![]() Author has written 117 stories for Dark Angel, X-Men, Farscape, Lost World, Doctor Who, Primeval, Eureka, NCIS: Los Angeles, Vampire Diaries, Twilight, Once Upon a Time, StarTrek: Enterprise, and Stitchers. Well, hi there. It's been a long time since I've updated this profile, my tastes and my pleasures have changed, so I figured, let's do it. Name update: Yes, it has been Roguie for 20 years. It was time for a change. If you want to follow me anywhere but - here's the list: ?...?...?...?...?...?...?...?...?...?...?...? tumblr: i-heart-camsten ?...?...?...?...?...?...?...?...?...?...?...? twitter: dexhooker ?...?...?...?...?...?...?...?...?...?...?...? live journal: sunspecops ?...?...?...?...?...?...?...?...?...?...?...? archive of our own: iheartcamsten/ fangbanger/ dexhooker First and foremost, I am not a child. I am 40 years old, female, and I write like it. Which means, mind the ratings on my stories. Most of them will have mature content, and I'm okay with that. There are also stories on this profile that were posted upwards of thirteen/fourteen years ago... I was a child then and those stories are not my best work. It always amazes me when someone still favorites something I wrote at the age of 24 lol You should see the stuff I wrote at 19.. even worse! The second thing you should know about me is that I'm Canadian, which means I favour the letter U. Sometimes I let my spellcheck Americanise my spelling for me, but not often. I'm afraid that's one thing you're going to have to deal with whilst reading my work. Third thing you should know about me is that I can't spend all my time writing. Sadly I have to work a full time job, dogs that need attention, and I still have to have time for my shows, so updates will be sporadic and infrequent on my chaptered fics, one shots come as they will. No promises. The fourth thing you should know about me is how deeply I pride myself on my work. I study these characters, I learn these characters, I truly hope that when I write, I've captured these characters to a high quality. I don't have a lot of fandom friends, which means a beta reader isn't often available - that means I spend a long time going over each fiction carefully, editing it line by line. If I've missed something it's mainly due to familiarity with the words written and I apologize, although I do pride myself on maintaining a high quality standard and low error ratio. What I'm into? Stitchers: If you haven't seen it, watch it. Freeform TV, Mondays @ 9pm, best freaking show ever put to air. I am pure #Camsten trash. I am head over heels in love with Kirsten. I am ridiculously, stupidly in love with Cameron. I am blubbering mush for them together. There is nothing my amazon and her fluffy haired scientist cannot do when they're together. Fair warning, I will smut this up. PwPs abound in my brain for them. Right now, I'm just getting a feel for them, but rest assured, they will soon be enjoying the benefits of my particular brand of writing. Once Upon a Time: Ever tried not falling in love with people that are off climbing a beanstalk and fighting a giant together? It's not possible. I fell in love with Captain Swan, and I can't let them go. Even if the writers are currently taunting us with #TLK and #HEA... it will happen, of this I have no doubt. NCIS: LA Jeez, a girl can't win for losing. I'm completely addicted to Kensi/Deeks and will allow my muse to play in their sandbox as time allows. Which isn't often, but sometimes. Current OTP Pairings: Camsten (Stitchers Cameron/Kirsten) Captain Swan (OuaT Hook/Emma) Densi (NCIS:LA Deeks/Kensi) Past OTP Pairings: TVD: Delena (Damon/Elena) Farscape: John/Aeryn Doctor Who: Doctor/Rose Dark Angel: Max/Logan X-Men: Gambit/Rogue Primeval: Connor/Abby Eureka: Zane/Jo Jericho: Stanley/Mimi Current Creative Status: Stuck somewhere in a stitch lab, trying to figure out how bad it would be for Maggie to catch Kirsten and Cameron using the fish tank for more adventurous activities. Full disclosure, my muse has ditched everything for Camsten ~ right now, everything in my creative world is Camsten. I wish I could say my muse is more loyal, but tbh, this normally straight girl is currently in love with an amazonian blonde and her fluffy haired scientist... my muse is riding the high, with glee. And folks, please review. If you've liked something I've written, sending me a short note is the easiest way to keep my muse fed and eagar to please. If you've disliked it, well, a short message to let me know why will help with future projects. It's just encouragement and affirmation that the passion put into writing these stories isn't going to waste and that somewhere, someone appreciates the time spent bringing these pieces into the world. Writing a story is a bit like giving birth - without someone on the other end saying push, the labour just may never end. "We're in the hands of fate now; we have to trust in that. Fly safe. Goodbye, John Crichton." |