Olddantrucker: So uh, just saying, this was written back in 2015 before Trump if you thought I was complaining about him. I also don't think I ever say they're from the USA (if I did then I forgot). I know nothing about the UN besides what I learned in high school (which is almost nothing) or what that has to do with the fact that American doesn't have the biggest military anymore like they used to decades ago. From world war 1-2 time compared to now. Don't mean to start an argument or anything but also just to point out I wrote that part 3-4 years ago and I knew even less than I do now

(If the format is super messed up it's cause I uploaded on my phone and I'll fix it when I can)

The Company all ran down the mountain as quickly as they could. The Wargs following behind them fast, howling. Soon the sun had set and soon the foremost Warg had caught up to the group. It leaped at Bilbo who ducked behind a rock. The Warg's jaws snapped in the air over his head. It landed in front of him, growling, before it charged at him. Bilbo pulled out his sword and held it in front of him; causing the charging Warg to impale itself in the head on the sword and fall down dead. Bilbo looked on in surprise.
A few more Wargs caught up to the fleeing company, but they were quickly dispatched. The Company reached a large outcropping of land with a few trees growing on it; they were trapped there, as there was no way off the outcropping besides a great fall down the mountain.
"Up into the trees, all of you! Come on, climb! Bilbo, climb!" Gandalf shouted. Bifur threw an axe, killing a Warg which was approaching him. Bofur jumped off a rock and grabbed a tree branch, using Dwalin's head as a stepping stone to the tree. Other dwarves began climbing into the trees as well. Lucy pushed Tony to go up into the tree first.
"Come on, Tony!" Bofur shouted as he grabbed Tony's hand and pulled him up.
"Lucy!" Ori shouted. "Quick!" he and Nori pulled her up into their tree. Bilbo tried to pull his sword out of the dead Warg's head, but it was stuck firmly. He continued to struggle to pull it out as the main body of Wargs and Warg Riders approached.
"They're coming!" Thorin shouted. Gandalf climbed to the top of the furthest tree; Dwalin boosted Balin up. Thorin, Bombur, and the rest climbed up trees too.
"Bilbo!" Tony shouted. Bilbo finally managed to pull his sword out of the Warg; he looked up to see several more Wargs running at him. He quickly clambered up a tree, Lucy and Bofur helping him up, as the Wargs rushed below him. Dozens of Wargs circled the trees in which the Company members were perched. Gandalf reached out with his staff and picked up a moth sitting in the same tree as him. Bringing the moth close to his face, he whispered to it; he then blew it gently, causing it to flutter away. The Wargs ceased their growling and turned as the White Warg, with Azog on its back, approached slowly. Thorin looked at Azog in shock.
"Azog?!" Thorin growled. As his White Warg growled, Azog stroked it and spoke ominously.
"Nuzdigid? Nuzdi gast? (Do you smell it? The scent of fear?) Ganzilig-i unarug obod nauzdanish, Torin undag Train-ob, (I remember your father reeked of it, Thorin son of Thrain.)" Thorin looked stricken with pain and grief, realizing that Azog had captured his father.
"It cannot be," he said. Balin looked at Thorin. Azog spoke to his Wargs and Riders.
"Kod, Toragid biriz. (That one is mine. )Worori-da! ( Kill the others!)" At his command, the Wargs leaped forward and tried to climb the trees. They jumped as high as they could, scrabbling at the tree trunks and breaking apart branches in their jaws in their efforts. The trees shook violently at the assault, and the dwarves struggled to hold on. "Sho gad adol! (Drink their blood!)"
With the weight of the Wargs climbing it, the furthest tree from the edge of the cliff, which Bilbo, Lucy and several other dwarves were in, was uprooted from the ground and began leaning wildly. As more Wargs grabbed onto it, the tree tipped over and landed on the next tree; the dwarves, Lucy and Bilbo jumped from the falling tree to the next. However, this tree as well tipped over; like dominoes, all the trees began falling over. All the dwarves, Bilbo, Tony and Lucy managed to jump onto the last tree, on the very edge of the cliff where Gandalf was. This tree didn't fall over right away like the others. Azog laughed at the sight of the 'mighty dwarfs' cowering in a tree.
