

Well, this is it. The last chapter.

If you've enjoyed reading my story, please take a second and drop me a final note in farewell. Even if you've never reviewed before, I would like to know how many out there have been reading.

I would really appreciate it.




Chapter 30


~ Exactly one year and three months in the future ~


As the sun trickled through the crystal tubes and into their room, Jade's eyes opened, blinking away the sleep. A smile spread over her face as she realized what day it was…their first-year anniversary!

Rolling over onto her side, she propped her head up on one hand as she stared at her sleeping husband. Oh, he was magnificent. Even a full year later, she couldn't get over how fortunate she was to have found someone as amazing as her Fili. Her heart still quickened every time he looked at her, and his kisses always set her blood on fire. And today, on the anniversary of their marriage, she had the most wonderful gift for him.

Thinking back on the months before their wedding, Jade recalled how wonderful it had been to visit the Grey Mountains, and meet her extended family at last. Her Uncle Balmor had been overjoyed to meet his sister's daughter, and she had quickly formed a fast friendship with is wife, Pella. Young Boran and Doran were quick to accept their new aunt into the family, forever begging her to read to them or play every game they could think of. Needless to say, Jade had no trouble fitting in and feeling right at home.

She was curious as to why she received so many odd looks from the older dwarrow on the streets as they toured the mountains, but soon came to realize the reason when her grandfather took her to the hall of portraits. There she was able to see a likeness of her mother for the first time, rather stunned that the two of them did indeed share a striking resemblance.

"She was kind to a fault and loved by all," Lord Baldar told her, a lone tear making its way down his cheek as he stared at the painting. "But none more than me. I only pray that she was able to forgive my foolishness and did not grow to hate me over my blindness."

"I'm certain she understood the situation you were in, and didn't hold it against you, Grandfather," Jade said, doing her best to console the grief-stricken dwarf. "I'm sure she loved you to the end." She then took hold of his hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. "I know that I do."

"You are far too good to an old dwarf like me," he smiled, leaning down to place a kiss on the top of her head. "And though you only just arrived, your presence will be missed greatly when you leave."

"The Grey Mountains are not so far from Erebor that visits are out of the question, you know," she grinned. "And now that I know where my true family lives, nothing and no one can keep me from returning frequently."

"Nor will it keep me from traveling to see you, my little jewel," he assured her.

Jade was also able to meet her father's sister, the only living relative on her paternal side. Her Grandfather had gone to great efforts to locate her kin from that side of her family simply to make her happy. It was through her aunt that she was able to also see what her father had looked like, the older dam having kept a small charcoal sketch of the dwarf who had sired her. Many times during her stay, Jade had been reduced to tears over the love and kindness shown to her by those she had just met…yet who held so much affection for their long lost relative.

Still, the two months flew by, leaving only a short amount of time for all to return to Erebor for their upcoming wedding. Lord Baldar had blubbered like a baby when she had asked him to escort her down the aisle to her intended, agreeing to the honor wholeheartedly. It was quite the caravan who made the trip to Erebor this time, with many of her kin and those close to the family wishing to attend the celebration.

Fili had been on his best behavior while in the Grey Mountains…well, except for a few stolen kisses when no one was looking – but Jade had not minded a bit. Still, he was anxious to return to The Lonely Mountin, having missed his brother, and naturally eager to marry the love of his life. So it was, when they made their way through the gates of Erebor, nearly everyone came out to greet them.

Kili was the first to welcome his brother home, with Tauriel giving Jade a warm sisterly hug as well. It would appear that they had been missed. Not that this had caused the plans for the double wedding to have been delayed, with Dis having everything well in hand.

King Thranduil and Legolas arrived not long after, and as the day of the double wedding approached, more guests began to arrive. Brayden came riding up from the south, accompanied by none other than King Thengel himself, having been rather pleased to have been invited. They weren't the only ones who filtered in during the final days, with Dain from the Iron Hills, Elrond from Rivendell, Gandalf the Grey, and even Bilbo from the Shire showing up to witness the unprecedented double wedding. During this time, Fili, Kili, Jade and Tauriel were not given a moment's rest, what with fittings, rehearsals, and every other minute detail needing their attention and approval.

