Guilty Pleasures

Warnings: I'll warn for language. Also for the usual explicit stuff and this one does have a smidge of minor not too graphic violence.

Chapter Three

Later the next day the smell of strong coffee and food brought Sam out of his slumber with a low groan as his body ached in places it hadn't in a long time.

"You finally waking up, little brother?"

Dean's voice sounded close so Sam forced his eyes to open to find his brother sitting with his back against the carved oak headboard of the biggest bed Sam had seen with his looser fitting jeans zipped but unbuttoned but he was still shirtless and wasn't wearing shoes which was still one of Sam's biggest secret turn ons.

"Where…how…wha…?" Sam's brain refused to focus after the mind shattering orgasm of…well he wasn't certain how long ago but the mug of coffee waved under his nose seemed to help as he pushed up to take it and sipped carefully before figuring it was strong enough to shock his system awake.

"How long have I been sleeping?" he asked but still leaned into the touch that ran through his hair as Dean took the coffee to sit it aside before leaning over to kiss him long and slow until Sam was left breathless. "Good morning to you too."

"Afternoon actually," Dean smiled, giving him the coffee back while sliding from the bed to go get a tray of food that was waiting under a warming light. "You've been sleeping since you crashed last night and it's probably nearing three in the afternoon now. Eat this before I get lectured for wearing you out too much," he sat the tray over Sam's legs while sitting back beside him.

The news that he'd slept for long was a surprise to Sam but so was his brother's relaxed state since normally Dean was always itching to move or be somewhere else. "You could've woken me up," he remarked, feeling his stomach protest missing breakfast at the smell of food that he knew had come from the café he'd eaten at yesterday.

"It's been awhile since I've seen you sleep that calmly and we're not in a hurry so I let you sleep," Dean shrugged, taking a piece of bacon that fell from the sandwich while watching Sam eat and immediately noticed the change in his brother. "Feeling better?"

"Yeah, I do," Sam took another bite before offering half to his brother but guarded the salad even though he'd fall off the bed if Dean ever tried to eat something healthy. "It's weird but…I do feel better and…I…um..." he bit his lip until he felt a hand on his neck. "Thanks for giving me that, Dean. I…"

"I gave you what we both wanted…needed, Sam," Dean stretched to feel his neck pop a little but got back up to go over to dig in his duffel for a clean shirt finally. "You can ask now if you really want to know."

Sam's eyes had tracked his brother's movements because he'd always looked when he had a chance to see Dean without his shirt or the way the jeans rode low on narrow hips and blinked when he felt a stirring. "You brought us to New Orleans because you just happened to know the Master of a club? How'd you meet him and I'm sorry, I shouldn't be asking about stuff you did when I was at school…"

"Dad was off by himself and the Impala picked that time to break down as I was driving through New Orleans on my way to meet up with Caleb…and check on you in California," Dean began easily, turning with a shirt in hand but he hadn't put it on yet as he walked over to look out the open French doors to gaze into the garden. "Normally anything that went wrong with her I could fix but this time…it required an actual garage and that required actual money.

"Money that I didn't have because I'd sent it…never mind," he coughed a little on that one and hoped Sam was still tired enough to not catch it. "Tristan needed a bartender which is something I'd done before a few times and he agreed to pay me enough to fix the car while giving me a place to sleep and food to eat…then he got a damn ghost that ended up nearly breaking my arm and neck before I could salt and burn the bones but I did and it all ended well. End of story."

"That Dom last night knew you," Sam suspected there was more to the story than his brother was saying but was leery on pushing. "Tristan said he stopped you from doing more that time. Dean, did you do more than just bartend? I mean, considering what I asked you to do you know it doesn't matter to me so…"

Dean shook his head while stepping closer to the bed to sit on the sit nearest to Sam. "I only tended bar, Sam," he replied, nudging the salad closer while watching his brother's eyes peer at him through his lashes. "Tristan asked me to Dom a couple times for one of his regulars since according to him and Ebony I'm a natural at it but…it wasn't something I felt comfortable doing," he smiled a little before letting his fingers reach up to brush over the collar Sam still wore. "Unless it's with you apparently.

"One night while I was working Gino was in with a sub he'd picked up and he'd already been warned twice by Tristan to back off the heavy handed stuff with the girl but then he…went too far with her and I just saw red because she was probably about your age or a year younger," Dean frowned as he remembered. "Gino and I hadn't hit it off anyway because he thinks anyone is supposed to bow down and kiss his feet and you know me well enough to know how I'd take to that so that night after the club closed he tried to jump me and it didn't work out.

"Tristan began putting down stricter rules for the Doms after that and Gino bitched a lot but until last night he hadn't really done anything to piss the boss off," he rubbed his thumb over the still visible bruise on Sam's face. "I should've known he'd see you as the perfect target and been closer to you."

The simple touches always got to Sam faster because he understood how hard is was for his brother to show and express his deeper feelings and so he'd learned to lean into those more, like he did now when he pressed his lips against Dean's palm. "I thought you'd left me alone yesterday to give us both time."

"I did," Dean agreed in a softer voice as he added. "I just never said you'd be totally alone because I'd have to raging with fever or bleeding out to leave my little brother walking the streets of New Orleans without anyone watching over him and…I wanted Tristan to meet you without me."

"Why?" Sam was beginning to feel not so interested in the food in front of him as he watched the way Dean's long fingers played with the band on his wrist. "You told him we're brothers?"

"He remembered me telling him about my pain in the ass little brother who was going to some fancy college on the West Coast because you got all the brains in the family," Dean shrugged easily but stilled when Sam's hand folded over his. "I needed him to see you, Sam…to meet you and talk to you because he could judge just what you needed."

Dean turned his hand over to grip his brother's while using his other to tuck a stray piece of too long hair back away from Sam's face. "You know what Jess did wasn't exactly what goes on with a Dom and sub, right?" he asked carefully.

"Kinda knew that back in Stanford after a couple things didn't make sense according to what I researched," Sam admitted, wondering how much he should admit to right then since he didn't want to put them back at the start. "I tried to do what she liked because I really had started to like her and while we dated I didn't have any more issues with a couple guys who'd decided right from the start what they'd like to do to me and…Dean, your teeth are clenching."

"Yep, I know that, Sammy," Dean was also certain at any other time and place he'd be snarling and demanding names but held back since he'd felt the way Sam's arm had tensed at mentioning it. "Aside from finding out Jessica had a few too many kinks than I feel good about, did anything else happen at school that you never told me about?" he asked with a lot more patience than he thought he'd have since right then he was halfway to hard and debating on how to get his brother in the shower.

"Nothing…serious," Sam hedged, sighing at the look that got him and knew his brother was close to locking onto this matter with his usual stubbornness. "One time at a party middle of freshman year I was still having trouble adjusting to being on my own, I missed you and a couple sophomores thought they liked fresh meat," he glanced down as the tray was moved and tried to talker faster. "Dean, I was fine. They didn't hurt me and one of them got his arm broke."

Fingers curling over Sam's jaw to shut him up, Dean's eyes were firm. "Touching you on a scale of one to ten with one being barely and ten being I still gank their asses?" he demanded in a tone that meant not to lie to him.

"Six," Sam murmured after a moment of debate and then latched onto his brother before he could move. "Dad's friend did worse when I was sixteen and…"

"And Dad's asshole of a friend paid for touching you too," Dean reminded him but slowly tried to settle again at the feel of shaking fingers over his chest and he covered Sam's hand with his as it passed over his heart. "Alright, I'll let this go," he sighed, not wanting to but wanting to see his brother's smile again. "Now, do you think you're going to need to do this again or…can we discuss maybe a compromise?"

Sam considered last night and how it had helped to settle his emotions that had been in turmoil since regaining his soul and being healed from Lucifer's hallucinations. He still enjoyed the concept of the D/s life could give but also understood now that he thought about it that in a way he and Dean very much had that life now.