Looking around in desperation, Gandalf spied a pinecone. He grabbed it and used his staff to set the pinecone on fire; he then threw it down amid the Wargs who retreated in fear of the fire. Azog was startled and angry at the unexpected resistance. Gandalf lit two more pinecones and threw one down to Fili.
"Fili!" Gandalf shouted. Fili caught the pinecone. Everyone gathered more pinecones and caught them on fire using pinecones Gandalf had already set on fire. They then threw the flaming pinecones at the Wargs. All the area around the tree was set on fire, forcing the Wargs to retreat to a distance. At least one Warg galloped away with its fur alight. Azog roared in anger and frustration as those in the tree cheered. Suddenly, their cheers turned into cries of fear as the roots of the tree they were in started to give way; the tree tipped precariously over the edge of the cliff, but came to a rest sticking straight out away from the edge of the cliff. Gandalf looked down and saw the ground far, far, below. The dwarves tried to hold on as they got flung around. Ori lost his grip on the tree and fell, but managed to grab on to Dori's leg.
"Aahhh! Oh! Oh no!"
"Mister Gandalf!" Dori cried. Because of the extra weight, Dori lost his grip on the tree as well and fell, but Gandalf quickly swung his staff down and Dori managed to grab onto the end of it. "Hold on, Ori!" Tony managed to pull himself up so he was laying over the main part of the tree. He looked around frantically and saw his sister struggling to do the same. Kili, who was clinging to a branch, reached out an arm to Lucy who was a few feet away.
"Grab my arm! Lucy!" he shouted. Lucy struggled to reach but finally managed to grab a hold of his arm. Kili, in turn, grabbed onto her arm tightly before helping her move up to have a better grip. Even after she had an arm locked securely around the tree Kili kept a hold of her sleeve.
Azog growled; Thorin, clinging to the tree, looked at him in hate and anger. He pulled himself up, his sword drawn, and walked down the leaning trunk as Bilbo and the others, hanging from the tree, looked on. Thorin ran through the burning ground at Azog and his White Warg. Azog spread his arms wide with a smug grin on his face. Thorin growled as he ran with his sword up and his oaken branch shield held in front of him. Azog crouched, and then roared as his Warg leaped at Thorin. Thorin tried to swing his sword, but the Warg hit him in the chest with its forepaw, smashing Thorin to the ground. The others in the tree looked on in shock. Dori struggled to hold on to Gandalf's staff.
"Help!" Ori shouted. As Thorin got back on his feet, panting, Azog and his White Warg wheeled around; they charged at Thorin again. Azog swung his mace and smashed Thorin in the face before Thorin could react. Thorin was brutally flung to the ground by the impact.
"Nooo!" Balin shouted. Azog roared in excitement. Bilbo managed to stand up on the tree. The White Warg clamped its jaws around Thorin and Thorin yelled out in pain. Dwalin tried to get off the tree to assist Thorin, but the tree branches he was holding on to broke, swinging him precariously over the edge and preventing him from reaching Thorin.
"Thorin! Nooo!" he shouted. As the White Warg held Thorin in its mouth, Thorin managed to hit its head with the pommel of his sword. Roaring, the White Warg threw Thorin several feet away onto a flat rock nearby. Thorin landed heavily, his sword falling out of his hand. He was almost unconscious. Lucy managed to pull herself up so she was laying across the tree, with the help of Kili, when she saw someone running down the tree.
"Wha- Tony no!" Bilbo called reaching out to stop him as he ran passed. Lucy's eyes widened as she watched her brother run toward the pale Orc with a yell, his sword raised.
