Hey there guys! I am sooooooo sorry it has taken me so long to get this prepared and ready to be uploading. I've just been going through a lot of crap lately and been trying to get my head straight before coming back to FanFiction and getting on with my projects on here. Just to let you know, for those of you that have read A Whole New World before, a few things are going to be different here, but I'm hoping its going to be for the better. I'm also hoping to be able to get things underway on here now, whether that happens or not I don't know. Thank you for all of your patience throughout all this, I appreciate all of it as well as the love and support I've been getting xx

Chapter 1

I groan as I come around, putting a hand to my head.

"Man, that was a rough ride." I mutter to myself.

Pushing myself into sitting position I open my eyes and freeze as I see nothing but trees. The last thing I remember is curling around Aiden in an alley to protect him as he came closer, before this bright light appeared around us before I passed out. . .how did I end up here?

Speaking of Aiden, I instantly panic as I look for him but soon breathe a sigh of relief as I see him asleep a few feet away. I crawl over and gently shake him awake.

"Aiden? Aiden, wake up sweetie."

The six year old groans as he rolls over. "But mummy, I'm tired. Five more minutes."

Despite the situation we are in, I smile at this as I run a hand through his hair. "Come on, wake up."

He opens his eyes and when he does, he instantly turns and clings to me in fear as he looks around.

"M-Mummy? W-Where are we?" he stutters.

"I don't know, sweetheart. Come on, let's see if we can get out of this forest."

After we slip on our backpacks, which miraculously came with us, I take Aiden's hand in my own and we begin walking. I pick a random direction in hopes we will soon find some sort of town or city, or at least someone that can help us.

Hearing a twig snap, I jump and spin around in the direction of the sound. Aiden huddles close to me as I look for whatever that was, but I see nothing.

"It was probably just an animal." I say, trying to reassure my son.

We turn and begin walking on when I hear the nearby bushes rustling. . .heavy footsteps. Not wanting to meet the owner of those feet, I turn to run off, but as I do, I bump straight into the chest of a huge man. He towers over me, standing at least six foot to my measly five foot. He looks as though he works out quite a lot, his arms enormous. His black hair slightly greasy and eyes full of greed and malice, a wicked grin on his face. I step back, pulling Aiden behind me.

"Well, well, well, look what we have here boys?"

Hearing more steps, I look around to see two more men walk out of the shadows, both wearing the same grins as the first. These two men look smaller in stature, but no less powerful. I pull Aiden to my front and hold him close.

"Pretty little thing you have here, Ernie." one of them said with a sneer.

The man behind me, Ernire, grabbed hold of my upper arms. "Aye. What do you think lads? Make a nice little bed warmer, don't you think?"

My eyes go wide as the other two men start laughing in agreement. As the two in front of me get closer, moving towards Aiden who is cowering in front of me, something inside me snaps. I've already failed as a mother once, I will NOT fail again! So, I kick my right leg back, kicking Ernie in the shins, causing him to let go of me as he grunts in pain and surprise, allowing me to spin and kick him in the stomach, making him. While the other two are standing in surprise, not been expecting my sudden act of violence, I take this chance to get Aiden away from this. I push him along towards some bushes.

"Run, Aiden! Get away from here!"

He stops to look at me, a look of fear on his face. "But-"

"Don't argue with me! Just go! I'll find you, I promise!"

Giving him a gentle but firm push, I turn to face the other two, putting myself in between them and my son, relief filling me as I hear him running along, hearing his footsteps getting quieter the further away he goes.

Ernie has managed to gather himself together in that time. He stalks forward and grabs hold of my arms.

"You're going to regret doing that, missy." He growls.

"What about the runt?" One of the other two men asks.

"Let him go. We've got the real prize with this one."

I don't show my emotions, but inside I'm a mess, fear coursing through me. But one thing that gave me some relief was that I had been able to get Aiden away from these men. Hopefully he'll be able to find somewhere safe and someone willing to help him.

Not far away from the struggle, a group of thirteen dwarves, a hobbit and a wizard had decided to make camp on an outcropping at the edge of a cliff, overlooking the lands. There's one way leading in and away from camp, which means anything won't sneak up on them. Thorin orders his nephews, Fili and Kili, to take care of the ponies while Gloin and Oin gets a fire started so Bombur and Bofur can get start on dinner.

Bilbo, after dismounting from his pony ungracefully, finds a small boulder to sit on and rub his aching thighs. It had been almost a week since the hobbit had left his door, left the comfort of home, and he still hasn't found his place within the company. He knew that some, Thorin and Dwalin for example, didn't want him there, although he is needed. Apart from being their 'burglar', he doesn't really have a role to play on the journey, not like the others; it's Gloin and Oin's job to get the fire going, Bombur and Bofur make the dinner that Kili and Dwalin will hunt for and Fili and Kili take care of the ponies when they stop. Bilbo just hopes that before this journey is over, he will make his own mark within the company, maybe even to make friends with the dwarves, he doubt this right now, but you never know what can happen in life.

The sun has almost set by the time the company have finished eating and everyone is now lounging and relaxing. Some are puffing on pipes, sharpening weapon, Ori's writing in his book while Dori is sewing a hole in a pair of trousers.

Bofur is in the middle of telling a story when they suddenly hear a gentle pounding of feet not far away. This causes the dwarves to be on alert, all of them taking up arms, even Gandalf is preparing for an attack. A few moments later, all weapons are lowered when a small boy falls out of the bushes, surprising everyone.

"A boy? What in Mahal's name is a boy doing this far out alone?" Gloin asks, his fatherly instincts coming forward.

