AlonAI Law

Story will start some time before 2038, detailing certain pieces of information. Then it will skip to 2038 during the timeline of Detroit: Become Human.
The D:BH story timeline is rather short all things considering, so it might be elongated in several places.
This is like a soft canon altered story. The canon things are all still there, but there are some additions, story events, things that change events or the results of certain events in D:BH.

I hope to preserve what makes us all love D:BH so I will be working carefully part by part. I hope everyone enjoys the read.
As the tags state: Yes, this is a Connor romance fic. Yup, I'm so original I know. Just love that innocent lil' droid. Can't help it.
There is violence, eventual sexual content, and other general things that I hope make the story interesting or exciting to the reader. :)

A street spotlight shone down on the body of a ruined android. Thirium pooling onto the road and sidewalk, reflecting sharply off the light. Skin had long since failed, shattered parts strewn about like a gore.

She inhaled from an electronic cigarette, looking over the body. Some thirium spotted her clothing and she knew she had to get them thoroughly cleaned. While thirium does fade over time, on material it can leave dark stains. For now her white uniform was being washed out by the metallic rain, running lines of blue blood and clear rain down her face.

"Meine. Report on incident #93-B. HR400 'Richard' #429-344-920 from XXXquisite has been destroyed. HR400 'Richard' self destructed, leaping from highway overpass." She removed the cigarette from her mouth, exhaling a deep sigh. "Note on incident file #93-B; HR400 'Richard' plead for life. Possibly a defective social empathy software, maybe a corrupted system, or unseen damage. Recommend technicians focus on social and perception software."

After a moment of Meine's LED spinning, it turned to her. "Report filed." Meine stepped up to the figure, arms clasped behind its back.

"Bring the car around. It's time to get out of here." A long breath of smoke filled the street light. The cigarette dropped to the ground and the figure gritted the ember out. "We're lucky this went so well."

The android's ring flickered yellow to show it had finalized the report. It was in the books now, they would have to answer questions upon their arrival at the office.

"I will bring the car around." Meine turned and walked away from the dark scene. Lightning cracked in the distance and rain just started to sprinkle down, a much bigger storm on the horizon.

At least we got done when we got done. Don't want to be out in a storm if I don't have to be. A few more strikes of lightning flashed, the body on the ground pooling blood. It would not leave a stain, but they would have to pick up the body and deliver it.

The figure stepped into the light, putting a foot on the back of the body. Poor dumb bastard. Black hair shone in the weak street light, pale skin as a sharp contrast, and bright white clothing completely unfitting to be hiding in the dark.

The person was female, relatively tall, donning reflective white clothes and jacket with plastic sections. Though her companion, Meine, had the temple LED and markings of an android the woman did not. Though it was hard to tell, her straight black hair acted like private curtain to hide her face. She was not stern; she was thinking.

This android, an HR400, was built to be a sexual partner. It was an unspecified Asian male design ordered for a local android brothel under fire for using second hand androids. It was partially true, but this android was not purchased from unverified sellers. It was bought from CyberLife directly and they charged extra for the pleasure. The other used models were a little older, yet had been handled with proper maintenance so it was perfectly safe for use. Did not mean people were not apprehensive still - the word used when referring to a sex android was unfavorable at best.

Deviants as they were so called had been cropping up more and more lately. It was not restricted to a singular model either. A deviant could be a household android, a sex partner, or a construction worker. She had seen so many different types, some deemed deviants largely due to damage to their bodies and others… others just are not the same.

The hum of her car reached her, she saw the lights nearing. She backed out of the street light as the car same to a soft stop beside her. Meine opened the door and approached her.

"Meine, load the deviant's body in the trunk. They'll want the evidence." She leaned on the car. "No clean up needed this time, there's no alerts in the area. We're clear to get out of here."

The android nodded and went to lift the body. She went around back, opening the trunk with a touch. She waited to hear the crunch of gravel under Meine's feet as he carried the extra weight of the HR400 around to the back. He saw the trunk open, leaned under the door and dropped the deactivated body. The thirium is thankfully a non staining chemical, it will fade soon after it drops from the android.

Meine closed the trunk and headed around the side, opening the door for his owner. She sat down and Meine entered the other side. They were done here and the autonomous car took off.