"Tony no!" Lucy screamed. Azog started to laugh. Tony attacked and ended up managing to stab the white warg in the eye. It howled in pain before it took a swipe at Tony sending him flying. He hit the ground and rolled a bit but didn't get up having hit his head on a rock upon impact. "Tony!" Lucy's blood curdling scream echoed throughout the mountain. Her mouth was open in shock as she watched his still body. "Ton-"
"Biriz torag khobdudol, ( Bring me the Dwarf's head.)"Azog said. One of Azog's Warg Riders jumped off his Warg and approached Thorin. Bilbo, seeing this, pulled out his own sword, which glowed blue. The orc approached Thorin and placed its sword against his neck; raising the sword, the rider prepared to decapitate Thorin. As he swung his sword down, Bilbo threw himself at the orc and knocked him over. As they fought, Bilbo managed to stab and kill the orc. As Azog growled in anger, Thorin finally passed out. Pulling his sword out of the dead orc's body, Bilbo stood in front of the unconscious Thorin, and Tony who lay a few feet away. He waved his sword wildly at Azog and the other Wargs. Azog smiled in hatred and spoke in the Black Speech to his Orcs; the translated meaning was "Kill him."
A couple of Wargs and Riders approached Bilbo, snarling. Suddenly, Fili, Kili, and Dwalin, who had managed to get off the tree, plowed into the Wargs from the side and started fighting them. Lucy with her sword ran to Tony, swinging at a Warg that got in her way. Dwalin hit it in the head with his axe allowing Lucy to run past it to Tony. She saw blood on this shirt but his chest was still falling and raising. Lucy stayed close to where Tony lay and fought off Warg as the best she could.
In the confusion, Bilbo yelled and leaped forward, wounding a Warg. The White Warg hit Bilbo with his head and sent him flying, however. As the fighting around them continued, Azog and his White Warg approach Bilbo to kill him. Fili, Kili, and Dwalin had been surrounded by Wargs, and Bilbo was at Azog's mercy.
Suddenly, the moth returned to Gandalf. Dori slipped from the end of Gandalf's staff, and Dori and Ori fell toward the ground far below. An eagle swooped out of nowhere and caught them on its back; they yelled in fear as they were carried swiftly away. Several more Eagles appeared and joined the fray. Some grabbed Wargs and Orcs and tossed them over the cliff. Others knocked down trees, which crushed the Wargs below them. Another Eagle fanned the flames with its wings, causing an inferno which burned the Wargs. Azog snarled in frustration.
One Eagle gently grabbed Thorin and his sword in its talons and flew away. As Thorin was lifted off the ground, his oaken branch shield slipped off his arm and landed on the ground. Another Eagle picked up Tony and lowered its wing to allow Lucy to get on before it took off. Azog roared and jumped back as an Eagle flew by him; the Eagle headed straight for an alarmed Bilbo and snatched him off the ground. It then threw Bilbo, and he screamed as he fell toward the ground, only to land on the back of another Eagle.
The rest of the Eagles proceeded to snatch the dwarves out of the tree and fly away. When only Gandalf was left in the tree, the roots gave way and the tree fell off the edge of the cliff. Gandalf leaped clear of it and was caught by an Eagle. As the Eagles flew away with all the Company, Azog and the few Warg Riders left growled in anger and frustration.

The Eagles soared through the sky over a great distance and over many landscapes. Thorin lie unconscious in one Eagle's talons and Tony in another's.
"Thorin!" Fili shouted.
"Tony…" Lucy sobbed as she looked down at him. She could see his shirt was stained with blood and had three slashes in it. The Eagles approached a massive rock structure shaped like a bear; it was the Carrock. The Eagle carrying Thorin gently deposited him and his sword on a flat area on top of the Carrock. Another Eagle landed on the Carrock and Gandalf slid off its neck, running toward the unconscious Thorin as the other Eagles put down everyone else. One Eagle flying down to the base of the rock unnoticed by the others.
"Thorin! Thorin." He said. Thorin was not responding. Bilbo ran up. Gandalf placed his hand on Thorin's face and whispered a spell. Thorin's eyes fluttered open and he gasped for air. He spoke weakly.
"The halfling?" He asked.
"It's all right. Bilbo is here. He's quiet safe." By now, the other dwarves had all been landed on the Carrock, and they surrounded the wounded Thorin. Dwalin and Kili helped Thorin up. However, once he was up, he shrugged them off and approached Bilbo.
