"Kill the sssspare." A raspy voice commanded from the shadows.

Harry struggled against the gravestone, face screwed up in an effort to escape the binding ropes.

"Avada Kedavra!" A person screamed, a cackle following the words. A green light filled the struggling teenagers vision, and he turned to the side; watching in horror as a small girl with dark strawberry blonde hair and a tall dark haired teenager clothed in yellow were hit with the Curse, and he screamed as they hit the ground simultaneously.

Harry couldn't breathe, couldn't move, couldn't see... pain spiked in his scar and he reached up desperately to claw at his scar, the ropes binding him tightly as to not move. He could only scream and scream as the shadowy figures cackled at the dead girl.

"Cedric, Alyssa, Ced-"

"-ric no!" Harry cried, finally waking up from the nightmare, the blankets attempting to strangle him as he attempted to wrench his arms free; he couldn't move, couldn't breathe, Alyssa... Cedric...

"Help!" A strangled call came from the teenager. "H-Help..."

"Daddy?" Came a small whisper, and a small cool hand rested itself on Harry's flushed and sweaty forehead. Harry flinched, before relaxing into the coldness. "Daddy, s'okay. It was jus' a bad dream, 'kay?"

Harry sighed, and nodded.

"I know, sweetie. I know."

"Park, Daddy, Park!" Alyssa squealed excitedly as she leaped down the stairs. Harry jogged down the stairs half-heartedly, smiling at her enthusiasm.

Aunt Petunia exited the kitchen and sneered at the two, Alyssa falling uncharacteristically quiet as the horse-like blonde woman passed them and climbed the stairs. She paused when she got to the top, and peered at them over her shoulder.

"You're lucky Vernon's gone to work already, he would not have put up with that noise."

Harry stared at his Aunt's back as she disappeared into the bedroom Vernon and her shared, before shaking his head slightly and turning to the – once again – enthusiastic little girl. He wrapped his arm around her waist and picked her up sideways, walking out of the house to sit on the porch. Alyssa squealed the whole time.

"Alyssa, hush." When that attempt was unsuccessful, he tried again. "Alyssa. Alyssa Lillian Potter sit down right now or we won't go to the park!"

Alyssa stilled, sat down in front of Harry and crossed her legs obediently. She clasped her hands in her lap and wiggled her fingers about. With a horridly concealed grin, Harry could almost swear she was vibrating with excitement.

Harry brought out the small pink comb he had nicked off Mrs Figg and gently ran it through the thick dark strawberry blonde hair, almost groaning when he once again was reminded that Alyssa had inherited his father's hair; untameable at the best of times. He pulled it back tightly, holding it together with one of her strong hairbands, before plaiting the rest of it. Harry knew it wouldn't hold for the day, but it was the best he could do when she was ever so excited for the park.

"Aly," Harry murmured as Dudley walked past them and down the street to Piers' house, "The Dursleys' rarely let you leave the house, nevermind the park. It took over 3 weeks of desserts, fancy meals, and tending to the garden for them to even think about letting me take you out. Calling me Daddy would only ruin their reputation if someone was to find out; and then they'd keep you inside again. Please don't call me Daddy when we are outside, sweetie."

Although Harry couldn't see Alyssa's face, he could imagine that her eyes were wide, and she bobbed her head up and down frantically.

"I'm sorry, I'll be good!" She hissed desperately, as Petunia was in the kitchen with the window open and could most probably hear everything she said, "I'll be good, Da-"

Alyssa paused, tilting her head before opening her mouth again.

"I'll be good Harry."

Harry smiled affectionately at Alyssa, wishing he could be Daddy all the time.

"Only in public, dear." He whispered softly, standing up from the porch. "We look enough alike you could call me big brother, if you want?"

"Big brother, now park!" She beamed up at him and tugged at his arm insistently. He grasped her hand tightly, allowing himself to be dragged across the front garden and down the street by an eager 6 year old.

"Park." He nodded, affirming.

"Higher, Harry, higher! Higheeeer!" Alyssa shrieked happily from her position in the swing. Harry dodged the girl as the swing shot backwards towards him, before rocking forwards again. Her shrieks of joy filled the air as she swung.

Harry smiled at the sight, his face twitching for a couple of moments before it settled back into thew emotionless mask he donned while under the care of the Dursley's.

"Alright, alright," He conceded, stepping slightly closer to the swing, but still not touching it. "It doesn't look like you need it any higher though."

"More! More!" She cried when Harry still hadn't pushed her higher. "Now!"

"Fine." He darted behind the swing and gave it an extra shove. "So pushy."

Alyssa stopped pumping her legs and she jumped out of the swing, flying through the air before softly landing on the ground. Alyssa sprinted towards Harry who had his hand clutched to his chest, heart hammering in his chest in fright.

"ALYSSA! Don't you ever do that again!" Harry screamed with a strangled voice. He had thought he was going to lose his little girl, his precious little girl. He swung her around and squeezed her to his chest.

"Not like them." A small, sad voice, muffled by his chest filtered out and Harry grimaced.

"No, no, no. Not pushy like them." He stroked her hair comfortingly, knowing exactly who 'they' were. "I was joking hun, you're nothing like them, nothing like your 'brother'. Remember, you're a Potter now, not a Dursley. Never a Dursley." Harry wanted to curse the Dursley family for making the girl fear the very thought of them.

