Envy of the Gods

Part One: Return from Neapolis

The courtyard of the abandoned temple at the foot of Mount Vesuvius echoed with the sound of metal and wood clashing against each other, accompanied by grunts of men and women in training. They had been at it since early dawn in an attempt to hone the skills of untrained former slaves. Oenomaus, former Doctore of the Batiatus gladiator ludus, stood off to the side judging the trainees. Most had much to learn before they could succeed in battle. The rebellion was in dire need of real fighting men and women already wise to the ways of warfare. His hopes lay in the return of Spartacus and those he hoped would accompany him after being freed from bondage. For now, the only ones on the training ground with true blood in their eyes was Naevia and Crixus. The intensity with which Crixus trained her spoke of a pupil who would soon be a great asset to their cause.

Oenomaus was not the only one keeping an eye on the activity in the courtyard. Nasir, the young Syrian who was rapidly healing from a major wound while fleeing from Roman soldiers, stood nearby waiting to help with weapons if anyone had need of a new one for practice. He wanted to feel useful while waiting for his lover, Agron. Agron was right-hand man to Spartacus and was accompanying him on their mission to swell the ranks of their fighting force with warriors who had been enslaved by the Romans. He made note to his friend, Mira, that he thought it best that Crixus stayed with Naevia rather than joining in on the mission simply because he knew of the animosity between Agron and the man he always referred to as the 'fucking Gaul'. Nasir was not certain why there was such ill feelings between the two. He understood it better now that Agron had tried to keep Naevia's survival a secret so that no one would be killed trying to rescue her, but their feud was rooted back much further than that unfortunate incident.

Nasir, was a gentle soul who held no grudges against anyone, no matter what their background. He actually had no inborn hatred of the Romans, having been a slave to them before his memories could even be fully formed. For the most part he had always been fairly treated, probably because he was fair of face and form and not any kind of trouble maker. However now, only months after being freed from bondage, he was a man with considerable fighting skills. Yet Nasir, unlike his lover, did not kill Romans out of hatred or blood lust. He killed only for the cause of freedom for his fellow slaves and to stay alive himself. There was also the matter of his deep devotion to Agron. They had barely begun their affair, but Nasir already felt they were connected, as if inhabiting a single skin. If Agron was to fight this war, Nasir would fight beside him.

Thinking of Agron brought a sense of longing. Nasir had not healed enough to allow for the kind of lovemaking he wanted to share with Agron before they had left on their mission, but he felt ready now. As he considered his feelings, the sound of Spartacus's voice was heard coming through the gate in the wall. He was followed by a band of strangers, men and women looking strong and hardy and full of boisterous enthusiasm. Nasir's heart soared as he spotted Agron at their center. He rushed down the stone steps, happiness clearly showing in his smile.

"You've done the impossible," he proudly declared.

Agron reached for Nasir and kissed him forcefully, forgetting that Nasir was still healing when last he saw him. They embraced warmly. Agron then turned his attention to the newcomers, all of the same German descent as himself. They were an enthusiastic bunch, which Agron quickly introduced his lover to, and them to him. Nasir found their enthusiasm addictive. It had been far too long since there had been a feeling of fun among the rebels. He immediately saw how happy Agron was to be among so many of his own people, thus making them a welcome sight in Nasir's eyes too. It was a lucky thing for Nasir that his wound had improved quite a bit during Agron's absence. Agron's hug was nothing compared to the overzealous greetings he received from a couple of the newcomers. There was laughter aplenty, but it might have been tempered if Agron and Nasir had known of the doubts about the newcomers that Crixus was spilling into Spartacus's ear.

Agron got a sense of how Spartacus was being affected by the concerns of Crixus later on the first evening after they had returned to the temple. He was in the process of preparing the last of the meat from their supplies. His people managed to consume all that was prepared beforehand. His good mood quickly changed when Spartacus questioned why he had chosen that one particular ship carrying German prisoners over any other. Agron tried his best to hold his temper, respecting Spartacus too much to want to fight with him, but he wasn't afraid to openly state that he deliberately didn't choose another ship known to carry prisoners from Gaul. When Spartacus defended Crixus as an honorable man, making it clear that he trusted the Gaulians, Agron wasted no time he giving his word that those he had chosen to be freed would also prove an asset. They would even begin by hunting the next day to replenish their meat supplies.