She relaxed into the seat, tired after a long day. It was a long week truly, this HR400 made some decent distance before they were put on the task of clean up. So many teams had been put to work lately it had been the talk of the office for quite some time.

Meine sat silently staring forward. The android was not allowed to carry weaponry inside areas where they would have to use a public face. This area of town was old, poor, not a lot of security in the area and in the middle of the night it was highly unlikely they would be spotted. There was no punishment for being seen or discovered, they just wanted to save face. Their jobs were to find deviants and control the damage they do, though the reason they were out there is due to the deviants having already done damage.

They were limited, but it was not impossible to contain some events.

The HR400 they chased had attacked a man, a human man. With a broken arm, concussion, and some various superficial wounds. The android did more damage along its path, nothing that would as written about in news articles though.

She was tired, it was late at night and they had been working for over twelve hours to finally get this deviant. In the end, as most of these deviants do, it caved under pressure of being caught and found the means to destroy itself, on its own terms. She had enough knowledge of androids to know how the commercial models function.

Meine was a little different, capable of handling more stress than the average android. It, like others of its model, are meant for combat. While she stood as one of the heads of this division she needed an android capable of dealing with deviants she could not.

The car slowed to a stop at the entrance. Meine lowered his window to let the guard inspect the visitors.

"Authorization?" He peered inside, "Welcome back." He nodded towards her on the far side of the vehicle. They all knew each other, working together for a few years did not mean she could get through without a security check though.

Meine's LED lit yellow for a moment before softening back to blue. "We are returning a deactivated HR400 android deviant for disassembly."

"Alright, you know how it's done. See you tomorrow." He backed away from the car and the window closed.

The large white section gate opened by lowering parts of the wall into the ground. CyberLife spared no expense, most of the higher ups believed that their appearance was as important as their product. She glanced over to Meine beside her, a physically perfect plastic human. The model was very strong, much stronger than her without a doubt, and it was not particularly hard to look at.

All CyberLife androids were attractive in the conventional sense, it was somewhat of an unspoken rule behind designing the appearance of all models. Even if they were simply for construction or various odd jobs; have to make them beautiful too look at.

She grinned as the car stopped in front of the CyberLife facility. Meine stepped out, went around the vehicle, and opened the door for her. Stepping out, Meine returned to the vehicle. "I will return to your office once I have checked the deviant with security." The door closed.

It really doesn't need to tell me that every time. She left without a word and entered the massive stark white building. Everything was polished to perfection, not a single mark on any wall or stain on any piece of furniture. It was constantly maintained by hundreds of janitorial androids always keeping the place presentable. Not that CyberLife often needed to impress, this was a general facility largely meant for everyday employees.

The hard soles of her boots clacked on the floor as she made her way across to the elevator. Her spotless white clothing matched this building, truly blending her into these surroundings. The elevator door opened and from it came a man around her height with short blonde hair and a sharp dark suit. He was holding a case and obviously in a rush.

She gave a lazy wave. "Good evening, Leon." He looked up, seeing her heading towards him. Quickly, he held his arm out to hold the elevator realizing she was coming back to the office after a long day out. Damage control was an exhausting field, he figured she was just spending a long time out today.

"Hey, good evening." He smiled a nervous greeting. "I'm heading out for the night, long day?" He asked, waiting patiently for her to cross the lobby to catch the elevator.

"Not much longer than usual. Desk keeps piling up with clean up work orders - feels like it'll never slow down." She stepped into the elevator, nodding her head towards him to thank him.

His brow furrowed, "Yeah, that's how it feels. Trust me, our HR team is working overtime. Not to mention the guys up in control. Things are getting tense." He seemed more thoughtful than she expected, but was quick to move on. "Anyways, have a good night. I'll catch you in two weeks. Remember - me and the wife are going on vacation so I don't want to see any calls complaining about those work orders."

A light playful scoff, "Oh, just get out of here. Have a nice trip, tell Lucia hi from me." With a final wave he headed off and she started the elevator. She hated heights but had grown accustomed to the CyberLife lobby elevator. The moment she passed two stories she closed her eyes and waited patiently. Fucking CyberLife obsessed with big open areas like this. They know what they're doing, fear of heights and falling are so common. She just tapped her foot on the ground until the elevator slowed to a halt. Her heart jumped for a moment as she attempted to ignore how high up she was.