"I'd be…willing to discuss it," Sam began slowly, lowering his eyes for a moment before looking back up with an almost shy smile that showed the very rarely seen these days dimples. "But first…do you think we can have sex on a bed this time?"

The leftover tension rushed out of Dean's chest with that as he blew out a breath. "God, yes," he groaned, starting to lean forward to find Sam's mouth when he was reminded why he hated being in a place he was known.

"Hey! Major Stud! I know you're awake so stick your head out the balcony doors!"

"Really?" Dean groaned, lightly slapping Sam in the back of his hand after feeling him trying to stifle a laugh and he spun off the bed to stalk over to the French doors to throw a glare down at the petite blond that was looking up pleasantly. "You do realize if Tristan wasn't your brother and I didn't want him to kill me I would shoot you now?" he growled. "What the hell do you want Trina?" he demanded.

Trina St. Clair smiled brightly. "I'm late for a meeting downtown and my car is making weird little noises and won't start," she called up while putting on her best helpless look while motioning over her shoulder. "I'd ask the Man himself but we all know while Tristan can hack his way into the best computers he can barely put gas in that thing you and he call a car…so can you look at it…please?"

"Why is it so hard to have basic car maintenance?" Dean asked of the air while rolling his eyes much like Sam could while shooting another dark look down into the courtyard. "Fine. I'll be down in five minutes if it'll get you out of my hair!"

Pulling his shirt on with a muttered curse, he zeroed his next look on his brother while planning. "This will take me less than three minutes to figure out she probably forgot to add oil again or she's out of gas," he grinned and let his fingers run through Sam's hair. "Hit the shower because you need one and when I get back up here…we'll see about picking up where she just interrupted and later if you feel like it we can go inside the club and just watch."

"Hmm, shower, sex, shower and food," Sam decided that sounded better and laughed against Dean's mouth as he offered a kiss before heading down to continue his complaining to the pretty blond.

Sam smiled while deciding the idea of a shower sounded good to him and felt safe here if his brother and forgot one of the first rules of a hunter…never feel totally safe anywhere.

He stripped while the shower heated the classically decorated bathroom but with a huge drop in tub with shower enclosure while he looked at his reflection in the mirror and touched the collar with his fingertips, reluctantly removing it for the shower.

As he showered and washed his hair, Sam still wondered about his brother's connection with the club's Master since Dean was normally not one to make friends outside of their circle but he wouldn't ask yet…unless he couldn't figure it out for himself or Dean didn't say more about it.

A sound from the bedroom caught his ear but he dismissed it since he knew his brother's knowledge of all things cars would allow him to fix the car in record speed. "Hey, I'll be out in a minute," he called over the water, quickly rinsing off before grabbing for a towel.

"Dean? Did you fix the car?" he asked as he dried off quickly, wrapping another towel around his waist while debating shaving right now or waiting but reaching for the collar when he stepped out of the bathroom expecting to see his brother restlessly pacing but frowned at the empty room. "Dean?"

Sam's senses just spiked and he started to scan the room after taking another step when he heard the sound a second too late and something hard crashed into the back of his head with enough force to drop the hunter to his knees with a groan.

Basic instincts and long ago learned lessons had Sam trying to fight back against the unexpected attack only to have his spinning head back that harder when he went to the floor under a heavy weight.

"You've got no one to protect you now, little sub," Gino's voice hissed lowly as Sam tried to buck him off when a needle prick was felt in his thigh and his wrists were grabbed and quickly tied behind his back. "Winchester thinks he's a badass? He thinks he can humiliate me? I'll show him and you what a mistake that was."

"No…" Sam knew he should be able to use his strength to resist and free himself but a surge of panic hit when he felt his limbs get heavy and realized what the damn drug was. "Shit…Dea…mmm!"

A solid ballgag was shoved in his mouth when he opened it to shout. "Your so-called Master ain't gonna save you this time, pretty boy," Gino sneered while securing the strap to the gag and enjoying the weakening struggles of the boy under him, jerking the collar out of Sam's clenched fingers to throw it aside. "That his idea of a collar? I'll show you a real collar. I'm gonna give you a lesson on just what a real Dom and Master can do in a short amount of time, sub."

"You're the kind who thinks he's only a sub when you choose to be but I'm going to teach you differently," Gino grabbed the heavy leather full mask he'd brought and laughed at the brief look in wide eyes before he fitted it fully on and wrapped the wide thick leather collar on with a click. "Let's see you or him get this collar off, sub," he stood up to grab Sam's arm and the collar to yank him to his knees. "Let's have some fun before Dean gets back and I deal with him."

Sam's mind was in panic not only because of the danger he was in or the mask that blinded and deafened him but also at the risk his brother could face without even knowing it but as he tried to strain against the hard grip, he felt another blow to his head even as his body was going limp from the drug used to make him docile. 'Dean!' he could think it but wished solidly that he could yell for his brother but the gag and hood muffled all but the screams the banished Dom would be seeking.

"Trina…what the hell is this?" Dean Winchester stared at the bright green little two door car as if it was something he seriously needed to salt and burn.

"It's an Acura, Dean. You know…a car that I get in and drive when it works," Trina replied, pacing the sidewalk. "It's not going to bite you."

Dean had his doubts but gave both the young woman and the car another look before having her pop the hood while trying to start the car. "When was the last time you had this thing overhauled?" he asked, wincing at the many sounds he could hear and feeling sorry for the car. "You know, plugs changed, filters changed, flushed out?"

"Never," came the answer. "Should I have?"

"If you want it to keep working then yeah," Dean rolled his eyes while checking for loose wires or burned plugs but the main sound he heard wasn't leaning him toward anything in the engine. "Did you put gas in it?"

A disgusted huff of breath was heard as she got out of the car to glare at him. "I know I need to keep gas in it, Dean," Trina shook her head. "I filled the tank before parking it yesterday and it was running…fine. Just a few little misses."

"You got Dean out of bed to look over this hunk of junk?" Tristan's voice spoke from the door of the closed club as he walked out to see his friend bent over under the hood while his sister scowled. "I'm surprised he's not bashing both you and the car with a tire iron."

"Tempted," Dean muttered, not seeing anything under the hood that would explain why the car wasn't starting. "I'm ignoring the fact it's an Acura for the moment. Did you fill it full?" he asked, wiping his hands on his jeans as he put the hood down to go to the side of the car.

"Yes, until it hit the little F thing," Trina shot her brother a dark look. "Dean finds out you let Gino back around and he'll be going after you with more than that, big brother."

Stepping onto the sidewalk in his usual day wear of worn jeans, t-shirt and boots Tristan stared while pushing his mirrored sunglasses down on his nose just as Dean's head popped up from where he was looking under the car. "What're you talking about?" he demanded. "Gino's barred from the club. I changed the keypads this morning and spent the morning on the phone with a couple other clubs to get the asshole blackballed."

"I saw his car parked down the street and he was hanging around the corner when I came out to start this piece of crap that won't work for me so I just figured he sucked up or something," Trina shrugged, missing the way her brother's jade eyes narrowed because she was back annoying Dean. "Why won't it start?"

Dean was watching the club owner closely and didn't miss the change in his body language but to get Trina off his back he stuck his finger into the gas tank as far as he could reach and the instant it came out with sludge he scowled. "Someone put sugar in your tank, sweetheart," he saw the next question and cut it off. "You piss anyone off lately with that pretty face?"

"No and why would someone put sugar in my gas tank?" Trina demanded, unhappy and angry at the same time. "If anyone did anything to a car it would be to Tristan's car since he's the boss and…"

"Not if putting sugar in your tank would serve to get Dean outside," Tristan's eyes were now scanning the street as if searching for something and when he caught sight of the late model black muscle car parked on the corner he felt a prick of concern that was quickly turning to anger. "Sam sleeping?" he asked tightly.