Agron finished up his work and took the meat out to those in charge of cooking it. He found Nasir standing among the new recruits, obviously trying to discern as much of their language as he could. He had already learned a smattering of it from his lover. As Agron approached from behind, he wrapped his strong arms around Nasir and buried his face in the young man's neck. He nipped gently at Nasir's ear, laughing at the way the young Syrian wiggled in his arms in an attempt to escape. Nasir's face flamed as the others around them made comments in their own language that the young man suspected were of a rude nature. It was not that he minded Agron's open displays of affection...he even welcomed them, but he was not yet fully comfortable with it. He was aware, however, that Agron was not a man to hide his feelings about anything or anyone, so Nasir knew he'd have to get used to it because that was simply who Agron was...and Nasir would not have him any other way.

The couple spent another hour with their new circle of friends, gauging their personalities, before deciding it was time for bed. Agron told the others of their need to go out hunting the next morning and bid them all a pleasant night without the fear of going on an auction block when the Sun rose. They heartily clapped him on the back, thanking him for their freedom and promising that the morning would find the larder fully stocked with fresh meat. Agron finally made his escape to join Nasir in their private room.

Nasir had never seen Agron in such a jovial mood. It was clear that he was pleased to have more of his homeland kin within their ranks. Nasir had never felt such a connection to other Syrians, having no memory of living among his own people, but if such kinship brought Agron happiness, Nasir approved of it. Anything that brought a smile to Agron's face made Nasir's heart rejoice. He moved to the table where a jug of wine sat and poured out two cups for them to drink. Agron threw off his garments and settled on the edge of their bed, waiting for Nasir to join him. The way the candlelight on the table played along Nasir's dark skin gave Agron lusty thoughts. He saw that there was still a single bandage wrapped around Nasir's middle, but he had no idea what lay beneath.

"Come, shed clothing. I have been too long from sight of you. My eyes would gaze upon wound and reflect on its health. If the gods are kind, I will find the sight pleasing."

Nasir turned with cups in hand and walked slowly over to Agron. He handed one cup to Agron and offered a toast.

"When last medicus broke words with me, compliments on recovery fell on ear. I took this as sign of her approval on progress. Let us share a last drink before you place judgement on the fitness of my condition before bedding me."

Agron did not miss the seductive gleam in Nasir's eyes as their cups clinked together, nor the way that he watched Agron's face from under thick eyelashes lowered over half closed lids. Agron felt his cock twitch and slowly harden. If Nasir wasn't ready for him yet, he wasn't sure he would be able to handle it. Above and beyond the pleasure he felt in bringing more Germans into the fold, Agron felt the desire to make love to Nasir with nothing holding them back. He quickly drained his cup and set it down on the small table next to the bed. He pulled Nasir close to him and reached up to take his cup from him to place it next to his own. He then reached up again and pulled the coat Nasir was wearing down over his shoulders. It fell away easily, being that it was one Agron normally wore and a bit too large for Nasir.

"You covet my coat now? What next of mine does desire call for?" Agron inquired, teasingly.

Nasir blushed. "Scent, feel, and sight of garment reminds senses of heart's desire. Warm comfort as one wait's for news of one dearly missed. Any comfort is balm to a worried soul."

Agron reached out to unravel the tight covering over Nasir's middle. When it came away, he could see that the wound had closed and the scar tissue was no longer an angry red. Despite this, it still appeared to be sensitive to touch. As he unraveled the cloth, he looked up at Nasir and smiled.

"You worry for me, little man?"

Nasir said nothing, but pulled away just long enough to reach for his garments and quickly push them down, letting them fall to the floor. He stood before Agron naked. Nasir's manhood was nearly erect. He stepped back to within reaching distance of Agron's grasp. Nasir cupped Agron's face in his hands and leaned down to capture his lover's mouth. A feeling similar to touching metal when lightning strikes coursed through Agron's body as Nasir worked his lips, parting them to make way for his tongue. The kiss lingered as they tasted each other with growing ardor. Just as quickly as Nasir started the kiss, he ended it. As he straightened back up, Agron could see that Nasir's manhood was now fully erect, and it was a display for any man to be proud of. Nasir saw where Agron's eyes fell. He let out a short laugh as he raised Agron's chin to face him.

"Did I not warn that the gods would turn from you if you call me that again?" Nasir looked away, gazing up as if into the heavens. "What punishment should be brought to bear for such offense, I beg of you mighty Jupiter...so that this unworthy warrior may find favor in your eyes once more?", pointing down at Agron. Nasir paused for a few seconds, and then resumed. "Ah yes, it is a fitting penalty for careless words misspoken," Nasir declared, as if answering a silent voice command.