"You! What were you doing? You nearly got yourself killed! Did I not say that you would be a burden? That you would not survive in the wild and that you had no place amongst us?" Thorin advanced until he was face to face with Bilbo, who looked worried and frightened. "I've never been so wrong in all my life!" Thorin said as he grabbed Bilbo and embraced him deeply. The other dwarves cheered loudly and slapped each other on the back. Gandalf smiled. Bilbo looked quite surprised but hugged Thorin back. "I am sorry I doubted you," Thorin said.
"No, I would have doubted me too. I'm not a hero or a warrior...not even a burglar," Bilbo said. As everyone chuckled, the Eagles flew away, screeching. Thorin looked beyond Bilbo and saw something; he walked forward, and the others followed his gaze. "Is that what I think it is?" Bilbo asked. They all walked to the edge of the rock. In the distance, on the horizon, they saw the outline of a single, solitary mountain.
"Erebor—The Lonely Mountain. The last of the great dwarf kingdoms of Middle-earth," Gandalf said.
"Our home," Thorin said. A bird cheeped and flew by.
"A raven! The birds are returning to the mountain." Oin said.
"That, my dear Oin, is a thrush," Gandalf said.
"But we'll take it as a sign - a good omen," Thorin said.
"You're right. I do believe the worst is behind us," Bilbo said. The Company looked on at the Lonely Mountain as the sun came up behind them. Suddenly Bilbo frowned. "Wait hold on a sec- Where…" Bilbo started looking around with wide eyes. "Where's Lucy and-?" He asked. It was then Thorin remembered Lucy's scream before he'd passed out.
"Where's the boy?" He asked urgently looking around. Suddenly an Eagle flew away from the ground below.
"They must be down there," Gandalf said with a deep frown. Bilbo started to rush down the steps of the Carrock, the others not far behind him. When they reached the bottom they could hear sobbing and it didn't take long to find Lucy on the ground, her brother's body in her arms as she sobbed over him rocking back and forth.
The dwarves' eyes widened and Bofur took off his hat. Thorin looked horrified. Gandalf rushed over and knelt beside the two siblings. Lucy sniffled as she tried to control her crying.
"Is… is he?" Bilbo asked quietly.
"The boy's alive," Gandalf assured them but he didn't sound relieved. "Oin!" he shouted. Oin nodded and went into the woods to look for herbs. Gandalf waved his hand indicating he wanted someone to come over. Fili and Kili rushed over. Gandalf looked at Fili before nodding at Lucy. Fili nodded and put his hands on her shoulders.
"Luv, you have to let them work," he said to her quietly. She shook her head and held onto her brother. "Lucy." He rubbed her back with one hand and gently pried her away from Tony with the other. She stood slowly and shakily. Fili pulled her to him and put a hand on the back of her head as she sobbed into his chest. Thorin frowned deeply as he watched the scene. He had to clear his throat before he spoke.
"We can't risk moving him; we rest here until we can," Thorin said to the others. He walked up to Lucy and Fili. "Lucy," he said softly. She peeked out at him still gripping Fili's shirt. Thorin's heart ached when he saw the despair and tears on her face. Her eyes were bloodshot and her nose and cheeks red. "I want to show you something." Lucy looked down at Tony and started to shake her head. "They'll take care of him. It'll only take a minute." Fili stroked the back of her head. After a moment of looking down at Tony, she nodded.
"I'll stay here to watch over him for you," Fili said before kissing Lucy's cheek softly with a quick hug. Thorin started walking back to the Carrock. Lucy followed behind him silently, wiping the tears off her face as they walked back up to the top.

The sun was higher in the sky and illuminated the Lonely Mountain in just the right way to make Lucy gasp the moment she saw it.
"That's," he trailed off.
"Erebor," Thorin breathed, nodding.
"The Lonely Mountain," Lucy's voice came out in a whisper. She frowned. "I wish Tony could see this…"
"I'm sorry." Lucy turned to look at Thorin.