Dean followed his gaze to see the car as well and knew it from before. "No, he was going to take a shower while I was out playing mechanic for your sister," he frowned as a chill ran down his back in a way he hadn't felt since…Cold Oak. "Did you let that…"

"Gino's out, Dean," Tristan assured him but something made him turn to stare to the courtyard. "He can't get in the club and the bouncers know he's not allowed in but…shit," he broke off as he realized his mistake. "Trina, get inside and tell Reed I need him out at the guesthouse. I haven't changed the codes on those locks yet."

Dead silence fell as it all began to click into place for Dean and he swore viciously while breaking into a run. "He dies if he touched Sam!" he snapped, not waiting to see if the Cajun followed him or not as he bolted for the guesthouse with rage and fear filling him.

Dean was furious with himself for leaving Sam alone when he should've known the humiliated Dom would probably try to seek revenge.

He knew his brother could defend himself fine but not if Sam wasn't expecting an attack, the guesthouse should have been safe and he would've been expecting Dean back.

The unlocked door had him snarling but it was the sounds he could hear from the main open room at the top of the stairs that had his vision going red even before he got up there and everything just seemed to go to white rage.

Dean wasn't even aware that he'd moved until the short whip drew back to strike again and his hand came up to grab the wrist wielding it with a low growl. "Last goddamn mistake," he snarled, jerking the whip away while he also twisted Gino's arm with enough force that something snapped and not even the man's scream distracted the hunter.

"Win…" Gino's words broke off as a fist pounded into his face hard, his back hitting the floor across the room with Dean's knee pressing into his sternum. "Your…boy needed…a lesson in manners," he spit blood but even with a broken arm he still tossed a spiteful sneer up into the enraged hunter's face. "You're like all the rest. Treat 'em soft. Keep him bent over and hooded and…argh!"

"You goddamn son of a bitch!" Dean's rage was in full swing and he probably could've continued to beat the man to death if a strong hand wouldn't have gripped his wrist finally. "No! He doesn't get to…"

Tristan had taken one look at the scene and knew he needed to get Dean under some kind of control in a hurry. "Dean, let…" his own Cajun temper was soaring but the soft sounds he knew his friend couldn't hear right then was tearing at his heart. "Dean! Look at me!" he snapped, waiting until enraged eyes finally lifted to meet his to go on.

"Gino isn't going to get away with this and he will pay but you need to help Sam now," he stressed the name, seeing a flicker of something cross Dean's face as his eyes shot over to where the ex-Dom had strapped his brother down fully over a low bench and was whipping him raw. "Sam needs you now, Dean. He doesn't know me well enough to let me touch him. Get him loose while I take care of this but let Gino go now."

The hunter in Dean didn't want to let anyone else finish this. The older brother in him wanted blood but it was the brother and something else that finally won out as finally the soft muffled sounds broke through his rage and he dropped the gasping Dom to the floor.

"He bleeds or you do," Dean warned tightly and then turned his back to clear the space between him and Sam in three steps to drop to his knees beside the low stock like device that he'd only seen someone use once while he worked for Tristan. "Sammy? Sonuvabitch."

Tristan could hear the sounds from outside the guesthouse and knew his security team was on the way up as he knelt down to get Gino's attention with a hard slap. "You stupid bastard. What the hell did you think pulling this would get you?" he demanded lowly, grabbing a handful of shirt to yank him up.

"Stupid sub…made me look like a fool," Gino spit, hate in his eyes as he tried to look over but yelped as strong fingers jerked his face back to the enraged club master. "Taught him a lesson. I'll teach his co-called Dom one as soon as I…argh!"

Letting his fingers curled around the broken arm to squeeze, Tristan's jade eyes went darker. "You come onto my private property, attack and hurt someone residing in my home…the brother of my friend, and you seriously think if I don't allow Dean to kill you that you're still going to walk away from this?" his smile was smooth but lethal in a way that very few people got to see. "I have a team of security agents looking for an excuse to ruin you, Gino and I think this stunt has just given Reed the moment he's been asking for.

"Deal with him," he snapped to a tall muscular man who appeared at his side. "I'm tired of putting up with his crap and having people scared to death of him in my club but to attack a boy under my protection was the last strike so make sure it's dealt with, Reed."

"Not a problem, boss," the head of security smiled before snapping his fingers at his men. "Get him out and into the van. Gino's going for a ride."

Something must have snapped in the ex-Dom's head as he realized he had pushed too far and he understood the side of Tristan that others didn't see. "Wait! Tristan! You can't…please…I'm sorry, mon ami. I won't do this…again! Please!"

"I gave you more chances than I should've, Gino," Tristan was done as he shot a cold look at the man as his security dragged him out. "I should've done this the night you jumped Dean in the alley and tried to knife him. I didn't and that mistake allowed you to think you could come in here and do this to a boy that was off limits to you. I'm sure you'll find plenty of like minded folks where you'll go. Hell is full of them."

Squeezing the bridge of his nose, Tristan blew out a breath just in time to hear the tone in Dean's voice change and realized that something was wrong.

Dean wanted to deal with Gino himself but he accepted Tristan's reasoning. Sam was more important than making the asshole bleed and right then as he knelt down he knew if he did get close to the former Dom that he'd gut him.

The mere sight of his brother naked, chains by the wrists and ankles with a full mask on to cover his face as well as the thick and wide collar that was wrapped around his neck made Dean furious but the deep red welts that were bloody and raw along Sam's back and legs had him fighting for control.

"Sam…Sammy, hang on," he placed a hand on Sam's shoulder only to feel his brother jerk at the touch, the sound was low and between a pained moan and a whimper as if he feared to feel a hand on him. "Sammy, it's me. Calm down and I'll get you loose."

Knowing Sam was hurt and probably a little scared after this, Dean kept talking while finding the keys to the locks to free his brother but cursed under his breath when he moved quickly to catch Sam before he fell forward as it seemed like his body was limp but as soon as his arm closed around the heaving chest he felt Sam jerk as if wanting to pull away while twisting his head.

"Hey! Sam!" Dean grabbed for him, realizing for the first time that Sam's fingers were moving but not his hands and his eyes shot for signs of what he hoped he wouldn't find but the little red mark where the needle had been inserted told him his brother was drugged. "Shit. I will so rip the bastard's lungs out," he snarled, trying to get Sam to calm down but it was if his brother wasn't listening to him. "Sam, stop. It's me and…shit, where's the damn lock to this thing?"

Fighting to keep Sam from jerking, he'd gone to remove the collar but couldn't find a lock or latch on the thing when he noticed the mask also seemed to be covering a ballgag that kept his brother's mouth sealed as well as his eyes and…a touch over the mask had Sam's head jerking away from the touch and a sick feeling settled on Dean.

"Tristan!" he yelled, panic setting in when it hit that Sam couldn't see or hear him and he wasn't sure if he could breathe through the damn mask but he couldn't remove it until the collar was dealt with. "What the hell is this?"

By Dean's side the moment his tone changed, Tristan could see what kind of collar it was with just a look and swore in some kind of French. "It's a punishment collar. It doesn't have a lock or latch," he was grim while meeting the eyes of his friend while Sam still tried to move but the drug kept him still except for the hard little jerks and whimpers. "I can get it off but I need something from my office. The mask is a desensitizing one. He doesn't know who's with him so he won't feel safe until we get it off."

"Get it off," Dean's voice was dark and deep, one away from the tone he used before blood was spilled but as Tristan hurried to get whatever it was he would need to remove the collar, he grabbed for the simple thin sheet the Cajun had placed beside him to wrap it around his brother to help keep the shock from setting in too badly. "Sammy."

Sam's mind was racing probably as fast as his heart was. He hated masks or blindfolds but the full masks that also deafened him freaked him out. He couldn't see or hear anything around him and while he was probably glad he couldn't hear the array of filth the Dom was probably shooting out as he whipped him after hooking him in the low stocks that left Sam on his hands and knees he also couldn't hear anything else around him.

The drug was fast acting and his body was limp where he couldn't control his arms after they'd been untied just to be cuffed down before the agony of being whipped started.

