![]() Author has written 5 stories for Pirates of the Caribbean, Underworld, Harry Potter, Supernatural, and Sleepy Hollow. Info on me: I've been telling stories since I was five and writing fanfiction among other things since I was ten. I enjoy writing fun, fluffy fanfiction things to try out new ideas, play with dialogue and for general merriment and mischief. Favorite fanfics: Lord of the Rings, Pirates of the Caribbean, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Legend of the Seeker, Hellboy (esp featuring Prince Nuada), Pitch Black/Chronicles of Riddick, Firefly, Harry Potter (but only a few), and Underworld. Favorite things: Hot elves and pirates, music, movies & books of most genres, loads of feedback from happy readers, cookies, rum and amaretto, crazy squirrels and of course chocolate Current Favorite TV Shows: Friends, Dharma & Greg, House, Bones, Angel, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Firefly, Felicity, The Big Bang Theory, How I Met Your Mother, Doll House, Castle, Star Trek TNG & DS9 & Voyager, SG1, The Legend of the Seeker, Dexter (Spirit help me), Vampire Diaries Current Favorite Movies: STAR WARS original theatrical versions, Lord of the Rings, Pirates of the Caribbean, Dune, The Mummy 1 & 2, Stargate, Lady in the Water, The Holiday, Chronicles of Riddick, Legend of the Seeker, Hellboy II, Avatar All the other places I post: Email: lady.ataralasse@ I beg of you fellow writers: we need more Darken Rahl (Legend of the Seeker) & Sabas fanfiction!! (Sabas aka Craig Parker in Underworld, you know in full leather, what's not to love!) I promise to review faithfully to anyone writing the good stuff! 7/6/10 Sorry for the huge delay. I found out the first weekend in June that I am getting a divorce. I had to quit my job that I loved, move all my stuff across the country to move back in with my family and start the job hunt. Needless to say writing a love story was not happening. I have a chapter I'm revising soon and then we'll see whether I can keep going or need a break to deal with my own failed love story. 7/19/10 Hi so I posted again. No telling what the pace will be for awhile, but I plan to keep at it as it's a distraction I need desperately. At least the divorce will be quick, clean and final in October. At least we had no house, no kids and can split things up fairly. I just wish the whole thing wasn't necessary. Ah well some days are better than others, but my writing and my fans help keep me sane. 7/25/10 I have a new awesome job and it starts tomorrow. Here's to beating the national average!! I got work done over the weekend on the story to get a feel for the order of events. I'll work on chapter 13 this week and post as soon as I can. The reviews are helping on so many levels!!!! 9/20/10 Sorry loyal readers. I've been swamped with some personal nightmares of the movers lost and damaged a lot of my stuff variety. I have the next chapter I just need to proof it. Hopefully soon. 10/19/10 So I'm still dealing with the movers/ divorce fallout issue, but I can finally see my desk and A certain Lycan and a certain pirate (unrelated) won't get out of my head. So, there should be more chapters up soon. My plan is to post another chapter before NANO begins. If you don't know what NANO is, google it- cuz it's a cool thing to do) I will post again after NANO if not sooner. Thanks to those of you sending the encouraging notes. I'm getting them. I just haven't d much computer access lately, but that is all about to change. 10/29/10 I really wish that there was some quality Damon Salvatore fanfic. Seriously. The stuff I've been reading makes my brain and teeth hurt. I welcome recommendations. 11/22/10 I met a muse the other night. Handsome and brilliant. I hope he continues to inspire my fingers at the keyboard. I just re-read some old chapters of Love of a Dragon and cringed. I may do yet another re-write to make some thing more consistent like characters (Will, *cough*) and details like the question for Dragon anyway of his being a eunuch. ah well. for now, there is a Beautiful Disaster chapter to edit . . . 12/6/10 Yeah, chapter 14 of Beautiful Disaster is really a more complex chapter than I remembered, hence why it's taking so long. I'm trying to explain more of the mythos and history and the castle layout and Sabas's training. it's not long yet, but it's meaty. I must therefore hold it to a higher level than other chapters. I hope to have it and a follow up chapter for Christmas. 12/27/10 Well Ch 14 is up and Ch 15 and 16 are in the works. Hopefully, they'll come together soon. Also, I'm starting to get ideas for Love of a dragon again. BTW I found some quality Damon Salvatore Fic; thank the Gods! 12/31/10 I'm working on Chapter 15. I'm hoping to post again in the next week or so. 3/13/11 Hello readers. So I've been taking a break on working on Beautiful disaster since my last double chapter post, but don't worry I have ideas, just needed a break. I've met a new muse since November and this one is likewise handsome, brilliant, and even better, he has a way with words even when he's not trying to. Very good for the writer in me. Thanks to those who have reviewed recently. Your encouragement was much needed and well-timed. 6/8/11 I am very sorry readers. I'm ok. Just stuck. I have the ideas, but lack the words to execute them. I've also been working on a different non fanfiction story which is the other reason I've been absent. Sorry, that writing is taking priority at the moment until inspiration strikes. 11/20/11 I'm sorry I haven't updated in a long time. I was actually thinking about that story tonight and wondering if trying to work on it again might help me out of my slump with my non fanfic book I'm working on. Both are love stories at their core and if you write what you know, I think I understand why I got stuck on both stories. I got divorced over a year ago, so on one hand, my love story ended. On the other hand, maybe it wasn't a love story at all, or at least it wasn't mine. Maybe mine started when that one split off from me. Either way, I guess I'm having trouble writing love stories right now. I guess I'm feeling like I have no idea how a real one goes. All that said, I plan to finish Beautiful Disaster and Heart of a Dragon as soon as I can find the words again. I have ideas in my head, but the words just aren't there. I just can't feel it right now. But thank you for writing. The messages and reviews of my readers have been so rewarding and encouraging and remind me that I shouldn't give up. Not on writing and not on my story. Thanks for that. Thanks for not giving up and for the words of encouragement. 09/19/14-UPDATE I admit, I'm not as good at keeping up with this site as I used to be. I'm also on Archive of Our Own now, and I post some of my new stories on both, though, lately I've been doing a lot of reader inserts for the Supernatural (SPN) fandom which Fanfiction.net doesn't allow, so those only go on Archive of Our Own. I haven't posted Love of a Dragon or Beautiful Disaster on Archive of Our Own yet. I'm planning to finish some SPN story arcs and then start reviewing and posting Beautiful Disaster and Love of a Dragon. I'll probably do Beautiful Disaster first, since there have been more requests for an update of that one and finish at least the first story arc and see if there's more to it. I really need to re-read it and map it out some more. LOL. Reader feedback is a HUGE part of why I am still planning to continue posting Beautiful Disaster and Heart of a Dragon, so never feel like you're bugging me. It's motivating knowing that people are still hoping I'll get to posting again soon. |