"It's not your fault you don't have to be sorry," she said as she sniffled before looking back at the mountain.
"I told you both before we left, this was no quest for children," Thorin said. "I wish the boy… I wish Tony hadn't tried to fight. I feel partly responsible." Lucy frowned. "I constantly put the lad down. I didn't believe he could be of any use in a fight; I feel he was trying to prove me wrong."
"I put him down a lot more than you did, I-I always yell at him."
"Do not blame yourself for the result of his actions."
"But if he dies…he's my responsibility! I'm supposed to look out for him-!" her voice caught in her throat and she had to take a breath. "I've been so… we used to be so close. I don't know what happened between us. I love him I really do…" Thorin put his hand on her shoulder. She turned her head to look at him. "He's hated me ever since I had to grow up and I don't want him to d-die thinking I hate him…"
"The boy doesn't hate you," Thorin said with a frown shaking his head. "I'm sure he loves you just as much. Siblings fight; Fili and Kili used to be the same way when they were younger… and me with my siblings." He gestured for her to sit before doing so himself. They sat close to the edge and looked out at the Lonely Mountain. "You said you used to be close, when did this change?"
"Well… he started to ignore me a month or two after I turned 18, that's when people are legally recognized as adults in our world… then he just started bugging me and taking and breaking my stuff."
"He was looking for your attention," Thorin said. Lucy frowned.
"He had my attention before, I mean sure I was sometimes busy with work or I… wasn't home all the time," Lucy sighed. "I didn't mean to be so busy though. I had to grow up, I didn't have time to play games with him anymore… it's what comes with being an adult."
"And he, still being a child, doesn't understand that," Thorin said. Lucy let out another sigh.
"I'm supposed to be there for him. I'm supposed to look out for him. I really suck at this don't I?" Thorin frowned in confusion at her wording. "I fail, I'm horrible, etc." Thorin understood.
"We all have our ups and downs at being the older sibling."
"How many do you have?"
"One… Dis, Fili and Kili's mother," he hesitated. "Our brother Frerin… he perished at a young age when he joined in the Battle of Azanulbizar."
"Oh, I'm sorry," Lucy said with a sympathetic frown. She let out a sigh. "We should have never come here." Thorin looked at her. "Whatever brought me and Tony here chose the wrong people."
"If you'd not come along you would have never met Fili." Thorin smirked when he saw the red come to Lucy's cheeks. "And you've gotten pretty handy with that sword; my nephews have taught you two well. The others have definitely enjoyed your company, your singing, and your stories. The journey has been more enjoyable than I would've thought. For that, I thank you." Lucy smiled.
"I'm sure you would've made your own fun." Thorin chuckled and smiled back. His smile faded after a moment and the two continued to look out at the Lonely Mountain. "Is it as great as it looks from here?" Lucy asked in a whisper.
"Better," Thorin said, the smile returning to his face.
"That night in Rivendell," Thorin started frowning again. "Elrond was talking to Gandalf about a sickness… what was he talking about?" Lucy looked at him but his gaze remained locked on the mountain. After a long tense moment he spoke.
"My grandfather, Thror… I saw him become obsessed with the gold of Erebor," Thorin started slowly. "The dragon sickness…" He let out a sigh. "It's what drew Smaug to Erebor." He closed his eyes.
"You don't have it," Lucy said. Thorin opened his eyes and looked to see her smiling at him. "You can't." She shook her head. "You're not doing this for the gold you're doing this for your people. You're taking back your home. It wouldn't matter if it didn't have all that gold, right?" Thorin blinked. "Right?" Thorin nodded.
"Of course," he said.
"I can see you're worried about it," Lucy said. Thorin looked back at the mountain. "If you promise to watch out for Tony, I'll promise to help you." He looked at her as she looked at the mountain. "I don't know how I can help but I'll do what I can. Cause when you take back Erebor, your people will need you as their king but they'll need you with a clear head." Thorin nodded.
"I promise to look out for you and Tony, to the best of my abilities," he said.
"You don't have to look out for me," Lucy said as she shook her head with a small smile. "I'm more concerned about Tony." She said as her smile faded.