Still, when the day finally arrived, Jade could not have been happier. The fancy gold and blue gown she wore made her feel like a queen, and she was doubly pleased that Dis had thought to have secret pockets sewn inside the skirt so she could carry Fili's first courting gifts hidden within. She also made sure to wear her mithril chain with the pendant she had carried all her life, proudly displayed for all to see. Her final courting gift would be placed on her head after the ceremony, when Thorin officially announced her as a princess of Erebor. It was all quite surreal for Jade, the orphan lass raised in a village of men, suddenly becoming royalty. Yet, when her Grandfather entered the chamber where she waited, and gave her a tearful hug and kiss, she knew she had found her true home at last. She was among her own people, and this would be the first day of the rest of her life…with Fili.

Fili and Jade's ceremony was held first, in the Hall of Kings, surrounded by the larger than life statues of his ancestors. The blond prince was rendered speechless when his beautiful bride was escorted down the aisle, smiling at him as her hand was placed within his. Thorin, of course, presided over the service, joining them in the bonds of matrimony, and if anyone noticed the small catch in his voice that betrayed his emotions, they didn't say a word.

Dis was a mess, crying tears of joy and wiping her eyes with the handkerchief Bilbo had kindly provided – since no self-respecting hobbit would be without one, you know. Once the vows were spoken, and Jade was crowned with her royal circlet, the whole mountain went wild, overjoyed by the fact that their crown prince had at last taken a bride. Yet, the kiss that followed had been Jade's favorite part, for even a full year later, she could still recall the overflow of love that Fili had put into it, knowing that she would never forget that moment of true bliss.

Kili and Tauriel's nuptials came later that evening, on the battlement where the stars in the sky were visible to all. They had braziers lit everywhere so the guests could see what was going on, due to the lack of a moon that night. Still it didn't hamper anyone from noticing the way certain stars that were beloved to the elves shone brightly down on the couple. This time it was King Thranduil who conducted the ceremony, it being held mostly in Sindarin, yet he had kindly translated the most important parts into Western for the sake of the dwarves, men, and hobbit in attendance. Thus, when the final words were spoken, the silver rings had been exchanged, and they were at last announced as husband and wife, Kili wasted no time in sealing it with a kiss that brought a blush to many of the guests' faces. A loud clearing of the throat by Thranduil finally brought an end to the rather amorous display of affection, but it appeared that nothing was going to dampen the newlywed's spirits that night.

The reception that followed would be talked about for years to come, with so many different races involved, it was what Balin called a diplomatic masterpiece. Jade danced with her Grandfather, Brayden, Legolas, and most of the company, yet the majority of the time Fili refused to leave her side. Kili too made his rounds, yet allowing Tauriel to only offer a few select dances with those of her kin, and one with Fili, before claiming her once more for the rest of the evening.

Bombur had outdone himself with the feast, leaving everyone stuffed and rubbing their bellies as they enjoyed the festivities. It was late in the evening when the two couples were at last able to sneak away to enjoy the rest of the night in private. Jade had been understandably nervous, but Fili had gone to great lengths to ensure that their first time had been filled with love, laughter, and more pleasure than either of them had honestly anticipated. Even now, Jade couldn't seem to get enough of her amazing husband, the two of them sneaking off every chance they got.

Kili and Tauriel didn't seem to be any less pleased with their union, and if the way they also carried on like twitterpated bunnies, Jade assumed their marriage was just as happy as her own.

And so, here she was, a year later, staring down at her sleeping husband, anxious to wake him up so she could give him the gift she had been dying to reveal for several weeks now. Yet, seeing him like this brought a tender smile to her lips, loving how peaceful he looked without the worries and cares of his royal duties weighing on his shoulders. Open war had not yet been declared, yet the dark skies over Mordor and the increasing number of orcs that roamed the lands spoke of it coming soon. But it would not come today, and Jade fully intended to enjoy every moment with her husband that she could…as well as every day that followed.

"I can feel you staring at me," came the sleepy voice of Fili. "Your eyes have boring a hole in my head for the past few minutes. If I didn't know any better, I might be worried you intended to assassinate me."

