Author's Note: Hello, everyone, welcome to my first Time Lady fanfic on this Doctor Who fandom. I was obsessed with the idea of writing my own time lady fanfic, and was lingering in my head for over two years. My mind was made up earlier this year, but I had no idea why I waited so long to write it. But, now here it is, the beginning of a journey. Please read and review and tell me what you think about this, in order for me to continue. This story is a revision of series 1 of Doctor Who, and this prologue basically describes how my OC, the Drifter escaped the Time War, right after the Doctor put the time lock. By the way, the Drifter is in her sixth incarnation, and has been throughout the Sixth and Seventh Doctors' run, and throughout the Time War. I picture her to look like Glynis Barber. So without further ado, onto the story. I do not own Doctor Who, as it belongs to the BBC.

Prologue-The Painful Escape

The Drifter was running. She couldn't see her beloved wardrobe anywhere in the smoky, dark brown, war torn atmosphere of the planet that was known as Gallifrey, her home that she loved oh, so dearly, now lined by the dead bodies of the time lords who fought in the bloody battles against the Daleks.

She had only ten minutes, ten minutes before it will all end. Her very dear friend, the Doctor, approached her with the idea to put a time lock on Gallifrey and Skaro, in order for the universe to be safe, most importantly, Earth, their favorite planet. She told the Doctor to do whatever it takes to keep Earth safe. The only thing she dreaded the most was for the Earth to be destroyed by the magnitude of this time war between the time lords and the Daleks. She needed to get to her TARDIS as quick as she can, or else she wouldn't live another day.

She started to think of where she would go to live her life. And there was the ultimate destination, London, England, Earth. She would regenerate, by how wounded she was right now, she would be known by her old alias, Elizabeth Black, and would live a quiet life, with all the money she had left.

But at the same time, she would have trouble adjusting, she would have no friends. The only people that she would get along with was her companions and the Doctor. Her companions would have the thought that she had died from the war. One of them probably is dead right now, she had a companion who was a time lord. What if the Doctor put the time lock in, but didn't get out on time? That would be unreasonable. He was the Doctor, nothing would bring him down, he was unstoppable. But he would think she was dead as well. These thoughts made tears stream down the Drifter's dirt caked face.

Her legs were starting to give out on her. Her once platinum blonde hair, in which she loved to put in various hairstyles was now matted in dirt and blood. Her black and silver war gear was now a brown color. She was out of breath now, her lungs were burning. She needed to stop and rest, but there was no time to waste.

At last, through the midst of the smoke and dirt, she found her wardrobe shaped TARDIS, in her wooden glory. A pained smile cracked on the Drifter's face. With all the strength she had left, she broke into a run, into the TARDIS. She shut the doors willingly, and set the coordinates to London. The lights were dim, the engines were quivering. The TARDIS was in bad shape. When she pulled the lever to dematerialize, she was met by the engine sputtering. This frustrated the Drifter like no other.

"Come on!" The Drifter yelled. "Work! Just one last time, please, for me," she pleaded in a broken voice.

She pulled the lever again, and now the TARDIS dematerialized. She could hear explosions from outside. The Doctor did it. The deed was done. She sighed in relief. A second later, her time of reverie was cut short, by a alarm, blaring throughout the console room. She rushed over to the TARDIS data bank, and saw a fatal error, one of the engines failed. The Drifter felt her blood run cold.

"No. Oh, no, no, no!" The Drifter whispered. "This can't be happening."

She felt the TARDIS jerk backwards. The Drifter frantically held on to the railings. If she stood corrected, her TARDIS was freefalling out of orbit. She motioned for the scanner to see where she was. Her prediction was proven correct. She was freefalling right towards Earth... she didn't know which continent. She was in for a rough landing.

The scanner shut off, along with sparks of electricity erupting from the console. She held on to the railings, her palms sweaty, preparing for the worst, but praying for the best. Just then, she felt a large crash, along with her body jerking backwards, towards the wall. The Drifter yelped at the pain, and groaned as she slid down to the ground. Her sight was disoriented. She crawled towards the doors and pulled it open. She could smell the fresh atmosphere of the Earth. Her hands touched the dirt of the ground, as her legs slid out of the doors. She tried to get up on her own, but her legs were too weak. She tried again, and now she was on her feet. Her vision became clearer. She realized that it was nighttime.

She smelled smoke now, coming from her TARDIS. A second later, her dear TARDIS was engulfed in flames, from blue to orange. She stood there, watching her beloved wardrobe burn, as tears streamed down her face uncontrollably.

The TARDIS was nothing but ash now. As she tearfully turned to go find civilization, she froze to see a dalek, lying next to her burnt TARDIS. She had her hand on her machete, as a replacement for her lost sonic screwdriver, in case the dalek would spring into action. She turned to see a pair of headlights coming towards her. A big black van swerved into a halt in front of her. Two men came out of the van.

"Well, look what we have here," one of the men spoke up in American English.

"What should we do?" the other one asked.

"We'll take the machine into the van," the first replied. "We'll take the woman, too, and we'll see what we can do with her," he continued coldly.

The Drifter tried to break into a run, but her legs were too weak. The men grabbed her before she could take one step. The first man huffed as he tried to hold down the Drifter's squirming body.

"Come on, a little help would do good," the first man growled.

On cue, the other man held a paper towel in her face, allowing her not to breathe. The Drifter then realized that she was being sedated, as her eyes grew heavy. Ultimately, her eyes rolled back, as her eyelids shut.

The second man carried her bridal style into the van, then hurried over to help his companion lift the dalek into the van. After they did so, the two men got in the van and drove away.

A/N: Well, voila, the beginning. The Doctor will find the Drifter around the third Chapter, as the episode will be split into two chapters, and I think that I'll be using that format, throughout the whole story. Again, please read and review, and tell me what you think. Should I continue or not? Anyway, stay tuned for the next chapter and please review!