Disclaimer- I own nothing- If you recognise it- it's not mine!!!

Eowyn- you know I bet you'd be a great beta. I have to agree with you- my depressing stuff is definitely better than my so called light hearted stuff. Your reviews are always great to read- I always look forward to them.

Dragonsinger- one sitting?! Wow

Uhhh. . . . I have no name- no- no corgis! Lol

Thank you to everybody who reviewed!!!!!


I stood, watching the fierce waves of the sea roll across its calm surface, disturbing the peace. The moonlight caught the peaks of each wave as they hurried along toward the rocks.

The gentle fingers of the wind caressed my hair and made the skirt of my dress cling to my legs. I felt a breeze on shoulders and found that my dress was sleeveless and my shoulders and arms were exposed to the night. My scars stood out, little silver lines on porcelain skin. The physical tears of a story that I still do not understand.

The scent of the sea drifted upwards and bathed in the air around. The cool grass soothed my bare feet as I stepped forward.

I was stood on the cliffs of Dover. I had only been here a few times, but it brought back memories. My grandmother used to bring me here. She said that this was a place of moments. Not if's, or but's. It was a place where you could cast off your thoughts and live in the moment. At the time, I thought she was just being a crazy old lady and I paid little attention to her. Our last visit here was three days before she died. I was nineteen and she had insisted on coming, despite the fact that it was winter.

But the sight was breathtaking. The brutal waves crashed, disquieting the peace. Even from this great height I could feel the spray as it was carried in the air.

I could remember wishing for the courage to throw myself off the edge. To have the courage to just end it right there.

Pain makes you selfish, you don't realise it, but it does. My Grandmother knew, somehow she knew. And she stood next to me, holding my hand in her small frail one. And we stood in silence, watching and listening to natures own temper tantrum.

I smiled as the memory came back, every last detail. There were times when I couldn't remember my grandmother. But she came back to me in my dreams. This was a dream, and I knew it. But I was content to live in the moment. I had finally understood those words. Live in the moment.

I felt strong arms slide around my waist and I was pulled into a firm chest.

I lifted my head and looked the azure eyes of the one man who meant everything to me.

And there we stood. In each others arms watching the waves.

After a time I turned around in the embrace. He lent down and tenderly pressed his lips to mine. There was no sexual undertone to the kiss, it was one of pure love. I smiled through it and slowly ran my tongue across his bottom lip. He chuckled and opened his mouth, allowing me to set the pace. We broke away and stood, holding hands, watching each other intently.

This was perfect. Being able to show him this place was just…well…perfect. This is the one place that meant so much to me and being able to share it with him gives me a feeling that I can't even begin to describe. My skin tingled every time his fingers touched a patch of exposed skin. I felt like I was going to explode with happiness, if such a thing is possible. It was like an itch that you couldn't scratch, I desperately wanted to move but my feet were anchored to the ground beneath me.


I was not within my own mind, that much I knew.

My surroundings were unknown to me but yet still felt familiar. The grassy plain stretched out into the black of the night and the fierce waves of a sea could be seen from where I stood.

I looked down at my self. I was dressed in a long white robe that had been left untied, bearing my chest to the brisk air. The cool blades of the grass caressed my bare feet as I waked the ground.

I caught sight of a lone figure stood on the edge of the cliff in front of me. Thalia. She was dressed in a long white gown that hugged her curves, thin straps held the dress around her frame, showing her slender shoulders and arms. The skirt fluttered in the wind, wrapping the fabric around her legs, enhancing the enticing curves of her hips. Her long silver hair flew behind her like a ribbon of silk, catching the light of the full moon above us.

I stepped closer and smiled as I caught her scent on the wind.

She wasn't startled as I wrapped my arms around her waist, she simply lent back and accepted the embrace. The look in her eyes when she looked up at me told me that this place was of some significance to her.

I stood behind her, my cheek against her temple as each of us held our own thoughts. She turned in my embrace, her eyes watched me intently, as if she was memorising or searching for something. She smile softly and I could no longer hold my emotions at bay. I lent down and chastely pressed my lips to hers. She seemed to melt in my arms. I was pleasantly surprised when I felt her velvety tongue move along my bottom lip seductively as I had done to her so many times before. I answered her and heard her sigh as I pulled her to me, I stood, relishing the feeling of her soft body against mine.

We broke away from each other and stood, holding each others hands and watching each other. She bit her lip as she studied my face. A small smile crept onto her now swollen lips as she thought about something.

A great warmth filled me as I gazed upon her. I looked forward to holding her as my wife. I had yet to ask her of course. We both knew that we would marry. But the formalities had yet to be fulfilled. 

She cocked her head to one side and laughed. A musical sound that filled the air with happiness. She stepped forward back into my arms. My hands rested on the small of her back as her head rested on my shoulder. We seemed to meld together as one.

I had had the opportunity to do a lot of thinking over the past few weeks. I have often found myself thinking of our future. If we moved to Mirkwood she would be lonely. Although she would have duties of her own to attend to, she would no doubt find herself in need of some company and entertainment. I would make sure that I spent every spare moment with her. My duties would become a hindrance to our relationship, that much was obvious. But we would manage.  My plan was to persuade her to stay in Imladris for another year as was the original plan. But she had made it clear that she did not want to make my life difficult. It is true that life would be…different if we stayed in Imladris. But I would much prefer it. For various reasons. She is still delicate in mind and if she was to stay and build relationships with people and make herself comfortable, she would find things easier, as would I. 

