"You need to get more friends, Kakashi. Summoning us just to chat is weird." Biscuit, the smaller, droopy eyed hound in Pakkun's pack said lazily as he watched Kakashi do pushups. Kakashi stopped and stood up, stretching a little. The sun still wasn't visible in courtyard they were in because of the surrounding wall, so Kakashi decided it was the perfect location to get a little early morning training in.

"You're just being bitter because I don't have a treat for you." The dog snorted and started sniffing the ground next to his front paws.

"You rarely summon me, plus Sakura-san always gives me treats. She also lets us all sleep in the bed." Kakashi sighed and as he squatted down to sit Indian style.

"She spoils you guys rotten." He said calmly as he took a few deep breaths and closed his eyes.

"Not complaining at all. " Biscuit almost seemed to grin as he said it. He watched Kakashi just sit completely still for a few minutes before he made a quiet impatient growl. "If you're just going to meditate, why did you summon me?"

"You were good company during my exercise, now I am concentrating on quiet time, so shut it."

"Oh… So I get it… you are like the grumpy father and Sakura-san is like the really nice mother-"

"I no longer need you, Biscuit." He said quickly and the hound disappeared quickly in a puff of smoke. Unlike Pakkun who could pretty much stay in their world as long as he wanted, the rest of the pact were immediately transported back on Kakashi's or now, much to Kakashi's aggravation, Sakura's command.

Biscuit knew that and knew if he pushed enough buttons Kakashi would send him home, where he kind of wanted to go to in the first place.

With that, Kakashi settled back into a comfortable position and began to meditate once more. He really needed to find someone else to talk to other than his dogs; well Pakkun was his main pair of ears he vented to. He really didn't feel comfortable telling his woes to Biscuit. He would normally talk to Pakkun, but he seemed to be tied up at the moment. More than likely with Sakura.

Which was the subject he wanted to try to discuss.

What possessed him to offer to take Sakura's virginity? He felt guilty for taking her first mission from her but not her first time with a man? Was he that obsessed with his work that a mission was more important than a first sexual experience?

As fucked up as he knew it was; that's how he felt. Though now he was a little bothered by the fact that he might have offended Sakura by putting the offer on the table. It just seemed the logical thing for her to do because they both knew he wasn't going to blab to anyone in Konoha. The only people he hung out with regularly were Kurenai, Gai and Genma. Kurenai being a single mother had taken to talking to in baby talk most of the time. Gai would go on a speech of how he was a traitor that stole the young fountain of youth's blossom… or something involving flowers and youth. Genma would expect a high five, details, and would tell the next person he saw.

None of these seemed pleasant. Thus his last choice was his trusty companion, his favorite summon… who was currently gabbing it up with the subject of worries.

Wasn't it MAN's best friend? Dogs were as fickle as cats if you had treats

"So we can be in Konan by nightfall if we haul ass, it's the closest village to the outskirts of the Earth country without actually being in their borders. We are supposed to meet our contact there tomorrow afternoon. Tsunade told me that the operative will know us when they see us, and it's one of her best… What!" Sakura finally said, after a minute of Kakashi's steady, lazy, grumpy stare.

"You bought the pack breakfast, and didn't get me anything?"

"I bought you clothes."

"With mission funds."

"I put a lot of thought into your clothes. I think the blue looks nice." Kakashi looked down at his new shirt.

"You had to dress me with your mind, which is the first step to undressing me with your mind." He said as he gave her a happy eye creased smile.

"You're just grasping for straws now. Pervert." Sakura smirked and poked him in the forehead. They began walking down the road in a comfortable silence, which after his offer the day before; she hadn't thought that was possible. Starting the day with a fist fight and ending it with an offer for sexual favors, the awkwardness was threatening the edges of her mental image of Kakashi, but she was doing well to keep it at bay. It was more than likely the conversation she had with Pakkun that morning.

Or the fact that she caught a glimpse of him meditating that morning. He seemed so relaxed and at peace, it made her remember that there was so much underneath Kakashi's normal façade. He had layers and wasn't an aloof pervert.

Well… he wasn't JUST an aloof pervert.

"So… Why did you quit Anbu the first time?" Kakashi looked at Sakura from the corner of his eye as they picked up speed. They were entering the tree line and could take to the air a lot quicker than running along the path. She had made sure to be on the uncovered side as they ran. Even though he couldn't wear a Konoha headband, he still had on an eye patch.