The gag covered by the hood muffled Sam's screams of pain since he'd given up fighting not to make noise and he was confused when the pain stopped suddenly. As his mind struggled to calm down and think, he feared Dean's return because he didn't want the Dom to jump his brother and hurt him.

Sam also feared the pain stopped because Gino was setting up something worse so when the hand touched him he jerked. He hated being touched a lot of times due to past events and usually only Dean could touch him but Sam couldn't see or hear anything other than his own heart and when the cuffs came loose to allow an arm to support him he struggled against the drugs to move away.

He wanted loose, he wanted to know where his brother was but he found himself as helpless as he'd been in the Cage and that nearly set off a worse panic attack because he'd hoped those memories would go away along with the hallucinations that Castiel had freed him of.

When something was wrapped around him as if to cover him Sam tried to fight more. When he felt himself moved carefully until he was positioned so he was leaning back with his bloody and sore back pressed against the hard warmth of a chest, Sam tried to jerk until he felt a firm hand settle over the center of his chest.

He tensed briefly as he tried to control his breathing and slowly felt the hand on his chest rubbing slow circles over his skin just like…Dean.

Another hand slowly took one of his to hold it carefully and as fingers interlaced with his Sam slowly began to relax as much as he could right then, feeling the touch on his chest shift from circles to sigils he'd known since childhood until finally he wanted to sob as he began to remember the touches that he knew would be his brother's way of reassuring him that it was him and that he was safe.

Ever since Sam was a child he'd struggled and worked on a way to communicate with Dean without words. At first it started as something to stave off the boredom of too many nights left in the Impala while their Dad hunted or when they'd be at either Pastor Jim's or Bobby's.

Then it became a way to talk in the back of the car or at night when they should've been sleeping or if they didn't want to disturb their Dad. It took Sam by surprise the first time he felt his brother's fingers move on the back of his neck and he recognized the subtle words…just like he did now as they moved over his chest.

'Can you nod if you understand me?'

It took a couple extra seconds of forcing the lump out of his throat since the heavy collar was cutting into his skin but slowly Sam did nod to let his brother know he could and he felt the deep breath move the chest he was leaning against as if Dean had been holding his breath.

'You know it's me, right?' Dean needed to make certain Sam at least knew that, relieved that this seemed to be working and that it was calming his brother down some while they waited for Tristan to get his ass back there.

Another nod and slowly Sam tried to move the fingers on the hand not being held. 'Okay?'

'You will be soon,' Dean returned but frowned when Sam's head shook in a negative way and he watched his brother's tense fingers move again against his arm.

'No…are you okay?' for Sam that was the most important thing right then and he felt the fingers holding his one hand squeeze them before his brother 'spoke' again.

'Yeah Sammy, I'm good,' Dean assured him while trying to ignore the warm wetness soaking through the sheet from the blood on Sam's back. 'Tristan's gone to get something to take the collar off and then I'll get this damn mask off you.'

It took some time to sign long messages but he knew Sam understood when he felt him shudder and try to turn his head further against Dean's neck.

Knowing his brother was with him was one thing but to still be unable to see or hear or speak bothered him. 'Talk to me?' he asked, able to feel the beat of Dean's heart against his back and the strength of that helped to ground him a bit more.

'Yeah, I will,' Dean was growing more on edge until he heard Tristan snarling at someone below and then he appeared with a small pouch. 'Sam, Tristan's back but he'll need to touch you a little to do this so don't panic when he feel his hands,' he felt the subtle change in Sam at that and tightened his hold just a little while moving his fingers again. 'I'm right here with you, Sammy.'

Tristan had torn his office apart looking for the pouch with tools he thought he'd never need once he made the rule change as to what kind of things the Doms could use at his club.

He'd hated this type of collar to begin with and still hated it now as he knelt next to the Winchesters and noticed that Dean had gotten Sam to calm down somehow even though he wasn't speaking to him. "Can I touch him?" he asked Dean carefully, watching his friend's fingers move over the center of Sam's chest again and after a moment's hesitation Sam nodded.

"Yeah, but just do it slowly. He knows it's you but he's scared and in shock," Dean replied more calmly than he thought he would be right then, working to keep Sam calm as Tristan reached up to slip the fingers of one hand under the collar and both men realized it was too tight. "Can you…"

Tristan wondered if he should get his head of security to bring him Gino's beating heart as he saw how tight the collar was on Sam's neck and knew it had to be hard for the younger man to breathe or swallow but he needed to find some give if he were to find the safety catch.

'Dean…' Sam fought the urge to panic as the collar was pulled tighter but he felt his brother soothing him while the other fingers, Tristan's, worked quickly under it until he felt something else touch his neck. 'Dean!'

'He needs to find the catch on the backside with a tool,' Dean explained, feeling Sam's hand squeezing his more and hoped that meant the drug was wearing off. 'Just a few more seconds.'

The club owner was beginning to fear Gino had found a damn collar without a safety catch when he finally felt the little tool hit what he was looking for, pressing harder until he felt the collar finally come loose in his hand and he was pulling it off carefully to avoid hurting Sam if the thing was pressed into his skin too much.

As soon as he seen the collar off, Dean moved his fingers quickly to tell Sam what he was doing and then he was finding the bottom of the mask to pull it up with several choice words about Gino, his heritage and the makers of masks everywhere.

"Sammy?" Dean tried to keep his movements slow as to not alarm or hurt his brother more as he shifted him slightly to see his face and swallowed at the sight of sweat and tears on Sam's flushed face. "Just one more thing to get off of you, little brother."

The strap holding the gag in was unhooked and when Dean threw this he didn't care where it went because he was then turning Sam to pull him against his chest, holding him while running shaking fingers over his face and back through soaking wet hair.

"Look at me," he could feel Sam's fingers trying to grip his shirt weakly but would work on that as soon as he could see his brother's eyes. "Sam."

The sudden air over his face, the sounds all around him again and finally a gentle touch of lips brushing over his closed eyelids made Sam open his eyes slowly to see his brother's worried face staring at him.

Sam's lips were dry and cracked and he wasn't sure if his voice would work as he tried to swallow. "…De'n," he managed to get out but winced as his throat burned.

"Don't talk yet," Dean told him as he ran a hand over a cut on Sam's face where a strap had been too tight and drew blood and then caught Tristan's eye with a subtle nod. "Sammy, we're going to get you up and into the bedroom so I can check out those welts. Don't try to help because you don't have that much movement back yet."

Calmer now that he could see, hear and breathe fully again, Sam managed a nod and then nearly cried out as his back and legs burned in pain at the movement to get him standing and he tried not to pull away from the unfamiliar grip when Tristan supported him until Dean stood up.

"I'm having men change the security codes now but if you want we can move him to the main house," Tristan took this failure to protect guests on his property personally and he wouldn't blame Dean if he didn't want to stay in here after this incident.

Dean had debated on that but when Sam didn't tense or show any signs of not wanting to go into the bedroom he chose to remain here for the moment.

Of course he also didn't like the idea of moving Sam that far until he could see how bad Gino's attack had hurt his brother.

"We're good, just get me some water and maybe a first aid kit," he decided, starting to lay Sam down on his stomach when his brother suddenly jerked. "Shh, I'm right here and…Tristan, the bastard is going to vanish right?"

Knowing the tone as Dean's pissed off but suppressing it one, the New Orleans native looked to see what had caused the reaction and took in a shaky breath. "Yeah, that won't be an issue," he replied tightly, laying a hand on Sam's shoulder as Dean eased in front of the younger hunter to carefully remove the device that had been wrapped around to trap the base of Sam's cock but the loops that held his balls had been wrapped tight enough not to just hold but cause actual pain.

"I'll get you what you'll need and some ice," he assured the hunter, catching Dean's eyes with a silent apology as he went to check on the men changing the codes and to get the supplies. "I can send Ebony over to help with him if you…"

"He's mine, Tristan," Dean's fingers were steady again as they carded back through Sam's hair to smile a little more when he felt his brother's weak attempt to move into the touch. "I'll take care of him. Just give me time with him and make sure Gino isn't going to do this again."