"I promise to look out for you and Tony," he repeated. Lucy nodded.
"And I promise to help you not succumb to the dragon sickness, to the best of my abilities," Lucy said. "So do we shake on it or…?" Thorin chuckled and held out his hand. Lucy smiled and they shook firmly, his large hand encompassing hers.
"Let's get back down to the others. I'm sure Fili is worried about you," Thorin said with a teasing smirk.
"You're okay with us, right?" Lucy asked as she looked at him nervously. "I-I really like him...a lot." Thorin stood and offered a hand to her. He pulled her up and put a hand on her shoulder.
"I can tell you make him happy," Thorin said with a smile making Lucy's face turn red. "If he ever gives you trouble, which I doubt but if he does, tell me. He may be my sister-son but that doesn't mean I'll tolerate any mistreatment towards you." Lucy couldn't even attempt to hide the smile growing on her face.
"Thank you, Thorin." He smiled at her and they started to walk back down the rock. "I always thought… that you hated me and Tony." She said quietly.
"I've never hated you," he said with a deep frown. "In the beginning I didn't want you on this journey," He noticed her frown. "But for your own protection. You have to understand we, dwarfs, cherish our women. To let one come on such a dangerous journey…" He shook his head. "It's not that they can't hold their own," He chuckled. "they can. I remember one time Dis…" He trailed off clearing his throat. "Getting off track," he said but he saw Lucy smiling with curiosity. "Dwarven woman are rare, and when dwarves fall in love, they rarely fall out of it." He noticed Lucy blushing again. "We just want to protect them, they're held with the utmost respect." Lucy nodded.
"So what did Dis do?" Lucy asked after a moment.
"Another time," Thorin said and chuckled when Lucy looked disappointed. "We can swap sibling stories once we're safe in Erebor."
"Promise?" Lucy asked as she stopped walking and held up a pinky. Thorin stopped and blinked at it. "Pinky promise," she said. He still looked confused. "You hook your pinky with mine. It's a bit childish I guess…" She started to lower her hand when he hooked his large pinky with her much smaller one, and smiled.
"Pinky promise."

Thorin and Lucy returned to the camp to find everyone sitting around silently. Since they hadn't gotten as much sleep the night before, some of them were attempting to sleep, using their arms to block out the sun. Oin sat by Tony tending to his wounds, Fili sat leaning against a tree nearby watching him. Lucy walked over and when Fili saw her he smiled softly, raising his arm in a silent invitation. She sat down beside him and he put his arm around her and she laid her head against his chest. He rubbed her shoulder comfortingly. Thorin walked over to Oin.
"How is he?" Oin glanced up at him before finishing his work.
"He'll live… probably," he added softly. "But the boy needs rest, lots of it." Thorin nodded. He glanced over at Fili and Lucy to find Fili stroking her hair as she tried to fall asleep. He noticed that a few feet away Kili was looking at them, at Lucy, with sad eyes as he played with the grass next to him. Pulling at it and idly ripping it into smaller pieces. Thorin frowned slightly as he watched his younger nephew sigh deeply.

After a few hours Tony still hadn't woken up. Oin assured Lucy he would wake up in time but all they could do was wait. Thorin told the company they would have to carry Tony so they could keep the distance between them and the orc pack, so most of the dwarves took turns carrying Tony throughout the day.
Lucy couldn't sleep that night. Tony lay just feet in front of her moaning in pain in his sleep every so often. This was her fault. If she'd been more firm the two wouldn't even be in this situation.

Lucy woke up the next morning and blinked a few times before rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. She looked down at Tony next to her to see him looking up at her, his eyes half open.
"Hey sis," he said. His voice was weak and gravelly. Lucy gasped and her eyes popped open wide.
"Tony!" She exclaimed causing the dwarves to all wake up with a start.
"What's goin' on?!" Lucy looked at the dwarves who were all getting up, some grabbed their weapons out of reflex. She smiled sheepishly. Gandalf smiled.
"It's good to see you awake, Tony," he said.
