Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. All characters, terms, and affiliates of Naruto are not mine, but belong to their respective owners, Masashi Kishimoto, TV Tokyo, VIZ &c.

This was written way back in 2008. Please keep this in mind while you read, because yeah, it's pretty terrible.


Sakura dropped her pack and stretched out on the double bed, arching her back and groaning in the sheer delight of being off her feet. Even with the help of her chakra, a day spent hopping through the trees was still a day spent hopping through the trees, and with their stop came the inevitable aches. Whoever had come up with the idea that being high up in the air, one slip away from breaking their neck, and jumping from limb to limb was the most efficient way of traveling clearly hadn't tried it.

She was almost asleep when she felt hands wrap themselves carefully around her waist. With no visible effort, Kakashi picked Sakura up and moved her across the bed. It was a practice of his to sleep closest to the door, just in case any would-be thief tried his luck with their room. Sleepily complying, Sakura kicked off her boots and would have burrowed under the covers if not for the fact that her shirt was being unzipped. And not by her hands.

"What are you doing?" She watched, not stopping him but not helping the zipper's progress down.

"Paying Asuma back," Kakashi replied.

"I'm...not sure I follow." Sakura was sure that it made sense somehow, but perhaps Kakashi was really tired. She knew she was. Compliments of the other half of their group, they'd barely caught a few hours of decent sleep.

"Ever wonder why I made us travel the entire day?" Kakashi had her shirt gaping open now and was currently reacquainting himself with her bra.

"Because you're a sadist?"

"Hm. Aside from that."

Sakura thought for a moment, but decided against really trying. Tongues on nipples could do that to a girl.

"Just tell me...mm, please."

Kakashi's voice was muffled but the satisfaction was hard to miss. "He and Ino kept us from sleeping. I figure we should return the favour."


"Ah indeed," Kakashi murmured, settling down to business. "And besides, we both know you're the louder screamer."