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![]() Author has written 12 stories for Jurassic Park, Harry Potter, Hobbit, Lord of the Rings, and Card Captor Sakura. Name: Emma Woodhead Age: 30 Occupation: unemployed Relationship Status: Happily Married Favourite Anime: Yu-Gi-Oh, Pokemon, Digimon, Gallactik Football, Shaman King Favourite Films: The Hobbit trilogy, Lord of the Rings trilogy, Harry Potter 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 part 1 and 2, How to Train Your Dragon 1 and 2, Professor Layton and the Eternal Diva, Alpha and Omega, Pirates of the Caribbean 1,2,3, and 4, Jurassic Park 1 and 3, Night at the Museum 1, 2 and 3 and Star Wars 1,2,3,4,5 and 6, 7 Favourite T.V. Shows: Doctor Who (All time fav!), CSI Miami, Family Guy, Star Trek The Next Generation, Saved By The Bell, Sabrina the Teenage Witch, Zoey 101, Kennan and Kel, Drake and Josh Favourite Games: All Assassin Creed games, all Call of Duty games, all Professor Layton games, all Pokemon games, all Zelda games Favourite Actors: Daniel Radcliffe (HOTTNESS), Orlando Bloom (HOTTNESS), Viggo Mortensen, Richard Armatige, Martin Freeman, Aiden Turner, Dean O'Dermot (I think that's how you spell his name. Aka Fili), David Tennant, John Barrowman, David Caruso, Liam Neeson, Ewan McGregor, Ben Stiller, Robin Williams, Jim Carrey, Johnny Depp Favourite Books: Harry Potter 1,2,3,4,5, 6 and 7 Favourite Quotes: The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey: You must be Mr Boggins! - Kili son of Dis The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug: If this is to end in fire, then we will all burn together - Thorin Oakenshield. Yu-Gi-Oh 'Victory means nothing. Unless you can share it with the people you love because then, you're really a winner' - Yugi - Yu-Gi-Oh The Movie 'Run now! talk later!' - Yugi - Yu-Gi-Oh The Movie Yugi: "Did you find out anything?" Joey: after getting bit by a dog "Yeah, I found out I hate virtual dogs." Yami: -surprised- I did? Yes, well...Um, -to Yugi- a little help here? -winks and switches to a blushing Yugi- Yugi: Huh?...Oh, that's real mature, Pharoah! -Still blushing and sees Joey- Er... Yugi: Look at all this stuff. Candy bars. Joey: Dibs on the candy bars. Yugi: Potato Chips. Joey: Dibs on the chips. Yugi: Canned fruit. No reply. Yugi: Soda. Joey: Dibs on the soda. Yu-Gi-Oh The Abridged Series: Solomon Moto: Quick someone fetch a bedpan! Ohh too late. BabyPharaoh: Wah! Wah! Baby Pharaoh want's milk! somebody fetch me a nipple! Pharaoh: Wah! Wah! Baby Pharaoh want's milk! somebody fetch me a nipple! Pharaoh: Wah! Wah! Baby Pharaoh went doody in his diaper! and where is that nipple? Alpha and Omega: Eve: If Garth gets out of line, take those beautiful teeth of yours, go for the throat and dont let go until the body stops shaking Kate: O_O Current Stories: I See the Light - On Going: For a hundred and seventy one years, Faron daughter of Thorin, was the light her father needed to keep him from succumbing to the darkness after losing his wife and Erebor. But now that Faron has lost those of importance to her, she needs her own light to keep her alive. Can that light come from a certain blond elf prince? A prince she has not seen in seventy seven years? Sequel to A Light in the Dark! A Wolf Among Dwarves - On Going: Skin-Changer Violet lived a normal life with her father Beorn, one day while visiting her friend Radagast, she meets a certain Dwarf Prince and her life changes forever. A Light in the Darkness - Complete: Faron, daughter of Thorin, is a regular Elf who has been raised by the dwarven prince Thorin Oakenshield. Faron joins her father and family to retake the mountain that was stolen from them by Smaug. What happens when she meets a certain Elf on the way? True Love Conquers All - On Going: In every story, there is always a beginning, middle and and end. This is the beginning of Caladwens story. Starting from childhood and when she meets her future love, Thorin Oakenshield. Follow Caladwen's story as we go through every emotion from happiness to love and sadness to anger. Seto Kaiba's Sister- Temporarily on taken down: What would happen if Seto and Mokuba Kaiba had a sister? That's where 17 year old duellist Sophia Kaiba steps in. Seto's twin sister arrives from Egypt. What would happen if she fell for Setos rival? Would trouble arise for the pair? Jurassic Park - Complete: While Olivia Grant, daughter of Dr. Alan Grant, is digging with her father and Dr. Ellie Sattler, they meet a stranger who turns out to be Mr John Hammond, who actually funds the digs they work on. Little did she know, that this visit would change her life forever. Jurassic Park 3 - Complete: It has been 4 years since the incident on Isla Nublar and after recovering from the lose of limb. Olivia Grant is suddenly thrown back onto Isla Sorna (Site B) with her father Alan Grant and boyfriend Billy Brennan. What will happen while on the island and will they all make it out alive? Death at Hogwarts (This story belongs to my partner): Humans know them as the 'Deathly Hallows' I know them as mine. I am the Grim Reaper, and I'm taking back what belongs to me. Stars of Destiny (This story belongs to my partner): Jason Avalon is a normal kid. Or so he thinks. on his eleventh birthday, he gets a very special letter. Upon arriving at Hogwarts, on his