"It's being handled, Dean," Tristan assured him, closing the door as he stepped out to get what was needed and making a note to call Reed to make certain that Gino would be handled so nothing like this happened again. "It'll be handled."

Once the door clicked shut, Dean sat still for several moments to just move his hand through and over Sam's hair before placing a pillow in front of his chest to ease him over onto to so he wouldn't be on his stomach but Dean could still have access to the welts and cuts the whip had caused.

"Sammy, take a sip," Dean had grabbed the bottle of water set out to unscrew the cap, holding it up to his brother's lips to let him drink a few sips. "Better?"

The ice cold water felt good over his lips and on his raw throat so Sam nodded, swallowing easier now while wetting his lips. "Yeah," he still winced at how ragged his voice sounded, trying to shift to see his brother but gasped at the pain on his back. "Hurts."

"I know and it'll probably hurt more as I clean 'em," Dean hated that because it was never easy to see Sam in pain. "Do you want something for the pain now? Maybe you can go to sleep for a bit."

Sam didn't want to sleep. He wanted to be able to see and hear his brother so he knew he wasn't alone but as the adrenaline in his system wore off, on top of the drug that was still making his body feel like lead he suspected that he'd be going to sleep without the aid of the painkillers.

"No…just…don't stop talking?" he asked softly, shivering a little at the breeze from the open French doors blew over him and he heard a soft knock but didn't tense.

He laid still to concentrate on watching his own hand as he tried to move it from the wrist up but could only flex it slightly right then while listening to the quiet words exchanged between Dean and Tristan with his brother's voice only changing once and then he felt the bed dip again as Dean sat back behind him.

"I'm going to wipe these off now and dress them," Dean had learned from years of treating wounds to put some antiseptic in the water to start with because it was often hard to get near Sam with the stuff later on. "I'll be here with you and I'm not leaving this room again. I'm sorry this happened, Sammy."

"No…one's fault," Sam winced at the first careful swipe of the wet cloth over his back and he knew if he could move that he'd be arching away from that. "I…I…should've been more…damn."

Dean looked closer to see that while the welts covered Sam and a few were nearly deep enough to almost need a couple stitches he knew that his brother had gotten off easy.

He knew what Gino was capable of doing and feared the worst but given the limited amount of time the former Dom had Sam it appeared as if he'd focused on just doing what he had.

"Sam? Aside from the obvious, did the asshole do anything else?" he asked cautiously, keeping his other hand on the back of his brother's neck but didn't squeeze as he knew the damn collar will leave Sam with bruises in the morning. "Sam?"

"He…touched a little but mostly was just centered on getting me locked down to put that mask on me and then just used whatever he had on me," Sam's eyes had closed against the pain, unaware of the tears leaking from the corner of his eyes at both pain and memories. "Promised worse. He said…I didn't think Doms were supposed to…"

Seeing the tears and hearing the shake in Sam's voice, Dean leaned over to wipe the wetness away while placing a soft soothing kiss to his brother's shoulder. "They don't. Real doms have respect for the subs who give them control. They don't do this.

"Gino came from a line of assholes who believe in total control, Sam. Tristan told me back then that Gino isn't interested in subs as much as he is in having a slave," he explained quietly, adding. "He hated me and took that out on you. If I had known he was still around I wouldn't have brought you down here."

"…m'good," Sam murmured, sleepy now as his body calmed down and he felt it safe enough to let himself go under. "Be here?"

"Right beside you, little brother," Dean assured him in the soft tone that only Sam heard. "Just go to sleep, Sammy. You're safe."

Dean spent the next forty-five minutes slowly cleaning the bloody welts from his brother's back and legs while trying to avoid thinking about the plans Gino must have had for Sam since he hadn't used the whip on his ass.

Cleaning the blood off, he then applied the antibiotic ointment before moving slowly so Sam didn't wake back up as he sat on the other side of the bed after finding a clean sheet to lay over his brother.

The sight of the thin black collar tossed on the floor bothered Dean for some reason and he picked it up to lay it on the nightstand to see what Sam would want. He wasn't sure after this encounter if his brother would be eager to wear one again and if that was the case it was fine with Dean.

Sam's only other affected part would be where Gino had used the leather straps to tie his balls especially tight and he carefully placed an icebag wrapped in a towel there to help ease the pain that he assumed would be there once the drug wore off.

Dean also felt the sticky bump at the back of his brother's head where he guessed Gino had hit Sam to get the upper hand because the only way the asshole could jump Sam would have been to jump him from behind.

He took care of that as well before setting out the painkillers he knew Sam would need later, putting the first aid kit back together and settling down with his back against the headboard to just sit with his brother, his fingers careful as they ghosted over the slight abrasions on Sam's wrists where he'd tried to fight the metal cuffs.

"I'm here, Sam," he spoke quietly when Sam made a slight whimper, gently taking his brother's hand to hold it while rubbing his hand up the arm to maintain contact which Sam would need when he began to wake up. "I'm here and I'll be here always."

Hours later that was how Sam woke up. The bedroom was lit by low lights across the room and he could hear the muted sounds from the club and the street but it was the more familiar sound of his brother's heart close to his ear and the deep steady breathing.

Sam wasn't sure of the time again since his watch was still in his duffel and the room didn't seem to have a clock but he suspected he'd been sleeping more than a few hours since he could feel his sluggish limbs actually able to move again…not that he was sure that was a good thing since now his whole body seemed to ache.

It was also late enough that Dean had shed his t-shirt and jeans in favor of a pair of loose fitting boxer shorts he sometimes wore to sleep in and Sam debated for a short minute waking his brother but chose to wait for that as he slowly moved until he could sit up because he seriously found the need to use the bathroom.

Testing his arms, Sam judged that the drug had worn off enough that he could probably stand on his own and make it to the bathroom without waking Dean.

He knew his brother would bitch that he hadn't woke him up but Dean's eyes showed the strain and he also knew he blamed himself for what had happened with Gino even if Sam didn't.

The younger Winchester's legs were shaking by the time he made it to the bathroom, leaving the door partially open as he used the toilet, washed his hands and got up the strength to try to make it back to the bed even though this time he felt the change in the room and knew his brother was awake.

Dean's eyes were still closed as Sam stepped from the bathroom, pausing with a hand on the door to balance himself while deciding to just forego the effort of clothes for the night since he was still too sore to even want anything touching the welts the whip had made.

Hissing as the burn and pain returned in his back, Sam nearly stumbled and caught the subtle way Dean's fingers tensed in the sheets as it was clearly taking every ounce of strength not to move to help Sam and only once Sam sat back on the bed with a silent wince did he relax again.

"Thank you," Sam understood how hard it was for his brother to do what he just did because it was ingrained in Dean to help or be close in case Sam would fall.

Dean stayed silent for another minute as if asleep before finally sighing. "One more pause or misstep and I was getting up," he replied gruffly, long lashes covering the eyes that he'd been watching his brother from under. "You hungry or just want to sleep?"

If he was honest he didn't want either but Sam also suspected that right then, after what had happened, he wouldn't get Dean to give him what he really felt like having and so carefully rolled over until his head was pillowed on his brother's chest and he placed a hand over the anti-possession tattoo. "Safe?"

"Yeah, the locks were changed but tomorrow when you're awake Tristan wants me to move you into the main house until we leave," Dean waited for that to sink in and wasn't surprised when he felt Sam's head lift to stare at him curiously. "I figure we'll hang around another couple days," he shrugged easily. "See the sites, taste the food and yes, I'll let you drag me into shops and bookstores all you want if I get to catch at least one strip show while we're here."

Snorting at the image of his impatient brother waiting in some dusty bookstore was nearly tempting enough to take him up on that offer. "You'll never tire of those will you?" he asked teasingly, knowing that Dean would always stay the same and Sam had learned long ago that his brother would never stop flirting or eyeing hot women. It only bothered him a little now and then.