"WHAT?" Jade gasped, startled by his apparent feigning of sleep. "Assassinate you? Never! That would mean Kili would be next in line for the throne and Mahal help Erebor if that ever came to pass!" She teased, always loving his quirky sense of humor.

"True," Fili laughed, opening his eyes and gazing up at his beautiful wife. "I suppose that would be a fate worse than death for all dwarf-kind."

"Besides, I enjoy being married to you far too much to ever wish you harm," she grinned, leaning down to kiss his willing lips. "Especially today, on our first-year anniversary."

"That's right!" Fili said, sitting up with an excited look on his face. "It is our anniversary day!"

"I certainly hope you hadn't let it slip your mind till now," Jade huffed. "It is quite a monumental occasion!"

"Of course I didn't forget," he pouted. "That's the beauty of Kili and I sharing the same wedding day…we can both help each other remember." He then threw back the covers and bounded out of bed, giving Jade a fine view of his bare chest, even if he still wore his sleeping trousers. "Not that I would have forgotten anyway, but it never hurts to have someone there to remind me. However, I think you will be very pleased with what I have for you."

"You got me something?" Jade questioned, not having suspected anything less, but it was touching that he seemed so excited about presenting it to her. "I too have a gift for you, to celebrate a full year of happiness."

"It has been a good year, hasn't it?" Fili nodded, returning to her side long enough to give her a very long and passionate kiss.

"Was that my gift?" she hummed in pleasure when they at last parted. "If so, I could use two of them."

"No, that was not your gift," Fili laughed. "Yet I am only too happy to fulfil your request." Which he did, the second kiss taking a bit more time and leaving her further breathless from his amorous attentions. "Now…you just sit right there and let me show you what I got."

Jade took a few deep breaths, attempting to clear her love-soaked mind before sitting up on the bed with her legs crossed. She smoothed out the wrinkles in her nightgown and placed her hands obediently in her lap, waiting as patiently as possible for her gift. She had no idea what her husband had been planning, yet she couldn't wait to see what he had come up with. Fili was nothing if not thoughtful, and he had a knack for knowing just what would make her smile. It was just one more thing she loved about him and could only hope her gift would garnish the same results.

Jade watched as Fili walked over to the large wooden dresser that stood against the wall, and reaching behind it, he pulled out two large, flat items wrapped in brown paper and tied with string. They were not small, with each one reaching Fili's shoulder in height, making it extra hard to figure out their identity. Unable to guess what they might be, Jade furrowed her brow in question as she stared at the goofy grin on her husband's face.

"What are they?" she asked, crawling over to the edge of the bed in order to get closer.

"You have to open them and see," he urged, nearly vibrating with anticipation and glee. "Do this one first!" Fili instructed, pushing the one on his left towards the bed.

Jade took hold of the string, quickly untied the knot and carefully ripped the paper off, not wanting to damage it in any way. Yet what she saw had her pulling back as she covered her mouth in shock and delight. For there, starting back at her, was none other than the faces of her adoptive parents, Ursa and Gunnar. The painting being so detailed and accurate that she felt they would start speaking to her any moment.

"OH FILI!" she cried, amazed at how lifelike it was. "How did you…I mean, it looks just like them. However did you manage it?" Jade could hardly find the words to express her surprise, never having expected such a precious gift.

"I remembered you saying once that you wished someone had done a portrait of them for you before they died," he explained, apparently well pleased by her reaction. "So, I sent a few of our best artists to the Dunlands, and then to Rohan, to get their descriptions from your cousin Sella and Brayden. I'd hoped they captured them well enough, since I had nothing to gauge it by, not having ever met them myself."

"It's perfect! Absolutely perfect!" Jade was crying by now, her watery eyes blurring the sight and causing her to wipe the tears away with the back of her hand. "It looks just like them!"

"Good, since I was told that both Brayden and Sella approved the original sketch," he nodded in satisfaction. "Now, open this one!"