first night, he discovers a very, very special book. Upon accidentally releasing the Clow Cards, Keroberos explains that since he freed them, he must now recapture all of them. How will Jason fare with his destiny - and will he cope with the responsibility of having to capture all the cards, as well as deal with school-work, or will everything fall apart around him? (NOTE: Jason is the Grandson of Sakura and Li.) A Whole New Worlds - On Going: Sophia never dreamed other worlds were possible, thinking them to be nothing more than just stories. That is until she and her boy find themselves in Middle Earth. Follow their story as they join up with a bunch of dwarves, trying to get home. Will the two find their way into our world, or will they create a new home with a new family? Thorin/OC Two Worlds One Family - On Going: This the story of two half hobbit half dwarf sisters, who at such a young age had their parents savagely taken away from them, forcing them to live with their Aunt Bella and Uncle Bungo. Fifty years later they, along with their cousin Bilbo, will join a certain group of dwarves to reclaim a mountain. Follow them as they encounter adventure, danger and love. (FilixOC) (KiliXOC) Upcoming Stories: Death at Hogwarts the Next Generation: I was the Grim Reaper once. Now, I am human. My name is Dean Lovegood, and I will not stand by and watch my world die before it's time. For those of you that have realised there's a few stories missing, that's because I have decided to cancel my Lord of the Rings/Harry Potter crossover's. I have been starting to lose interest in continuing with these stories, however, if I get a lot of people requesting for those to be back, then I may consider bringing them back. At the moment, I have got ideas for two new stories, one is currently being written, and the other I need to think more about it. They will be a new Lord of the Rings story and Assassin's Creed. I apologise for those of you that were enjoying my stories, but it may come back, depending on if people want them back. Thank you again, see you all soon Okay. A bit of news here. I’m going to be taking some stories down, some for good and some that I’ll be redoing and reposting at a later date. The stories that will be taken down indefinitely are; Kat in the Tardis The Doctor’s Sky Alpha and Omega I have just lost interest with these stories and cannot see myself updating them at any point. I’m sorry for those that have read them and have been asking for more, but I’m going to have to let you down. I’m not prepared to put them up for adoption either I’m afraid, so there’s going to be no chance of these being put back up at all. The ones that will be redone and reposted later are; Part of the Pride How to Train Your Dragon Even though I haven’t updated these in a while, I go on with them as I do see a future with these. I will be catching up on the series of How to Train Your Dragon so that I can update those as well as just the movies. I’m not too sure when these will be back, but know that they will be back. As for the Hobbit stories and Yu-Gi-Oh, these will be staying. Obviously I am currently working on the Hobbit stories and am loving them, even though two of them I’m struggling at the moment, but will be done. Although, I do have to say that True Love Conquers all will also be taken down, as I will be rewriting that into An Unexpected Love and Caladwen and Thorin’s reunion is going to be very different to how it is at the moment. I’m sorry for those enjoying that one, but I’d like to get her past out of the way with Thorin before getting back into the quest. Seto Kaiba’s Sister is a tough one for me at the moment as, at the moment, I have lost my mojo for Yu-Gi-Oh. So for now it is on hold, not sure how long yet, so please be patient. Since they are completed, both Jurassic Parks will be staying up, although I might go through the chapters at a later date and re-tweak them a bit more. I have been asked if I’ll be doing Jurassic World. Not too sure at the moment, if I did, it would probably be just the first one as I think Olivia will have had her fill of dinosaur’s by that point. I’ll think about it though. Death at Hogwarts and Stars of Destiny belong to my wife, who asked me to upload them to my username on her behalf, so they won't be touched. I’m sorry for those I’m disappointing, but unfortunately these things happen and I pray that you all will forgive me. For those waiting for updates, please keep being patient, I will get there, I promise. I would also like to add a little note here. I've had a few reviews/messages about my stories complaining that they are mostly word-for-word than the movies, tv shows or whatever. But yes they will be like that because that is how I have always loved to do my stories. The original character is mostly based on myself and on what it would be like for me as well as my original character. Since I could not be in the movies, tv shows etc, I like to do this so that it gives me a new world to come too when my own is too much. If some of you people don't like this then I suggest not continuing to read my stories because I WILL be sticking to the original scripts, but also when I can, I will be adding my own things to it obviously. I just thought I'd add this so that I could warn people before continuing the read. |