"Tire of watching hot women dance? I'm still human, Sammy," Dean scoffed, curving a finger down Sam's jaw until he was able to lift his brother's face back up so their eyes met. "I enjoy watching them. I will probably always flirt but…it's not them that can make me hard and hot with just a look anymore and it's you I will always want," he murmured, meeting the smile that brought as he offered a gentle kiss while feeling Sam settle more. "I'll even take you too."

"I'll pass on the strippers," Sam laughed, yawning as he began to fall back to sleep. "But I will take you up on the offer to go to some shops with me and the café…though you've probably been there before."

Dean had practically lived in the café when he was here eight years earlier but didn't see the need to ruin Sam's enjoyment of taking him there. "Once or twice," he replied, letting his fingers rub gentle circles over his brother's shoulder while making certain the sheet would keep Sam warm while also avoiding the thought of what was pressed against his thigh. "As I recall it had decent food."

"Jerk," Sam muttered, knowing when his brother was playing but since it had been so long since he'd seen Dean relaxed he went along with it as he drifted off to sleep to allow the pain to go away.

"Bitch," Dean whispered once he was certain his brother was sleeping and drifted off himself with just thoughts of seeing Sam smile over the next few days before real life and hunting returned to their lives.

The next two days passed in a blur for Dean as he did go with Sam to all those places, not only in the French Quarter, but around New Orleans that his brother wanted to see and a few that they just stumbled upon or Trina put in Sam's head.

Sam enjoyed the free time even though he shot the bitchface a few times whenever Dean would hover too much or insist he take it easy since the welts on his back and legs still bothered him but the honest and pure laugh that being able to browse shops or just see actual tourist things brought out in Sam was enough to make the older Winchester happy.

He kept Sam away from the club despite Trina's invitation to just stop in for a drink because while Gino was no longer a threat he didn't want to risk a repeat and since so far his brother hadn't mentioned the collar neither was Dean.

The first night in the main house which was just down a covered path from the club and guesthouse ended with Sam in exhaustion from the day's activities, and he crashed face first into his pillow by the time Dean was done with the shower.

A slight infection in one of the welts brought a fever this morning and so Dean planted his little brother in Tristan's massive library of various kinds of books to read to his hearts' content while he tuned the Impala up as well as the poor little Acura.

Tristan had mentioned a trip down the block to a strip club and while Sam had said he'd be fine alone for a few hours it still left Dean feeling wary and uncertain.

"Sam?" he called after not finding his brother either in the kitchen or library. "Hey, Sammy?" Dean took the steps upstairs to the side of the house that housed the main guestroom two at a time in search of his brother because it never failed to worry him when he couldn't find Sam and knew his brother hadn't been feeling well.

Hoping that Sam had gone upstairs to lay down or shower before dinner, Dean opened the door to the plush and once again classically decorated bedroom to pause. "Sam? What's the matter?" he asked, a single look at the way Sam was sitting on the bottom of the massive heavy four poster king size bed telling him that something was off. "Hey. Little brother, you in there or…"

"I lost it."

Sam's voice was quiet, even more so since he refused to look up at Dean and instead kept his gaze locked on the floor while twisting the black band on his wrist restlessly.

"You lost what, Sam?" Dean asked, suspecting he knew but stayed quiet but shut the door behind him to look at Sam more closely.

Since he hadn't been feeling too well today, Sam had chosen his more worn in jeans and t-shirt to wear around the house and now as he sat on the bed he was still in those but Dean noticed the boots had been kicked off and he tried to put aside watching those bare feet shift uneasily over the deep maroon carpet of the room.

"The collar you gave me," Sam finally replied after a couple seconds of hesitation, biting his bottom lip. "I didn't think about it until just now when I went to get it and remembered that I had it in my hand the other day when he…when I was jumped."

Slowly Sam's eyes moved up to watch his older brother, fearing an angry response. "I'm…sorry, De'n. You gave it to me and I didn't protect it when he jerked it out my hand and…huh?" he blinked at the feel of Dean's thumb running over his bitten lip. "Dean?"

"You didn't lose it, Sam," Dean told him, seeing the confusion in those upset hazel eyes before he crossed to his own duffel bag to pull out the simple black collar and watched Sam's face nearly light up. "I found it the day in the guesthouse and put it aside to see if you'd ask for it or even still want it after that damn collar Gino put on you bruised your throat," he explained, holding it out. "You know you don't have to wear this unless you…"

"I wanted to," Sam cut him off, taking the collar to run his fingers over the leather before looking back up at Dean with a cautious hope in his eyes. "Can you put it back on me?" he asked hesitantly, seeing the uncertainty and trying to explain. "I know you don't like it and I'm not saying I'll wear it all the time but it means a lot to me to wear this because you gave it to me and it does sort of make me able to say I'm yours," a blush started up his face while he dropped his gaze again. "Sorry, that sounds silly or…"

The sound of the door locking had Sam's gaze shooting back up. "Dean? I thought you were going to that stripper club with Tristan?" he blinked as he watched his brother, seeing the heat in his eyes as he walked back over to stand in front of him before slowly taking the collar to stare at it.

"You are mine, Sam," Dean's voice had dropped to the low husky one he got when it was just then and the emotions were high. "You were mine the first day Mom let me hold you. You were mine the first day you stood on those little chubby legs to walk to me. You were mine the first time you came to me with a nightmare. You were mine when you were sixteen and I made myself try to ignore every damn feeling I found myself having. You were mine when you collapsed in my arms three weeks after Stanford and I stopped giving a crap about right and wrong if it meant making you happy again."

Watching the way Sam's eyes changed with every word he spoke, Dean's fingers stroked the still bruised skin around Sam's throat before carefully placing the slim collar back around to hook it and tested that it would be loose enough not to hurt his brother.

"You will be mine until the day you decide you don't want to be or I'm dead," he declared firmly, stroking his hand over Sam's cheek and felt his brother lean more into the touch like he seemed to do these days and the decision to go out was fast leaving him especially as Sam's long legs moved to let him step closer. "Is that still what you want, Sammy?"

"Yes," Sam's reply was instant as he kept his eyes on Dean to watch the green eyes he'd grown up with glitter a moment before their mouths met with a heat that Sam knew his brother had been keeping in check. "Want that, want this…want you…now," he got out between hot kisses, feeling Dean smile as he continued to run kisses down Sam's jaw. "Thought…God…I thought you were…going out with…"

Dean's growl was low just as his phone went off. "Stay," he ordered in the tone that never failed not to make Sam shiver. "Shirt off," he added, grabbing his phone. "Bad time."

The man on the other end must have laughed because Dean's eyes narrowed but then they narrowed for another reason as he turned just in time to see Sam pull his t-shirt off over his head while his fingers played with the button snap of his jeans.

"What?" Dean had lost track of the conversation on the phone but as soon as his brother began to undo the button fly jeans he zeroed in on that. "Change of plans, Tristan. You go have fun. I'm…staying…God, you're trying to kill me, kid,…what? No, I'm not talking to you, pervert. Sam's fever spiked again so…I'm staying with him," he smirked at the curious look that earned him. "No, he'll be fine…we'll be fine. I'll see you tomorrow and Tristan? Stay out."

The phone clicked off and was tossed toward the duffel bags as those darkening green eyes locked on Sam to give a smile that reminded the younger man of when it hadn't been quite so stressful between them. "You forget what it means to strip, Sammy?" he asked with an arched brow, his own boots coming off as he crossed back to where his brother stood at the foot of bed.

"You just said to take the shirt off," Sam replied, fighting his grin and the sudden urge to touch when Dean stopped just out of range. "I'm not running a fever, Dean," he pointed out but then wondered if he wouldn't be soon as he watched his brother's fingers move to the hem of his black t-shirt but didn't lift it yet.

"Oh, you're hot, little brother. You just don't know it yet," Dean remarked, seeing the way Sam's tongue was just peeking out from between his lips while his eyes were fixated on him. "You see something you want, Sam?"

