

"Not at all." Xemnas saw through that lie. "I shall take my leave. Contact me if any new developments happen."

"Ofcourse." With that Ansem disappeared leaving the Superior alone with his thoughts. "My heart? What will I gain from it?" Xemnas was convinced that he is Xehanort but after years of recollections, he wasnt so sure. True, Xehanort is his original persona but so is a young brunette who has slowly begun to creep inside his mind and make him doubt the masters words. Not only that but the rage and hatred he felt for the Keyblade weilders who had foiled the grand plan years ago was slowly but surely being replaced by emotions he thought to be long dead. Warm and soothing emotions that made him feel happy and complete. Xemnas could not deny what he was starting to feel. As hard as he tried, he could not hold back a smile as he closed his eyes.


In the Realm of Darkness

"Do you still doubt him?" Young Xehanort asked.

"Ofcourse. There is afterall reason to suspect him." Ansem answered.

"Do elaborate."

"He has his body and those eyes." Ansem paused. "They arent as they should be."

"True, however despite his physical appearance, he is afterall Xehanort at heart." Young Xehanort laughed. "It is really odd referring to myself like that."

"The master still advises to keep an eye on him."

"We have Xigbar for such a purpose." Young Xehanort then got serious. "However, I am intrigued by what he told you. A catalyst?"

Ansem nodded. "It appears that it could give his heart back." Ansem then looked at his other self. "However, what troubles me is which heart shall return in that body?"

Young Xehanort pondered over this for a few seconds and smirked. "Depends on the catalyst."

"What do you mean?"

"Right now he is undoubtedly Xehanort, like us. However, over time, when he is in the process of regaining his heart, he will change."


"Indeed. He will either become entirely Xehanort or..."

Ansem nodded. "I see." He then smirked and Young Xehanort did the same. Young Xehanort summoned a great dark orb which descended from the sky. As it touched the ground, the darkness faded around it, revealing their prisoner lying unconscious."As long as she remains hidden, in every sense of the word-" Ansem spoke the same words.

"Terra is dead."

And chapter 1 is down! I guess all of you can easily guess who the prisoner is ;) Will Xemnas betray Xehanort (all of Will he become Terra? Will Sora and Kairi kiss! Oops, wrong fic XD As always R & R.