I trailed my hands down her arms, the scars of the past making their searing mark on my fingertips as they went. The past was now just that. Each mark stood out on her pale, milky white skin. I felt no revulsion. I saw the story of a young girl who fought through her pain, despite there being many reasons to let go of life. Even now, she could still feel the pain, I felt it as vividly as she did and it surpassed all of my own feelings. She was a caring soul and it toughed me to know that even at this very moment her thoughts we not on herself. She was planning, I could feel her mood sober somewhat as the minutes went by. Planning was something that just a few weeks ago she would not have dared to do. A few weeks ago she could see no future; there was only a black void where perhaps a small possibility lay.

The feelings that I had stirred were not pleasant. In my mind I once again saw her pale tear stained face as she happened upon my discovery of her blade in the forest. It almost made me shiver. I saw the events of the past months go by swiftly. The feelings that it evoked were strong. There had been much anger and there had been many tears. They were emotional times. Although I had been trained to appear as stoic as possible, there were times when it was inappropriate. If it wasn't for the deep connection that had been aroused within me, I would not have shown my feelings. There was a time when I would have though it weak to cry, especially in front of a maiden. But the conversation that I had had with Glorfindel shortly after our arrival in Lorien, had caused me to reconsider and re-evaluate my opinions. Glorfindel was a greatly respected lord and his bravery was legend. I had grown up with tales of the golden-haired warrior. As an elfling I had spent much time around him, but I had seen him through the eyes of a child, and now, I was seeing him though the eyes of an adult. I now saw the man behind the tales, and was almost astounded to see that he was a real being. He felt, just as I did and instead of seeing weakness with the tears, he saw bravery. And it was that which had caused me to open my eyes.

The woman, who stood contently in my arms, was one of intrigue and seduction. As her confidence had grown, her true nature was revealed. She had a playful side to her that rarely came out, for she felt vulnerable when she revealed herself. The slightest glint which she held in her eyes was almost enough to send me over the edge.

I felt her arms tighten and she stepped closer, making me laugh. She unintentionally laughed with me. She was distracted at the moment.

My eyes drifted over the waters to the dark sky above us. The stars were veiled this night. A hidden meaning perhaps? She was fond of the stars and it would seem unlikely that she had meant for them to hide. Her mind was full of many thoughts and it was obvious that she was under pressure from them. The arrival of her mother and my parents had meant that we had spent little time together. Usually we would sit and talk about our thoughts before we slept, but the exhaustion of our days has become too much and we have neglected our ritual. Perhaps it was something that should have taken priority. Even now she still wakes screaming, she does not realise it and I do not plan on telling her. Her dreams are her own and whatever terror she still faces, she has to face on her own. If she felt threatened she would have spoken with me, this I am certain of.

I was roused out of my musings as Thalia slipped out of our embrace.

I watched her hips sway as she walked to the edge of the cliff. Turning back, she held out her hand to me. I went to her and we stood side by side in silence once again.

"This is a place called Dover. It's on the coast of an island called England, where I used to live"

She paused, her eyes closing for a brief moment.

"My grandmother used to bring me here. This was the only place that I felt whole. While I was here nothing could get me. I was safe. My thoughts were my own, all the hurt and the guilt that I felt didn't mater. Watching the sea felt like freedom. I think it's beautiful. And I just wanted to show you"

I was honoured and strangely humbled, that she had chosen to bring me here.

She bowed her head and turned to me.

"I wanted to bring you here, because…well I can't come here in real life can I. You make me feel the way that this place made me feels. There are so many possibilities and so many years ahead of us."

My fingers touched her cool skin as I raised her chin to look at me. The fire that had been ignited was replaced with a love that went deeper than anything. My mother had told me that when I fell in love, I would fall and there would be no way out. All rationality would disappear and only that person would remain.

I walked around her and embraced her from behind.

"You do not know what you do to me melamin. You have shown me so much. The past years without you seem somewhat empty with you. I am a warrior. I am trained to kill if the need arises. Yet the emotions that you stir within me go beyond even the strongest of emotions that I have ever felt in the midsts of battle"

I whispered to her. She shivered as my breath touched the sensitive tip of her ear.

As I spoke the stars emerged from beneath their dark blanket. I heard her sigh and she let her weight rest on me, trusting me to hold her.

This was the perfect opportunity. My hands travelled down her sides and came to rest on her hips for a moment.

Silky tendrils of hair caressed my face as I leaned forward and whispered in her ear…

"Will you marry me?"


I felt my breath catch in my chest at his words. We both knew that we were planning to marry, but hearing him ask me felt completely different. 

I turned around and looked into his eyes. His stance was one of confidence, but I felt his nervousness as he waited for me to answer. I waited for a moment, trying to gather my feelings.

"Yes. I'll marry you"

I said just as softly as he had asked. If he wasn't elven, he wouldn't have heard it.

Without warning he picked me up and spun me around. Finally, he put me down and pulling me to him, he kissed me. His warm, soft lips kissed bared his soul to me. There no hesitation and there was no barrier between the two of us. I was momentarily overwhelmed by the devotion and love that I felt from him.

Everything was finally clear. Everything was perfect. Even in dreams.


Thalia and Legolas' story continues in the sequel-


The first chapter should be up tomorrow.

I want to say a huge thank you to all those who reviewed and stuck though this story. Love and hugs. I fully expect…well…hope that you'll come back and read the sequel.