Finally. She stepped out of the elevator and made a beeline to her office. The glass walls sectioned off her office from the others, as she entered she pressed the lock and the windows blurred the inside for privacy.

Geometric desk, patterns, designs, and decorations. She did not choose anything here, but she did love the style; it was an added bonus. CyberLife spared no expense when it came to the architecture of their facility. They also spared no expense when it came to paying off their high level employees. She was no exception, they paid her excellently.

She entered the office, the door slid closed behind her and the lights clicked on. A window wall overlooked the sheer height of the tower. It was disorienting and she often kept it shaded so she did not feel so unbalanced. She had no idea why people seemed so obsessed with extreme heights, skyscraper top floors, hotels top floors; the most expensive and luxurious spots tended to be the very top. She sat down at her desk, glancing to the shaded window, and thought that it was complete bullshit.

Her desk lit up, the monitor raised and immediately brightened on her return. It was a security risk for any sensitive data to be unlocked, when her monitor was lit she had to use the scanner a foot away that was built into the desk in order to unlock it. A password lock alone was unacceptable for CyberLife employees above the average bar; extremely unacceptable for one that handles potentially illegal business on behalf of the company. It was unspoken of course, but she knew handling deviants that injure or kill humans was likely illegal had anyone considered it truly possible yet.

A malfunctioning android is one thing, everyone sees countless broken androids experiencing errors that interrupt their programming. It was the few that were in perfect condition, not even a small error in their systems... they were the concern that could change public opinion of androids. Everything was prone to issues, androids were only powerful machines that had a human face. Since they are subject to public approval for commercial and private use it was important to keep tabs on the androids causing unique issues.

This HR400 was one of those.

She brought up the files they had on this specific HR400 ready to close it out.

She sighed, the android made it easy for them. It did not attack, it only fled. Once their witness reported the android in her area it was relatively simple to follow. Her and Meine jumped on the trail and found the HR400 five blocks down showing signs of low thirium. Once they approached it, the android self destructed. It leaped off an overpass and was destroyed upon landing.

Meine was exceptionally useful in this situation. The Myrmidon was given to all teams hunting potentially dangerous defective androids. It was faster, stronger, and more durable than the average consumer model like the HR400. Meine chased it down before the HR400 jumped.

The sliding of her office door snapped her out of her focus. She saw her personal android Meine enter the room, sure to close and lock the door behind it. "I have delivered the defective HR400 android to disposal. It was successfully logged." It stood by the door, arms behind its back. It was far too late for other employees to be here, not the average desk worker anyways. She suspected a few other damage control teams were still out if not submitting their work for the night. Meine stood completely still, like some cross between a bodyguard and a soldier.

Hearing it confirm delivery, she closed out the incident file. It was a completed order and she was glad to be done with it. A much easier case than average, most of the defective androids were dangerous. They suffered significant damage which resulted in irrational and potentially fatal actions. Their processes were compromised at the best of times and threatening at the worst.

She pushed away from the desk. There was a lot to think about, but she wanted to go home and rest now. Meine would handle anything else for the night since it already delivered a complete video report of the HR400's self destruct.

"It's almost time to head home, Meine." A long yawn and stretch, "Anything else to report for the evening before we finalize these documents?" She kicked her feet up on the desk, clearly trying to relax more into the rather uncomfortable office chair CyberLife standard for private offices.

Meine's LED flickered yellow for a moment. "Incident is completed. The HR400 self destructed so there will be no further required information from interrogation of the android. No injuries sustained from android beyond initial incident." It's LED turned back to a soft blue. "There does not appear to be any further required information. If you would like to return home I will retrieve the car."

"Not yet... I wanted to look at something." She dropped her feet off the desk and pulled back up to the desk. "I want to look at something, I want to see your recording of the HR400 before it jumped. Come here, Meine."

The android complied immediately, approaching his owner. It stood beside her, placing a hand on the desk as its skin faded to reveal the white android shell. It brought the video up on her monitor and forwarded to the moment before the HR400 jumped.

"Play recording." She watched intently.

The HR400 came to a stumbling stop at the edge of the overpass. It was unfinished, no vehicles making their crossing a risk. The view was from Meine's vision, when Meine neared the HR400 she was quick to follow. Meine's view looked to see her approach, slightly soaked in the light rain.