At hearing his voice, the boy's head snaps up and a look of pure fear and panic appears before he quickly scrambles behind a tree to hide. Balin steps forward and speaks to the boy in a grandfatherly manner.

"There is no need to be afraid, laddie, we're not going to hurt you."

The boy pokes his head out from behind the tree so that only half of his face is showing, but he doesn't say anything, the fear still in his eyes.

"Why are you out here alone? Where are your parents?" Balins tries asking.

The boy begins to sniffle at this, almost sobbing. "Th-They have her."

"Who has who?" Fili asks, feeling sorry for the small boy.

"Bad men. They got mummy. She-She told me to run, I dint want to, but she made me."

"Where are they?" Thorin immediately asks as he moves forward, the protective instinct that is ingrained in each dwarrow to protect women and children kicking in.

The boy cowers back slightly, but bravely comes out from behind the tree, seeing that these people are going to help him. He points back in the direction he came from. Thorin looks into the woods for a moment before turning back to his dwarves.

"Fili, Kili, Dwalin and Gloin, with me. The rest of you, stay here with the boy."

"I come too!" The boy calls out, jumping forward, ready to save his mother.

Thorin admires the little ones courage. Even though he is afraid, he is still willing to face that and save his mother. Though, he has to do the right thing and to keep him from danger.

He shakes his head. "No, little one, you need to stay here. We will find your mother and bring her back, I promise."

After sending the boy a comforting smile, or as comforting as he can in the situation, Thorin charges off with the four other dwarrow right behind him, hoping and praying to Mahal that they can get there in time to save the woman and to keep his promise to the boy.

Knowing that Aiden is now safe, I start to struggle against Ernie, trying to rip my arms out of his grip. He just laughs at my attempt.

"I love them feisty."

"Let me go!" I yell out.

"No can do, missy, you belong to us now." the third man says as he and the other one walks over.

As they advance, I manage to slam the heel of my foot hard into the shin of Ernie, causing him to cry out and let go to grab his leg. I go to run off but one of the other two manages to grab me and pushes me back into a tree. I manage to let out a scream just before Ernie, who shoved his friend aside to grab me, covers my mouth with his gloved hand and my eyes widen further as he takes a dagger out, holding it up in front of my face.

"You shouldn't have done that lass. You've only managed to gone and make things worse for yourself."

He then proceeds to use the dagger to cut open my shirt, making me struggle more. I cry out into his hand in pain as he slices a gash into my left upper arm. I can only look at the man in fear, tears coursing down my face.

"I warned you."

As Ernie and the other guy get closer, five men suddenly burst out of some other bushes, swords and axes out as they attack the two others. I raise my knee and it collides into Ernie's privates. As he crouches, I manage to push him aside and try to make a run for it before I'm tackled to the ground. Being forced onto my back, I stare, eyes wide in fear as Ernie raises his dagger, aiming it at my chest. But before he can get the chance to do anything, there's a sudden woosh and a thud, his body going stiff and rigid, his eyes wide before he falls to the ground.

I crawl away, eyes wide as I see an arrow protruding out of his back. Behind him stands a small man with long brown hair, and slight stubble on his face. He's wearing medieval style clothing and I immediately think I'm at some sort of renaissance event or something, but the knowledge that an attempted rape and killing wouldn't be allowed, makes me believe different. The man's eyes go wide as he sees me and rushes over.


The man kneels beside me, after noticing I'm trying to hold my torn shirt together, a blush appears on his cheeks as he takes off a cloak and wraps it around me.

"Are you alright, miss?" he asks in concern.

Nodding, I pull the cloak closer around me and look up as I hear one of the other men walk over and kneel in front of me. He has long black hair with streaks of white, a few braids hanging on either side of his head and tied off with beads, short black beard and moustache. He wears a blue tunic with black pants and boots and a blue cloak with fur lining.

What catches my eyes are his own, which are the deepest blue I had ever seen, with hints of grey in them. The eyes look as though this man has seen a lot of horrors in his life. . .and maybe he has.

"Are you alright?" He asks in a deep strong voice.

I nod. "Yes. . .thank you for helping me."

He nods back. "You are welcome. Where are you from?"

I look around. "Not from around here, I don't think. . .where are we?"

"A few miles West of Bree."

I look to him in confusion. "Bree? I don't know where that is."

He looks to me for a moment before sighing. "Come, it is getting late. You can rest at our camp for tonight."

I shake my head. "I can't. . .I need to find my son."

"He's safe. He's back at the camp with the rest of my men."

"Oh, thank god!" I breathe a huge sigh of relief, knowing that Aiden is safe.

He gives a compassionate smile. "Can you stand?"

I nod and with his help, I'm on my feet, though shakily. I suddenly let out a slight yelp of pain as the man takes hold of my injured arm. He instantly takes his hand away, noticing the blood now there, he looks to me with a worried expression.

"You are injured?"

I nod as I point to Ernie. "He sliced my arm open before you came."

He scowls at the corpse before gently taking my arm from beneath the cloak so he can look at it. After a moment, he takes out a cloth and presses it onto the wound to stem the bleeding.

"I'll get our healer to take a look at that."

"Thank you. I haven't got anything to pay you for your help."

He just shakes his head as he and the others lead me away.

"You have nothing to repay us for."

I gave a small smile as he leads the way, the other four following behind, the brown haired one taking my backpack when I reach for it. I don't look back at the dead bodies, only the direction we are going, looking forward to having my son in my arms again.

Well, there's the first chapter for it. I hope you all enjoyed it, please let me know on your thoughts xx