"Tony!" Bilbo said with a big smile.
"You're alright," Ori said.
"Can I go back to bed?" Tony asked with a small smile. He went to sit up but grunted in pain and stopped, shutting his eyes tightly.
"Don't move," Lucy said as she put her hand on his arm. Tony looked up at her relieved expression. "Thought I was gunna lose you," she whispered.
"You kidding?" Tony asked weakly. "I'm like a fungus; you can't get rid of me."
"Did you just quote Adam Baldwin?" Lucy asked with an airy laugh. "You dork." She said stroking his head. Tony smirked with a hoarse chuckle.
"Anybody got any water?" he asked. Oin was already next to them opening his canteen. Lucy helped Tony sit up and lean against her. Tony took a big gulp and closed his eyes. "Much better." He said with his voice back to normal. "So what happened?" Thorin walked over. When Tony saw him his eyes widened and he gulped.
"You did a foolish thing," Thorin said with a stern look. Tony looked off to the side. "But you were brave to do so." Tony looked back at him. "Plus… you got a good hit in."
"That warg is missin' an eye now," Bofur said with a laugh. Tony smiled but stopped when he saw Thorin wasn't.
"It was still foolish," he said. Tony nodded.
"I'm sorry," he said in a quiet voice. Thorin shook his head.
"It's I that should be sorry." Tony looked up in shock and confusion. "I should've been the one training you."
"I take offense to that," Fili said. Kili, who stood next to him, nodded in agreement. Thorin looked down at Tony.
"Once you are able, I will train you to protect yourself," he said. "As long as you don't put yourself in unnecessary danger-"
"It wasn't unnecessary that pale freak was gunna kill you!" Tony shouted before wincing. Thorin gave him a stern look.
"I appreciate what you were trying to do. But, I will only train you if you promise not to put yourself in direct danger again. Deal?" Thorin asked putting his hand out.
"You gotta train Lucy too," Tony said immediately.
"Guess we're horrible teachers," Kili 'whispered' to Fili who shrugged looking mock offended.
"And until she can protect herself you have to protect her," Tony finished. Lucy looked offended.
"I can protect myself, thank you very much," she said with a frown.
"Lucy, I've lived with you for almost thirteen years." Tony said with an are-you-kidding look then a you'll-thank-me-later look. Lucy frowned and looked away. Tony looked back at Thorin to see him smiling slightly.
"I will protect the both of you until you're able to do so yourselves," Thorin said. He glanced at Lucy who smiled. He had already promised her in privet but if he needed to promise Tony with the company as witnesses then so be it. Tony and Thorin shook hands.
"Alright, now that that's settled," Tony said. "Anyone got any food? I'm starving." he groaned. The company laughed.
"Bombur, breakfast," Thorin said. Bombur nodded.
"I need to change your bandages," Oin said as he came over.
"Do you have to?" Tony asked with a grimace.
"We don't want it getting infected, now do we?"
"No," Tony groaned before he attempted to take of his tattered shirt. "A little help?" he asked with a frown. Lucy went to help him but he stopped her. "Not you." Lucy blinked.
"Why not?" she asked.
"You're my sister."
"Tony, I've seen you without a shirt before you know," she said as she raised an eyebrow.
"You should be training," Tony said. Lucy rolled her eyes.
"Boy's right," Dwalin agreed. "You should start your training."
"Alright," Lucy said as she stood. She grabbed her sword and turned to Fili, out of habit. Thorin cleared his throat. "Oh, right."
"Go easy on her, Uncle," Kili said.
"If I do that she'll never learn," he said. Fili and Kili turned to Lucy.
"Good luck, luv," Fili said as Kili looked at her sympathetically. Lucy looked extremely worried.
"Ignore them," Thorin said as he and Lucy walked off into a more open area to practice.

I added Chapter 10 and 11 together.
If you're wondering when Thorin "constantly put the lad down" he never really said anything it was just little things like holding Tony back from a fight or the looks. (Remember I didn't write every single day of the journey)

Old Word Count: 2,326 New Word Count: 5,361