"The king of gods speaks directly in your ear now? And what price must I pay for my misdeed?"

"You have but one path to redemption. Surrender to my wishes and the gods will hold you in high esteem once more."

"Your command, my will," Agron agreed.

Nasir pushed Agron back onto the bed and joined him by straddling the big man's hips as if about to ride a stallion into battle. Agron reached up to grasp at Nasir, but he pushed his hands away and bent to whisper in Agron's ear.

"Still hands. Make no move...the gods are watching."

Agron wanted nothing more than to touch Nasir's skin, to caress his face and bring it down to his own so that he could taste those full lips he had missed while away. But he was in Nasir's hands this night. He knew that Nasir did not actually take offence at being called 'little man' by him, but if he wanted to play out this game of amends, Agron was happy to oblige. He would gladly pull the moon down to earth if it would make Nasir happy, for there was nothing that warmed Agron's heart more than his lover's face brightening with a smile.

Seeing that Agron had settled back down and lay prone and quiet beneath him now, Nasir took action. He began stroking Agron's face, feeling the stubble tickling his palms. He let his hands travel down Agron's neck to his shoulders, feeling the tense muscles underneath his fingers. He began massaging the muscles...pleased to hear an audible sigh of approval for his efforts. His hands then made their way to Agron's chest where they met with two rounded nipples that had stiffened slightly at his touch. Nasir scooted back slightly so he could lower his head and grasp each nipple in turn between his teeth, teasing them until he heard Agron gasp.

Nasir paused when he felt Agron's hands reach for him again, no doubt without thought. Agron had grabbed for Nasir's thighs, but quickly realized his error.

"Apologies," he groaned.

Nasir grinned. "None required," he announced, and went back to his task.

Nasir left Agron's chest and continued his journey downward, scooting even further down the length of his lover's legs until he was now straddling the big German's knees. Nasir reached forward, letting fingers dance along the skin of Agron's stomach. He leaned down and wiggled his tongue inside Agron's navel. This was so different than the pleasure/pain that mouth had delivered to his chest. This feeling caused Agron to giggle in a way that would have embarrassed the hell out of him if any of his fighting brothers had heard it. He made a mental note to threaten Nasir's life if he described it to anyone outside their room. Then all thoughts of others vanished like snow in Summer. Nasir's mouth had left his navel and quickly moved even further down Agron's torso.

Agron had bathed not long after returning to the temple. Nasir could smell the freshness of his skin and tightly curled pubic hairs. He moved the stiff member that greeted him there aside so that he could bury his nose in Agron's crotch. He heard his lover gasp again as he nipped at some of the sweet smelling hairs. But nothing was as thrilling as the touch of Nasir's mouth when he suddenly lifted Agron's cock and began kissing it. Agron's hips involuntarily jerked up from the bed, almost throwing the smaller man off his perch. Nasir regained his balance and went back to what he had been doing.

Time passed in glorious agony as Nasir used his talented mouth to bring Agron to the pinnacle of pleasure, stopping short of release many times over to prolong that final moment. Each time Nasir played with him, Agron had to force himself again to keep his promise and let Nasir remain in control. He wanted to embrace Nasir with every fiber of his being. He wanted Nasir to feel what he was feeling. But the young Syrian would have none of it. He would not confess it to Agron for fear of worrying him, but he was still sore enough that he was not quite ready for vigorous lovemaking on his person. But he knew it would not be long...yet another day or two at most. For now, he would give Agron what he could. When Agron was finally allowed to spill his seed and lay back exhausted, Nasir slid off his prone body and lay down alongside him. Several long minutes passed before Agron turned on his side and reached for Nasir.

"I am forgiven?" he asked, barely able to catch his breath.

"The gods are impressed. Your restraint is as mighty as your temper. And now for sleep. Your people will join you and Spartacus in the hunt at morning's light. You have need of rest. I would not have you put to shame being too tired to give proper showing of skills at providing meat for our tables."

Agron would have argued with Nasir and attempted to include him in their lovemaking if Nasir's words had not rung true. He was more tired than he had realized and Nasir had robbed him of what little energy he had left for the day.

"Unwelcome words...but truly spoken. Yet know this, Nasir. Pleasure taken calls for pleasure given. Even the gods will not stay my hand when next we lie together."

Agron grinned wickedly. Nasir settled down beside his lover. He was aware that he would need all the rest he could get. Although their love was fairly new, Nasir knew that look. The new day would indeed be busy.

To be continued...