Alyssa nodded slightly, her shoulders now relaxed and she hugged him briefly, before snuggling into his chest further.

"What's this? Harry's got a girlfriend? A little young, don't you think?" Dudley Dursley ambled up to the pair, hands crossed over his chest and an ugly sneer that somehow suited him plastered on his face. Harry rolled his eyes at the 'macho' display.

"What are you doing here? Finished beating up a seven year old?" Harry shot back, sarcasm heavy in his tone.

"This one deserved it." Dudley took a step closer, and leaned in conspiratorially. "But, if you have a new girlfriend, what would ickle Cedric think?"

Harry stiffened, the death of the older Hufflepuff still fresh and raw in his mind. He tightened his grip on Alyssa.

"Hit a nerve, did I?" Dudley taunted Harry, leaning back in satisfaction; his gang behind him mirroring his pose, with shit-eating grins on their faces. "Cedric! No, don't kill Cedric!"

Dudley imitated a damsel in distress and placed his hand on his forehead, adopting a higher tone of voice. His gang broke into laughter, and one of them wolf-whistled.

"Was Cedric your boyfriend, Potter? Why don't you go cry to your mummy and daddy; instead of a six year old? Oh wait – where are your parents?" Dudley continued, a faux-surprised look on his face. The sky darkened overhead and the wind picked up. Alyssa whimpered. "Are they dead? Are dear mummy and daddy dead? Is ickle Cedric dead?"

The sky was black, and the wind howled around the group; though no one seemed to notice. A streetlight flickered menacingly as Harry shoved Alyssa behind him and pulled his wand out is one movement. Dudley paled drastically.

"You c-can't do the f-freaky stuff at home, mum said s-so." Dudley stuttered softly, and his gang laughed at Harry, he was only holding a stick after all!

"Get 'im Big D!" One of them called as two of the members fled.

The wind positively screamed around them, and clouds swirled furiously above them. The swing started swinging again, and Harry was sure he heard someone cackle behind him. He spun around only to find no one there. He turned back around to face Dudley, who was as white as a sheet, and shaking like a leaf. Alyssa was standing next to him, holding Dudley's arm in a rare sign of comfort for the Dursley's.

"S-Stop this!" Dudley cried, as the remainder of his gang fled the park; this shit was getting too creepy.

"I'm not doing it..." Harry whispered. Alyssa ran over to him again and clung to his leg. He looked down at the strawberry blonde hair and back up into the pale blue eyes of his cousin.

They ran.

Harry scooped Alyssa into his arms and together the three of them ran in a nearby tunnel to shelter them from the cold. Alyssa once again clung to his leg tightly, burying her head into his hip. With a frown he pushed Dudley behind him, and maneuvered Alyssa so she was clinging to the back of his leg. He stood just in front of Dudley, hand holding his wand tightly and eyes darting from one entrance to the other.

Harry heard another cackle, and a flash of lightning briefly lit up the tunnel. Harry thought he saw a flash of long dark hair disappear around the corner but he looked again and there was nothing.

Ickle Potter's all alone... no one there to saaaave him...

Harry's breath caught in his throat and Alyssa cried out as something touched her shoulder. Dudley whimpered and grabbed Harry's shoulder tightly.

"H-Harry? What d-do we do?" Dudley asked quietly, scared out of his mind.

"Uh, I need to get you two to safety. But we can't leave the tunnel, I think someone is out there." Harry muttered, his knuckles turning white from his grip.

The rain water that was blowing into the tunnel began to turn to ice, and Harry felt despair creep into the crevices of his mind. His knees buckled and he hit the floor.

Ickle Potter's all alone... now we're here to kiiiiiill him...

Not Harry, anything but Harry...

Step aside, girl...

Ickle Potter's all alone... soon to be six foot uuuuunder...

Harry! Help...

Kill the spare...

Daddy... Daddy help...

"DADDY!" Alyssa's scream brought Harry out of his trance and he nearly screamed when he found a skeletal hand grabbing his throat. Rolling out of it's grip, he saw Dudley backed up against the tunnel wall with another Dementor reaching for him, and Alyssa was screaming next to him, covering her ears and begging for help. Harry pulled his wand out and aimed it at the closest Dementor, the one coming for Alyssa.


So this chapter was getting kind of long so I decided to slice it in half and all that jazz.

So obviously from this point on scenes will be majorly changed, such as the Dementor scene c: There's some weird shit going on here, and you won't find out until the next chapter!

Also, heads up with the updating!

I will be updating as soon as the chapter is finished and I have read through to catch basic mistakes. I will not have an updating schedule, and I will not write regularly. The updates have been quick because 1) this was an interesting scene and sets up some major problems (for the characters) throughout the book, and 2) because I had writing to base it off. Not like fanfiction is based off H.P, but it's easier to change a scene when you know how the scene had been written previously. Updating times will get longer and scenes will be harder to write once the original chapters have all been re-written and changed, because I don't have original writing to base the rest of the story off. It may be months, weeks, or even days between updates once we get onto me writing the story.

So just thought I'd give you a heads up and to not expect this constant updates okay?