Jade was still completely flabbergasted by the first gift, she couldn't imagine what the second would be. Still, she realized she should have known the moment she removed the paper, and this time found herself looking at a second portrait…this time of her dwarf parents, Lila and Jarl. Granted, she had been shown what they looked like before, but to see them here, together in full color, well it made quite the impression.

"Fili…I…I don't know what to say," she gushed, reaching out to gently touch the canvas with trembling fingers.

"You don't need to say anything, your expression says it all," he grinned, quite tickled with his accomplishment. "I'm just happy that it pleases you."

"Pleases me?" Jade laughed. "I would say I am far beyond pleased!" And to demonstrate her joy, she leapt from the bed and threw her arms around her husband's neck. "Thank you, thank you, thank you! I love them…and I love you!"

Fili would have happily returned the embrace, but both his hands were busy holding up the portraits and didn't dare let go lest they come to harm. Still, he did accept the shower of kisses that Jade placed all over his face, ending with another long passionate one on his lips…much to his delight.

"Where shall we put them?" Jade asked, once she felt she had thanked him properly. She began to look around, inspecting the space on the walls for the perfect location.

"NOT IN HERE!" Fili barked out in horror. "I refuse to have my wife's parents staring at me while I bed their daughter! And believe me, wife, that is something that will continue to happen quite frequently."

Jade covered her lips with her fingers, trying to hide her smile as her face blushed bright red. "Yes, that would be rather disconcerting," she agreed.

"I think in the main room would be the wisest choice," Fili stated, picking up the two paintings and laying them against the wall for the time being. "But first…you said something about having a gift for me?" His eyes were bright with eager anticipation as he returned to the bed and crawled back on it with her beside him. "Can I have it now?"

"Certainly," Jade grinned, more than willing to share it with him. She leaned over the large mattress and reached into the nightstand, pulling out a small, wrapped box and handing it to him. "I know it's not as large as the gifts you gave me, but I hope you like it just as much."

"Oh, I have no doubt that I will," Fili agreed, his face looking almost childlike as he tore through the paper and opened it. Yet, what he saw inside confused him. "Ummm, I think you made a mistake," he told her, reaching in and pulling out the mithril chain that held the pendant that had once belonged to Jade's mother. "Did you wrap the wrong thing?"

"No…" she said, reaching out and taking the pendant from his hand and holding it up. "My Grandfather gave this to my mother, and then she in turn gave it to me." Here she took a deep breath before speaking the final words, lifting the chain as she placed it over his head to rest against his bare chest. "And now, I thought that maybe you could give it to our child…when he or she is born."

Fili's eyes grew so wide Jade thought they would fall out of his head at her news, which was thankfully followed closely behind by a whoop of utter joy.

"DO YOU MEAN IT?" he asked, dropping the box as his hands gently gripped her shoulders. "We're going to have a baby? A little lad or lass of our very own?"

"Oin assured me of this two weeks ago, but I wanted to wait to tell you today," she grinned, elated by his reaction to the news. "It nearly killed me to keep it a secret, but I couldn't think of any better gift to give you than this."

"It's the best gift ever!" he laughed, taking her in his arms as he held her tight, uttering words of disbelief and joy the whole time. He then pulled back and stared at her in amazement. "When? When can we expect our son or daughter to arrive?"

"In about eight months, assuming Oin is correct about me being two months along right now," she informed him.

"That's not much time!" Fili gasped, his hands going to his head in shock. "We have so much to do, so much to prepare for! And names, we will need to think of names! What if I'm a horrible father? I have no idea what I should do!"

"Try calming down, for starters," Jade ordered, not wanting him to spiral into hysterics. "You will be a wonderful father, and we still have more than enough time to prepare for the arrival of our little one. It's not as if we won't have a whole mountain of dwarves willing to aid us at every turn." She gave a little laugh. "In fact, one word to your mother alone and I'm willing to bet everything will be well in hand."

"Amad!" Fili grinned widely. "She'll be overjoyed at this news! And Kili…he will be an uncle, and Thorin a great-uncle!"

"And Tauriel will be an aunt," Jade added. "Though, I have a sneaky suspicion that soon enough she will be a mother herself."

"WHAT?" Fili gasped. "Kili and Tauriel? How do you know?"

