Haldir sat in his talan, on the balcony that overlooked the city. His wine lay forgotten in the larder, having found no further use for its sweet intoxication. There was only one kind of sweetness he had room for now, and he was to never have it again it seemed.

Then he looked up at the approach of footsteps.

She was there, in his doorway. And his old terror returned once more, and he was hard pressed to shake it away. She approached, before stopping just short of him, her hands softly by her sides.

"You helped the village. Do not lie Haldir, you were not amongst them, but I knew those marked supplies and goods had they come from my own room!" she said gently, before forcing his head up to look at her.

"Don't tell me that the Mighty Marchwarden cares for the plight of men?" she asked, her soft smile taking the sting from her words.

"I may….Last week, I…You were…correct to want to help these people."

"But now I owe you a debt, Marchwarden," she said softly, allowing her arms to pull herself closer to him.

"You owe me nothing. My debt is greater still." He said softly.

She shook her head, before pulling his lips down to hers, and kissing him softly.

He did not move, he just let her lips rest upon his.

"Thank you, she whispered against him. She took her lips from his then, to mould her body to his. It was then she realised he was trembling.

"My dreams have tormented me with visions of you for so long, Imrhienna how do I know that you are real?"

"I'll show you." She whispered back, before pulling him against her, and kissing him with all the passion and frustration that she possessed.

"What took you so long?" she whispered, pulling away slightly, the barest of spaces between them. "You could have had me from the first."

"I was afraid," he murmured, running his hands tentavely through her hair, and down her hip.

"Whatever of?" she asked, a little confused.

"Of you," he replied, his gaze avoiding hers. "You did not want me. You did not need me. You wanted something greater than me. And then you were gone. I lay my heart at your feet, and it felt as though you trampled it when you left."

"I was not leaving you, Haldir, you silly elf. I was simply going to help others. I never meant to leave you, it was you who left me."

He looked at her for a long moment, and knew that she was right. He had driven her away.

And after that, he could not hold himself back anymore.

He lowered his lips to her throat.

"I should never have let you go. I should never have driven you away," he murmured, as he rained kisses upon her neck. "I should have followed you, I should have helped your every step." He felt himself slowly come undone at her hands buried in her hair, and as his confessions poured out of him, he found the more he spoke, the easier it became.

She arched her back against his touch. "But you are here now," she whispered back.

He stopped his constant kisses upon her body to look up at her for a moment, passion making his eyes cloudy and dark. "I have wasted the last two hundred years, Imrhienna I'll not waste another second."

His tongue laved her hip, and she shivered, her hand threading into his hair, holding him closer to her.

"I love you, I loved you all along," she whispered then, as she felt his tongue stroking inside her, and she threw her head back, her knees buckling, unable to support herself any more.

Haldir's hands came to circle her waist, holding her firmly against the wall, not letting her fall, as he continued to torment, to tease, to worship her.

"You are like fire," she gasped out, and he tore his mouth from her for but a moment to stare heatedly up at her.

"Then burn," he murmured hotly, before he rose and pulled her even closer to him, bringing her forward until her back pressed against the wall, her front, against him. She could not escape now, even if she had wanted to.

He kissed her again, their clothing sliding to the floor as though it no longer could bare the heat of the two bodies within it, each aching for the touch of the other. Her body no longer felt like hers, it belonged to him.

She arched against him, moaning, pressing herself against him, even her strength not enough to waver his. He tore himself away from her lips, to gaze, gasping, into her eyes, his own dilated by passion, what little control he had managed to exercise fleeing at the sight of her swollen lips and mussed hair.

He pulled her back with him, until they collapsed onto the bed, both a little unsure of how they got there, but too intent upon gaining the touch of the others flesh that they did not question it. Despite the fact that they both no longer wore any clothing, it was not enough.

Haldir rolled himself atop of her, fighting once more for control. She mewled, eyes closed, begging him to take her. He buried his face within her neck, becoming little more than a creature of base desires as he thrust into her then, her body welcoming his after such a respite without him.

He could not stop himself. He threw himself into her, again and again, and she rose to meet his thrusts, wanting more of him. All of him.

And for the briefest of moments, as they both felt a climax so terrible and beautiful approach it was devastating, their eyes met, and an instant of calm passed between them, the eye of the storm, and they knew that there could be no other for either. And then, it was upon them. Overwhelming in its power, two hundred years of pent up frustration, anger, longing and entreaty sent them arching off of the bed, her limbs entwined so tightly around his body that he did not know where she ended and he began. And he did to want to.

It shook them, tore them apart and drove them together again, the mutual pleasure coursing through them, until they were left with nothing but the other.

Overwhelmed, they fell back to the bed, shaking, gasping, trembling, weak as babes, content to be buried in the other a while longer. The silence grew, punctured only by their rapid breathing, which gradually slowed, until it remained unbroken. And all was as it should be.

"How do you feel?" he asked quietly, long minutes later, tenderly stroking the side of her face, looking down upon her as though she were his everything.

"Like your own," she whispered back.

Haldir smiled then, the same tender, possessive smile that she remembered from all those years ago.

"Does this mean that I can call you my own once more?"

She smiled back, tenderly stroking his chest.

"I never stopped being yours Haldir."

"I'll not let you leave again," he whispered into her hair then, and she stiffened abruptly.

"Haldir, I thought that you understood! I must-" her words were brought to an abrupt halt as Haldirs lips stayed her words.

"I was not finished Imrhienna. I will not let you leave again. And to ensure you do not, I will just have to stay with you, wherever you choose to stay, be it here or in Lorien."

Imrhienna looked up at the new Haldir, a changed Haldir, her eyes wide.

"You would leave Lorien? For the village?"

"No," he said, pulling her closer to him. "For you. Only for you." And with that, he kissed her again, stopping all conversation between the two for a very long time.


Years later, the Village flourished, abundant in laughter, joy and wealth. The children of the men frolicked with those of the elves, and the ever watchful Marchwarden saw to the safety of all. His wife, his children, and their home, in the Village of Craigey, on the outskirts of Lorien, where the elves frequented, increasing trade, goodwill, and alliances.

And every evening, Haldir came home to his infuriating, headstrong, beautiful wife, (being pregnant seemed to mellow her somewhat however, and Haldir resolved to keep her that way as much as possible) and his four children. His two stubborn daughters, just like their mother, and his two strong, mischievous sons, too much like their Uncles' Rumil and Orophin.

For the first time in two hundred years, Haldir was happy. Imrhienna was happy. And the Village prospered.

Fear had never been so sweet.

A/N: ta daaa!!!! its finished. And now I'm sad because I have to think up another idea for a story an it took me like, a year to think of this one. Thank you to all my readers and reviewers, do me the favor of telling me what you think one last time/ and don't worry. I won't be too far away with another story. I think June perhaps, although as to what it will be about, I have no clue. lol. Thank you all for your support!