Candy Girl

In which a pretty pink-haired girl unknowingly seduces the equally, or more so, pretty boys in her grade. "Ino, Hinata, what's with the boys?"

"English binder, Macbeth book, math book, pencil case, phone, wallet, water, chocolate pocky, cherry lollipops, earpho─"

"Sakura-chaaan, ohayou!" an orange-haired junior shouted while approaching the aforementioned teen at her locker.

"Huh?" Sakura answered, pausing in her task of making sure everything she needed for the first half of the school day is inside her bag. "Naruto, what did I tell you about yelling in the hallways and capturing unwanted attention?" she scolded playfully to her friend, now standing beside her and scratching his head sheepishly.

Naruto pouted, "But I just couldn't help it greeting you in my awesome, cheery way, Sakura-chan. And besides, I wanted to go together to class with you~"

Sakura gave a small smile. "Alright, I have everything. Lead the way, Mr. I-Am-Always-Hyper-24/7-And-Loves-Ramen-Forever."

Naruto, in return, smiled brightly. "Believe it! This way, milady!"




Sakura and Naruto entered their first class, English, and reached their seats near the back right corner of the room. Much of their classmates were already seated and talking amongst themselves. Ino, seated a desk in front of Sakura, was gushing about her recent obsession with K-pop boy bands to Hinata on her right. Sasuke, sitting to Sakura's right, was his usual impassive self, and Shikamaru was dozing off at Ino's left. Kiba, seating two seats left of Sakura, waved at them.

As they sat and the bell rang, a supply teacher came instead of their English teacher. He informed the class that he will be supervising in place of Kuromine-sensei who has called in sick. They were given instructions to finish reading Macbeth and start reviewing for their upcoming test. The supply also said that he doesn't mind any noise or socializing, as long as they show a little bit of work done and keep the volume acceptable.

Hearing this, Naruto, Kiba and Ino (who dragged Hinata and Shikamaru) picked up their chairs and crowded near Sakura's desk. Sasuke, feeling left out (although he'll never admit such a thing) scooted closer to the group.

"So guys, what should we do? Doing the work is bo-ringgg." Ino huffed, fixing her high ponytail. "Oh, how about we play the classic truth or dare? It would be more fun since we're in the classroom." She exclaimed, and winked at Sakura. It was not unknown to Sakura that her blonde best-girlfriend has been pestering her for her love life (or lack thereof) and any juicy boy-related secrets. Seriously, forehead-girl has many admirers and she doesn't even notice it. Ino thought.

"No. I am not playing that stupid game knowing that you have a hidden, malicious, agenda in suggesting it. I'm going to do my work, thank you. And why the hell are you guys crowding near my desk?" Sakura stated, wanting no more than to read over Macbeth's tragic downfall in peace while enjoying her delicious cherry lollipops.

"But Sakura, you should play with us. Stop being your workaholic self, hotstuff. Or are you chickening out?" Kiba suggested with a glint in his eye. "And besides, I think everyone's playing anyways, right?"

Everyone acquiesced, even Sasuke (who reluctantly nodded due to Naruto's incessant prodding) and Shikamaru (who thought it'd be less troublesome than having Ino harping on him about his laziness and lack of fun in his genius life).

Sakura's brow twitched, but still intent on doing her work. "No." Insert Ino's endless yapping and scolding and bitching and saying "you're no fun" and Naruto's "Sakura-chaaaaan" and Kiba poking her and blowing on her left ear while she's reading over the witch and apparitions scene and Naruto whining and tugging her side bangs and Shikamaru saying "this is troublesome" and Sasuke scoffing "dobe, you're too loud" and Ino isn't stopping her mindless, stupid rant and ohmygosh she can't take it anymore─

"Argh, fine! I'll play this stupid game. Just stop with all these annoying crap." Sakura said in an irritated puff of air. Sighing, she took a cherry lollipop out of her bag and popped it in her mouth.

While they (those infuriating beings she calls friends) whooped and celebrated their "victory", Sakura was silently enjoying her sugary sweet love, occasionally taking the candy out of her mouth and licking it lightly. Mhmmm, I love sweets. She thought dazedly.

As the rejoicing friends faced back at their pink-haired friend, Ino started laying out the rules of the game. "Okay guys, we'll use the spin the bottle app on my phone. For the rules, it's pretty much self-explanatory. The dares can't be anything nasty or inappropriate or will get us into trouble. They must be doable, okay? It's basically the same for the truths. As for the punishments when you're unable to complete your─ are you guys even listening?" Ino narrowed her eyes and looked at the boys. However, rather than being annoyed, she just raised her eyebrows.

Naruto, Kiba, Sasuke and even Shikamaru, were frozen in their spots, staring at the same living entity: Sakura. Ino, with a growing mischievous smirk, noticed that the boys looked like they're─no wait, they are!─blushing. They're blushing!

So, what has gotten the popular, apparently attractive boys of their junior grade blushing? Well, it's Haruno Sakura enjoying her lollipop.

To be precise, it's Haruno Sakura sexily enjoying her lollipop (unconsciously, of course).

Let's just say Miss Pinky is currently in her imaginary world, and whatever confection wonderland her mind is delightedly experiencing is being communicated through her actions. Her eating actions.

Leaning back in her chair with half-lidded eyes, Sakura sucked on her cherry lollipop, releasing a quiet mhmm sound.

Shikamaru inhaled sharply.

With her right hand, she slowly, tantalizingly took the candy out of her mouth and licked her pretty pink lips deliciously, as if her own lips were made of the same sugary sweetness.

Kiba gulped.

Placing the sweet in front of her mouth, a small tongue darted out and ran across the circular piece of delight, much like a lounging cat licking its paws.

Naruto suddenly felt very warm.

After much licking, Sakura enticingly placed the lollipop back inside her luscious-looking mouth and closed her eyes with a sigh. As she savoured the wonderful sugariness, she released another quiet mhmm sound.

Sasuke clenched his fists, hard.




Ino smirked. Who knew Sakura's addiction to sweets could be used as an alternative method of seduction?

Sakura, as if sensing the sudden change in atmosphere, snapped out of her day dream and blinked innocently at her friends. "Umm, are we still playing the game or not? Err, hello? Guys? Ino, Hinata, what's with the boys?" Sakura inquired, tilting her head cutely on the side. With her side bangs falling and semi-blocking her eyes, and her mouth set on a slight pout with the lollipop stick hanging out, the boys─holycrapshe'sadorablycuteanddamnhotandsexyandherli pslooksodelectable─couldn't help it anymore.

Shikamaru, Kiba, Naruto and Sasuke looked away, with a hand on their red faces and another above their─ahem, err─down there (did it sneakily, of course).

Sakura looked at her girl friends with a big question mark atop her head, but Ino just giggled impishly, and even Hinata, the ever-so-shy pretty Hyuuga, smiled knowingly.

Smirking at the boys, Ino said, "Well, I guess we won't be playing after all."