"Females can tell these things," she assured him, yet knowing full well that the elf herself had confided in her just the other day, wishing to share the same news as Jade had with her own husband. "Just make sure you act surprised when Kili tells you, alright. You don't want to spoil his announcement."

"I will be the picture of shock and awe, I promise!" he swore, holding up his hand in a gesture of proof. "But now…back to our baby! Are you alright? Not having any troubles or morning sickness?"

"Not yet," she answered. "Though Oin says that it could still happen during the first five months…so you might have to hold my hair a time or two if my stomach gets upset."

"I will do so gladly and with pride," he told her. "But in the meantime…are we allowed to…well, you know?"

"Of course we are, silly," she said with a playful swat to his chest. "These are not the dark days when a dam was sequestered away from everyone, even her husband, during her pregnancy. We just have to be careful and not get too carried away."

"I'm all for that," Fili grinned wickedly. "In fact…how about we celebrate right now, before my brother comes banging at our door with his own good news!"

"I thought you would never ask," Jade giggled, grabbing hold of the braids at the side of his head and pulling him down with her onto the bed. Yet, before she had a chance to bring his lips to hers, he pulled back.

"Wait," he begged, looking a bit embarrassed as he slipped from her grasp and wiggled off the bed. He then hurried over to where the portraits sat, and very carefully turned them both around until they were facing the wall, effectively hiding their judgmental eyes from what was about to take place. "I promise that I will hang these out in the main room as soon as possible, but right now, I really don't want them staring at us."

"I completely agree," she chuckled, reaching out her hand to him in an invitation to return to the bed. Yet, her brows furrowed as she saw him pause, looking at her with the oddest expression on his face. "What?"

"I was just thinking," he grinned, walking slowly over as he took her outstretched hand. "This is the very place I first laid eyes on you. In my bed. And I have to say, you look just as lovely now as you did back then. No…even more beautiful, because this time I know your name, why you are here, and that you are carrying my child." Here he climbed in beside her and took her in his arms. "And the best thing is…I never have to wonder who's been sleeping in my bed ever again."

"Because it will always be me," she finished, pulling him down until her lips met his, the kiss sealing their love for all time.



And there you have it. The happy ending I promised you all.

I'm sorry that I didn't go into more detail about the wedding and the year that happened afterwards, but this was supposed to be a shorter story...not a repeat of Little Son of Durin. ha ha.

I hope you liked their gifts to each other, it's always hard to dream up sentimental presents, but I think these worked out just fine. ha ha.

Thanks again for ALL your kind words and for reading my story. Please leave one final review and send me off with a smile. It might motivate me to write another Fili fic even faster! Until then...I wish you many safe and unexpected journeys.

Guest Reviews:

For any who leave a review for THIS last chapter...do check back here in about three days. I will be adding on my replies to them at the end and re-posting this chapter with the update. This way, I get to say thanks and farewell to you too.


Desert: Yep, I have a contract with the tooth fairy, and I get a kick back from all the teeth she collects due to all the tooth rotting sweetness my fan fictions generate. ha ha. I'm not rich yet, but the coins are piling up . Thanks.

Aranel Mereneth: Of course Dis was the one to step in and solve all the problems. Thorin should find a way to bottle her smarts and sell it. He would soon have two mountains of gold! ha ha. Glad you liked the bonus chapter...I do hate keeping people waiting. Thanks!

Nala: I'm happy that Lord Baldar is growing on you. He is a very kind dwarf...who makes mistakes, but is sorry. I thought after leaving you on a sad cliffie, you all DID deserve the happy ending chapter right away. No one likes being left in the lurch. As nice as his other gifts were, I think the knives he gave her first will also be the gift she uses the most, right? Yep, they are together at last...and will be forever now. Thanks.

Travelbug: I hope you didn't short circuit your computer by crying into it! Then you wouldn't have been able to read the next chapter! But I see you did, so I'm going to assume all is well. And you are very welcome for the Bonus chapter. You deserved it. And Dis IS the only Durin who can formulate a plan, execute the plan, and then have it turn out good! She needs to give lessons. Thanks.

