The Due Date for the Sequel

Title: A Blacksmith's Daughter and a Pirate's Son

Cast: Will Turner, Elizabeth Swann/Turner, Captain Jack Sparrow, Anamaria Sparrow, Mackenzie Turner, Will Turner III, Jack Turner, Ellen Turner, Rose Turner, Emily Turner, Jacob Sparrow, and Bootstrap Bill.

Pairings: Will/Elizabeth, Jack/Anamaria, Jacob/Mackenzie.

Genre: Romance, Drama, and Action/Adventure



"Before, they went up against cursed pirates, then they were up against a man being hung for a crime he didn't commit, and now Will and Elizabeth Turner are captured again, it's up to one person to save them. Their daughter."

Shows an older girl out on the docks.

Mackenzie VO

"I am Mackenzie Taylor Turner, I am the daughter of Will and Elizabeth Turner."

Flash Images and Jacob/Mackenzie/Will VO

Shows Barbossa real quick then it pasts onto Will and Elizabeth's capture. "Don't you realized what Barbossa does with the people he captures? You'll be lucky if he kills you as soon as you touch the deck." (Will) Shows Barbossa on the deck of his new ship with an evil grin on his face.

"I am not afraid." (Mackenzie)

"No, but I'm afraid for you." (Jacob)

Last thing preview shows is Mackenzie grabbing her father's sword and blocking an attack from Barbossa.

A Blacksmith's Daughter and a Pirate's Son

This story is due on June 21.