It took three months for Fili to recover after the Battle of the Five Armies. Out of the dwarves of Thorin's company he had been injured the worst. He had nearly died to protect Thorin and Kili. Even just thinking about them pained his heart. His family had always been the most important thing in his life, his major goals had always been to protect his brother and mother and make his uncle proud. But all of this didn't matter anymore.
Kili had fallen in love with an elf. He knew that it was possible to love someone from a different race, such things happened occasionally. But why out of all peoples in Middle Earth an elf from Mirkwood.
Kili had not even once visited his brother in the infirmary. Fili felt sick when he just tried to imagine what his brother had done instead.
And then there was his uncle. Thorin had gone completely mad with the gold sickness. He even wanted to marry Fili to Liz, the daughter of one of the dwarf lords from Orocarni. Those dwarves were often said to have bonded with evil forces, but Thorin only cared about the political and economical advantages of this union.
Fili simply couldn't imagine marrying Liz, especially not now after he had found his One in Hobbiton. He barely knew her, but he was completely sure that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with the beautiful barmaid he had met in the Green Dragon Inn.
Fili sighed. He could not simply leave. Thorin would sent guards to get him back. Slowly a plan, that might work out, started to form in his mind. He would suggest to accompany Bilbo back to the Shire. They had promised a safe journey home in the contract and currently Fili and Kili were the only dwarves without an important task in Erebor. He would tell the council, that he'd travel back to the mountain with one of the caravans from Ered Luin, but in truth he would stay in Hobbiton.
Fili felt terrible to leave his people and especially his mother behind but for once he would make his own dreams and wishes his priority.
The young dwarf was relieved that the others had agreed to his plan and soon the dwarves started the preparations for Bilbo's departure. They packed a few chests and bags with Bilbo's part of the treasure. He had asked for some gold and a few jewels. But Balin insisted that he took some Mithril, too. Thorin didn't want to share his treasure but Balin and Fili could convince him that he wouldn't own it without their hobbit burglar. Fili was incredibly angry and hated the gold that had turned his uncle into a monster. He glared daggers at him but Thorin didn't even seem to notice, that it was his nephew he talked to. He had only eyes for his treasure and made sure that they didn't take to much.
The next morning Fili and Bilbo started their journey back to the Shire. Only Balin and Bofur had come to say goodbye. Fili had expected that Thorin and Kili wouldn't turn up. His uncle barely left the throne room or the treasury and Kili was busy with the elf Tauriel. But it still hurt him. He would also miss the rest of the company, they had become close friends during their quest. If everything worked out as planned, he would never see them again. Fili tried to hide his feelings, so no one would become suspicious. Balin and Bofur hugged Bilbo and Fili goodbye. Then the young dwarf and the hobbit mounted their ponies and rode towards Dale. They turned around one last time. Bofur was still standing at the front gate waving with his hat. Fili waved back and a single tear escaped his eyes.
Soon they met some elves from Mirkwood. The spiders were gone but Gandalf had arranged that the would be guided through the forest. Later they were accompanied by Beorn and spend a few nights in the skinchanger's house. There Fili finally dared to talk to Bilbo about his plan to stay in the Shire.
Bilbo looked astonished. "Oh Fili, that's surprising. Erebor should be your home but after everything you've been through I can understand why you want to leave."
"I'm glad that you understand me, Bilbo. I hope the hobbits will accept me. I have no idea what I would do if I can't stay there." Fili answered with a sad look on his face.
Bilbo patted his shoulder. "Fili, don't worry! You are very welcome to stay with me as long as you wish. Yes, hobbits are quite reserved towards other peoples but you're a nice young dwarf and I'm sure that they'll accept you. Also, the Shire and especially Hobbiton needs a good blacksmith."
"Thank you for cheering me up, Bilbo. I would even work as a farmer as long as I am allowed to stay." Fili smiled.
A few days later they continued their journey. Beorn safely guided them over the Misty Mountains and later they were accompanied by elves from Rivendell. Fili and Bilbo finally arrived in the Shire in late summer. They made a detour via Michel Delving to talk to the Thain about Fili's stay. Bilbo guaranteed that Fili wouldn't be a risk for the hobbits. The Thain had heard that the dwarves were good craftsmen and so he allowed Fili to stay and use the old forge in Hobbiton. Fili was relieved and thanked him.
The next day they finally arrived in Hobbiton. Bilbo and Fili sat on the bench in front of Bag End and smoked Old Toby. Fili enjoyed the beautiful scenery until his eyes landed on the Green Dragon Inn. His mind wandered to the lovely barmaid there. Fili dreamed of a life with her and smiled. For the fist time in many months he was truly happy.