Sam groaned low in his throat, itching to touch, to taste but holding back out of memory of what he'd done while soulless.

"Touch me, Sam," Dean's voice had dropped to pure sex and honey as he watched the tension running through his brother's body until he spoke and then hummed a little when his shirt was pulled off and Sam's mouth went for the spot on his throat it almost always did while Dean's hands moved down to work on the jeans he wanted off his brother in the worst way.

"Missed tasting you," Sam gasped, not really aware of things as he let himself go with the desires burning in his blood to regain all of the senses and feelings that being with Dean like this could give him but as he ran his teeth over the slight stubble along his brother's jaw he stilled.

"We're not doing the whole Dom/sub thing every time, Sammy," Dean told him, holding still except once he'd freed the last button on Sam's jeans and felt the subtle shiver hit his brother, getting it. "You're on the bottom nearly every time we make love anyway. You listen to me and usually don't bitch too much and…" he paused to slip two fingers under the collar to bring Sam's face up to his, recognizing the look of worry, lust, and just a little fear in huge hazel eyes.

"You're not him anymore, Sam. That side of you is gone for good," he suspected the fear of his soulless side was what kept making Sam hold back and revert to a much more submissive need than he normally had.

"How can you be sure," Sam no longer had the images or darker thoughts so he hoped that side had been buried for good but he still had the fear, especially if it meant he might hurt his brother but felt himself relaxing as the fingers Dean had under the collar pulled his neck more to the side to allow his brother access to whatever he wanted there.

Dean's lips were gentle as they brushed over Sam's neck until he found a spot along his collarbone to lightly tease with his teeth until he felt his brother move against him to silently demand more.

He gave Sam more but lightly biting enough to feel but not draw blood before lifting his head to see that as he'd hoped Sam's eyes were going to full out lust blown. "I know that because if it wasn't I'd be flat on that bed on my stomach and you wouldn't be hesitating…now, tell me what you want to do."

"Want you to stop treating me like I'm going to break if you're too rough," Sam gasped as the feel of hot wet lips closing over his nipple to roll it around with a slow tongue until it was as hard as what he figured he was becoming. "I want to be able to feel you the day after and know that no matter how rough we are that I'm still safe with you…I know, that's an oxymoron but..mmhm."

Dean's lips closed on his but slower and with intent as his tongue worked until Sam's mouth opened with a soft sound as he accepted the exploration of his mouth until his brother pulled back just enough to look at him. "Sammy, don't use big words when I'm trying to get you on a bed to have my way with you," he urged lightly, hearing Sam laugh as he gave a gentle nudge until Sam went back on the bed. "Jeans."

"Take 'em off. You unbuttoned them," Sam replied, scooting up the bed until his head was on the pillow and he propped himself up on his elbows to watch the heat flare in Dean's eyes and wasn't surprised when his jeans were pulled the rest of the way off. "Yeah, I didn't feel like the boxers today," he dropped his eyes a little at the low sound Dean made that was either growl or groan.

Using the bottom posts of the bed to support himself as he took in the full sight of his brother's long hard body laying on the bed with nothing on but the black rubber bracelet on his wrist and the collar on his throat and Dean knew he was not going to last but was determined to last until he had Sam begging.

"Tell me what still hurts," Dean slowly took his own jeans off because he knew he'd have Sam's undivided attention and wasn't disappointed as he watched the way his brother's eyes focused on him as the denim and boxers skimmed down his legs before he knelt on the bed. "Sammy?"

"Huh? Oh, just a few of them still hurt today," Sam had to blink finally and when he did he was then gasping because he'd forgotten how fast his brother could move and Dean had moved to lean over him to begin to place kisses along his lips to his jaw until he was moving ever so slowly downward. "Dean…" he broke off as warm breath blew over his chest.

Dean let his weight settle a little more because he didn't want Sam's back to press too much against the bed for fear of causing him pain. "You know one of the other reasons I don't like this collar?" he asked after pausing to give gentle licks to Sam's jaw and throat again before settling at the hollow of his throat to suck gentle.

"Wh…what?" Sam's head had gone back against the pillow at this, jumping when he felt the tip of Dean's tongue swirl against the skin before he continued down to find his nipple again.

"I like kissing your neck and it blocks me from the one spot I know will make you move," Dean smirked a little more as the sounds he could already hear coming from his brother. "Compromise?"

Sam wanted to move now or do something to get more of Dean's mouth on his skin as it was now just barely touching his chest with his lips and tongue but he stayed still. "What?" he asked, barely able to focus and couldn't believe his brother now wanted to talk.

"You can keep the collar for when we're out and you want to wear it but in bed, when it's just us, I'll get you one of those leather cuffs for your wrist," Dean slid lower until he was kneeling between Sam's legs, still pleased when Sam spread them wider without being told. "You can pick it out," he added, letting his mouth settle over his brother's stomach before letting his tongue find and dive into his belly button just because he knew the sound that would get him.

Moaning at the wet touch crossing his stomach, Sam's eyes were crossing as he knew his cock was hard and starting to drip little drops of precome. "I…I can keep this bracelet?" he asked, touching the one they each had and that he'd just started wearing again.

"Yep," Dean replied now focusing his attention on the dip between Sam's thigh and groin to settle his head but shot a look up when he felt Sam's hand move. "You don't touch anything until I say you can and…" he waited out the bitchface to add. "…you don't come until I say either."

Those were the hardest rules for Sam to follow especially right now when he seemed to want to touch but Dean knew his brother would do it but waited for him to clench the cover to lean up with a kiss that was more soft and slow than what Sam would expect right then. "Trust me," he whispered.

Sam trusted his brother which is why he found himself relaxing even as his cock was hard and full by this point and so far Dean hadn't even touched him. Not coming the moment he did was not going to be easy.

"I've been wanting you like this for a while, Sammy," Dean's voice was deep and husky as he ran his hands down to part Sam's legs a big more while kneeling to grab a pillow to ease it under his brother's hips to make this easier on him. "I won't lie and say the other night wasn't hot as hell but if we play kink I much prefer it on a bed or my car," he didn't miss the moan that got because he knew Sam recalled the one time in the Impala and on the Impala. "You like this?"

"You talk…too much," Sam managed to get out as he fought not to move but he smiled a little at Dean's chuckle and then he was wondering how thick the walls of this place were because the moment he felt wet hot heat close over the head of his cock he gave a shout. "Fuck!"

"That's the plan, baby boy," Dean smiled before lowering his head again to begin to gently suck the head into his mouth while using his fingers to stroke the quivering cock that he knew on instinct wanted to come.

Dean had placed the lube on the bed where he could reach it earlier and easily opened it one handed to get some on the fingers of his free hand so he could slip it under Sam to find his hole to begin to open him.

"God…more. Dean…!" Sam's eyes were locked on the way his brother's head was now moving as he sucked his cock deeper into his mouth to slip down to the base and then back to the tip while his tongue rubbed the underside nerve and had the younger man thrusting up into the heat of Dean's mouth when he felt the index finger slip past the first ring of muscle to touch his prostate and it was only that one little order that kept him from coming right down Dean's throat. "Dean! Shit…that is…God…too much," he groaned.

With Dean's mouth now taking care of Sam's cock, he used his free hand to move up to gently press on his thrusting and moaning brother's thigh to calm him but then moved the hand back down to carefully cup the full and heavy balls in his palm while adding a second finger to the hole he was stretching.

"Got to…want to…damn, that's so good after…" Sam's voice broke on a moan at feeling the way his brother was playing his body.

Except for the other night, it had been so long for either of them that Sam had nearly forgotten the skill Dean could use to take him apart like this and leave him begging for more while wanting to come. "Please…"

Listening to the soft moans and whimpers coming from Sam as he stroked, sucked and stretched him, it was getting harder for Dean to focus on all three tasks, especially when his own cock did not like being ignored and he felt it dripping precome where it lay against his stomach as he worked to get Sam to the point he needed him to be.