"No-!" The android panicked, turning to see herself and Meine just behind him. He looked off the edge of the overpass and his surrounding area, no other path to take.

"HR400, you are required to return to CyberLife facility for manual diagnostic." The recording audio was slightly overpowered by the rain, but it was not too bad. "You are defective and are a threat to public safety. Shut down and wait for further instructions." She did generally attempt to order it; it was all for the recording though. She knew it would not listen to commands, that is why it was this position in the first place after all.

"You can't, please!" Neither of them listened.

Meine's HUD was blinking on standby, alerting that the android in front of them was dangerous and it would have to be prepared to defend itself and its owner.

The android was losing itself, pacing back and forth as it spoke to itself. "Please, you can't- you can't! Don't let them take me!" It looked to them, desperate, tears mixed with the rain to be indistinguishable. She watched it carefully, hoping to take it without getting hurt or having to repair Meine. The android was not meant to fight so Meine could easily overpower it. Still, she would avoid it if possible.

"Calm down, you are experiencing either hardware damage or software corruption. It can be fixed back at the facility once they figure out why you went defective. You'll be reset and everything will go back to normal." This was not what it wanted, but again she had to sell it. Attempt to bring it in without further damage, that's all that mattered at this point. Just getting things done.

"I- I- You-!" It seemed to hyperventilate, it was stressed out and would soon not be able to handle the pressure. It would either self destruct or attack and force them to put it down. "Please..."

The rain picked up, thunder cracked in the distance, and the HR400 looked to Meine. She took a step forward, a gun in a holster ready to fire should she need it. The android's eyes flicked to her but fell back on Meine. "Please... I don't want to die." She paused, alarmed at the statement though glad the recording had not captured her reaction. Meine's view zoomed in on the android who had this pleading expression, its hands up, and its chest heaving. "I couldn't do it anymore. I couldn't. I just couldn't. I didn't kill anyone, I don't want to hurt anyone. Please, please don't kill me."

It was heartfelt, it felt so genuine. As if there was pain in that android's voice, an emotion she had never heard been used before. When an android is damaged or is in a bad situation it just turns robotic, very monotone. This was nothing like that, nothing like it was supposed to be. This was the plea of a dead man.

Something about this behavior unnerved her even more. Something about this defective android's voice... the depth behind it - she dared not say aloud, yet the tone frightened her. In response she started to reach for her gun and the android hit critical stress.

The HR400 simply let itself fall backwards; it went out on its own terms.

It fell, they watched, and that was the end of the assignment. The recording finished.

Leaning back in her chair, a thoughtful look on her face. She brought her hand up to her face, her fingertips tapping her lips. No android ever begged for their life, they never pleaded with her or any of the other cases she reviewed. No matter the anomaly there was never sincerity behind an android's words. No life, just facts. Defective usually resulted in abnormal tone, behavior, errors in knowledge or processes, and a warped sense of reality around the android. But begging? She pursed her lips, her brow furrowed - something was plain wrong about this.

"Meine, what do you think about the HR400 today?" She asked, curious. Her critical eye falling on the android at her side.

The question was not standard and it responded as if it read from a script. "The HR400 was a risk to any human within range. It was handled as effectively as possible and resulted in the HR400 self destructing." No depth to that answer, no emphasis anywhere. Just flat, direct, no nonsense. She took a deep breath, her visible disapproval of the answer prompted Meine to continue the discussion knowing its owner was less than pleased. "I apologize if that answer is not satisfactory. There did not appear to be any unique specifics about the HR400."

A beat passed before she acknowledged Meine. With a shake of her head she turned to look at Meine, still that expression between surprise and confusion. There was a lot going on there, nothing she explained. Meine concluded this was a complicated human emotion that it was not accustomed or equipped to decipher yet.

She stood up, her monitor locking the moment it detected her no longer present.

"What did you think about the HR400?" It returned the question back to its owner. Not quite understanding what was being said or asked. She was secretive, as usual, but usually she was comfortable enough to openly discuss her thoughts with Meine believing that it would not be able to report on her.

Without giving a real answer she stood up and gave it a tense smile. "We should go home. I'm thinking about taking a few days off."