He seemed to take his time forming an answer, Sakura almost repeated herself thinking he hadn't heard her the first time.

"I guess you could say… I got tired of every mission being a 'Plan B' mission. Being an Anbu during a war is rough."

"Plan B?"

"Plan A, you go in and kick ass. Plan B, don't die. Plan C, retreat. Plan D, dead. Of course every mission is technically a 'Plan B' mission, but that doesn't mean you can't enjoy kicking a little ass."

"…You're ridiculous."

"Hey… during battle, if someone yells, "Plan C!" you know damn well you need to get your happy ass out of there."

"You never taught your students this." Sakura made a sour face at his back as she followed his through the trees.

"You were with me; you know I wouldn't let anything happen to you." He said over as he looked over to her, giving her another cheesy grin that she only caught because of his eye.

A soft smile graced her lips when he turned back around.

Yeah… not just an aloof pervert.

"It… uh… It was you who summoned the pack for me to sign the scroll." Kakashi faltered a little and came to a halt in a tree causing Sakura to stop too.


"Well… I was going to ask you, but being seventeen and a girl… I honestly thought if it weren't Naruto or Sasuke you wouldn't agree. So… I bribed a couple of the waitresses at my party to get you sloshed."

Kakashi's eyes got a little wider as he remembered, but that was his only reaction as she continued.

"After you were good and toasted, all I had to do was say the right thing to get you to summon Pakkun. You ended up summoning him because I told you he was a Boston terrier, and you swore he was a Pug. The rest is history… I made sure you got home alright at least…" Kakashi was quiet for a long time; as if processing the fact that he had been duped by Sakura. Hell, duped by a seventeen year old Sakura. That was worse.

Sakura acted like she could care less what he was thinking, or how he took it. She honestly was worried he was going to feel a little betrayed.

"I more than likely would have tried to talk you out of signing a contract with the dogs. You are smart though, Sakura. You would have talked me into it. You went the Kunoichi route though. Fitting for you to do at your graduation party. "He sounded thoughtful and he smiled at her as he spoke.

"I had thought about talking to you about it. Tracking is my weakest point in solo missions, the dogs are amazing trackers, and I hated to break it to Tsunade and Katsuyu… but slugs weird me out." Sakura shuddered a little at the thought.

"Admit it, you saw me and the pack in action and totally wanted to be as awesome as me." Kakashi chuckled as he started through the trees again.

"Who's your captain again, Ookami? OH! That's right. It's me." Kakashi shot her a weak glare that only made her laugh as they picked up speed again.

Hot baths always seemed to set Sakura at ease, even at her most troubled. Something about the sensation of all her muscles relaxing as the grime from her day washed away caused her worries to wash away too for those sweet moments of soaking in the hot water. The hot steam would open her pores and clear her sinuses, and the atmosphere of the bathroom took when she lit candles and played soft music was heaven.

Too bad the only thing she had was a small shower stall that looked like it had seen better days. The drain was rusty, the curtain was covered in mildew, the faucet labels for hot and cold were written in sharpie… and it smelled strongly of Kakashi.

The bastard took advantage of the fact she was dying of thirst and her canteen was bone dry. So while she went in search for some water in the downstairs pub, he claimed the first shower.

With a huge sigh she peeled her clothes off and turned what she hoped was the hot water on.

She and Kakashi had travelled hard all day to make it to Konan and did before the sun had even set. Because Konan was a large village and had many tourists, so the only room they could get was the current hell hole they were staying in. She guessed that the usual customers paid by the hour. She was pretty sure Kakashi felt the same when he gathered up all the sheets and blankets after his shower to wash them himself. He apparently didn't trust the hotel staff.

Her mind wandered again to the previous night and his offer. She had decided to accept… it made her want to check into a psych ward in Konoha when she got home, but she decided to play on her sudden wave of insanity and go with it before she lost her nerve and ended up a forty year old virgin.

She decided her course of action was to get him drunk and herself a little buzzed in the process and just chalk it up to drunken debauchery.

She couldn't help the feeling of anxiety and dread creeping over her as she stepped into the shower. She was going to make sure to scrub EVERYTHING before she got out.

Hey guys!... and gals. o.O

Sorry I am slow with updating. I actually lost the thumb drive that had the current story on it and just recently found it. So I'm back!... again!

I am going to finish this story, even if it takes a hot minute like Two Pink Lines did. I finished it though! Even though it took almost two years... My life is crazy, forgive me. :|