The whimpered plea caught his attention as he pulled his lips free with a wet pop while watching his brother through lust heavy eyes. "Wanna come, Sammy?" he asked, licking his lips and fighting back a groan at the taste that was pure Sam while scissoring the two fingers to feel the stretch and then adding a third one to see Sam's pupils were nearly fully wide now.

"Tell me how you want to come, little brother," Dean rolled the balls in his palm again before giving a slight squeeze that had Sam arching up to come back down on the three fingers in his ass which, since this was what Dean had planned, allowed him to crook them in time to brush over his brother's sweet spot to have Sam pretty close to talking in Latin. "On my cock on your ass or…"

"Yes!" Sam gasped, wanting to feel his brother. "Please, Dean. I need to feel you…need to come…" he moaned as his balls were rolled again and his cock was now leaking a steady stream of precome as he struggled not to come and was relieved to feel Dean's fingers at the base of his cock to help stem back the orgasm that would probably hit the second his brother's cock touched him. "Need it…you…need…"

Chuckling as he nodded, Dean placed a soothing kiss against Sam's wildly beating heart as he got to his knees to squeeze more lube into his hand before slicking his already slick and dripping cock, hand going to Sam's thigh to stop him from flipping to his stomach.

"No, I want to see your face when you come this time," he explained at the brief look of confusion since it was rare for them to do it this way but Dean was careful of the welts on the back of Sam's legs when he positioned himself with the head of his cock at the now stretched and lubed hole.

Pulling his legs up closer to his chest, Sam felt the pressure of the enlarged red and weeping cock as it pressed into him and moaned at the feel. He was stretched and lubed enough that with a single thrust it took Dean in past the first muscle.

"So hot, Sammy," Dean groaned, fighting not to thrust in like his cock was aching to but it had been so long between them that he knew it would take some time before just a little prep work would allow him entrance without giving Sam time to adjust. "You are still so damn tight and…hot. Missed feeling you around me like this."

"Harder, Dean," Sam wanted more and his hips moved but Dean was in control as he reached down to grip his hips as he rolled his hips forward but then as Sam went to bite his lip he felt his whole position shift, gasping at the realization that he was now on top and with his brother's cock fully inside him. "What…?"

"I said I wanted to see you come this time, Sammy," Dean relaxed but kept his hands on Sam's hips to steady him for the moment while letting a calm but impish smile flit over his lips. "I also want to see you make yourself come on my cock. I want to see you as you ride me and make us both come."

Sam moaned, a little uncertain until he rocked a little and with a gasp felt the surge of pleasure course through him as the cock that was buried in him touched that spot and he worked to find a rhythm that would please them both.

"That's it, Sammy," Dean rolled his hips once to allow his brother to find a stride that suited him and then he stayed still to watch Sam's own body take control as he rocked a little harder. "You like this, baby boy? You like feeling my cock like this? Knowing every time you move it's going to hit that spot that will make you scream my name every time?"

"Not…not every time," Sam argued, voice strained as he struggled to get the release they both wanted and didn't want to disappoint Dean when he heard a chuckle.

"Every time, Sam," Dean touched a finger to the tip of Sam's cock which was laying on his stomach looking very red and ready to get some precome on his finger. "Open," he ordered softly, running it over Sam's lips and felt it sucked in like he knew it would be and watched as his brother's closed eyes opened to look at him. "That's you, little brother. That's what I taste every time I suck you off and…God!"

He felt Sam's whole body shudder hard a second before he felt his muscles clench around his cock and Dean came on a moan that had his hips thrusting up to meet the rolling hips of his brother before he reached up an arm to use the damn collar Sam liked so much to his advantage to pull him down into a heated kiss that soon involved battling tongues and mouth explorations.

Sam's cock was trapped between their chests and a final roll of hips had him coming on just that friction alone and he allowed his cry of pleasure to be swallowed by Dean's kiss and then he was lost to the orgasm even as he tried to stay with it to allow his brother to get the most out of his.

Gasping as he wrapped a tight arm around Sam to help him ride it out, Dean broke the kiss only when he felt his brother go limp against his chest and quickly remembered the other reason they didn't have sex this way. His little brother was goddamn heavy.

"Sammy?" he slid a hand under Sam's chin to lift it up, grinning at the sloppy but happy smile he saw reflected there. "You awake? Cause I don't think it'll be good for you to fall to sleep here."

"Awesome," Sam's voice was dropping back to his happy but sleepy one. It was also the tone he used when clingy but he did move willingly as Dean shifted so he could slide off him but instantly curled into his side with his head pillowed over Dean's heart. "That was awesome. That was…" he looked up with a shy smile as he tried to find the words we wanted.

Dean read the unspoken shining up at him and gave his brother both the smile and kiss that always made Sam content, while trying to reach for something to wipe them off a bit with. "Sammy, don't you dare fall to sleep until I get something to clean the come off with or…Sam?"

"No, shower tomorrow…sleep now," Sam sounded sleepy and would soon be under fully as he worked until he got to where he was comfortable but didn't stop squirming until he felt Dean's arm wrap around him. "Stay?"

Starting to make a reply that he normally slept with Sam, Dean stopped because up until recently they had been using two beds again and it was only now that the older Winchester realized how strange that had felt to him.

"Yeah, Sam, I'm sleeping here but when you're stuck to me in the morning don't bitch about it," he warned lightly, carding his fingers back through Sam's hair to feel his brother relaxing fully.

"Why bitch? We can just shower together," Sam replied half asleep, smiling as he fell to sleep fully after feeling the gentle kiss to his hair and knew things were finally going to be alright with them. "Dean? Love you."

Dean was seeing the advantages of showering together when those words hit him and he watched Sam relax into rest before tucking him against his side like he always seemed to do. "Love you too, Sammy," he whispered, staying awake for a little bit longer to be sure Sam would sleep and to allow himself to relax, knowing that he'd at least managed to hopefully cover some of Sam's fears and also took care of a possible one day threat along the way.

The next day would see them leaving the Big Easy but Dean was comfortable knowing if one day anything happened to him that Sam had others here he could turn to.

"You make sure to feed that boy or I will box your ears," Ebony admonished Dean the following afternoon after hugging Sam and making certain he was safely buckled into the Impala. "You bring him back sometime and maybe not for much of this kinky shit you kids like."

Dean was careful to hide his smile while noticing the way Tristan was mock choking himself behind the older woman's back. "I will and you'll watch him?" he nodded to his friend who rolled his eyes.

"He watches himself," Ebony snorted, letting out a yell for Trina to stop flirting with Sam.

"Sure you don't want to hang around and deal with her for another week?" Tristan shook the extended hand before pulling Dean forward into a one armed hug. "Take care of yourself for once?"

Nodding, Dean returned the gesture before slipping into his car. "Tristan…thanks," he didn't say for what since he knew the other man would pick up on it. "Call if you get haunted again or need anything?"

"You do the same," the Cajun replied, adding firmly. "You and Sam ever need anything you call or show up and it's yours."

"Yeah and just make sure to watch who you let play in the club," Dean smirked and then started the Impala to drive away with a final wave out the window.

Neither spoke until they crossed out of the city on the way back North and then slowly Sam felt safe to unbuckle the hardly used seatbelt to watch his brother. "Thanks for doing this, Dean," he murmured, fingers moving to the collar he still wouldn't let Dean remove.

"Isn't that what I'm supposed to do, Sammy? Do the things that make my little brother happy?" Dean heard the snort of laughter but also felt the light touch of fingers on his arm and still knew it would be a while before Sam was comfortable if he wasn't close enough to touch his brother. "So…about that cuff we talked about?"

This time Sam did laugh, sliding over the seat to give a brief kiss to Dean's neck and then going back to his side of the car. "Once we beat Dick and the Leviathans…then we can get one," he agreed, seeing the nod and accepting that things were going to work out for them and felt actually good about their chances for once.

The End

A/N: Thanks to everyone who read this. It took a turn that I wasn't planning but then most of my pieces seem to do that. May have a little sequel sometime down the road but we'll see.