It's been close to a year. Oh my gosh. I'm so sorry guys, I never meant to take such a long break, but I had major writers block, I took a new job in HR, and then had a death in the family. For a while it was as hard for me to even want to write and when I sat down to nothing came out.

I never wanted to abandon this story, because it was the first one that I ever really invested myself in, but I'll admit that it hadn't ended up the way I had intended. I do now know how I want it to end and I think that's what frustrated me so much - I know how I want it to go but I couldn't make myself write it.

It may still be a slow go, but I will finish this.

This is a short chapter, really just to get me back in the swing of writing for this story, but also to set in motion the final stretch. I hope everyone enjoys and thank you so much to everyone who has stuck with me throughout this whole thing! Muah!


Sakura bounced her knee up and down as she waited for Dr. Asnin to come into the room. The nurse had looked at her strangely when she had come in to take her vitals so she knew she'd have to be on the lookout for rumors to start, though if they did heads would roll.

She wasn't Sakura Haruno for nothing.

The door clicked open and Sakura froze as the petite doctor came into the room, smile plastered on her face in what she knew was an attempt to not show her shock at the Head of Medicine having a prenatal appointment.

"Haruno-san, how are you?"

Sakura swallowed, trying to put a lid on her nervousness. "I'm doing well, Dr. Asnin, how are you?"

"Doing well. I see here that you believe you're four months along?"

"Yes. My last period was five months ago."

She had sat down and was taking notes in her file as Sakura nervously twisted her hands. She looked up and smiled at he pink haired woman before getting up and moving over to her. "Okay, lay back and I'll check you."

Sakura did as she asked and soon felt the cool sensation of chakra entering her body. She had done this many times, but it was strange to have another person do the same. It was over in a few minutes and she sat up as the doctor moved away.

"Everything seems to be going as it should, Haruno-san. I'll schedule you for an ultrasound on Thursday at eight in the morning, unless you have some meetings planned." She looked up in question.

"Thursday is a good day, I don't have anything scheduled and I won't make any plans."

The other woman nodded and wrote down a few more things before closing her file and getting up. "Well then, I'll have someone come in and draw some blood for some lab work and then you're good to go. I'll be in touch once the results come back from your labs and ultrasound and we'll make an appointment for the next month."

"Sounds great, thank you Dr. Asnin."

"You're very welcome, Haruno-san." She gave her a smile before opening the door and walking out.

After another thirty minutes Sakura was back in her office going through charts when the door opened and a silver head popped in.


She looked up and smiled. "Kakashi! I didn't know if you'd be able to tear yourself away before lunch."

He opened the door more widely and came in, shutting the door behind him. He made his way over to her and gave her a lingering kiss before pulling a chair up and sitting down

"I normally wouldn't have, but there has been some development with Sasuke."

Her brows shot up. "With him or..."

"Some ANBU scouts just got back and apparently there was four dead unidentifiable nins close to where Sasuke was found. They brought the bodies back and currently we're trying to find something to place what village they're from or if not then if they are missing nins."

"Do you think this has anything to do with what happened almost a year ago?" It would make sense, but if it was true than that meant they were in for some major issues.

"Possibly. He obviously was on his way back to the village, but why we don't know why. Maybe he just wanted to come home, or maybe he had something to tell us. It would be best if Sasuke would wake up, but there hasn't been any changes to his condition, have there?"

She shook her head before resting her chin in her hand. "No. Shizune is still trying to confirm if he was poisoned or if it's a result of a blow to the head. Or, it could be overuse of his sharingan." It bugged her that they still didn't know, but it wasn't for a lack of trying.

"He'd have to have been using it a lot for that to happen. It's his bloodline limit, unlike with me." He shrugged before rolling his head, popping his neck in the process.

"Gross, Kashi, you know I hate that sound."

He grinned at her before getting up and dropping a kiss to her head. "I have to stop in and check on Sasuke before I head back, but how did your appointment go?"

"It went well. I have an ultrasound scheduled for Thursday; do you want to go?" What she was actually asking was if he wanted anyone to know yet that he was the father. Of course, they closed on their house in a month and once they lived together their relationship would be out.

Especially once they got married.

To be honest, she was ready for it to be out now, but she wanted to make sure he was comfortable with it.

"Of course I'm coming. I won't miss a single chance to see my child." His lopsided smile warmed her heart and she gave him a grateful smile in return.

"You sure you're ready for everyone to know?"

He sighed before sitting down again and taking her hands. "Sakura, while I love having you completely to myself, our lives are about to change forever. I want to be able to claim you both all the time and for every other man out there to know you're mine." He grinned. "And then if they still try to hit on you, you can punch them to the other side of the village."

Laughing she rolled her eyes. "You'd love that, wouldn't you?"

He simply grinned deeper at her before once again getting up and heading to the door. "I'll see you at lunch?"

"I'll bring some stuff to your office so you can keep working."

"That's why I love you."

Chuckling she watched as the door closed before going back to her own work.

An hour later a knock sounded at her door and she called for whoever it was to come on in. Shizune emerged, clutching a clipboard to her chest.

"Sakura, I've found something that may tell us why Sasuke hasn't woken up yet!"