Guest B: I did take you on a roller-coaster ride of emotions in the last two chapters! Hope you didn't get sick from all the ups and downs. But yes, I did "Fix It" and I didn't drag it out. Dis would not have stood for THAT...and I'm just as afraid of her as the rest of the Durins are! Thanks.

Emrfangirl: *T.O.W.G. pats herself on the back for getting a 'good author'* Thanks, I needed that. ha ha. And I don't see why they couldn't just tape the contract back together again...who needs to spend the time re-writing it? Ori has enough to do with printing the wedding invitations now! And you can bet that Fili will indeed be putting that marriage bead in Jade's hair! Thanks.

Responses to Guest Reviews for Chapter 30

Emrfangirl: I'm glad you liked the idea of the portraits. I find it sad to think that memory is all most had to remember people by in Middle Earth. So portraits of her parents seemed the way to go. And I'm with Fili...having her parents judging eyes on then when in bed is NOT something he was going to stand for. They had to face the wall. I could get on board with the whole Bilbo and Dis ban-wagon too. They would make a cute couple. I too love fast updates (hint hint to all out there whose story I'm following) since I have no self control and can't wait to post quickly. I have one more Fili story in my head, and when I get done with the short story I am writing over in the Phantom of the Opera forum, I hope to be back and see if that one can be written. Thanks again for ALL your wonderful reviews and sweet words. T.O.W.G.

Guest: You know, the fact that Fili is a fictional character could have something to do with how great he is...we can write him as wonderful as we want. Too bad we can't package the cute little dwarf and sell him to all us fangirls. ha ha. As long as Middle Earth has flush toilets and central heating, I could live there too. I'm soft. ha ha. Thanks for your kind review!

Aranel Mereneth: Sorry, I told you that those puppy dog eyes like Kili's only works once. I don't see me writing any more on this story, even if it was to see how Fili and Kili are such great dads, and how Thorin turned into a pool of jello over the little babies, or how Dis was the best grandmother ever and spoiled them rotten. ha ha. Just imagine it...ahhhhhh, so cute. Wow, read Enthralled all in one day? Speed reader you are! And yes, it was a bit of a stretch for me as well, with our boys being a bit out of character...and tall...and Vikings. ha ha. But I'm glad you enjoyed it. As I said above in another review...I do have one more Fili story in my mind fighting to come out. We will see how long it takes to get it written. But keep an eye out. As always, thanks a bunch! T.O.W.G.

Guest B: Wow, gunna re-read it? I'm flattered! I do have three other Hobbit stories...if you haven't read them, that is. That could keep you busy. Or if you happen to like Phantom of the Opera, I have half a dozen finished stories over there under the name "Fantomphan33". BUT, I do plan on starting on a new Fili story soon...after I rest my fingers for a few days, that is. ha ha. And as for writing back...well YOU took the time to leave ME a review, I would be rude not to respond back! And I love talking with my readers! So thanks and hope to see you again! T.O.W.G.

Travelbug: Glad you liked the ending! I always struggle and worry about those, wanting them to come off just perfect and not leave anyone hanging. You know, I HAVE come up with a few ideas for a OC 'on the journey' tale...but I've never dreamed up enough of it to be a viable story. ha ha. But thanks for the vote of confidence that I could write one. I won't say never...just maybe not right now. I do hope you enjoy whatever it is I come up with next though, and I look forward to seeing you again when I do. Thanks so much! T.O.W.G.

dojoson41: Yep, Fili did indeed need to get off his royal arse and do something. ha ha. Thankfully he did. And why would I feel bad about you liking one of my stories over another? I'm just tickled I made the cut! ha ha. Thanks! T.O.W.G.

Nala: I won't say I don't disagree...but I just couldn't think of anything more to add in, and I didn't want to go into major detail with the wedding, honeymoon, trip to Grey Mountains, etc. That would have made the story far too long! But I do see your point. Still, I hope most are satisfied with the end. I'm glad you are a sucker for happy endings, me too! Since why bother writing a sad story? I dont' want to read THAT! I really appreciate all your kind reviews, and thanks for reading my story. Until next time! T.O.W.G.